New release: All Men Are Gods by Shelley Young

New release!

A 58-page short story, the prequel of Shelley Young’s sensational scifi series. 

Fast-paced thriller-suspense with a scifi undertone. Get it on pre-order for $0.99!

Major Michael Manus didn’t realize how many places someone could hide inside the psychiatric hospital. Asylums were what they were called in the past, supposed places of protection and shelter for the mentally ill, but were mostly remembered as houses of bedlam and horror. Local newspapers depicted Delta Hospital as such a place after one of its patients escaped, somehow getting beyond all of the hospital’s high-tech security. He didn’t get far. Just to the house next door where he killed an entire family by tying them to their beds and slitting their throats…



Shelley Young is an award winning, international bestselling author of multiple genres. She loves all things book and currently resides in Southern California with her husband.

Visit her Amazon page US UK










New release! Awesome thriller/suspense #99cents #ASMSG @dardiandreshaj Share on X


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Book review: A Kilo of String by Rob Johnson

I have read a lot of books by British authors who moved to Greece or stayed there for long periods. All of these books tell the same kind of story basically… about finding an old house to work on and make a home of. All of the authors experienced endless strife dealing with the language barrier, the culture shock, and the monstrous Greek bureaucracy. Yet, funnily enough, not all these books provided the same reading enjoyment.

Some were interesting, others not so much. Some were hilarious, others didn’t even manage to elicit a chuckle. And a few of them, sadly, put my country and its people in a bad light, highlighting the same bad traits repeatedly, and often blew them out of proportion in an attempt, obviously, to make a bad book with a poor story sound a little more interesting.

But these are all the other books. Rob Johnson’s book, thank goodness, falls under a category of its own.

This is why, for me, it is perfect in all respects. It is both interesting throughout and laugh-out-loud funny while recording life in Greece, its problems and infamous quirkiness, with the kind of exceptional tact and fine precision that makes for excellent journalism. This author doesn’t just know what material to put in; he is also prudent and insightful enough to know the kind of detail that needs to stay out to make his book just perfect.

Indeed, this author, who possesses an unparalleled wit, has a refreshing writing style. You’ll find no nasty rants about the Greeks in this fine memoir, no exaggeration, and no criticism about the Greek way of life. This is an enjoyable read that will take you by the hand and show you the unknown, quaint, quirky world the author and his wife have delved into, and you will live it with all your senses, as if you were there.

Very descriptive writing from an author who can deliver a line and can make every chapter just as delightful as the previous one. This book will have you turning the pages hungrily while laughing like a drain. If you enjoy books on Greek life and especially if you are contemplating taking the same plunge as the author did to make a new start in life in your Greek paradise, then this fabulous memoir is a must!

My rating

5 stars

A hilarious page turner about Greek life!

Do you love memoirs about life in Greece? Interested to read about the type of problems an expat is likely to face while living in Greece?  How about humorous books that make you laugh out loud? Check this out on Amazon today. Chances are you will love it!




A hilarious read! #greeklife #expats @RobJohnson999 #ASMSG Share on X


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Book review: One Heart by Marina Gioti

You can read this book within five minutes, but it’s staying power in the mind is tremendous. Why? Because it elicits powerful emotions. For me it also brought back a plethora of memories from my own life. Even now that I am a middle-aged woman, my mother continues to be there for me, to listen, to support, and to assist in every way she can. She cheers me on when my life gets exciting, and on the days that I am troubled it takes her just one look at me to know something’s wrong. Words are not always necessary with her, and I cannot possibly fool her… Often, a thought of her pops in my mind out of the blue and within seconds the phone rings… How do I know when she’s about to call? This only ever happens with her… Because of these things, I can speak from experience about the strong bond between a mother and a daughter, and the author has captured this strong bond wonderfully through her lyrical prose and exquisite illustrations.

