An interview with travel writer, Richard Clark

Today, I’m pleased to welcome Richard Clark, an award-winning journalist who enjoys traveling around Greece, then publishing books to share his experiences. Anything that promotes my country is a great thing in my book, so I was thrilled when Richard accepted to do this interview. Richard’s writing is peppered with intriguing historical facts and vivid descriptions. I have read his book on Corfu and learned a lot about the island that I didn’t know. Stick around to hear more from the man himself!

 CorfunotebThe Ionian Islands stand at the gateway to Greece, with Corfu its gatekeeper. For so much of its history Corfu stood as protector of the Adriatic and its Venetian rulers, but now the island has turned its gaze south towards its Greek homeland. On reaching Corfu, something happens to the light, as if some celestial switch has been flipped, changing everything…

Corfu – A Notebook is a series of snapshots of places, the people and culture of those who inhabit this beguiling island and some of its neighbours in the Ionian group. More of a travelling companion than a guide, this is the fourth of Richard Clark’s books about the Greek Islands.




cretenotebIn 1982, on a whim, the English journalist Richard Clark upped sticks and left the country of his birth to go and work as a teacher in Crete. So began a love affair with the island to which he still returns as often as possible.

Crete – A Notebook is a series of snapshots of his experiences on an island he has grown to cherish. It is less of a travel guide and more of a travelling companion.

Whether a regular visitor or a first-time traveller there, this book provides an invaluable insight into life past and present on this exquisite island.




RhodesnotebLittle more than a stone’s throw from the Turkish coast, Rhodes was the final piece in the jigsaw of what is modern Greece. The island has changed its clothes so many times throughout history that it can be difficult to pin down what best reflects its character, and herein lies the Island’s charm. The variety of its architecture and the wealth of myth and legend combined with an ever-changing landscape makes for a destination which can hold the interest for a lifetime.

For many it is the Crusader Knights who prevail, for others the lost wonder of the fallen Colossus or the Doric columns of the temple celebrating the Ancient Greek cult of Athena Lindia which presides over the maritime gem of Lindos. Whatever memories it leaves us with, it is an island full of surprises.




greekislandsnotebIn 1982, on a whim, the English journalist Richard Clark upped sticks and left the country of his birth to go and work as a teacher in Crete. So began a love affair with the Greek Islands, to which he now returns on a regular basis.

The Greek Islands – A Notebook is a series of snapshots of Journeys and Places, Culture and History, and People and Island Life on Greece’s enchanted triangle of islands – Corfu, Crete and Rhodes and the islands in between.

Whether a regular visitor or a first time traveler there, this book provides an invaluable insight into life past and present on these beautiful islands.




Hello Richard and welcome to my blog!

Hello, Fros. Thank you for the invitation.

I love the sound of all your travel notebooks! Tell us more. How did they come to be?

My first published work was The Greek Islands – A Notebook, which really came about as the fulfillment of a lifelong ambition just to actually write a book. In fact, it was not my first attempt; I had written a children’s book (which has since been published in paperback) whilst living in Crete in the early eighties as a gift for my newly born niece at the time. Journalism kept me going over the years with newspaper and magazine articles being published on a regular basis so when I eventually found the time and discipline to embark on working on a book I did not come to it cold. I wrote about the Greek Islands following the much given advice about writing about something you know and you are passionate about. I was a teacher in Heraklion in Crete in the early 1980s and, since returning to England and journalism, had travelled extensively in Crete and other Greek Islands. I still regularly visit Greece three times a year.

Sailing Greece

Richard enjoys sailing in Greece

What was the first thing you ever wrote and how old were you then?

This probably sounds precocious, but the first thing I remember writing was for a literary competition at the age of 5. I have always enjoyed the creative process and was brought up by a father who was a successful crime writer, so I suppose it’s in the genes. Anyway, this competition was run by the local public library service and was open to children under the age of 16 and my primary school got all its pupils to enter as part of their day-to-day lessons. Low and behold, I won and was awarded with a fistful of book tokens, which came in very handy as even at that age, I was an avid reader.

What other writing have you done? Anything else published?

To date I have seven books published, and a Greek translation of my most successful book, Crete – A Notebook, is in the pipeline. In terms of journalism I have written across a wide range of subjects from politics to travel, sport to cookery and celebrity interviews for a wide range of national newspapers and magazines in the UK.

Any hobbies or interests that you enjoy in your spare time?

I love to read; it is one of the greatest pleasures in life. While commuting from my home to central London daily, I have plenty of time to indulge my passion. Other than that I enjoy music and try to play the guitar, although my son, who is a professional musician, will confirm quite how dreadful I am. I love to cook and do so on a daily basis. I also enjoy sailing, watching rugby and walking with my dogs.

Oh, they’re so cute! Thank you for sharing these photos; doggies are particularly welcome in this blog! What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

I have been in hiatus over the last six months or so, but having just returned from a break travelling to some of the less well-known parts of Crete, I have started writing another book about the island with a working title of ‘Hidden Crete’ which I hope will encourage people to get off the usual tourist trail and discover other parts of this extraordinary and beautiful place. I have also got a couple of other ideas bubbling under, but they are not fully enough formed to talk about yet.

A picture from Elounda, Crete

Which are your favorite authors, and what do you love about them?

We are walking on shifting sands here as my favorite authors keep changing, and the list is always being added to, although there are some constants that remain the bedrock of my reading list. Unsurprisingly, I do read a lot of writers with Greek connections and of course I love Kazantzakis. Weirdly, I first started reading ‘Zorba the Greek’ whilst waiting to board a ferry to Crete from Piraeus on my very first visit to Greece. Coincidence or not, I have loved his work ever since but, if I had to choose one of his books, it would be ‘Report to Greco’. Of course I like Patrick Leigh Fermor and I also like Lawrence Durrell’s Greek travel writing. His ‘Alexandria Quartet’ is also a favorite of mine, although I find some of his later novels a bit impenetrable. There is a beautiful little book Durrell wrote which I think is now out of print, and I gave my copy away to a friend. It is called ‘A Smile in the Mind’s Eye’. I keep waiting for it to be reissued. Of the contemporary authors writing about Greece, of course I like Victoria Hislop, Sara Alexi is also making a well-deserved reputation for herself and in terms of non-fiction, I like the work of Marjory McGinn.

I also love Kazantzakis and Victoria Hislop and have enjoyed Gerald Durrell’s My Family and Other Animals since it’s set on Corfu. I’ve also enjoyed the travel memoirs of Marjory Mc Ginn and recommend them highly. What genres do you read mostly, and what are you reading now?

Over the last few years I have started to enjoy crime fiction, something I had steered clear of before. It started when a friend recommended the Stieg Larsson Books and from there I moved on to Henning Mankell and Andrea Camilleri. I have just worked my way through C.J. Sanson’s Shardlake mysteries. For crime with a Greek theme I really like both Anne Zouroudi and Jeffrey Siger’s books.

