Do angels tell the time?

 Today, I’d like to share a delightful anecdote from my daily visits to the beach this past summer. It involves a spooky interaction with my angels that both my husband and I experienced and marveled at!

Those who, like me, believe we all have guardian angels watching over us will find it inspiring, no doubt. As for the non-believers among you, I hope you will read this true account with an open mind and wonder what if, just what if, it couldn’t all be down to coincidence…

At the end of the day, the decision is yours. You be the judge! Here’s what happened:

This summer just gone, I drove down to the local beach most mornings. I always put an old watch in my beach bag so I could keep track of the time but one day, I used a different bag and forgot to put in the watch. I realized it wasn’t in the bag when I took out my flippers, before getting in the water. While I swam, I spared a thought for the watch I’d left back home and entertained myself with the thought that perhaps someone from the locals in the water would shout out the time at some point.

Note that the locals may chat a lot among themselves while swimming but as a rule they don’t shout out the time. But, for some reason, I thought of my angels who always deliver whenever I am in need of something, be it big or trivial, and that thought just formed in my mind.

Shortly after, I forgot all about that, distracted by the cool bliss of the sea as I splashed around and did a few lengths with my exercise flippers. Out of the blue, just as I was thinking it was perhaps time to get out for a spot of sunbathing (‘cos a trip to the beach is also about getting your daily dose of Vitamin D, right?) I heard a local shout out, “What’s the time?”

Startled, I turned and realized the question had come from an old lady in the water. She had asked someone who was on the beach. I pricked my ears just as the prompt reply came, “Twenty to twelve.”

I didn’t think much about it at that point, thinking that perhaps it was a coincidence, but it did make me chuckle, and I whispered a thank you to my angels, just in case 😛

I went out to lie down and enjoy the sun for about 20-30 minutes – the time I allowed daily to soak up some sunshine before heading back home. As I lay on my mat later on, I heard someone else shout from far away, asking the time again! The answer echoed just as loudly. It was twelve, a point in time where I’d be checking my watch if I had it with me. And, of course, it was high time I went home so I got up and packed my stuff, pretty amazed by then… People had told the time twice that morning, loud enough for me to hear. On other days that hadn’t happened, not even once. Also, the telling of the time had come at the right points that I needed to know it – i.e. when I was supposed to leave the water (even though I never asked for that!), and when I should be leaving the beach.

Stay with me, as this is not the end. The best is yet to come…

When Saturday came, as my husband wasn’t working, he visited the beach with me, like every other weekend.

As we swam, I relayed what happened that day and we were having a laugh about it. Here I must explain that even though my husband, Andy, doesn’t have any personal experiences with receiving angelic messages, he has an open mind and finds the spooky stuff that I often share with him quite inspiring. So that morning I saw the familiar look of amazement in his eyes and suggested a little game – that we agree to call on our angels to repeat this for us that day. Andy was delighted with the idea. I told him the thing to do was to agree it would happen, having full faith it would, then totally put the thought aside. I explained to him that that was the trick and it was really important. So once we agreed we wanted our angels to tell us the time, we carried on with our swim and didn’t give it another thought.

Andy got tired of swimming first, like he always does, seeing that he is a marathon runner and always practicing for his next run. As a result, he thinks of a swim as a lazy, cooling interlude between his morning run and his lunch, while for me it is the ultimate workout of about 45 minutes. So, anyway, half an hour later or so he was out, stretched out on his beach mat, while I continued to dive and float like a sea otter in aquamarine heaven.

At some point, I turned around, and saw Andy gazing at me, sat up stiffly on his mat, a bright expression on his face that was alight with amazement.

When I asked what had happened he said a couple had just walked past him and, just as they did, the woman had asked the man, “What is the time?” to which he had replied, “Twenty to twelve.”

You should have seen my husband’s face! He couldn’t believe it and couldn’t work out how this could be a coincidence. Not only had the woman asked the time, but she’d done it just as they were passing by Andy (so he would be close enough to overhear as they were almost whispering to each other). Plus, the time was twenty to twelve – just as the first time I’d overheard someone earlier that week.