This poem of a book describes motherhood in a way that speaks straight to the heart… No matter how old a child may grow to be, in their mother’s eyes they will always remain that tiny, defenseless creature they once carried inside them, then held closely against their heart. And I also believe that a mother’s love has tremendous power – it becomes an inner strength that will see her daughter through many hardships in her life. And when she becomes a mother, she will pass on this magical beacon of nurturing love to her own child too.

I defy you to read this little book and not get emotional… For me, the more pages I turned, the larger the knot in my throat grew. I congratulate this author for her amazing feat… How commendable to be able to touch the reader so deeply speaking about the timeless, universal truths of motherhood in such a few words! This little gem is an ode to motherhood and thus makes for the perfect Mother’s Day Gift, or a birthday present for Mum. I also think it’s ideal for a gift to a daughter on her wedding day, or the day she brings her own daughter into the world. On all occasions the powerful prose of this gifted author will say it all eloquently.

Wrap it up and deliver it with a bear hug… for a gift that will just keep giving whenever the receiver opens it.

My rating

5 stars

An ode to motherhood!



This picture book is the  perfect gift for both mothers and daughters!




Check out my interview with Marina Gioti HERE



The perfect gift for mothers & daughters #ASMSG #motherhood #books @MarinaGioti Share on X


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Nea Peramos – a picturesque little town near Athens

The seaside town of Nea Peramos is situated along the Athens-Corinth highway 36 kms west of Athens and across from the island of Salamina. It’s a heavenly little place,  especially along the seafront. Today, I’m sharing many of my own photos from my walks there, as well as some info about the town and its history.

The sea was like a sheet of glass the day I took these photos, and the atmosphere clear, which offered a good view of the Monastery of Panayia Faneromeni across the water on the island of Salamis (or Salamina).

In case you’re wondering if the infamous Battle of Salamis relates to this place, the answer is yes; to the left, the bay towards Athens and Pireas leads to an even more narrow strip of sea where the Battle of Salamis took place in 480 B.C. This is where the small and flexible vessels of the Greek fleet trapped the massive Persian ships of Xerxes. The vain Persian king was so sure he was going to defeat the Greeks that he ventured up the mountain Egaleo and set up his throne there to watch his fleet devour the Greek one – but was destined to watch his own ships burn and go under. As I sit at the seafront, I often imagine the Persians sailing by my part of the world on their way to their fateful demise, reminding myself that too much arrogance makes one susceptible to weakness and failure.

I like to start my walk around the town from the artillery camp (pyrovoliko). This is where the beach and the umbrellas of the previous photos are situated. Walking along the seaside towards the marina I always look forward to getting to my favourite stretch –  this small pier with these quaint fishing boats on the beach and in the water. A tiled walkway starts here, which leads to the open-aired ‘theatraki’ (little theatre) where small events take place in the summer time (all big ones take place at the heart of the marina a little further down).

Past the theatraki, the road leads to the square of St George Church. Carrying on the coastal walkway, we arrive at a little arcade and a line of cafes and traditional tavernas.

At the end of the tavernas you arrive at a decorative beached boat and the ‘home’ of a multitude of ducks and geese. These are a delightful recent addition to the seafront’s charm that visitors, and especially the children, love to watch.

In the devastating and deadly flash flood of November 2017 a part of the marina was claimed by dirt that came with the water from the Gerania mountains. It created a beach where the water and boats used to be – a devastating sight. Thankfully, all the restorative works were completed early in 2018 and the marina is now back to its normal, stunning, and fully functional state. On one side of it you will find all styles of yachts and pleasure boats, while on the other one there is a multitude of fishing boats.

At the end of the marina, there is another small beach with a couple more restaurants and a pier with even more fishing boats moored on it.

If you carry on walking down the beach from here, you will end up in a tiny shipyard and, ultimately, at the gate of the other military camp of the town – this one being one that trains paratroopers and navy seals. Oftentimes, all year round and in all sorts of weather, the men jump from airplanes in their parachutes, or take part in drills in the sea that involve helicopters and inflatable boats.

The latter I often get to watch during the summer from the beach while I swim and sunbathe, as strange as this sounds!

