Book Review: Cherubim by Amy Vansant


I read this book without having read the first volume first, and I was concerned it wouldn’t make much sense to me, as a result. However, it turned out it can be read as a standalone, and I have enjoyed it immensely. Amy Vansant’s humor is wicked and her characters’ dialogue had me howling all the time. There is a series of strange creatures in the book, both angelic and human, and all of them added fascination and enthusiasm to my reading experience. There is hilarity, but also shocking cruelty in the interactions between this motley crew of characters, but it all works remarkably well to make up a story that stays with you and leaves you thirsty for more. I was astounded by how much I enjoyed this book, because I don’t normally enjoy stories containing dark characters or violence, but somehow the author found the perfect balance as to not let this bother even someone like me. This book has made me a fan of Amy Vansant’s work, and I intend to read more from this author.


My rating:

5 stars

Delightful and memorable!



Do you enjoy reading about dark angelic characters, powerful archangels, or thrilling stories of the battle between good and evil? Give this gem a chance  – you’ll be glad you did! The humor alone will compensate you!

Find it now on Amazon


Interview with Jamie Jo Hoang

Today, I am thrilled to present to you the lovely Jamie Jo Hoang. Her debut novel tells the inspiring story of a young woman who is going blind. But instead of letting this defeat her, she embarks on a life adventure, traveling around the world. Are you hooked? I know I was when I read about it! Here’s the cover of this awesome story. Check it out and then join me as to hear all about Jamie’s real life travel experiences, too!


Hailed as “One of the best technical painters of our time” by an L.A. Times critic, 27-year-old Aubrey Johnson is finally gaining traction with her work. But as she weaves through what should be a celebration of her art, a single nagging echo of her doctor’s words refuses to stay silent—there is no cure. In less than eight weeks Aubrey is going blind.

Traveling on a one-way ticket around the world with childhood friend Jeff Anderson, Aubrey is in complete denial. But a blindfolded game of tasting foreign foods in China jolts her into confronting the reality of her situation. So begins her quest.

In this adult coming-of-age story, Aubrey struggles to make sense of her crippling diagnosis. But on her journey she finds a deeper understanding of herself and her life—sometimes fragmented and complex, but always with relentless truth.



Hello Jamie and welcome to my blog!

Thank you for inviting me, Fros!

I must say, Blue Sun, Yellow Sky sounds truly intriguing. What has inspired you to write it?

I had just come off the heels of reading Cheryl Strayed’s WILD and Elizabeth Gilbert’s EAT, PRAY, LOVE when I came across an article about a Dutch painter who was going blind. After reading it, I started researching other blind artists, became inspired by their work, and BLUE SUN, YELLOW SKY emerged. Our ability to adapt and overcome is what makes this story universal; you don’t have to be blind to empathize with Aubrey’s dilemma of having to reinvent her identity as an artist.

What was the first thing you ever wrote and how old were you then?

The first thing I ever wrote that I took seriously was my college entrance essay. In high school I was your stereotypical geek who did better in math and science than English, but for my entrance exam I wrote about my first trip to Vietnam, my parents’ homeland. I came face to face with poverty I had never seen before and realized that had my parents not made that fateful decision to flee, that was the life I had been destined to live. I knew then it was my responsibility to take full advantage of my situation. I was 10 years old at the time, and reflecting on that journey 8 years later for my college essay I first realized I had stories inside myself. You can imagine my parents’ disappointment when I went from Pre-med to Film School, but I think they’ve come around now.

Any hobbies or interests that you enjoy in your spare time?

I love to travel and I’m a bit of a thrill-seeker. When I was 24, I piggybacked on my friend Eric’s trip to Peru and caught the travel bug. So when I’m home I spend a lot of time surfing Google maps. There is so much beauty in the world, both natural and man-made, and I want to see it all. That’s probably why I was so drawn to the Seven Wonders of the World for BLUE SUN, YELLOW SKY. I live pretty modestly so most of my money is spent on travel. This is a map of the Maldives, off the coast of Sri Lanka, and it’s #1 on my bucket list. I’m also a certified scuba diver; there is serenity under water that I find incredibly peaceful. The photo below is of me diving in Bonaire with Dive Instructor William Wang. Ultimately, my motto in life is simply to try every thing once.

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Wow, stunning photos!  Do you see yourself in any of your characters, or do any of them have traits you wish you had?

The character in the book that is most modeled after me is actually Jeff. I used my experience dealing with heartbreak to develop who he was, but my friends who read the book tell me they hear more of me in Aubrey. As for traits I’d love to have, I’d want Aubrey’s skill as a painter–I myself draw pretty awful stick figures. To this day, the greatest compliment I ever got was from a reader; her dad is a painter and he said I described the world the way an artist would see it. She was my favorite person for a week.