I hope you will agree there’s some sort of a pattern here! Perhaps those who think the world is ruled by randomness will dismiss this as a coincidence, and it would be your prerogative to believe what you choose to believe. The rest of you, though… the kindred spirits… Just think! Just think what that means!

For me, the sea is a place where I think of angels a lot… Partly because I often pray, meditate or reflect heavily when I’m in there…. and partly because, for some reason, in the local beach I find feathers floating on most days. That doesn’t happen anywhere else. And it’s impossible for me to see a feather anywhere and not think of angels anyway. So I guess on both counts my conviction was strong that my angels were listening when I wondered if someone, unprompted, would mention the time.

And now I am thinking, if angels respond so promptly and with such perfect timing to trivial requests, imagine what miracles they can do for us for the big stuff, if only we ask!

Till next time, keep believing this world is a magical place… The way I see it, the world is exactly what you think it is. And if you have the choice to decide what it is, why go for anything different? 😉

Albert Einstein said it best with this quote: “The most important question any human being can ask themselves is: ‘Is this a friendly universe?'”

Do you believe in angels? Do you have a similar tale to tell? Add a comment and share. I’d love to hear it!


True story! Do #angels tell the time? #angelic #angeltalk Share on X


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Run your Amazon campaigns through BookAds

Today, I am blogging for my fellow authors to share an awesome tip! If you take my advice you’ll save hours and hours of your precious time and, hopefully, earn some more money from your books too!

I don’t know about you but the months of September-October always find me in a state of mild depression, mainly because I keep feeling that time is running out and I haven’t even started on projects I was supposed to have finished by now.

Two are the projects I mind the most that I haven’t been working on:

a) Writing a new novel

b) Mastering AMS campaigns after following the mind-blowing free training course by the Kindlepreneur.

I had the best intentions to work on both this year but, sadly, life got in the way.

And here I am, in mid-October, having just issued a short story collection instead of a novel (because I felt compelled to offer some kind of new content to my readers this year the way I’ve been doing so far), and now it’s high time I wrote that new book that’s well overdue. The other day, I was getting frustrated thinking that for the foreseeable future AMS campaigns would remain uncharted territory for me… when an email came to offer me a wonderful solution.

The email was from Matt Stone, aka Buck Flogging, a highly successful entrepreneur whom I’ve presented in this post along with a couple of his free resources.

So, anyway, Matt has just started a new site where he and his associates, having mastered AMS campaigns, offer authors the chance to sit back and watch as they run their AMS campaigns for them!

Being well informed about the giving nature and the high marketing skills of Matt Stone, for me, the decision to sign up for this service was a no brainer.

Note: When an author signs up for this service, they grant access to BookAds from their AMS campaigns dashboard, but without sharing the password. The author only invites BookAds to become an ‘editor’ for their AMS campaigns. This is done from the AMS dashboard. In this case, a team member from Bookads gains access to the author’s AMS dashboard and only that – they cannot see the KDP Bookshelf/Reports, for example.

Just think of all the time this could save you in your daily work schedule… allowing you to write instead, or to do other kinds of marketing that you actually enjoy or feel confident with.

Check out BookAds and see what you think. From what it says on the site, their customers are making more money than what they spend. This could be the case for anyone whose book looks good on the product page (i.e. has the right average star rating, number of reviews etc).

Since the site is new, Matt is offering this service at the low price of $49 per month for a limited time only, and he’s going to take on a small number of customers at first. I hope you will get to be one of them.

Clarification: The monthly cost for you will be the $49 fee PLUS the charges you will receive from Amazon for the running of the campaign. The site mentions a recommended minimum daily budget of $10. And even though a simple calculation may suggest that you’re looking at a monthly Amazon cost of $300, in reality it won’t be anywhere near that according to Brian Berni who runs the campaigns for the customers of BookAds. When I asked about the total Amazon costs I’d be likely to pay, saying that I wouldn’t be happy to spend more than $100 per month at first, he gave me this answer (that put my mind at ease) and I quote it here verbatim to help you decide:

The daily spend is an average. It is very very very unlikely you’ll be spending that much in a day. In fact, almost impossible. That’s because if I see you are (and not making a positive ROI), I would pause the campaigns that are costing you too much. If, on the other hand, you’re spending more than 10$/day but making 20, I’m sure you’ll agree that’s a different story 🙂

The budgets you see in the campaigns are an absolute maximum the ads can reach, after which they will cut off. As per above, this NEVER happens. I’ve done hundreds (if not thousands) of campaigns, and I’ve never seen an ad go through its entire daily budget. Especially since we typically bid very low. 

