Book Review: Born to Magic by David Wind (Tales of Navaeh Series)

tales of navaeh

This book has astounded me. For one, this genre is not my cup of tea. Although I love science fiction, I’m not a big fan of fantastical worlds, especially when a medieval type of life is involved. Yet, this book has been a delightful surprise for me.

Other than enjoying the enchanting story of Princess Areenna and Prince Mikaal who set out on a treacherous journey to save their magical world, I was also greatly amazed by the concept of the storyline. David Wind has set this world into the very far future of the USA, at a time when worldwide terrorism has used technology to pollute the world with radiation, ending civilization as we know it.

In his fantastical world, the author introduces an array of mutated animals that all appear intriguing as well as surprisingly endearing, so much that they made me wish they existed in the real world; treygones and kraals in particular. There are beautiful descriptions of forestland, rivers and medieval-type castles and keeps and in this world, the women are revered and have magical powers. When the dark forces who have destroyed the world as we know it today return to try and rule even this new, devastated world, the gifted Areenna is summoned to travel with Prince Mikaal to The Island as to come face to face with the bare truth about the destruction that was brought upon it. On their way there, they get to know each other better as friends, they gather new gifts from other realms and of course, they get to master their newly acquired abilities that will help them in their final battle against Evil.

David Wind has created a world that expresses magic in every way; not just with the sparks and orbs of light that are expelled into the air with every wave and flick of the youngsters’ hands, but also with the suitably old-fashioned dialogue and the masterfully described scenes of the magnificent landscape. This amazing future world is simply irresistible and as I read on, I felt suitably mesmerized by it. I’ve had the best ‘mind trip’ of my life in years with this book. A true gem of its genre. Well done, David Wind!

I’m already looking forward to the next book in the Tales of Navaeh Series as to see what else this highly imaginative author has in store for the reader.

Don’t miss out. If you love fantasy, trust me, you want to read this book!


My rating:

5 stars

Enchanting and simply irresistible!

 tales of navaeh

Do you enjoy fantasy? Are you fascinated by stories of sorcerers and youngsters with magic at their fingertips? This amazing book is perfect for you! CLICK HERE TO VISIT AMAZON!



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Interested to read more from this author? Head over to Effrosyni’s Blog, where you’ll find awesome tips for authors, interviews, book reviews, travel articles and even Greek recipes!


Interview with Stephen Hazlett, author of Finding Nina

Today, I’m delighted to welcome Stephen Hazlett, a fellow ‘enoveler’ in my writers group, eNovel Authors at Work. Stephen is a kind and supportive friend and it’s a pleasure to introduce him to all of you today to talk, among other things, about likes and travels from his past as well as his mystery/suspense boxset, City Different Series that includes the truly intriguing, Finding Nina. Stick around to hear all about it!

finding nina

A small-time burglar and a disgraced ex-cop share more than time inside Santa Fe’s county lockup. With little in common, they share one thing: an obsession with a beautiful woman named Nina Kelly. After the two men are released from jail, their obsession turns into a deadly rivalry. Nina is on the run from her old life. Finding her is the name of the game. But do both men stand to lose Nina?

 Find it now on Amazon



All three volumes of The City Different Series offered in one boxed set:
– CITY DIFFERENT: Eddie Collins, the youthful head of a successful Internet company, finds a murdered man in a bedroom of his California home. His beautiful young wife has disappeared, and the police peg her as the logical suspect. This starts a brand new life for Eddie, as he sets out for the City Different of Santa Fe, NM to find her and prove her innocence.
– NINA’S TIME: It’s two years later, and now it’s Eddie Collins suspected of murdering an influential Santa Fe business woman. Nina Kelly, the woman’s niece and Eddie’s ex-wife, suspects otherwise. She begins a romance with Ray Sanchez, the Santa Fe detective in charge of the case, while she tries to find the truth behind the murder.
– FINDING NINA: A small-time crook shares more than time inside Santa Fe’s county lockup with Ray Sanchez, Nina’s ex-lover and now a disgraced ex-cop. Both men also share an obsession with Nina Kelly. Their obsession turns into a deadly rivalry that has Nina on the run from her old life.

Find it now on Amazon


Hello Stephen, and welcome to my blog!

Thank you Fros, I’m delighted to be in your brand new site!