The day I took these photos it was my birthday, and the loveliest thing happened as I reached the pier  at the far end of the marina. A fisherman saw me taking photos and called me over. Then, he handed me a seahorse as a gift! Because it was a surprise from a stranger, it made for the best birthday present 🙂 The seahorse was dried up in the sunshine and I kept it as a lucky charm. You can see the fisherman in the above photos. He was mending his nets as two seals had broken them earlier that morning.

In the marina, the fishermen have stands where people can buy fresh fish. That said, it is also possible to buy fish directly from the boats. Fresh fish of the day, directly from the man who caught it in a matter of hours earlier. Doesn’t get better than this!

From the marina, I often sit on one of the benches to enjoy the view of the Monastery of Agia Faneromeni in Salamina across the water. As you can see in the photo on the right above, there is a ferry crossing (in the area of Perama) and you can get to Salamina in a matter of a few minutes. In August, during the festival of the monastery, oftentimes small passenger vessels are commissioned to carry people across for a visit straight from the marina and exactly from this spot that you can see above where the benches are.

This is also the ‘venue’ where many cultural events are held throughout the year. Theater shows, charity events, folklore dances, military band concerts etc, as well as the annual Lent Monday festivities, and the sardine festival in late August.

The town of Nea Peramos was formed and first inhabited by refugees from Peramos in Asia Minor in the 1920s (Nea Peramos means “New Peramos”). Their culture and history hold strong still; old songs and dances of Asia Minor are often performed in schools and in public events throughout the year.

The town is also known as Megalo Pefko (big pine tree). The name survives from the time when Greece was under Turkish rule (1400s-1800s). A large pine tree stood where the town is today. Travelers from Megara to Athens would walk past it to get to the city. Fearing the Kleftes (armed thieves who lived in the wild and robbed whoever used the roads) the locals in the area used the pine tree as a meeting point so they can travel to the city in large numbers for their protection.

Nea Peramos offers a multitude of delights to the visitor. Families and quiet couples, as well as whole coachfuls of schoolchildren arrive here for a day out all year round. In the summer time, Saturday nights on the marina feel like a touristy Greek island, the tavernas and cafes packed.

On sunny Sundays and big holidays all year round the establishments are often full to the last table and chair.


To visit by road from Athens, take the Athinon (Kavalas) highway and follow signs to Aspropyrgos and Corinth.  Just before the toll booths at Elefsina there is an exit to Nea Peramos. Take this exit to avoid the toll cost and to take a picturesque coastal route to the town. The windy coastal road offers generous views to the bay and Salamina. It runs past Loutropyrgos, then Neraki with its clam farms and seafood stands, and ultimately leads to the artillery camp in Nea Peramos.

When you see its stony wall on your left hand side, expect to see a ‘My Market’ store on the other side of the road. Turn off the road on the first or second turn on your left and you’ll find ample parking on the seafront. From here,  a walk to the tavernas and the marina will take 5-10 minutes depending on your pace. If you prefer not to walk, then carry on the road after ‘My Market’ and keep watching your left. You will pass the church of St George and after a couple of blocks you will arrive at a small square. Turn left into the square. Where the road ends, turn left, then right, which will lead you to the marina’s ample parking area.

To ask for directions, the Greek word for the marina is ‘limani’.

If you prefer to arrive at Nea Peramos by train, you can take the suburban railway (Proastiakos) from Athens airport, the port of Pireas, and the metro stations of Larissa, Plakentias, and Neratziotissa. Note: The most convenient are the Pireas and Larissa stations as they are on a direct line to Nea Peramos. The end of the line is KIATO (its way after Corinth) so look out for the line PIREAS-KIATO when you look up timetables for Proastiakos.

There are no taxis at the station in Nea Peramos, which is out of town, and I wouldn’t recommend a walk to it for a number of reasons. There are multiple routes and you could lose your way – the roads are also deserted in places and best avoided.

Instead, I advise you to call the local taxi company in advance (an hour earlier or even half hour will do) so they wait for you at the station when you arrive. Just let them know what time you’re arriving – or if you’re already on the train they will know when it will arrive. 