The amount you see for those 2-3 campaigns (100$) is the minimum required by Amazon for that type of ad (Product Display). The same as above applies. I’ve never seen any ad even get close to that. Some ads spend around 20$ in their ENTIRE lifetime (6 months). 


How to apply for the service:

The application procedure is quick and the screens take you through the 3 steps effortlessly: First, you set up the monthly payment via Paypal or whatever, then you are diverted to a quick video that shows you how to invite BookAds as an editor to your AMS dashboard and, last, lower on the same screen, you fill in the entry form with the details of the book you wish to promote. Done. And you can cancel the service at any time.

Note: The above link to BookAds contains an affiliate link, which means if you sign up for this service I will earn a little commission. This doesn’t affect the fee you pay. Thanks in advance if you use my link to sign up!

In my book, time is precious… and all indie authors suffer from not having enough of it. For me, delegating tasks to people more skilled than me is a huge time-saver as well as the practice of any entrepreneur worth his salt (both Henry Ford and Thomas Edison spring to mind here). I am getting excited as I write these lines, thinking that by putting my trust in someone more skilled than me I can save precious hours of my time AND be in for a chance to make more money than I did before.

Here’s the link to BookAds again… I am off to write my novel now… Thank you, Matt Stone!


You don't have to use AMS campaigns, after all! #author #authors #ASMSG Share on X


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Two FREE eBooks of Greek fiction

Hello, peeps! I haven’t been blogging much, I know, and this is why: I’ve been working hard to finish a new book, which is a short story collection for a change. It’s called Facets of Love and the novelties don’t end here. Unlike all my other books, you won’t find it in any stores, not even Amazon!


Facets of Love is available only as a FREE download ebook, exclusively for the eyes of my mailing list readers – both existing and new (very sparse emails).

The genre varies among the stories but the theme that binds them together is love – in many different facets, hence the name 🙂 One of the stories is set in Corfu. Two others are about the Parthenon Marbles. They are set in Athens and have delightful paranormal/fantasy elements.



And that’s not all I’ve been doing. I am thrilled to say that The Ebb,  my award-winning romance set in Corfu, is now available across all e-stores as a FREE eBook! Choose among Amazon US/UK, iTunes, Kobo, Nook et al. You can also grab it as a PDF from this website!



To celebrate my name day on September 25th (St. Effrosyni Day) I visited Monastiraki in central Athens for a special treat:  a meal of fish and chips with a Guinness in an Irish pub at the heart of the flea market. Afterwards, I picked up a ‘muse’ from a souvenir shop nearby as you can see below…


It’s a depiction of ‘Skeptomeni Athena’ (Thinking Athena) which I’ve placed on my desk beside Athena’s owl (an earlier acquisition from the same shop). I can report that the awesome duo are beginning to work their magic on me and I am feeling suitably inspired 😛

As of next week I am going to be on a daily writing schedule. Time to write my next novel! Wish me luck!



Two #FREE #ebooks of #Greek fiction! Grab them now! Share on X


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For our news, and to grab “Facets of Love” for FREE, join our newsletter! Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.


The Necklace of Goddess Athena wins a silver medal

Very excited to announce today that my debut novel has just become a Readers’ Favorite silver medalist!

The award ceremony is in Miami this coming November and I shall be attending it only in my dreams (LOL!), but I can assure you that cannot mar my feeling of sheer joy!

Readers’ Favorite is one of the largest book review and award contest sites on the Internet. They have earned the respect of renowned publishers like Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Harper Collins, and have received the “Best Websites for Authors” and “Honoring Excellence” awards from the Association of Independent Authors. They are also fully accredited by the BBB (A+ rating), which is a rarity among Book Review and Book Award Contest companies.