Tell us a bit about Finding Nina and how did it become part of a series?

Finding Nina became the third volume of The City Different Series because I felt the continuing story wasn’t complete without it. Things were left hanging, at least in some reader’s minds, at the end of Nina’s Time, which is volume two. Nina’s story needed closure, I thought, so I wrote Finding Nina. At the same time, it goes in a completely different direction as the first two volumes, which were straight murder mysteries, told in the first person. For this book, I chose a third-person narrative, with the POV switching back and forth between Nina, and the two men who love and lust after her—Ray Sanchez, her former lover and now a disgraced ex-police detective; and Sammy Garza, a small time crook, who turns to big-time crime in the course of the story.

What was the first thing you ever wrote and how old were you then?

I wrote some short stories as a teenager, but my first attempt at anything big was a contemporary novel of a young man who tries to escape modern America by moving to a tiny village in the wilderness of Northern Canada. There he takes up the life of a hermit and writer of serious fiction. I was twenty-one when I wrote it, and it never saw the light of the publishing world, because it wasn’t very good. I never even came up with a decent title for it, but I learned a lot from the process of writing 100,000 words of one continuing tale.

What other writing have you done? Anything else published?

Apart from the three volumes of The City Different Series, which are mystery/suspense novels, I’ve written and published three other novels of contemporary fiction, titled A Private War, Family O’Shea, and The Buddhist, which is my best seller. I also published a collection of nine stories, titled The Irishman&Other Stories, and recently completed a memoir, called The Way I Saw It: Memories of a Scottish-Irish Son.

That’s a diverse selection of genres, well done! Any hobbies or interests that you enjoy in your spare time?

I love the outdoors and love hiking and biking. I’ve also owned a number of motorcycles over the years, and loved riding them, especially in the beautiful scenery of northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. But sadly, I had to give that up. My no-longer-young body can’t take the rigors of it anymore, so it became a thing of my past. I still love it but don’t do it anymore. And of course, I love reading, as I have all of my life. What writer does not?



Indeed! And where would we be if we didn’t read? A little bird told me, you’re a bit of an avid traveler too! Any travels that stand out in memory?

Oh yes, plenty. I have fond memories from many of my travels such as my Italian holiday in Perugia, as well as many bike rides around the US I’ve done back in the old days.


Soaking up the Italian sunshine in Perugia, Italy


Relaxing at a friend’s cabin in Red Lodge, Montana after a long bike ride.

Tell me, do you see yourself in any of your characters, or do any of them have traits you wish you had?

The main characters of my three contemporary novels are all autobiographical, especially so in Family O’Shea, which is the story of a dying, elderly man, and his two estranged sons, who are twenty years apart in age. It centers around the old man’s dying wish of bringing his sons together and making the family whole. He wills the sons to journey to Scotland together to scatter his ashes in a place his Scottish mother always talked about. So the idea I had in writing Family O’Shea was to create three characters at odds with one another—the old man of seventy and his two sons who barely know each other—each an autobiographical portrait of me at various ages: the motorcycle-riding romantic of my twenties; the middle-class man of my mid-forties in a hopeless romance with a younger woman, and the seventy-year old dying patriarch. I had to imagine that last part, because I was many years short of that age when I wrote it. But I like to think I carried it off.

Sounds like a very interesting read, I must say. What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

Right now, I have another novel of contemporary life I’m working on, but it’s too much up in the air to go into specifics.

Which are your favorite authors, and what do you love about them?

Most of my favorites are from my past: Hemingway, for his unique style, economy of words and profound story telling; John Updike, for his absolute precision with words and his slant on the contemporary America he saw in the five decades of his writing life; Philip Roth, for his great intelligence, wit, and distinct narrative style; Elmore Leonard, for his singular take on crime fiction, like no one else I’ve ever read. There are too many others to mention, though I would like to single out Jonathan Franzen’s The Corrections, written over ten years ago. I loved that book, though his other novels didn’t measure up, in my mind. To me he might be a one-hit wonder, though what a hit it was!

What genres do you read mostly, and what are you reading now?