I don’t read much crime fiction but I’ve read Anne Zouroudi and she’s wonderful. Tell us, what do you enjoy the most as an indie author that you imagine you wouldn’t if you were traditionally published? If you had a choice would you still go indie?

When I started writing the first Greek book I really hadn’t thought about the publishing process; I just wanted to see if I could sustain the discipline to write a book. Being a journalist, I am used to seeing my work in print on a regular basis so that side of it didn’t excite me perhaps as much as it should have. When I neared the end of that book I began to think about the publication and was reading a lot online about indie publishing and it seemed to me the obvious way to go. I am in the fortunate position of having access to designers and editors who I know through work so the preparation of the manuscript and the cover was not a problem. I also employ an excellent formatter to prepare the eBook editions and design the interior of the paperbacks. For the most part I love the process, I am in total control and the timescales are much more acceptable than those operated by traditional publishers. The royalties are also far superior and I can put out however many books I want on my own schedule. The difficult part is the marketing. I am not a natural extrovert, so find selling my work hard, but the fact is that most ‘legacy publishers’ do little or no marketing for most of their writers nowadays. For me the stigma of whether I am taken seriously as an indie writer is borne out by the level of sales I have achieved, much more than many traditionally published authors. Ironically, for me to go down that route would be ‘vanity publishing’, as I would only be doing it to bestow on myself any kudos that might bring.

Oh yes, the marketing is always the difficult part for all indie authors… What are the things in your life that you’re most grateful for?

That’s an easy question to answer. My wife, Denise, and children Rebecca and James. Every day I feel blessed to have them.

Oh, that’s sweet… and good for you, Richard. Who is your favorite poet? Quote a couple of lines from your favorite poem.

Difficult, but I think T.S. Eliot just shades it, although, if I am allowed to include Bob Dylan as a poet…

Be my guest! I can think of a multitude of songwriters that I personally regard as poets!

Well, there’s a line in Dylan’s song ‘Mr Tambourine Man’ which I cannot hear without thinking about the famous beach sirtaki dancing scene from ‘Zorba the Greek’. This personal connection I have made evokes such wonderful images whenever I hear these words…

‘Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free
Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands
With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves
Let me forget about today until tomorrow’

That’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us, Richard, and for being here with us today! Happy travels!

Thank you Fros, it’s been a pleasure.



Richard Clark is the author of six books about Greece, his first The Greek Islands – A Notebook was published in 2011 followed by books about Crete, Rhodes and Corfu. A new edition of his best-selling Crete – A Notebook was released in the summer of 2014 and a Greek translation of this book is in the final stages of publication. Each of his individual ‘Notebooks’ has achieved No1 status in their individual listings on Amazon both in the UK and USA. Richard holds a BA degree in English Literature, is an award-winning journalist and is the son of the late author Douglas Clark.

In 1982, on a whim, the English journalist Richard Clark upped sticks and left the country of his birth to go and work as a teacher in Crete. So began a love affair with the Greek Islands which he frequently returns to.

His books are a series of snapshots of his experiences on the islands he has grown to love. They are less travel guides and more travelling companions.

The author is a writer, editor and journalist who has worked on an array of national newspapers and magazines in the UK. Currently he is Group Deputy Editor of the mass-market consumer magazines TV Times and TV&Satellite Week. He is married with two grown up children and lives in Kent in South East England.

The books are available in both paperback and as eBook editions from Amazon and other major retailers.

Visit Richard’s Amazon page

Visit Richard’s Facebook page


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My latest news (and a cover reveal!)

Hello All! Back from Corfu and, alas, despite the persisting heatwave, there’s no time for the beach any more. Keeping busy with a couple of projects (no rest for the wicked…) In this post, I’d like to share with you my latest news.

First of all, to say I am thrilled to have been accepted in the Author Social Media Support Group, commonly known as ASMSG. I am looking forward to familiarizing myself with its resources and making new friends.

Secondly, I spent a good part of this week revisiting my personal image archive for the past ten or so years, looking for various images from my annual holidays on Corfu. With my findings I have put together a travel guide on Moraitika, Corfu (my grandparent’s village that inspired my trilogy). The guide is now live on this website. During my recent holiday in Moraitika, I went around the tourist businesses of family and friends, taking photographs and noting down their contact details. The guide is my personal recommendation to you for the perfect beach holiday. Therein you will find everything you need to know: where to stay, where to dine, what to do and see and plenty more. You can visit the page directly here: TAKE ME TO MORAITIKA!

Now for the big news! One of my open projects this month involves a major re-edit on The Necklace of Goddess Athena. I am quite concerned by the lack of sales for this book so I decided to give it some special attention and then to relaunch it this September with a brand new, awesome cover by 187Designz.

I am very excited about the cover and hope it’ll work its little magic to attract new readers (fingers crossed!)

Here it is. What do you think?

goddess athena fb ad graphic 2 coming soon

goddess athena 3d book 2

Before I go, to say, if you’re a Twitter user and feeling generous, please take the time to search for #eNovAaW on August 8-10. This is the hashtag used solely for cross-promotion by the members of eNovel Authors at Work where I am a member. We are doing a Tweet Fest on those dates and tweeting about each other’s books en masse. We would greatly appreciate it if you took the time to RT a tweet or two containing this hashtag. If you like to pay it forward, you already know the universe will repay you this kindness ten fold. Thank you for your time and generosity!


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An interview with Alice Degan

Hello All! Back from my Corfu holiday and feeling all refreshed and energized. What better way to start a new week than to interview a lovely author with a sweet smile like Alice Degan! Alice lives in Toronto and teaches medieval literature but in her spare time she writes fascinating stories taking place in the distant past. Below you will find details on her metaphysical mystery novel, as well as her urban fantasy. The latter inspired a series of short stories as well. Vampires in Toronto? Who would have known! Stick around to hear all about Alice and her work!



Toronto, 1925: An ancient manuscript and a modern cult promise the secret to personal metamorphosis. An atheist graduate student falls in love with a priest. A shiftless musician jilts his fiancée and disappears. From All False Doctrine is a metaphysical mystery wrapped in a 1920s comedy of manners.

Thrown together when their best friends fall in love, Elsa Nordqvist and Kit Underhill don’t think they have much in common. But when Kit’s friend Peachy drops off the face of the earth, and the manuscript that Elsa wanted to write her thesis on seems to have something to do with it, Elsa and Kit become unlikely allies. The question is, can their combined resources of Classical scholarship and Anglo-Catholic liturgy save a man from himself?






On a back alley in Toronto’s Kensington Market, above the Heaven & Earth Bakery, there’s an apartment with a room for rent. The rent is negotiable. The location varies. Humans need not apply. For Nick, who calls 7C home, real life can be a lot weirder than his friends’ role-playing games. Between regular stints at his job delivering bread and cinnamon buns to the otherworldly population of the city, these days he finds himself dodging attacks from vampire-hunting tourists, possessed pigeons, and his boss’s unborn child. Welcome to a world of obnoxious fairies and bored vampires, satyrs who love ’80s music and demons who play video games. Welcome to 7C. Good luck finding the bathroom.