As it happens, the book is discounted at the moment and the offer will last for another couple days only. So if you haven’t tried the book yet, this is your chance to read it for only 99c / 99p!


Visit Amazon

“A stunning masterpiece . . . so well-written that I couldn’t put it down.”
~Readers’ Favorite

“A rare gem.” ~Fantasy & Scifi Network

Visit Amazon



A silver medalist! #99cents for a limited time! #Greek #fantasy Share on X


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Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. For our news and free books join our newsletter! Sample Effrosyni’s work for FREE here! Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.


And the winners are…

Wuhoo! The names are out of the hat and I am pleased to announce the winners of my ‘post-a-photo’ contest. For those who missed it, don’t worry, you’ll get another chance to enter a similar contest later this year.






So! If you had posted a photo and received a confirmation from me at the time then I have your entry and you can claim your free ebook copy. Just message me or comment below and tell me: the title of the book, and if you prefer mobi or pdf. If you’ve read all my ebooks, I can give you one for a friend or family member.

Sadly, I didn’t have as many entries as I’d hoped, and this is why I decided to give consolation prizes to all the entrants to say a big thank you! I will do a similar contest later this year, hoping to get more photos so I can feature my favorites on this website as a tribute to you, my precious readers! Thank you again for entering. I cherish every single photo I’ve received!



The winners of Effrosyni's post-a-photo contest are... Share on X


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Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. For our news, free books & exclusive giveaways join our newsletter! Sample Effrosyni’s work for FREE here! Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.


Four Amazon bestsellers on sale

Hello bookworms! I have exciting news to share today about my writing, and I am going to be short and sweet about it. Makes no sense to waste your time here, as this is a don’t-blink-or-you’ll-miss-it kind of deal!

Are you interested in my novels but haven’t had the chance to do it yet? Or have you wound up here while surfing for books set in Greece that you can lose yourself in? If you’re looking for vivid descriptions that can transport you to a Greek paradise effortlessly, then you’ve come to the right place. And that’s not all.

Today, you can download four of my novels for a fraction of the normal price!

The Amulet is FREE today, and you can also grab the whole Lady of the Pier trilogy for the price of a cup of coffee!

The FREE offer applies worldwide. The trilogy books are on offer only in the US and the UK.

Carpe Diem, folks! YOLO, and all that jazz. You still here?


Take me to Amazon, James, and don't spare the horses!


No time to waste, folks! The offer expires soon!



Unmissable! Greek summer ebook sale #ASMSG #FREE #99c Share on X


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Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. For our news, free books & exclusive giveaways join our newsletter! Sample Effrosyni’s work for FREE here! Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.


Do angels exist? Here’s what I believe…

This is not the first time I approach the subject of angels and angelic messages. Those who follow my blog have already read a little about my angels from my previous posts. Plenty of times I have sought their advice when life got tough, and they also tend to contact me of their own volition whenever things in my life are about to turn scary, just to remind me I am not alone. Having had these experiences, my belief in angels is so great that I have no qualms in telling the world about them.

So, when fantasy author and blogger extraordinaire Colleen Chesebro asked me to write a guest post for her blog about something mythical or spiritual, I naturally opted to write about my angels again. I hope you will enjoy the post, which follows below.


The word ‘angel’ originates from the Greek ‘aggelos,’ which means ‘messenger.’ Many angel sightings have been recorded in the Bible; these angels appeared before the faithful to offer messages that provided assistance or hope.

Actually, angels have been recorded in the scriptures of many faiths around the world. Today, especially with the use of the Internet, it is very easy to learn more about them. People are sharing online their own testimonies, whether these involve proper angelic encounters or messages received by their angels.

They say that every one of us has a guardian angel, and I believe it firmly to be so. I have always had this intense feeling that I am being protected, for example. In my travels as a youngster around Greece and Europe, whenever I needed assistance locals would come along out of the blue to help me out without me even asking. For example, if I needed an interpreter, to lift something heavy or if I was in danger of getting stranded somewhere.