I’ve always liked mysteries and crime thrillers, also action adventures like Lee Child writes, and Tom Clancy wrote in his early days. And I love the so-called serious fiction that I grew up with, like Hemingway and Updike and many others wrote, though it seems it’s becoming less of a factor in today’s publishing world. A book like Franzen’s The Corrections was an exception, in my mind.

I was recently given a copy of Gone Girl, which I read and surprisingly enjoyed. I didn’t think, going in, that I would like it. Gillian Flynn can flat write. And currently, I’m re-reading a book of John Grisham’s which I remembered from years ago: A Time to Kill.

Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

Just keep writing, if it’s what you love. Why else would you do it, if you didn’t love it? Beyond that, if you’re just starting out, learn your craft: attend university courses on writing, something I never did but wish I had; find a mentor, if you can, who is an established writer; join a critique group that you feel comfortable with. And if you’re lucky and good enough, find an online group like eNovel Authors at Work, as I did, a group whose members pay it forward by promoting each other’s books. And learn the skills of social media, like Facebook, Twitter and all the others. And then relentlessly market yourself and your writing. It ain’t easy, but it can be done.

Excellent advice, Stephen and I personally can’t emphasize enough the need to network with other authors, savvy and success-minded ones in particular. Also, I’d like to add for the benefit of any emerging indies out there that although relentless marketing is advisable as you say, great care should be taken to do it very subtly across the social media, especially on Twitter. Banging on about your book all day, and especially spamming, is swiftly punishable on Twitter by the dreaded unfollow and block buttons so be warned, folks! On to the next question:

Choose a male and a female character from your book and tell us which actor/actress you’d wish to play them in a film adaptation.

Nina is a bit of a femme fatale, though she didn’t start out that like that in volume one of the series. Seemingly all on her own, she went that way in volume two, and more so in volume three: Finding Nina. So the actress who comes to mind is Hedy Lamarr of a bygone era of movies. She was dark-haired and beautiful, like Nina, and was said to be one smart lady, so much so that her intelligence could intimidate men. Sounds like Nina. For an actress of today, though, I’d pick Angelina Jolie, also dark-haired and beautiful, and sultry at times. And, though he’s a bit too old now, I can see a younger Jimmy Smits as Ray Sanchez, the Santa Fe police detective, who becomes her live-in lover in volume two and is her ex-lover by the start of Finding Nina.

Do you listen to music while you write and if so, what kind?

Sometimes I do. When I’m in the mood, I dial up Pandora radio on my desktop computer and listen to classical music—Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Saint Saens, Chopin, and a lot of others. Any other musical genre would, to me, intrude too much on the writing.

How would you like to be remembered?

I’d like to be remembered as someone who wrote good books.

Great answer, Stephen. Thank you so  much for being here with us today.

Thank you Fros, I am very thankful for the invitation.




I was born and came of age on the mean city streets of New Jersey. As a young man, I served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps, which included a year in Vietnam. After that, I began a career as a computer professional in California’s Silicon Valley.

Since quitting the workaday world to pursue my passion for writing, I’ve authored six novels, a collection of stories, and a memoir. I’ve written other books too, that never saw the light of the published world, when I was young and still learning the craft.

My novels include the three volume City Different mystery series, set in Santa Fe, NM, available individually on Amazon, but also as a complete Boxed Set, titled The City Different Series. Finding Nina is volume three of that series. I’ve also published three other novels of contemporary life, a collection of stories, and a memoir.

Currently, I divide my time between New Mexico’s Land of Enchantment and Orange County, California, pursuing the craft of a writer of contemporary fiction, mystery/suspense and crime/thrillers.


Amazon Author Page


Barnes & Noble purchase link





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Interested to read more from this author? Head over to Effrosyni’s Blog, where you’ll find awesome tips for authors, interviews, book reviews, travel articles and even Greek recipes!


Book review: Confessions of an Instinctively Mutinous Baby Boomer by Marsha Roberts

Baby Boomer

I rarely read memoirs but this book drew me like a magnet. I’m one of those people who believe in the power of serendipity and as such, I often feel that sometimes a book will choose me and not the other way round. As it happens, this amazing memoir landed on my hands at a time when I needed it most, when my brain felt fried from over-working and from lack of free time to just be, reflect on my life and where it’s going.