Hello Alice and welcome to my blog!

Hi, Fros! It’s lovely to be here, thank you.

What has inspired you to write From All False Doctrine?

As many writers do, with this book I was trying to write the book that I wanted to read. I love the novels of Charles Williams, which are supernatural thrillers with a Christian mystical twist. Williams was one of the Inklings, a friend of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, but while their fantasies became hugely influential, Williams’ novels remained relatively obscure and haven’t had many imitators. So wishing that I had more books like his to read led naturally, for me, to setting out to write in the same curious genre. I chose a setting in the 1920s, to evoke the style and manners of Williams’ books, but I also chose to place my story in my own city of Toronto. This led to a lot of interesting research, and I was able to include many real locations in the story, including the university I attended and the apartment building where I lived when I began working on the story.

Sounds absolutely amazing, Alice. I bet you learned a lot about your city in the process!

Oh yes, a whole lot of interesting things!

There you go, an extra bonus! Isn’t being an author full of thrills? Now tell us, what other writing have you done?

From All False Doctrine is the first novel I have published, and I’m happy about that now. It’s the first of my attempts that was really ready to go out into the world. But if you’d told me a few years ago that I would feel that way, I wouldn’t have believed you. At the time, I felt as if I had written so much, it was a disgrace that I wasn’t published yet, aside from a few poems in literary journals, years ago. The truth is, I had never tried very hard to publish my earlier stories and novels, which were all over the map in terms of genre and length and marketability. Now I can look back at all that writing as necessary practice to bring me to the point where I am today, and to give me the confidence I needed to go indie. Besides False Doctrine, I have a series of urban-fantasy stories that I have also indie-published; the first three are newly available in the collection The Tenants of 7C, and more are planned! Also, I have written a sequel to From All False Doctrine, called Neither Have I Wings, which I hope to publish this fall.

Any hobbies or interests that you enjoy in your spare time?

I dabble in all kinds of hobbies, but the one that might be most interesting to your readers is my small business of crafting handmade notebooks. As a writer, I’m very particular about notebooks, and a couple of years ago I learned how to make the kind that I like best. It’s another case of creating the thing that doesn’t exist because you want to enjoy it yourself! Now I sell them through my Etsy shop, which has the same name as my indie publishing imprint.


Oh wow, this looks fabulous. Well done, Alice! Do you see yourself in any of your characters, or do any of them have traits you wish you had?

The two main characters in False Doctrine are Elsa and Kit. Elsa is a graduate student, studying Classics (a hard row to hoe for a woman in the 1920s). Kit is a priest. I have graduate degrees in medieval literature from the same school that Elsa attends in the novel, and I even lived in the same residence, so on the surface you might think she’s the character who is closest to me. But on a deeper level, I actually have more in common with Kit, even though his life bears no resemblance to my own, because my worldview is closer to his. He’s also one of the characters I feel proudest of having created. The process of writing him pretty much consisted of thinking, “What would I do in this situation … if I were made of awesome?” I’m not, in real life, but that is one of the great things about writing fiction, isn’t it?

Sure is! What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

I’m dividing my time between the Heaven & Earth stories (my urban fantasy series) and the third book in the False Doctrine trilogy, which takes place in Toronto at Christmas, 1946. Of course that means more fun research! I have a Pinterest board full of images of 1940s dresses, vintage Christmas trees, and other neat things that will feature in that story. The Heaven & Earth stories are very different. They take place in the modern world, and draw inspiration from Japanese manga, a medieval story about a werewolf, and my personal love of Toronto’s Kensington Market neighborhood, which is a funky area with a lot of diverse history.

Intriguing stuff! What genres do you read mostly, and what are you reading now?

I read mysteries, fantasy, manga, and anything else that catches my eye. Recently I have been enjoying the mysteries by French historian-turned-novelist Fred Vargas. I especially like her Three Evangelist series, which features three oddball out-of-work academics. The best fantasy I have read lately is definitely Katherine Addison’s The Goblin Emperor.

Thank you for these awesome recommendations! Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

I have some advice for anyone thinking about going indie, which is: do it, and don’t worry too much about what other people will think. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how well my friends and casual acquaintances have reacted; I was prepared to spend a lot of time justifying my decision to other people, but I really haven’t needed to. Most people don’t know or care that much about how books are published, so if you’re confident enough to say, “I decided indie was the way to go,” they will accept that you know what you’re talking about. As for the people who do know the business, well, they know why it’s a smart decision these days!

Great advice, Alice. I also found it easier than I’d thought to tell everyone among my family and friends that I’m a published writer now. To my surprise, people I hardly knew got the most excited about it and wanted to buy my books! Goes to show how our fears and insecurities are not based on reality, huh! On to the next question: what do you enjoy the most as an indie author that you imagine you wouldn’t if you were traditionally published? If you had a choice would you still go indie?

I’m delighted with the freedom and control I have as an indie author. Although I had some experience querying publishers for earlier projects, by the time I finished False Doctrine, I had made up my mind to go indie. I had been reading blogs and books on the new world of indie publishing, and listening to Joanna Penn’s inspiring podcast, and I was excited and nervous, but I made the decision. I didn’t approach any agents or publishers about this novel. For one thing, I knew it would be a hard sell; remember how I said my inspiration was to imitate an obscure novelist?


Can you imagine admitting that to a publisher? But, you see, I knew I could market the book myself to my own circle of like-minded readers, and let it grow slowly from there. I also didn’t want to feel that I’d chosen indie publishing as a last resort or backup option, so in fact I made it my first choice. Psychological judo, maybe, but it worked on me!

Psychological judo? Oh, I am noting that down! Thanks, Alice, that’s hilarious (*giggles*) Last question: anything you like to do to get the creative juices flowing?

I like to write in coffee shops, but I don’t actually drink coffee, only tea. I’m fortunate enough to live in a neighborhood with lots of options, so I go to different places depending on how long a walk I want. We also have a great public library system with branches all over the city, many of which have nice work spaces, and I have a couple of favorites. I like going out of the house to write because it helps me to focus by eliminating options for procrastinating. When I’m at home, though, I have a nice workspace: a little red desk in front of a window in the study that I share with my husband.


A lovely nook for writing! Well, Alice, it’s been wonderful to have you. Thank you so much for being here today.

Thank you for inviting me, Fros!



Alice Degan is a novelist and academic (who also sometimes writes short stories). She studies and teaches medieval literature, and writes urban fantasy and something she likes to call metaphysical romance. She lives in Toronto with her husband.

Visit Alice’s Amazon page

Visit Alice’s website

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A post about summertime!

Hello All! Today, I’m on a holiday mood, seeing that I’m off to Corfu for a week soon, so before I go, I thought I’d write a little post about my favorite season… Every year, I tend to hibernate during the winter and start coming alive in the spring. But, I love the summer more than any other time of year, and this is no surprise, seeing that I’ve spent most of the summers of my earlier life in an earthly paradise.

