Book review: A Kilo of String by Rob Johnson

I have read a lot of books by British authors who moved to Greece or stayed there for long periods. All of these books tell the same kind of story basically… about finding an old house to work on and make a home of. All of the authors experienced endless strife dealing with the language barrier, the culture shock, and the monstrous Greek bureaucracy. Yet, funnily enough, not all these books provided the same reading enjoyment.

Some were interesting, others not so much. Some were hilarious, others didn’t even manage to elicit a chuckle. And a few of them, sadly, put my country and its people in a bad light, highlighting the same bad traits repeatedly, and often blew them out of proportion in an attempt, obviously, to make a bad book with a poor story sound a little more interesting.

But these are all the other books. Rob Johnson’s book, thank goodness, falls under a category of its own.

This is why, for me, it is perfect in all respects. It is both interesting throughout and laugh-out-loud funny while recording life in Greece, its problems and infamous quirkiness, with the kind of exceptional tact and fine precision that makes for excellent journalism. This author doesn’t just know what material to put in; he is also prudent and insightful enough to know the kind of detail that needs to stay out to make his book just perfect.

Indeed, this author, who possesses an unparalleled wit, has a refreshing writing style. You’ll find no nasty rants about the Greeks in this fine memoir, no exaggeration, and no criticism about the Greek way of life. This is an enjoyable read that will take you by the hand and show you the unknown, quaint, quirky world the author and his wife have delved into, and you will live it with all your senses, as if you were there.

Very descriptive writing from an author who can deliver a line and can make every chapter just as delightful as the previous one. This book will have you turning the pages hungrily while laughing like a drain. If you enjoy books on Greek life and especially if you are contemplating taking the same plunge as the author did to make a new start in life in your Greek paradise, then this fabulous memoir is a must!

My rating

5 stars

A hilarious page turner about Greek life!

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