From the word go, I found common ground with the author’s account of her childhood as I also felt uncomfortable at home as a child, owed to a very critical and strict parent. Marsha’s account of reconciliation with her mother later in life as a result, really played at the heartstrings. However, this book goes a lot further than that and is not solely an account of mother-and-daughter problems. For me, the book simply took off once Masha introduced her husband Bob Rector in the book, and the difficulties they encountered on the financial front as a married couple. At some point, Marsha found herself at the start of a new career where she felt unsure on her feet and yet, owed to the strength in her heart and her unwavering faith, she succeeded remarkably.

Bob and Marsha1

Teaming up with her husband Bob Rector, a gifted director and author, Marsha soon wound up in the Pentagon pitching a theatre show that could entertain the US troops around the world. Thanks to Marsha’s persuasion skills and personal charisma, the show, Letters From the Front, got to tour the world and the book tells some amazing, and very touching tales from this tour.

I have to be honest here. Some of Marsha’s reflections that are recorded in places may strike some people as odd. The author is obviously highly spiritual and a strong believer in God and His amazing ways. In this sense, this book may be the wrong choice for an atheist or even an agnostic, however, I feel that even in this case this book will not offend as its accounts don’t preach about Jesus and generally do not read like a Christian book that shoves it all down your throat.

I read this book exactly for what it is, and although I am not big on the Christian Church, I have a strong faith in God and so, enjoyed it immensely as a set of inspiring tales from the life of a very special person. Marsha Roberts sees life through the amazed eyes of a child and for that, she remains incredibly blessed. Only a child will expect results with a faith that cannot possibly be broken, no matter how hard things may seem, just because they want this thing so much that no other eventuality can ever enter their mind as possible. And that is, in my eyes, the secret at the heart of this delightful author. This is how Marsha and her amazing husband Bob, have worked out all these little miracles in their lives. This is how they went from uncertainty to professional success, and from poverty to a stable, safe home environment for them and their offspring.

I recommend this book highly to anyone who has hit a hard spot in life and needs guidance. The tales in this story, will inspire and amaze you and they will also remind you that anything is possible, as long as you have the faith to believe it enough and the will to take action. Well done, Marsha Roberts!


My rating:

5 stars

A highly spiritual memoir that will inspire and amaze!

Bob and Marsha

Do you enjoy memoirs about family life and personal journeys through adversity? Are you in a place in your life where you need to be reminded where your strength comes from? It comes from within, as you know. Let Marsha tell you all about it! Find the book now on Amazon!

 Baby Boomer



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Interested to read more from this author? Head over to Effrosyni’s Blog, where you’ll find awesome tips for authors, interviews, book reviews, travel articles and even Greek recipes!


Interview with David Wind, author of Tales of Navaeh

After blogging a multitude of author interviews in Effrosyni’s Blog, today I’m thrilled to post the very first one on my new website. As it happens, my guest today is a dear friend and a new member of eNovel Authors at Work where I’m also a proud member. David Wind had reached out to me last year when he read The Necklace of Goddess Athena and we’ve been good friends ever since. This prolific and diverse author has been writing since the 70s and has published 35 titles! I’ve beta-read his latest gem, a sci-fi/fantasy set in the far future, and all I’ll say for now is that it has absolutely enchanted me! It’s called Born to Magic and I’ll soon be blogging my review for it, well in advance of its launch on February 15. Join me as to hear more about this amazing author and his work!

tales of navaeh

Welcome to Nevaeh: a world where technology no longer exists, but magic does.

Long ago, a mythical nation known as ‘America’ died in the violence and radiation of the terrorist wars. Now their descendants dwell in a world of ritual and magic where ten dominions struggle for supremacy while a dark power rises to threaten them all.

In Nevaeh, where men are blessed with great strength and women have both strength and psychic abilities, one woman has been chosen to be Nevaeh’s savior, Areenna—the only daughter of the King of Freemorn.

Barely eighteen, Areenna’s psychic abilities—her magic— are already stronger than most women. But when Areenna is called to The Island, a place where all women of psychic power must go, but from where only some return, she soon learns the fate of her world is in her hands.

Accompanied by Mikaal, the son of the High King of Nevaeh, the two undertake a perilous journey to a place of great power, in an effort to save Nevaeh from the oncoming darkness, and these dark and evil forces will do everything in their power to stop Areenna from reaching her destination.