This is a a photo from the old quarter of Moraitika, my grandparents’ village on Corfu; this very tree and the lanes around it were my stamping ground where I played dodgeball, hide-and-seek, and a few games of cards with my cousins and friends as a child and teenager. Mind you, I even hung up my gran’s sheets from that very tree one year–couldn’t have been older than thirteen–to create a scene and a curtain as to produce a little play that I wrote. The other kids and I never advertized it and only did the show for our own pleasure. One of the village boys, Pakis, offered to participate as spectator. Before the show, I asked Pakis to pay his ticket. He reached inside his shorts pockets and handed me all its contents: 11 drachmas. After the show, we all went to the shop at the square and I used that money to buy everyone sweets. I believe Pakis had the most! That is just one of the myriad sweet memories I have from my childhood in the village, a place I love so much that I had to write a book or two set in it.

cfu 1

And, after showing you my favorite village corner, on the right in this picture, you can see my beloved pyramid-shaped mountain that is mentioned in The Ebb (book 1 in my trilogy). The locals call this mountain Mataouna. You can also see the sports pier on the beach at Moraitika – now you know what Sofia’s pier looks like in the book!

I will spend a week there as of this Friday, and hope to catch up with lots of people I love, but most of all, with my beloved 91-year-old grandmother, Antigone. She called me yesterday to say my aunt Danda brought her a cabbage from her garden knowing grandma would love to treat me to my favorite meal, Lahanodolmades (cabbage leaves stuffed with mince and rice in egg and lemon sauce). If you haven’t tasted this meal, take it from me, you haven’t lived! If you’re ever in Greece, try to find a restaurant that serves it… your taste buds will be grateful.


Speaking of food, I’d love to share another of my favorite Greek summer recipes that I recently posted on Effrosyni’s blog: GEMISTA (peppers and tomatoes stuffed with rice). Another yummy Greek meal I can’t get enough of!

Before I go, a little announcement about my trilogy, The Lady of the Pier:

The paperback for The Flow (book 2) has just been released! Just like all my other paperbacks, I’ve made this available everywhere, including libraries and major stores worldwide. (For example, in Greece readers can order it and receive it within a few days from large stores like Public.)

 The Flow-back coverthe flow-front cover

Check out the paperback on AMAZON US

Check out the paperback on AMAZON UK

Well, this is it from me! If you’re going on holiday this summer, whether it’s the sea or the mountain you’re headed for, make sure to relax and unwind, connect with family and friends and not so much to the internet! Our lives are always so hectic, we deserve to unplug from the greater world every now and then, if anything, for old times sake.

Till we speak again, have fun this summer whatever you get up to!


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An interview with author, Viv Drewa

Today I’m pleased to present Viv Drewa on my blog, a lovely, supportive author, who happens to love owls – an affinity we have in common. Check out her covers below and stick around to hear all about Viv and her work.


Before retiring, France Hunter decides to go to the place where she found her first new species of owl: The Amazon. Her group follows a well-known angler, John Sinclair, and his team, along with a reporter who wants to do a story on Hunter. Once arriving at the site, Sinclair leaves to go further up the river. He has a show to record and is hoping to catch an even larger fish this time. Hunter, and the group with her, run into a gruesome nightmare with the satellite phone destroyed and one man fighting for life. Sinclair is not due to pick them up for another week. Will they survive?



This is the story of a young man’s escape from Russian-ruled Poland in 1913 (a biography).



This is a story about a widow who, with the help of an owl and a blue-eyed spirit, solves her husband’s murder, and a 1300 year old mystery in Peru.




Hello, Viv and welcome to my blog!

Hello, Fros! Thank you for inviting me.

What has inspired you to write The Angler and the Owl?

This book came about because of my love for owls and South America, specifically the Amazon River.

What was the first thing you ever wrote and how old were you then?

I was in the 7th grade, I was 12, and it was an impromptu. My teacher wrote on it: “This is very good. Someday you’ll write books and they’ll be published.” I wish she were still with us to see that I finally did.

Any hobbies or interests that you enjoy in your spare time?

Spare time? Hmmm… (*laughs*)  I love to sew, crochet and cross stitch.

What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

My WIP is a paranormal murder mystery. I wasn’t able to find out enough about police procedures in South America so it takes place in my hometown.

What genres do you read mostly, and what are you reading now?

I prefer reading anything paranormal, or scary. I will read other genres to help the authors with reviews. Currently, I’m reading Blood of a Boss: The Moreno Family by Askari.

Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

There’s so much information out there on self-publishing. Read it all and decide what will work for you. As for your genre – read! Get to know it and what’s selling.

Are there any sites or writing tools that you find useful and wish to recommend?

Chris McMullen has a fantastic blog with many helpful hints and what’s new in the publishing business. Also, I love Rayne Hall’s How to books.

What do you enjoy the most as an indie author that you imagine you wouldn’t if you were traditionally published? If you had a choice would you still go indie?

It would be nice to have someone do the promotional part of writing. That would be the only thing that would convince me to go traditional. I do like having direct control of my books, though.

I totally agree on both points, Viv. Do you listen to music while you write and if so, what kind?

No. I like it quiet. I did read that if you’re having a writer’s block moment listening to Mozart helps. And it does.

Good tip, Viv, I’ll try it next time, thanks! Anything you like to do to get the creative juices flowing?

Drinking coffee is a must. Especially since I write early in the morning. If I get stuck I read over the previous chapter and that’ll get me going.

If you could choose another profession, what would that be?

Ornithologist specializing in owls!

No surprise there, Viv! (*giggles*) I see, you’ve brought some lovely pictures to show us today. Would you like to tell us a bit about each one?

sofia 16Viv and rescued owl

Sure, Fros! In these two, you can see my daughter Sofia and also me holding an owl. The story behind these is that Sofia rescued this little darling when it flew into her car. She brought it home and next day took it to an aviary. She called him Lucky!

Awww! what a cutie! I’m sure you loved cuddling it for a while!

You bet! Here, you can see me with my husband, Bob, during one of our camping trips. We just love to camp!

Bob and me camping

That’s a lovely photo, Viv! And this little, black beauty, what’s she called?

Princess helping me write

That’s Princess! She loves to help me write. I got a bigger desk because I needed the room. Well, she decided it was for her (*laughs*)

Typical cat! Well, Viv, it was a pleasure to have you today. Thank you so much!

Thank you, Fros, it’s been a pleasure for me, too.


viv drewa

Viv Drewa is a Michigan native and has enjoyed reading and writing since 1963. Though she studied medicinal chemistry at the University of Michigan her passion has always been writing.

Viv has been awarded third place for her nonfiction short story about her grandfather’s escape from Poland. Later, she rewrote the story and named it Pages of Grandfather’s Life. It was published in the Polish American Journal and is now available on Amazon as a short story.

Viv took creative and journalism courses to help in her transition to fulfill her dream of becoming a writer. She worked as an intern for Port Huron’s The Times Herald, and also wrote, edited and did the layout on the Blue Water Multiple Sclerosis newsletter, Thumb Prints.

In her blog, Viv promotes fellow authors.