However, one particular incident stands out because it didn’t entail the assistance of a human being and, to this day, I cannot explain it unless I put it down to an angel or two…




Do angels exist? Here's what I believe #spiritual #IAN1 #ASMSG Share on X


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Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. For our news, free books & exclusive giveaways join our newsletter! Sample Effrosyni’s work for FREE here! Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.


A FREE book full of insights!


Thrilled to share today this wonderful FREE book that brims over with pearls of wisdom from 100+ successful entrepreneurs!

Want to know how people went from $0 to having full-time success online? How they stumbled at first but finally figured it out and what their secrets are?

Then you’ll definitely want to check out this AMAZING book filled with nearly 400 pages of cutting-edge insights, advice, motivation, and more.

Did I mention it’s 100% FREE?

Seriously, if you want to learn the inside secrets from 101 online entrepreneurs that have found success–ranging from podcasters, YouTubers, authors, social media moguls, coaches, consultants, and many more, then check this out.

There’s no other book in existence quite like this. It’s super cool.

Sign up now and you’ll get it for free when it’s released on July 9…




A #FREE book full of insights #authors #entrepreneur Share on X

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Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. For our news, free books & exclusive giveaways join our newsletter! Sample Effrosyni’s work for FREE here! Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

Greek travel: Sifnos, the sparkling gem of the Aegean

Kastro, Sifnos

Pure white like a sundrenched pebble, and full of delights waiting to be found in every corner, the Cycladic island of Sifnos has the power to capture your heart and keep it forever. Then, you simply have no choice but to return again and again, retracing your steps to the same magnificent vistas, alluring beaches of fine sand, and the quaint white-washed yards that are bound to enchant you wherever you go. The same happened to me the first time I visited this island in my early twenties, and today, even though I’ve returned there several times over the years, its pull on me remains simply irresistible.

But don’t just take my word for it: walk with me today and see the beauty of Sifnos through my eyes: I promise you will be amazed, but make no mistake:  Sifnos is neither Mykonos nor Santorini. If Greek islands were women, Sifnos wouldn’t be a cosmopolitan chick, and not much of a socialite either. Sifnos would be shy and demure, yet drop dead gorgeous, an excellent cook, highly religious, and would dabble with pottery as a hobby. Hooked? Righ-y-o! Let the journey begin!

Kamares, Sifnos

As soon as the ferry docks, you’re already in love. Kamares has a ragged beauty that renders you breathless from the ferry’s deck, before you even set foot on the island. White-washed buildings perch on dark rocky soil on the side of the hill, a quaint seafront is lined with tavernas, a golden beach of fine sand stretches beyond and, above all that, an imposing mountain with a church on its very top completes the magnificent vista. The idyllic sight makes you feel small, like you have just shrunk to nothing, which is why I can never arrive at Sifnos and escape that familiar sense of awe that always catches in my throat.

For me, Kamares is the ideal place to stay on Sifnos. You can swim straight after breakfast, then have a leisurely walk around the shops. Shops, tavernas and bars will be just a stone’s throw away from your room. And even a beautiful pottery lab or two to browse through. Don’t miss the chance to visit at least one of many pottery workshops all over the island – seeing it’s an old tradition here and the artifacts are exquisite.

Rent a car or scooter, or take a bus or taxi, and explore the rest of the island from Kamares.

The island capital, Apollonia, takes its name from God Apollo and I find it suitable seeing that Apollo is the God of light and this town is simply dazzling! Apollonia is a pleasure to lose yourself in. Its whitewashed lanes and quaint edifices shine in the sunlight. The splashes of vibrant color, mainly from window shutters and flowers in the yards will find you using your camera fervently.

A short visit to the beautiful, whitewashed Monastery of Panayia Chrysopigi is a must as you drive from the capital towards the beach of Platis Yalos. Legend has it that when the Saracen pirates attempted to invade it, the Virgin Mary made a massive chunk of rock under their feet break away and plummet into the sea, taking them down with it.