Areenna’s journey is filled with unimaginable dangers as they cross through three of Nevaeh’s ten dominions, and through the haunted wastelands and badlands filled with the mutated survivors of the nuclear holocaust to fight their way to what will either claim both their lives or give them the powers to save their world.

Find it now on Amazon US!

Hello David and welcome to my blog!

Thank you Fros, it’s great to know I’m the very first interviewee on the blog of your new site! Wish you best of luck and success with it!

Thanks a lot, David. Now tell us, what has inspired you to write this book?

This book in particular was something I’ve wanted to do since I started reading. Science Fiction & Fantasy are my most favorite genres followed by a close second of Thrillers, Suspense & Mystery. By the time I was in college I’d probably read several thousand Sci-Fi novels and short stories.   But I’ve always wondered about how the present effects the far future and what life would be like depending on what happens today. Terrorism is what is happening today, and the Tales Of Nevaeh series, is about the long term effects of terrorism on our world.

What was the first thing you ever wrote and how old were you then?

The first fiction I ever wrote was in fifth grade. I had to do a book report but I never read the book (Robinson Crusoe). I did see the movie, though, and wrote the report on the movie. The only issue was the movie was called Mrs. Robinson Crusoe.   I made up a lot and tried to make it work. The only problem was that I forgot to change Friday from a woman to a man for the book. It wasn’t as funny as the rest of the class thought…

The next time I wrote fiction I was thirty and decided I’d put off the one thing in my life I had always wanted to do, but had not yet done—write a novel.

I hear that you’ve published 35 novels, wow! How many of those are indie books?

Yes, I’ve had thirty-five novels published, thirty-three of them traditionally. Born To Magic is my third Independently published novel.

Any hobbies or interests that you enjoy in your spare time?

In today’s world, there isn’t much spare time, especially if you are an independently published author. Besides the writing, there’s publicity, social media, etc, etc. So, with limited spare time there are several things I manage to squeeze in: Movies are a must! And I cook! One of the best ways I’ve found to ‘get out of my characters heads’ and back into the real world is to cook when I finish writing for the day. Creating food, like writing, requires focus and passion and it is a great way to transition from the world of fiction to the real world.

My rack of lamb with a cherry balsamic/Syrah reduction, French cut string beans and garlic whipped sweet potatoes is one of my favorite meals to cook.

Sounds delicious! I also find that cooking helps me clear my head. Do you see yourself in any of your characters, or do any of them have traits you wish you had?

Of course my characters have traits I have and those I wish I had, both good and bad. As far as I can tell, it’s human nature to put some of yourself into your characters, and put in those traits you wish you had as well.

What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

I’ve spent the last two years working on Tales Of Nevaeh. This series is about a possible future we may face given today’s political atmosphere of growing worldwide terrorism. When I started envisioning the series, terrorism hadn’t yet reach the scope it has reached today. But terrorist groups, joining together seemed to me to be logical as the world situation evolves.

But I didn’t want this to be another dark series, and I wanted all ages to read it as well. It is a story of loss and hope, of creating something from the residue of the past. And showing how the world could evolve into something wonderful if given the chance.

The tag line I am using, Welcome to the future—where technology does not exist, but magic does, says a lot about what is to come in the series.

Book I, Born To Magic, will be out February 15th, and it’s now available for pre-order. Book II, The Dark Masters, will be out in May, and I am almost done with the second draft.

Excellent, looking forward to devouring that too! Which are your favorite authors, and what do you love about them?

My favorites are Edgar Rice Burroughs, Andre Norton, Issac Asimov, Mickey Spillane, Raymond Chandler, Robert Ludlum, Frank Yerby, Rafael Sabatini, Stephen King, Nora Roberts and several dozen more.

What genres do you read mostly, and what are you reading now?

That’s a broad question. I was and am a voracious reader and have read every fiction genre. My favorite genres are Science Fiction & Fantasy, Thrillers, Suspense, Mysteries, historical fiction, speculative fiction.

Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

Advice is easily given and usually hard to accept for many writers, myself included. My advice is pretty simple. Write from your heart as well as your head, don’t give a first draft to a family member, and when you are satisfied with your work, DO NOT PUBLISH IT! First find an editor to edit your manuscript for everything from typos and dropped words to content and flow, and then listen to the editor. When your story is polished and you are happy with the edited version, then publish, but not a moment before.