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Watch the book trailer for The Owl of the Sipan Lord:


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An interview with crime fiction author, Polly Iyer

Today, I am thrilled to present another member of my writers group, eNovel Authors at Work. Polly Iyer writes intriguing crime fiction novels with a touch of romance. Check out this array of awesome covers:


Adult language and situations.

During a New Orleans Mardi Gras Ball, psychic entertainer Diana Racine touches the hand of a masked Cyrano de Bergerac and is instantly transported into the icy-cold body of a dead woman submerged in water. As Diana crumples to the floor, water filling her lungs, she hears Cyrano whisper that the game has begun.

Diana has been called every epithet in the book: charlatan, cheat, publicity hound…and genius–all at least partially true. But convincing New Orleans police lieutenant Ernie Lucier that her vision of the dead woman is the real thing may be her hardest act yet. He becomes a believer when Diana leads him to the alligator-infested bayou and the woman’s remains. When another vision leads to another body, it’s clear that the two dead women are a prelude to the killer’s ultimate victim–Diana.





Adult language and situations.

Wealthy architect Reece Daughtry spent fifteen years in a Massachusetts prison for a murder he didn’t commit. Released on a technicality, he now makes his home in the mountains of North Carolina, building rock fireplaces for a waiting list of clients. His self-imposed solitude is shattered when local author Dana Minette asks him to build a fireplace in her new house. Dana becomes more than a client, and for the first time in twenty years, Reece longs to be with someone other than himself.

Then a local woman is murdered in the same savage manner as the murder that sent Reece to prison. More than one person wants him to take the fall, including Dana’s ex-husband, the local prosecutor, who’s determined to convict Reece in the high-profile case. But Reece won’t be railroaded again. Four men were with him the night of the first murder. One of them is the killer. Reece goes underground to discover who’s setting him up and why. Dana insists on going along, and against his better judgment, he relents. With both the police and FBI on their trail, it’s a race against time and a crafty murderer who will kill again.





Adult language and situations.

High-priced call girl Tawny Dell boasts a client list that’s part Fortune 500, part Five Families. With a PhD in art history and a tidy chunk of money stashed offshore, she hangs up her G-string with plans to retire to a Mediterranean island to open a gallery. Lincoln Walsh, NYPD sex-crimes investigator, has other ideas. He wants Tawny to work undercover at a high-class sex club to discover who murdered a prostitute with ties to the club. The club is owned by an ex-hedge fund manager who’d do anything to hook Tawny into his harem. In exchange for Tawny’s cooperation, Linc’s office, in collaboration with Treasury, will see she avoids prison for failing to pay Uncle Sam his share from years of illegal earnings. But Tawny gets more than she bargained for—another dead prostitute, a mob boss who’s an old client, and romantic stirrings for the hot New York cop sending her back into the world’s oldest profession.





Separated from her controlling husband, romance author Zoe Swan meets a charismatic art history professor on the beach and begins a torrid affair. But who is he really? By the time Zoe finds out, she’s on the run with her husband, his jewel thief brother, and a priceless painting stolen from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. With the FBI and the murderer in pursuit, the trio heads to Boston. The only way to prove their innocence is to make a deal with the very people who want them dead.

This book is a Kindle Scout Winner!

It will be published later this year by Amazon’s Kindle Press.



Hello Polly and welcome to my blog!

Thank you, I’m very pleased to be here.

First of all, congrats for your latest book, Indiscretion. I understand it is a Kindle Scout winner that’s been selected for publication by Kindle Press. Wow! What inspired you to write this book?

Thank you, Fros. Indiscretion revolves around the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum heist. For those of you unfamiliar with the crime, it’s the largest art theft in history and still unsolved after twenty-five years. The museum is in Boston and the collection is housed in a reproduction of a 15th-century Venetian palace. Since I went to art school in Boston, I was very familiar with the museum and rather fascinated with what happened to the 13 pieces of art. So I made up a story.

Sounds like a cracking good read, Polly. What was the first thing you ever wrote and how old were you then?

The first thing I wrote was my novel Threads, and it took thirteen years for me to publish it. I published five other books before that one. Unlike so many writers who say they’ve been writing since childhood, that is not my experience. I was fifty-eight when I wrote Threads. That’s a pretty late start, and it took some concentrated effort to catch up.

Do you see yourself in any of your characters, or do any of them have traits you wish you had?

I think it’s difficult for writers not to insert themselves into their characters in some way, both male and female. We are writing about our experiences and our inner feelings even if we don’t recognize we’re doing that at the time. My female characters are pretty independent, and so am I. They also have a smart mouth, and though I’ve tempered it as I got older, I was a smartass when I was younger.

What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

I’m working on the fourth book in the Diana Racine Psychic Suspense series. The difficult part of writing a series is to make each consecutive book better than the last—more exciting, keeping your characters true to the way they were portrayed in earlier books, bringing in more engaging characters so the story doesn’t get repetitive and stale. In this book, I’m adding a permanent character who will change the lives of my two protagonists.

Which are your favorite authors, and what do you love about them?

I love a good mystery/thriller/suspense, and the best ones are all three. My favorite authors are Dennis Lehane, Daniel Silva, Michael Connelly, Karin Slaughter, early Robert Ludlum, and Mo Hayder, to name a few. All of them are excellent writers, and they tread into uncharted territory. Most write dark subject matter and delve into the psyche of their characters.

Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

Keep writing, no matter what. Make sure your books are as good as they can be. Learn the craft of writing. Understand POV—something I find separates the good books from lesser efforts—and find an editor you can work with. Hire a cover designer unless you know what you’re doing. That’s another thing that screams novice. Find beta readers, not family members who think everything you do is wonderful.

Choose a male and a female character from your book and tell us which actor/actress you’d wish to play them in a film adaptation.

I wrote a screenplay for Hooked, and I pictured Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie for the leads. Yeah, right! But they would be perfect. Though Brad doesn’t look like an old Roman coin, my description of Lincoln Walsh, he has the charisma to pull off the role of hard-nosed but caring cop. And Angelina is one of the most beautiful women in the world, and Tawny Dell, ex-call girl extraordinaire, is described just that way. Both also have the acting chops to make the characters come to life. I’d imagine there might be some definite on-screen chemistry too.

What do you enjoy the most as an indie author that you imagine you wouldn’t if you were traditionally published? If you had a choice would you still go indie?

Control. I do my own covers—and, yes, I consider myself a professional since I worked as an artist for 25 years—so I can portray my books visually the way I see them and can’t complain because I don’t like the cover. Also, being indie allows me to fix or add something if I need to. I just repositioned my table of contents to the end of the story on a few of my books. Timing. I can totally control my promotions. However, there are downsides to being indie published. I went to a conference and wasn’t allowed on a panel. Some groups still find us not quite ready for prime time. That is demeaning and frustrating. Because of that, I’ve let memberships lapse to some organizations that still discriminate.

How awful! Sorry to hear that. Being an author involves a lot of sitting around. What do you do for exercise?

I walk my dog, Bogie. He’s the dog love of my life and the best dog we’ve ever had. No dog before him has loved me as much as he does. He makes me smile every time I look at him.