From the church of St George (as mentioned and pictured earlier in this post) you can take a taxi back to the station at the end of your visit to the town.

Phone the taxi company to arrange for a pickup here:

Landline: +30 22960 44557

What’s up or mobile number: +30 6978 167500

The Greek word for ‘marina’ is ‘limani’. For ‘train’, it is ‘treno’.

Another way to reach Nea Peramos is by bus. The buses depart from Thissio in Athens and run frequently throughout the day. You’ll find them beside the Metro station of the same name. Here’s the site for bus times and contacts:

If you’re driving to Nea Peramos, I recommend you venture a little further too. Drive down the old highway towards Megara and visit Pahi too (takes about 15 minutes to drive there from Nea Peramos). It is a tiny village with a picturesque harbor where you can sit at a fish taverna or a cafe. Pahi is crowned by a hill that has a chapel on the top and offers spectacular views.

In the summer, I also recommend you sample the cosmopolitan beaches of Kineta (pebbly) or Psatha (sandy). Both are on toll-free roads if you use the highway that runs past the town of Nea Peramos. Kineta is closer, about 15-20 minutes by car from Nea Peramos. Psatha would be about 30-35 minutes. For any questions, or more detailed directions, just use my contact page anytime.

IMPORTANT: When searching for Nea Peramos online, make sure to specify “Nea Peramos, Attica”. Some of the refugees from Asia Minor arrived at Kavala in the north of Greece as well, creating a second Nea Peramos there!


For a meal in town I recommend Ef Kouzin, Kaldera, Psistiri, and Argo. I am listing them in order of the location as one walks from the church towards the marina.

All the tavernas have tables outside by the water where you can sit under umbrellas.

Just to clarify, I don’t know the owners or take commissions from any of the establishments – but I love the friendly service and the food in all of them. I recommend the kolokithokeftedes (courgette patties), the chicken souvlaki and the bifteki especially. 

‘Psistiri’ is a great choice for grilled meat.

‘Argo’ is where I make a beeline for when in the mood for pizza. They make them fresh and they are delicious. Make sure to order a starter of their keftedes too! You’ll spot ‘Argo’ easily. It’s by the decorative boat on the beach and its seating area is laid out under and around a large tree.

‘Ef Kouzin’ offers a complimentary tsipouro shot as a welcome and a yummy dip for your bread.

For a coffee, I recommend ‘Excite’ and ‘Wave’. Both are on the seafront side by side near the church of St George.

Last, in case you visit in the summer and wish to swim, there is a beach in town but personally I no longer swim in town or in any of the other beaches in the outskirts. Since the flood of 2017, a lot of mountain dirt wound up in the sea and so the beaches are nowhere near as clean as they used to be.

If I want to have a quick swim I always go to Neraki. The sea here is constantly refreshed by underwater fresh water springs. Neraki is a small town just before Nea Peramos as you drive from Athens on the Old Athens-Corinth highway. You will locate the beach easily as on the road there  are many stalls where the local mussel farmers sell mussels and many kinds of shellfish too. The beach is right where the stalls are, on a lower ground. Find one of the many stairs that take you down to sea level, and voila! You’ll be in a small but perfect beach paradise instantly. It even offers pine trees for shade. You can combine your visit with a lunch on the fish taverna there that has tables by the water.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little presentation, and that you will get to visit Nea Peramos during your next visit to Athens. You will be glad you did!

What did you think of this article? Have you ever been to Nea Peramos? What did you most enjoy there? Comment and  let me know! I’d love to hear from you.


Visit this quaint seaside town near #Athens ! #Greektravel #Greece Share on X


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A brand new interview of Kostas Krommydas from The Durrells

Hello, peeps! Today I am writing for you bookworms, and especially for the Durrells fans among you. The sensational actor and author Kostas Krommydas, who plays the Police Superintendent in The Durrells of Corfu, has recently been interviewed on ‘Ramblings from Rhodes’ – the fabulous blog of author John Manuel.