What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

I have a couple of ideas I’m fleshing out at the moment. One is a YA book about an unlikely and surprising friendship, and the other is a fictional account of my family’s history during the Vietnam War. The former has similar themes of personal growth as BLUE SUN, YELLOW SKY, and the latter is a lifelong passion project that has been years in the making.

What genres do you read mostly, and what are you reading now?

I don’t really have a particular genre. I prefer realistic fiction but will read everything from John Green’s THE FAULT IN OUR STARS to Junot Diaz’s THE BRIEF AND WONDEROUS LIFE OF OSCAR WAO. Right now I’m reading two books: 30 FIRST DATES by Stacie Wiedower and PREPARATION FOR THE NEXT LIFE by Atticus Lish.

Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

Get creative with your marketing. Go back through your Rolodex of people and get all of the help you can. Get involved in your book community–it takes a while, but visit your local bookstores with your book and ask them to consider adding it to their collection. I find that bringing your book with you and taking a picture of how well it fits next to other books of its genre helps! Word of mouth is still the best form of advertising so having your community back you will help build a strong readership foundation. Plus, having a strong network of readers will help soften the blow when those inevitable 1-star reviews suddenly appear.

Tell us about your website/blog. What will readers find there? is my personal blog where I talk about my travels as well as my journey into self-publishing. When I first started as an indie author I was completely lost. I started writing posts about the things I learned so that I’d have a rubric for next time, but also to help fellow indie authors avoid some of the mistakes I made early on (like submitting to the wrong places or not submitting early enough to certain high-profile reviewers).


HJ Bookstore

Being an author involves a lot of sitting around. What do you do for exercise?

I am a hiker. I hate the gym – not because I don’t like exercise but because I feel like it’s inhumane to walk/run for 3 miles and never actually go anywhere. When I was in Peru, I actually made the same trek Aubrey did in the book, hiking 42 km to Machu Picchu, and it solidified my love of hiking (see picture below). I also take really long walks. I use the walking time to catch up with friends on the phone, killing two birds with one stone.


Beware: four days hiking in Peru will turn your hair orange! The dazed look in my eye is exhaustion…it’s a long hike but I made it!

Well done, Jamie! Is there something you like to do to get the creative juices flowing when you write?

With BLUE SUN, YELLOW SKY, I spent a lot of time in museums getting inspired by paintings from all eras. In general, I do my best writing in coffee shops. The atmosphere is quiet enough for me to write but also offers the chance to watch people, which helps me to come up with character traits or physical descriptions. My Houston dog, Jilly (she’s not technically mine but I frequently kidnap her from my friends for play dates), was the inspiration for Aubrey’s childhood dog. I’d take her on walks when I had writer’s block and think about my story while she explored. She was the perfect companion – she kept up a good pace and was more interested in the smell of other dogs’ pee than chitchat. It helps that she’s a literary dog.

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She’s a cutie! Well, Jamie, it was wonderful to have you today! Thank you, and good luck with your writing!

Same to you, Fros. Thank you for this opportunity to talk about my work.


Jamie Jo Hoang

Jamie Jo Hoang is the author of BLUE SUN, YELLOW SKY. Her driver’s license says she lives in Los Angeles, but she tries to escape to foreign lands as often as possible. She is a writer, thinker, explorer, lover of tea, certified advanced diver, and never far from an ocean. She blogs about her life and travels at:

 Visit Jamie’s Blog

Visit Jamie’s Amazon Page

Other links:


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Interested to read more from this author? Head over to Effrosyni’s Blog, where you’ll find awesome tips for authors, interviews, book reviews, travel articles and even Greek recipes!


An interview with Florence Osmund

Today I am pleased to welcome another wonderful author from my writers’ group, eNovel Authors at Work. Florence made me jealous. When you see the view she enjoys daily from her window, you’ll know why. I wish I were her cat, actually! Florence’s acclaimed literary fiction novel, Red Clover, is currently FREE! This means she came here today, like a proper Greek bearing gifts for all. Stick around, why don’t you?


FREE!  (Till June 4th)

Red Clover

Imagine feeling like an outsider. Now imagine feeling like an outsider in your own family.
The troubled son of a callous father and socialite mother determines his own meaning of success after learning shocking family secrets that cause him to rethink who he is and where heʼs going. In Lee Winekoop’s reinvention of himself he discovers that lifeʾs bitter circumstances can actually give rise to meaningful consequences.

 GET YOUR FREE COPY NOW!    (Till June 4th!)