Bogie with ball

 Oh, he’s a sweetie, Polly. I am a dog lover and I’ve been there. So glad you two found each other. What has been the most important lesson you’ve learned so far in life the hard way?

That everything I do is up to me to make it successful, whether it’s my first career in art, my second as an importer of decorative accessories, my third as a store owner, or the fourth as a writer. No one else can make you successful or allow you to fail. I have no plans for another career. Writing is it.

And I wish you every success with it! Thank you for being here with us today, Polly.

Thank you, Fros, for the opportunity to talk about my work.


Polly for Authors on the Air

Polly Iyer, a former commercial illustrator, importer, and home furnishing store owner, is the author of eight novels of crime fiction, all with a touch of romance: Hooked, Indiscretion, InSight, Murder Déjà Vu, and Threads, plus three books in the Diana Racine Psychic Suspense series, Mind Games, Goddess of the Moon, and Backlash. Her books contain adult language and situations with characters who sometimes tread ethical lines. Born in a coastal city north of Boston, she’s lived in Rome, Italy, Boston, and Atlanta, and now makes her home in the beautiful Piedmont region of South Carolina where she spends her time thinking of ways to make life difficult for her characters. Learn more at or connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.

Visit Polly’s Amazon page

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Twitter: (@PollyIyer)

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Blog on The Blood Red Pencil – 3rd Wednesday of the month:

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Book review: How to Live a Happy Life in an Unhappy World by Christina Karra


Having devoured self-help, motivational and esoteric philosophy books for the last 30 years, and as it takes one to know one, reading this book made it evident first of all that the author is very widely read. Her advice is solid, wise, and her tips will indeed prove very helpful to anyone trying to find peace in today’s chaotic world.

Karra uses direct speech and jargon-free language to address her reader. She takes a little step at a time to introduce them to the power of thought, the incredible powers of the mind itself, and the tools available for relaxation, self-awareness and self-empowerment.

This is a wonderful guide that would serve as an excellent way to start for anyone who does not have much knowledge on the aforementioned subjects. However, this is not a detailed account of any subject in particular, and I presume this was the author’s purpose, to speak a little about everything in this volume, rather than get into details about universal laws, the powers of the subconscious mind etc. The only downside to this approach is that to me, the read felt rather exhilarating because the subject kept changing, and so, at the end of the book, it felt like a lot had been said but nothing in depth.

For that reason, I’d love to see future books from this author where perhaps she could elaborate on specific subjects. Also, I’d advise to add book titles for further reading in the back matter of the book or at the end of each chapter. This way, the reader could have a handy recommendation on any aspect of self-improvement that they wish to explore further.

All in all, a great introduction to cosmic laws, the powers of positive thinking, mind control, and the like. I would recommend it to anyone interested to explore these areas.

Note: I was offered a free copy by the author in return for an honest review.


My rating


A book of great tips and insights!



Tired of the chatterbox in your head that fills your mind with negativity? Looking for ways to relax, empower yourself? Does it interest you to hear that happiness is just a state of mind? If you have answered yes in any of these questions, make sure to give this book a try! It’ll open your eyes to a world of new possibilities.




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New Launch: Infinite Waters by Nicholas C. Rossis

Woo-hoo! Boy, do I have a recommendation for you today! My good friend and compatriot, sci-fi fantasy author Nicholas Rossis, launches today his second short story anthology, Infinite Waters. If you have read the first one, The Power of Six, you know what I’m talking about! Nicholas’s writing in short stories is particularly flawless and masterful; I personally believe this is his strong point. Below, you will find the details of his new launch, but because he has recently changed his cover for The Power of Six, I am adding this too to the post, as well as my review of it on Effrosyni’s Blog.


Sci-fi fans, feast your eyes at Rossis’s latest gem!


Launch date July 7! – Ten speculative fiction short stories and flash fiction, written by the award-winning author of Pearseus and Runaway Smile.

Although they seem to be concerned with various themes, there are certain passions that run through them. What is the nature of reality; digital and corporeal? Is there more to the world than we can see? How far can we trust our senses? What are the consequences of our actions, and is it possible to change them? And if so, would we simply repeat same mistakes, or make new ones?

The anthology includes the following stories:

“Infinite Waters”: A woman seeks her future at a carnival. She discovers more than she expected.
“The Twist in the Tale”: A confused woman meanders through a sleepy town. But not all is as it seems.
“James’ Life”: A man with nothing to look forward to but oblivion, discovers it’s not that easy to escape his life.
“What’s in a Name?”: A trip to the tropics has an unexpected ending.
“The Lucky Bastard”: How far will the luckiest man alive go to escape his luck?
“Two’s a Crowd”: Blood runs thicker than water. Especially when you spill it.
“Is There a Doctor in the House?”: A high school student just loves to experiment.
“Sex and Dinner”: A timeless combination. Or is it?
“Would You Like Files With That?”: Nothing’s scarier than a supermarket.
“The Hand of God”: Nothing has prepared a grizzly veteran for this meeting *.
(* first published in The Power of Six)

Humorous and poignant, these short stories are exciting, intriguing and imaginative.




A new, fantastic cover for The Power of Six (launched in 2014)


Six science fiction short stories written by the author of Pearseus, the epic fantasy series that has reached #1 on Amazon. This edition includes one extra story, written by Amos M. Carpenter. The Power of Six reached #1 on Amazon in October 2014.

Although they seem to be concerned with various themes, there are certain passions that run through them. What is the nature of reality; digital and corporeal? Is there more to the world than we can see? How far can we trust our senses? What are the consequences of our actions, and is it possible to change them? And if so, would we simply repeat the same mistakes, or make new ones?



Read Effrosyni’s 5-star review for The Power of Six



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Interview with Tamara Gill, author of time travel romances

Today, I am pleased to present to you Tamara Gill, a lovely author whom I invited to my blog to talk about her work that includes historical and time travel romances. Here is a small sample, and you’ll be pleased to know one of them is FREE right now!


One small mistake in the past will change everything about her future…
Archaeologist Sarah Baxter just broke one of the biggest rules of time travel: leaving a piece of 21st ­century equipment in 19th century Regency England. Unfortunately, when she goes back to retrieve it, she makes an even bigger mess of things—resulting in the death of an English Earl. Now his brother is not only out for revenge, but he also has Sarah’s device. Which means an entirely different approach is needed. It doesn’t occur to the new Earl of Earnston that his charming acquaintance is responsible for his brother’s death. He is merely swept away by a passion that threatens his very reputation. Yet he gets the distinct impression that Miss Baxter is hiding something from him. Now Sarah must find a way to steal back her device, hide the truth about the earl’s brother and—most importantly— not fall in love…




Unlucky in love, Maddie St. Clair hides behind an antique store and her mudlarking hobby. That is until she finds a medieval ring that throws her back to 1102 Cumberland and into the life of Lady Madeline Vincent, heiress to Norman lands and about to be married to an autocratic Baron, William Dowell, nine hundred years her senior.