Plus, Kostas’s two bestselling novels on Amazon are only 99c / 99p  today! Make sure to grab them 🙂

Check out Kostas’s books on Amazon  US  UK


What are the recurring themes in Kostas’s novels? And what’s his favorite Greek pitta?

Go HERE to check out the delightful chat between Kostas Krommydas and John Manuel!

Have you missed my interview with Kostas on this blog? Check it out HERE



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Book review: Pineapple Beach House by Amy Vansant

I am a big fan of the Pinneaple Port Mystery series by Amy Vansant and this latest installment didn’t disappoint. It had the usual wicked humor and intrigue that always have me reading greedily. My only ‘grievance’ with it, if I can call it that, is that I missed Pineapple Port in it! Still, it was refreshing to have the characters in a totally different world acting like tourists. Of course, it turned out to be a holiday from hell. Body parts were found here and there, and the author kept me guessing. I was led down the wrong avenue once or twice but didn’t feel cheated. It was all done very cleverly and I loved how it all made sense right at the end! The ‘snake’ bus was the highlight of the story. I highly recommend this book, just like the others in this series.

Although each book has a separate story and thus can be read as a standalone, I recommend that you start from book one so you can enjoy the wicked humor to the max thanks to a deeper understanding of the delightful characters.


My rating:

5 stars

A fantastic read full of laughs and intrigue!


Do you enjoy ‘Golden-girls-style humor? How about cozy mysteries that make you laugh out loud? Did you say yes? This book is a must!

Check it out on Amazon   US   UK



#Bookreview A hilarious cozy #mystery by @AmyVansant #mustread Share on X


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The best author event is here!

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Hello! Other than the usual posts I issue on this blog about books and Greek stuff, I occasionally share here the odd tip or resource for my fellow authors as well. Today is such an occasion, BUT: What I have for you today, my fellow indies, is only what has GOT to be the biggest and best author event of 2018! 

THE INDIE AUTHOR SUPERBUNDLE is out there for grabs, and it contains nearly $5,000 worth of books, courses, and coupons for authors. 

It also contains services! A FREE custom book cover design, Amazon ad campaigns set up and running for your book for a month, even more free book promotion, and tons more. No joke.  

And how much does the superbundle cost, I hear you say?

Well, you won’t believe it but it’s true: a small donation only! $50 is the suggested figure here but, knowing how hard it is for authors around the world these days, the organizers of the event will still grant access to the superbundle for as little as $20!

Best of all, whatever your donation, 25% of it goes to Pencils of Promise, a charity that builds schools for extremely impoverished children in Ghana, Guatemala, and Laos. 

This is TRULY a no-brainer, guys. Make a donation, give the gift of education to underprivileged children, and give YOURSELF a gift worth nearly $5,000 today. 

This event is brought to you by GiveGrow. Click below to check out all the details!

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 But hurry! The superbundle is only available till April 6!



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To grab “Facets of Love” for FREE, go here! Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.


Book review: Cave of Silence by Kostas Krommydas

I knew Kostas Krommydas as an actor from his career on Greek TV (and now from The Durrells of Corfu in the UK too) but only recently discovered that he is also a wonderful writer with a great following in my country of Greece. When this book, being one of the author’s Greek bestsellers, was translated into English, I jumped at the chance to read it, especially as it was based on a true story – something that intrigued me further.

If I were to describe this book in one word, I’d say it’s ‘cinematographical’. I guess I should have expected nothing less from a fine actor such as Krommydas; his story has created a host of vivid images in my head that I still can’t shake…some are happy and tender, others are tragic and heartbreaking. As I read I felt like I was there on the tiny island where the story unfolded for the most part. The terrible atrocities that the Germans carried out on the island just before they departed at the end of the war filled me with upset, just thinking that this might have happened in real life. For a few days after finishing the book, the injustice and the tragic end of some of the characters continued to haunt me…

