Book review: Confessions of an Instinctively Mutinous Baby Boomer by Marsha Roberts

Baby Boomer

I rarely read memoirs but this book drew me like a magnet. I’m one of those people who believe in the power of serendipity and as such, I often feel that sometimes a book will choose me and not the other way round. As it happens, this amazing memoir landed on my hands at a time when I needed it most, when my brain felt fried from over-working and from lack of free time to just be, reflect on my life and where it’s going.

From the word go, I found common ground with the author’s account of her childhood as I also felt uncomfortable at home as a child, owed to a very critical and strict parent. Marsha’s account of reconciliation with her mother later in life as a result, really played at the heartstrings. However, this book goes a lot further than that and is not solely an account of mother-and-daughter problems. For me, the book simply took off once Masha introduced her husband Bob Rector in the book, and the difficulties they encountered on the financial front as a married couple. At some point, Marsha found herself at the start of a new career where she felt unsure on her feet and yet, owed to the strength in her heart and her unwavering faith, she succeeded remarkably.

Bob and Marsha1

Teaming up with her husband Bob Rector, a gifted director and author, Marsha soon wound up in the Pentagon pitching a theatre show that could entertain the US troops around the world. Thanks to Marsha’s persuasion skills and personal charisma, the show, Letters From the Front, got to tour the world and the book tells some amazing, and very touching tales from this tour.

I have to be honest here. Some of Marsha’s reflections that are recorded in places may strike some people as odd. The author is obviously highly spiritual and a strong believer in God and His amazing ways. In this sense, this book may be the wrong choice for an atheist or even an agnostic, however, I feel that even in this case this book will not offend as its accounts don’t preach about Jesus and generally do not read like a Christian book that shoves it all down your throat.

I read this book exactly for what it is, and although I am not big on the Christian Church, I have a strong faith in God and so, enjoyed it immensely as a set of inspiring tales from the life of a very special person. Marsha Roberts sees life through the amazed eyes of a child and for that, she remains incredibly blessed. Only a child will expect results with a faith that cannot possibly be broken, no matter how hard things may seem, just because they want this thing so much that no other eventuality can ever enter their mind as possible. And that is, in my eyes, the secret at the heart of this delightful author. This is how Marsha and her amazing husband Bob, have worked out all these little miracles in their lives. This is how they went from uncertainty to professional success, and from poverty to a stable, safe home environment for them and their offspring.

I recommend this book highly to anyone who has hit a hard spot in life and needs guidance. The tales in this story, will inspire and amaze you and they will also remind you that anything is possible, as long as you have the faith to believe it enough and the will to take action. Well done, Marsha Roberts!


My rating:

5 stars

A highly spiritual memoir that will inspire and amaze!

Bob and Marsha

Do you enjoy memoirs about family life and personal journeys through adversity? Are you in a place in your life where you need to be reminded where your strength comes from? It comes from within, as you know. Let Marsha tell you all about it! Find the book now on Amazon!

 Baby Boomer



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8 thoughts on “Book review: Confessions of an Instinctively Mutinous Baby Boomer by Marsha Roberts

  1. Frosandy, I am so deeply moved by your thoughtful review. You described not only my book, how it made you feel, but also touched on my intentions. Amazing review. You mentioned that you didn’t think that people who weren’t Christians would be offended by my book. It was my intention that anyone could read and hopefully be touched by ny stories, whether they were “believers” or not. Everyone has their own path and I shared mine, which happens to include my faith. One of my other favorite reviews begins, “Can a professed atheist enjoy reading an inspirational memoir? … the answer is a resounding ‘yes.'” You can imagine how that made me feel.
    Again, thank you so very much for taking the time to compose such a well written and comprehensive review. And very nice to see it on your wonderfully popular blog!

  2. Thank you for your visit here, Marsha. I am so pleased you liked my review. It is truly a memoir gem and I sincerely hope it finds a wide audience because I feel it can help so many people find their strength. We live at a time where financial adversity, fear and anxiety rule our daily lives and your book is such a lovely reminder that we should seek the answers within when the going gets tough. Thank you so much again for your kind comments 🙂

    • I am sure you’ll love it all through, Mimi! It got better and better as I kept reading. Thank you for stopping by 🙂

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