Lord William Dowell protects his own. Usually, from his closest neighbor and long standing foe the Baron of Aimecourt. Forced to marry his dead enemy’s daughter, Lady Madeline, by King’s decree, he hides his growing respect for his wife behind a wanton mistress. Yet when Madeline’s life is threatened, William’s loyalty to his kin is tested by the astonishing desire that flares between them. Not to mention the love that Madeline ignites that would last an eternity. If fate will allow…




 FREE! FREE! FREE!  Grab your copy today!


Chloe, beautiful and privileged daughter of a powerful god, literally has the world at her feet. Until she falls in love with a Scottish druid. Her enraged father sentences her to an endless cycle of birth and death; each life spent yearning for a man she no longer knows or remembers. Scottish druid, Cian McKay searches the world for his long lost love, only to have her appear at the local pub in his highland hometown. Cian must win Chloe’s heart again but without the ability to tell her who she is. Back in the place where she first loved Cian and fell from grace, Chloe’s memory haunts her with images that could not possibly be true. She must find the truth and the only way is a confrontation with the Deity who banished her a thousand years before – her father, Zeus.



Hello Tamara and welcome to my blog!

Hi Fros, it’s very exciting to be here!

My first question is about your medieval time travel romance, Defiant Surrender. What was the inspiration behind it?

I was inspired to write Defiant Surrender a few years after visiting England, London in particular, where I learned of mudlarks, which are people who used to search for items in the Thames at low tide to sell for food etc. People now do it to find historical items. Mudlarks just intrigued me, enough so that I wrote a book where my heroine is one.

Tamara, I must say, you just hooked me on the story! What was the first thing you ever wrote and how old were you then?

Thinking back, I used to write small plays and have my friends at school act them out in the drama room and show it off to other students and teachers. That’s my first account of writing. I didn’t pick it up again until after my second child was born and I was on maternity leave.

What other writing have you done? Anything else published?

I write time travel, regency and paranormal (mythological) romance and have an array of books / novellas published.

Any hobbies or interests that you enjoy in your spare time?

I like to garden mostly. I have three small children, so I read at night after I’ve had my word count down for the day. I can’t sleep without getting a little reading in. I used to like to travel, but I’m not a big fan of flying, and so, that’s gone by the way side.

Do you see yourself in any of your characters, or do any of them have traits you wish you had?

I suppose it’s inevitable that I’m in my characters somewhere, but sometimes they do things that frustrate me, and I’m left shaking my head at them (*laughs*).

Oh, I know the feeling! What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

I’m working on a Regency series for Entangled Published which will be out next year. I’m also working on a Scottish time travel series for my agent. It’s all go, very busy, and a lot of fun.

Which are your favorite authors, and what do you love about them?

I have a few. Eloisa James, Anna Campbell, Stephanie Laurens, but there are so many more that I love. I read widely too, and I adore Karen Marie Moning. Oh, this is a hard question. They’re all fabulous.

What genres do you read mostly, and what are you reading now?

I’m reading Iced by Karen Marie Moning. I read mostly historical romance, but I also read paranormal, erotic, shape shifters, contemporary, you name it, I have it on my kindle.

Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

Don’t be afraid to get out there and publish. I have stories that I couldn’t sell, Defiant Surrender is one of them, and it’s gone on to be very popular with readers. Have it professionally edited, formatted and covered correctly to suit your market and get it out there.

If you could choose another profession, what would that be?

Archaeologist. Hands. Down.

Thank you for our interview, Tamara! It’s been wonderful to have you.

Thank you for the invitation, Fros.


Tamara Gill

Tamara is an Australian author who grew up in an old mining town in country South Australia, where her love of history was founded. So much so, she made her darling husband travel to the UK for their honeymoon, where she dragged him from one historical monument and castle to another.

A mother of three, her two little gentleman’s in the making, a future Lady (she hopes) and a part-time job keep her busy in the real world, but whenever she gets a moment’s peace she loves to write romance novels in an array of genres, including regency, medieval and paranormal.

Tamara loves hearing from readers and writers alike. You can contact her through her website, and sign up to follow her blog or newsletter.

Visit Tamara’s Amazon page

Visit Tamara’s Website

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Join Tamara’s Street Team on Facebook

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Interested to read more from this author? Head over to Effrosyni’s Blog, where you’ll find awesome tips for authors, interviews, book reviews, travel articles and even Greek recipes!

An interview with Pat Zick, author of the Florida Fiction Series

Hello peeps! Today, I am thrilled to welcome author Pat Zick for a chat. I met Pat in our writer’s group, eNovel Authors at Work. Recently, she interviewed me on her blog, and so, today, I am pleased to repay her wonderful hospitality. Pat’s brought along some delightful snapshots to show us, but first, take a look at the array of her stunning book covers:



Behind the Bar is Book Two in the Behind the Love Trilogy. This contemporary romance goes back to Victory, Florida, as Dean and Leah from Behind the Altar say their vows.

Susie and Reggie return to the Behind the Love Trilogy as the main characters in this romance. Susie and Reggie have been together since high school. When they watch good friends Dean and Leah find happiness, they both know something in their relationship must change. Susie believes that means marriage; she didn’t expect it to be Reggie deciding they needed a break from one another. While on break, a handsome publisher comes back to Victory to sweep Susie off her feet, while the voluptuous Sally Jean works her charms on Reggie. Meanwhile, the Victory Tavern owned by Reggie grows into a star attraction for the town. Dean and Leah help, and Susie’s sister Lisa returns home and provides Susie some much needed answers to the questions about their father. Reggie nearly loses everything in a bet that jeopardizes the Tavern. Secrets revealed bring more questions. When Reggie realizes Susie is the woman he loves, Susie must decide if she can ever trust him again. Before either of them can move forward to a life together, they must realize their past does not define them.

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Caroline Carlisle loved Simon from the moment she first laid eyes on him when she was nine years old. Unfortunately, he married her older sister, and thus set a southern family on a collision course with its past. After the death of her sister that makes Simon a widow, the two finally marry and attempt to make a family with Simon’s daughter Jodi. Jodi has other ideas, and they don’t include welcoming a new step-mother who also happens to be her aunt. As Caroline starts to report on the oil spill threatening the sea turtles on Florida’s Panhandle beaches, she begins to uncover the secret of her own mother’s past, which includes her brother’s suicide and a teenage pregnancy. With Caroline’s sharpened reporter skills, she digs until she brings all the secrets to light, including her own.

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Forbidden loves, deceptions, and murder threaten to destroy nature and families in a saga stretching from the 1760s to the present day.

Join Locka and Mali as they lead their tribe of Timucuans away from the Spanish near St. Augustine in 1760 and settle into a new life in the Everglades alongside the Calusa Indians. Their progeny grow up in the Everglades, attempting to keep their bloodlines pure.

By 2010, Mangrove Mike, Joey Cosmos, and Rob Zodiac live among the white people and learn that the human connection transcends the fear of extinction of their people. Barbara Evans in the Everglades and Emily Booth in St. Augustine are the glue as the different cultures combine forces to fight a conglomerate of international interests.