I love historical fiction, and tragic family stories with dark secrets as it is, but this book certainly stands out for the masterful storytelling, the multi-dimensional characters and the flow that is continuous and smooth. I found the book hard to put down, up until the last page, the two timelines merging seamlessly, the characters feeling so lifelike I wished there was a contact at the end of the book so I could write to the real family behind this novel and offer my sincere condolences. But I cannot do that; I can only speak for this book and say that it is one of the best books of WWII Greek fiction I have ever read. For drama and originality, I personally put it up there with Bernières’ Captain Corelli’s Mandolin… I highly recommend you pick up this book and see where it takes you. It certainly filled my mind with sunny skies and generous views of the Aegean. I will definitely read more from this author.

My rating:

5 stars!

Highly cinematographical… a heart-rending WWII story set on a tiny Greek island

Do you enjoy tragic family stories from WWII? How about historical romances with dark family secrets? This book is a must!



kostas krommydas the durrells

Are you a Durrells fan? Trust me, you want to check out my interview with Kostas Krommydas!

kostas krommydas books cave of silence Athora

Kostas Krommydas pictured on the island of Andros that inspired ‘Cave of Silence’. Image copyright Pavlos Efthimiou.



#review A heart-rending novel. Cave of Silence by @KostasKrommydas #WWII #romance Share on X

Sweet romance in 1980s’ Corfu… Only 99c! Check it out!


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A mega Easter giveaway and awesome kindle deals!

Wuhoo! Fellow bookworm, you won’t believe what I have for you today! It’s a mega giveaway with awesome prizes, such as an Amazon Echo Dot and a $100 gift card. But that’s not all. I also share below a bunch of amazing deals for your Easter reading fun!

So time to relax… grab a cup of coffee…

Everyone has a guilty pleasure… mine is this brand of Greek biscuits (Miranda by Papadopoulou). They look plain but they’re yummy beyond words. When no one’s looking I can dunk up to 5 or 6 in a single cup of tea, ideally Earl Grey. Shhh…. but don’t tell my hubbie! Grab one… go on. I’m happy to share! My coffee is brewing. Got yours yet? Oh. This giveaway is unmissable… Stay awhile and explore it with me…

Pick your next reads among my fab FREE/99c picks below, then make sure to enter the giveaway at the bottom of the post.

The giveaway is brought to you by eBook Betty and eNovel Authors at Work!

Good luck 🙂


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Book review: Trouble in Glamour Town by S.R. Mallery

old Hollywood murder romance mystery

S.R. Mallery writes exquisite historical fiction because she has the unique gift to transport you through time with her writing. This is the third book I’ve now read by this writer and it’s my favorite so far. I love old black-and-white movies and the whole old-Hollywood scene, so I picked up the book knowing I was bound to enjoy it. It did turn out to be an absolute delight, but also, even more than I expected.

Not only does it depict the world of Hollywood in its heyday masterfully, with legendary stars the likes of Valentino and Swanson even making short appearances in it, but it also serves as a proper virtual journey back to this era… The best vehicle to this effect is the language. I relished the dialogue more than anything else, remembering phrases I had last heard years ago when I last binged on James Stewart, Humphrey Bogart, and James Cagney movies.

Reading this book equals a total immersion into the 1920s era – you see people and hear them talk inside your mind in full technicolor and it feels incredibly real. Rosie is a sweet heroine, who loves being around her pets more than she enjoys acting, it seems. I enjoyed her sweet romance with her devoted boyfriend Eddie, and found her relationship with her mother incredibly real, their situation so human and believable.

Rosie’s tender story revolves around the axis of a mysterious murder, which makes this novel a period sweet romance sprinkled with the intriguing elements of a whodunit. If you enjoy either genre, this book is a must! I devoured it from cover to cover. A true gem.

My rating:

5 stars

A sweet period romance with the intrigue of a whodunit!


Old Hollywood novel book murder romance

Do you love murder mysteries or period romances with a touch of family drama? How about stories from Old Hollywood? I think you’ll love this book!



Check out my interview with S.R. Mallery, and her multiple talents!



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