Great advice. Tell us about your website/blog. What will readers find there?

My website and blog are on the same site, There is plenty of info available about myself, my books and what will be coming.

Do you listen to music while you write and if so, what kind?

I listen to mostly Rock & Roll and the Blues: The Beatles, The Who, Lead Zep, Moody Blues, Springsteen, Carol King, Harry Chapin, Bob Dylan, etc.   What I listen to at a particular moment depends on what I am writing.

What were your most and least favorite subjects in school?

Most favorite: History

Least Favorite(s): Math and English (yes, English)

Now, that’s indeed odd (*laughs*). What has been the most important lesson you’ve learnt so far in life the hard way?

If you don’t trust yourself, you can’t move forward.

If you could choose another profession, what would that be?

There is no other!

What are the things in your life that you’re most grateful for?

My wife Bonnie, My kids, my grandson and the fact that I’m able to do what I love, write books that people read and enjoy.

Did you have a mentor in your journey as a writer? Or someone you feel you owe a great deal to?

Oh, yes! When I wrote Queen Of Knights, a medieval fantasy, I wanted to have a woman I read and admired all my life give me a cover quote. I don’t remember how I found her address, but I sent her a letter, hoping she would consider reading my manuscript. Not only did she read the manuscript and give me a cover quote, but our relationship continued on. This writer became a mentor to me, and I learned so much from her that even today I think of some of our conversations, both in person, on the phone, and through our correspondence. (Letters, not emails).

Andre Norton was the name of this most gracious and welcoming writer who became the first woman to be named Grand Master by the Science Fiction Writers of America. She was also named the Gandolf Grand Master of Fantasy and inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame.

Andre was also kind enough to ask me to write a short story for her Witch World Anthology series. This was a great honor.

She sounds like an amazing person as well as a great writer. Well David, this has been a blast! Thank you so much for being here with us today and good luck with your launch next month.

Thank you for this opportunity, Fros. It’s been a great pleasure.



When I began writing in 1979…’80, I had no idea where I was headed. Since then, I’ve published thirty-five novels, thirty-three of them with traditional publishers, but in 2008, I decided I wanted more freedom than the traditional publishers would allow and began a new phase in my life as an Independent Author.

I live and write in a small village about thirty miles upstate of NYC, and share my house with my wife, Bonnie and our dog Alfie, an apricot poodle. Our three children have ventured out into the world on their own (or so they think). Our son Zach works on the CBS show 48 Hours. Our daughter Devon and her husband Russell live in New Jersey. Devon teaches Special Education in New Jersey. Alana, our youngest daughter is a Pastry Chef in San Francisco.

My last novel, The Cured, was written with Terese Ramin. The idea for this Medical Thriller came shortly after the death of a close friend. I couldn’t help but wonder about the medication…

My Historical Fantasy, Queen Of Knights, reached #2 on the Amazon.Com lists for historical fantasy and medieval fantasy, and my sci-fi of parallel worlds, The Others, received wide acclaim.

My previous suspense thrillers are The Hyte Maneuver, (a Literary guild alternate selection); As Peace Lay Dying, and Conspiracy of Mirrors. And Down will Come Baby, Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep and Shadows, are formula style mystery suspense novels.

I am currently working on a new Sci-Fi Fantasy series set 3000 years in the future, called Tales of Nevaeh. Volume I, Born To Magic, will be out in February 2015 and Volume II will be out in the late spring.



Amazon Author page





A full listing of David’s titles can be found on his website, as well as on his Amazon and Goodreads pages.

tales of navaeh

 Find this fantasy gem now on Amazon!


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Interested to read more from this author? Head over to Effrosyni’s Blog, where you’ll find awesome tips for authors, interviews, book reviews, travel articles and even Greek recipes!



So here I am, this time welcoming you to my own home, after the mishap I recently had when WordPress suspended my blog for a couple of days without prior notice. By the way, if you’re an author or a blogger (or both), you may want to check out the relevant post where I shared my scary experience as you may want to know what risks you’re running with a free blog.

So, as I promised to my readers back then, I am announcing here today my self-hosted site along with the details of the super-duper tutorial that made it all possible.