It’s a dangerous journey as this oddly matched group attempts to halt the destruction of the natural world they treasure. Cultural boundaries established centuries ago are erased as love and nature seek the balance lost during the battle for power and control of the last of the Florida frontier.

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Drive Route 66 with four women seeking adventure on the road.

Live from the Road takes the reader on an often humorous, yet harrowing, journey as Meg Newton and Sally Sutton seek a change in the mundane routine of their lives. Joined by their daughters, they set off on a journey of salvation enhanced by the glories of the Mother Road. Along the way, they are joined by a Chicago bluesman, a Pakistani liquor storeowner from Illinois, a Marine from Missouri, a gun-toting momma from Oklahoma, and a motel clerk from New Mexico. Death, divorce, and deception help to reveal the inner journey taking place under the blazing desert sun as a Route 66 motel owner reads the Bhagavad-Gita and an eagle provides the sign they’ve all been seeking. Enlightenment comes tiptoeing in at dawn in a Tucumcari laundromat, while singing karaoke at a bar in Gallup, New Mexico, and during dinner at the Roadkill Cafe in Seligman, Arizona. The trip isn’t always easy as laughter turns to tears and back again. However, the four women’s lives will never be the same after the road leads them to their hearts – the true destination for these road warriors.

Visit Amazon



Hello Pat and welcome to my blog!

Hi Frossie, thank you for inviting me!

Choose one of your books and tell us, what inspired you to write it.

I’ll chose Trails in the Sand because it was inspired by real life events. During BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill, I served as a public relations director for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. I handled the media for the sea turtle nest relocation project that took place during the summer of 2010 as oil threatened Florida’s Panhandle beaches. At the same time, I was beginning a new relationship with a lost love from thirty-five years ago and was in the process of moving to Pittsburgh. Two weeks prior to the oil spill, twenty-nine miners were killed in a coal mine explosion in West Virginia, just a few hours from where I was moving. It all fell into place to write about the oil spill, the coal mine disaster, and a family facing their own disaster. Trails in the Sand explores the themes of redemption and restoration.

Sounds like an intriguing read! What other writing have you done?

I’ve dabbled in different types of writing. My first professional gigs came as a journalist for newspapers and magazines in Florida. I wrote political, investigative, and human interest articles. I wrote a weekly column and feature articles. Then I expanded by starting my own newspaper with my ex-husband. When we sold the paper, I became editor-in-chief over two magazines and continued writing columns, investigative pieces, and feature articles. All the while, I wrote fiction, publishing three novels traditionally from 2000-2006. When I left my public relations job with the Fish and Wildlife folks, I decided the time had come to write my fiction full time. In 2012, I published my first novel, Live from the Road, as an indie author. Since then, I’ve published seven novels—either contemporary or romantic fiction–along with three nonfiction books.

Wow, your writing journey has been amazing. And I am astounded that you published seven novels so quickly. Well done! Any hobbies or interests that you enjoy in your spare time?

My husband and I enjoy outdoor activities. We have a small boat that we love to take out for weekend cruises. We also kayak and golf. My husband is an avid and prolific gardener, and I’m the chief preserver of the food he grows. I’ve also become a decent brewer of beer in the past few years. And when I’m not busy with any of those activities, I read. I wish had more time for all the great books I’ve loaded on my Kindle.


Goodness me, where do you find the time? I am so impressed. And what a lovely photo! You’re so lucky to be able to escape from it all like that. Pat, a little bird told me you’re a docent in a botanical garden. Is that true?

Oh yes, it’s the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh. Here is a photo of me there, giving a tour!



Oh wow, the gardens look fantastic. What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

I started writing contemporary new adult romances last year as a new challenge to my skill sets. I’ve since published two romances, Behind the Altar and Behind the Bar. I’m currently working on Third Base, a novella about baseball and love. I’m going to start another online class of Romance in a Month soon and plan to write another novella. This one, Minty’s Kiss, is for Christmas with a sweet cat named Minty at the forefront of the love story. Both of these projects will be a part of box sets with other authors. Then I have two other novels in various stages, waiting for me to come and rescue them. Both of these will go back to my roots of what someone once called “eco-journalism” in fiction.

Big plans! Good luck to you, and you just hooked me on the Christmas kitty story. Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

My advice is fairly simple: Write. Be flexible. Write. Persevere. And lastly, write.

Emphasis on “persevere”, as every savvy entrepreneur knows. Good advice, Pat! What do you enjoy the most as an indie author that you imagine you wouldn’t if you were traditionally published? If you had a choice would you still go indie?

I enjoy the independence of making my own decisions on when, how, and what I publish. I love the royalties I receive. I’ve gone both routes. My traditional publishing experience was with small publishers. I also had an agent for about a year. I’ll take the indie route any day and don’t even consider going with a traditional publisher these days. I know that every month I’ll have money deposited into my bank account from my book sales, and while I have to pay a percentage of sales to the online retailers I use, that percentage is much fairer than with traditional publishers. I also have a choice on what I charge for my books. When I was published traditionally, the prices were set so high for the paperbacks that I was embarrassed by it.

Being an author involves a lot of sitting around. What do you do for exercise?

That’s so true! It’s a dilemma. I have to push myself up out of my chair. I belong to a gym and do some form of work out every day. I attend dance classes twice a week, and I practice Tai Chi three times a week. Right now I’m in a class where I’m learning a Tai Chi routine with a sword. Not only do I move through these classes, but it gets me out into the world so I can socialize. Being a full time writer is an isolated occupation, so I need the push myself out into the world sometimes.

zucchini blossomfor BobIMG_0275

Oh Pat, I am in awe of you! Only if I cloned myself I’d manage all these activities. Good for you! Last question: how would you like to be remembered?

I want to be remembered as a person who lived by her convictions. I want one of my friends to stand at my celebration of life after I’m gone and say, “I loved this woman. She made me laugh, and she made me think. And then she made me drink. Let’s raise a glass of red wine in remembrance of one fine broad who sure knew how to live, laugh, and love.”

That’s lovely, Pat. Thank you so much for your time. I must say, you’ve inspired me with all you just shared. Many thanks!

Aw, thank you, Frossie.  I really enjoyed our chat, and I’m grateful for the opportunity.


pc zick bio

P.C. Zick describes herself as “a storyteller no matter what I write.” And she writes in a variety of genres, including romance, contemporary fiction, and nonfiction. She’s won various awards for her essays, columns, editorials, articles, and fiction.

Many of her novels contain stories of Florida and its people and environment, which she credits as giving her a rich base for her storytelling. “Florida’s quirky and abundant wildlife – both human and animal – supply my fiction with tales almost too weird to be believable.”

Her fiction contains the elements most dear to her heart, ranging from love to the environment. All of her novels contain elements of romance with strong female characters and descriptive settings. She believes in living lightly upon this earth with love, laughter, and passion, and through her fiction she imparts this philosophy in an entertaining manner with an obvious love for her characters, plot, and themes.

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