A word of warning: Wandering around here in beachwear/shorts is fine but if you plan to go indoors to see the miraculous, ancient icon of the Virgin Mary, have a long skirt handy (for women) or long trousers (for men) as well as a shirt/top that covers your shoulders, otherwise you won’t be allowed entry. This is a strict rule observed in monasteries all over Greece, sometimes in churches too.

If you drive to Platis Yalos afterwards, it will start to reward you for your preference before you even get there – the stunning vista of the bay as you approach will take your breath away. Take your time to enjoy the beach. It has everything you need. Sparkling waters, fine sand, a good selection of tavernas and even more pottery on display if you feel up to it. Regarding the food: the meals you will sample in Sifnos will be exquisite no matter where you go. This is no surprise seeing that the very first famous Greek chef came from this island. His name was Tselemendes and his book, the first comprehensive cookery book that was ever published in Greece, became such a hit when it came out in the 1930s that, to this day, the word ‘tselemendes’ remains a synonym in Greek for ‘cookery book’.

Make sure to visit Kastro in the late afternoon and stay till the sunset as this can be a stunning spectacle from here. Besides, the light at this hour is ideal for taking photographs and, believe me, when you get there you’ll want to use a camera!

Kastro is a fortified cluster of ancient houses that takes you back in time and enchants you with every step you take. It was built high above the sea with walls and archways so the locals could fight off the Saracen pirates back in the day (9th century A.D.)

Make sure to scroll down to the bottom to watch a short video of me showing you around Kastro!



Below Kastro, at sea level, the whitewashed church of The Seven Martyrs (Epta Martyron) with its sky-blue dome is perched on the dark rock, a jewel to behold from above. A quaint stone stairway winds itself down to it, the view from the top so enchanting it always makes my heart stop.


Sea view from Artemonas, Sifnos at the old windmill (the site is now a tourist resort)

At a close distance From Kastro, you will find the village of Artemonas. Drive uphill to the old windmill (O Mylos tou Spitha). The view from up here is just as spectacular.

If you have several days to explore, other beautiful beaches worth visiting beside Platis Yalos are Faros and Heronissos and the one at Kastro.

I’ve already mentioned the pottery, which is a traditional profession on the island. If you visit any pottery workshops you’ll probably feel compelled to get a little souvenir. Go for a tiny quaint vase with a lid, or a proper cooking pot, if only for making the fabulous chickpea soup the Sifnos way (Revithada). It is a notorious dish in Greece, not just for being extremely tasty, but also for the unusual way in which it is cooked: The people of Sifnos make it in wood ovens, cooking the meal overnight in a ceramic pot that’s been sealed with dough around its lid. Of course, urban housewives all over Greece make it in their ovens in a similar way, baking it for about 3-4 hours only – and it does get the consistency right.

Other than pottery, there are many other types of local produce you can buy, such as: local cheeses, sweets & pastries, organic thyme honey, capers, wine, herbs, handmade jewellery, and hand-woven blankets and rugs that are made on traditional looms. 

Sifnos is a small island, which means a stay of 3-4 days is enough to adequately explore all the places of interest mentioned here. Wander around, as far and wide as you wish, and you will be rewarded with enchanting beauty in every corner. For one, everywhere you look, the hedges glint under the sunlight thanks to a stone from the local quarries used heavily for building purposes here. It is this endearing sight of the sparkling stone that has caused me to pick the name ‘Asimi’ (silver) for the fictitious Sifnos village where I set my supernatural romantic comedy, The Amulet.

Katie has a guardian angel… she just doesn’t know it. Plus, she’s falling for him.

Check it out on Amazon US  UK


Another endearing sight around the island of Sifnos involves the traditional pigeon houses that are stunning to behold and can be found everywhere, sometimes standing on their own in the middle of fields. See here for more info:


Before you go: Watch the below short video and let my hubby, Andy, and me show you around Kastro (well, down one lane mostly, but it’s a super-pretty one!)

Excuse the evident sunburn on my back – it’s owed to the long bike rides I had on the island that time sans suntan lotion! Yeah, I know. Live and learn 😛





#Sifnos The sparkling gem of the Aegean #Greek #travel Share on X