If you like the look of this site that is even customized to include a book table just for authors, all you need to do is follow the 11-video tutorial by Simon Whistler of Rocking Self-Publishing Podcast.

Simon is a great guy. Not only has he had the inclination to guide fellow authors, having invested his time in creating this FREE tutorial for everyone, but he’s also very friendly and helpful should you contact him directly. I had a question at some point and he was more than happy to point me in the right direction. If you follow this tutorial at any time, I kindly suggest that in order to buy the web hosting from Hostgator, that you get there from Simon’s site as he prompts you on the tutorial. This way he gets to have a little commission which in my eyes was the least I could have done to say thank you.

You will find the tutorial, as set out by Simon on his site, here.

Once you’ve watched the introductory video on his site and seen how the tutorial is set out, you may want to watch the other videos straight on Youtube where Simon has made them all available in his channel, here.



  • SPAMMERS/SECURITY: When you run a self-hosted site, keeping away spammers becomes a bit of a feat. In my free blog, I have the use of the plugin Akismet free of charge which keeps the spammers in check but here, it is a paid option. To protect my new site I chose the free plugin Wordfence. A friend recommended it and it’s great for security. You run an initial check after installation and you’re protected for life. The program notifies you by email whenever someone tries to hack you, if plugins need updating and in other situations that demand your attention. Spam messages still come to your comments for you to trash  manually but, it’s a Free plugin, and I have peace of mind for the most important stuff. Highly recommended. On the subject of hackers, I can’t stress enough the importance of strong passwords. You can learn how to choose one here. Also, make sure your admin user name is not ‘admin’ as this is what the hackers use to get in.

  • FADE OUT EFFECT ON IMAGES: There’s an extra video link which you won’t find in the above URLs but Simon has added it in a comment under one of his tutorial videos. For your convenience, you’ll find it here. This is optional, and only if you wish to get rid of the fade out effect on your book covers as they appear on the right sidebar. As you can see, I’ve taken this option too so that my covers are fully visible at all times; not only when the mouse pointer hovers over them.

  • HOSTGATOR: If you’re planning to follow Simon’s tutorial, take your time first and check Hostgator’s site regularly (or simply their Twitter page) as they periodically do huge discounts. I did that and opted to buy the hosting service on a day when they had a 55% discount! The previous day, they had run a 75% discount that was valid only for an hour! You get the idea. It’s worth choosing the right time if you want to get an extra saving. If you do pick a day that has a big discount, use the coupon code that Hostgator prompts you for and not Simon’s as his would be only for 25% discount.

  • RSS FEED: There’s one aspect that’s not covered in the tutorial, and this was actually a big surprise for me because it’s a rather tricky one that many people (including me) know nothing about. I refer to the dreaded ‘RSS feed’. Upon finishing the course, I felt rather lost because I knew I had to prompt people to follow my new blog somehow but I didn’t know how. WP doesn’t provide a ‘follow’ button here like it does on my free blog.

Thankfully, with a bit of surfing, I was lucky to come across some useful advice and so, I tried my hand at it and managed to set up two relevant widgets that you can see on the right sidebar now. One prompts the reader to subscribe to the blog on this site by email, while the other (the black one), prompts visitors to subscribe directly to the feed. Don’t worry if this sounds daunting! You couldn’t possibly know less than I did yesterday when I set this up and it was a lot easier than I’d thought. UPDATE: I have now blogged these instructions too. You can find them here.

SECOND UPDATE: This tutorial will leave you with two more problems, both minor, but they proved very annoying to me and I’ve now found adequate fixes which I’m happy to share: Check out the plugins ‘Postmatic’ and ‘Better Click to Tweet’. The former now allows my visitors to subscribe to follow up comments (before, they were never notified their comments had received replies). The latter plugin now allows me to set up scripts for people to share my posts on Twitter (like the one you see at the bottom of this post). If you follow the tutorial you will wind up with a set up that won’t allow custom scripts when sharing a post. With the ‘Better Click to Tweet’ plugin I can create the tweet of my choice so people can share it.

So, here it is. I’ve treaded the path and found it relatively easy. One can build the site as fast or as slowly as they want. I’m pleased with what I’ve managed to make single-handedly and hopefully you like it too; I hope you will let it be one of your favorite hangouts!

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