Newlyweds Marie Marchetti and her husband Richard have the perfect life together. Or at least it seems until Marie discovers his involvement with people and activities that make her run for her life. Fate draws her to Atchison, Kansas, where she rents a coach house apartment tucked away behind a three-story Victorian home that she believes is a safe refuge and perfect place to start over. Richard isn’t about to let her go so easily and continues to seduce her into his world, yet it is the discovery of her real father and his surprising heritage that changes Marie’s life more than Richard ever could.





Twenty-four-year-old Marie Marchetti has just experienced a life-altering revelation—the identity of her real father. As she packs for her first visit with him and his family, she wonders how her life is about to change, how they will receive her, and what she will learn about her own identity. A lot happens as a result of Marie’s Thanksgiving visit, and in her search for peace and truth in her life, she quickly learns that disparate lives can converge and interact in profound and surprising ways. But ironically the most consequential outcome of her visit unexpectedly grows out of an encounter with a twelve-year-old girl named Rachael.





Things that happen to you in the past can mold you into someone you’re not.
After recovering from the shock of her parents perishing in a tragic accident, Grace Lindroth discovers clues in their attic that cause her to believe the people she called Mom and Dad her whole life may not have been her real parents. In her search for the truth, Grace encounters people whose actions cause her to be distrustful of just about everyone, making her mission that much more difficult but heightening her determination to uncover what she believes is essential for her to go on with her life.




Hi Florence and welcome to my blog!

Hello Fros, thank you for the invitation.

I should tell you, Florence, I am very impressed by your wonderful array of books. And what stunning covers!

Thank you very much.

Tell us, do you see yourself in any of your characters, or do any of them have traits you wish you had?

I believe all fictional characters fall into one of three categories to some degree: those who have traits similar to the author’s; those who have traits the author wishes he had; or those with traits the author is glad he doesn’t have. So the way I see it, the author’s fingerprints are all over their characters in one way or another.

I strive to craft believable characters with whom readers can connect. Maybe they can relate to their flaws, their morals, or their fears. Or maybe they can relate to a character because they know someone like that. I’ll admit many of my characters have a trait or two similar to my own, some of which I proudly own and some not so much. But I never do it intentionally—it just happens as the characters evolve in my head.

What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

I refer to my current project as Book #5—an appropriate title will eventually come to me. It’s about a young man who, when confronted by his desperate father seeking help from him, is forced to choose between a strong familial bond and bitter childhood memories.

Gosh, I am hooked already! Which are your favorite authors, and what do you love about them?

I really like Dennis Lehane’s ability to craft unique stories that have complexities and plot twists that keep readers turning the pages. I also like and admire Nicholas Sparks’ ability to develop touching story lines. If an author makes me cry, he’s good.

I’ve only read Mystic River by Lehane and it was riveting. I don’t often cry reading books. The one I remember vividly that made blub was P.S. I Love You by Cecilia Ahern. It broke my heart, actually. Tell us about your website/blog. What will readers find there?

I have two websites—one for readers and one for writers. On readers will find the synopsis and first chapter of each of my books. For my latest novel Regarding Anna I include some fun photos of fans reading the book.

On this website I offer substantial advice and reference materials for authors—especially new and aspiring authors. There they will find ways to hone their writing skills, tips on promoting and marketing their books, self-publishing strategies, ways to build an author platform, advice on working with editors, ways to spot a scam, and much more.

That’s genius, Florence, having one for authors and one for readers. And they both sound wonderful! What do you enjoy the most as an indie author that you imagine you wouldn’t if you were traditionally published? If you had a choice would you still go indie?

When I was ready to publish my first book, self-publishing was frowned upon in the industry, and authors ran the risk of incurring a damaging stigma if they chose that method of getting published. So when I couldn’t get a traditional publisher to notice me, I was apprehensive about going the self-publishing route. But I went that route anyway, and looking back, it was a smart decision because fortunately things have changed. While there are some definite advantages to being traditionally published, I like the higher royalties and control I have over my work that comes with being self-published. If a publisher approached me today wanting to represent me and my books, I’d likely decline.

Describe your workstation. Are there any favorite objects you have there for inspiration?

I am fortunate to live in a highrise overlooking Monroe Harbor and Navy Pier on the shore of Lake Michigan. My desk sits in a bay window that allows a great view of the boats and water on one side and the Chicago skyline on the other. I find it all very inspirational.

Monroe Harbor and Navy Pier

Oh, my goodness! How do you get any writing done? And most importantly, do you have a spare couch? (*laughs*) Where do you get story ideas?

For years while I was working for large corporations in a variety of traditional positions, I thought about writing novels after retiring. Thought about it, dreamed about it—I knew that was what I wanted to do. So whenever I had an idea about a story line, an interesting scene, or compelling dialogue, I wrote it down on any scrap of paper that was handy and then dropped it into a shoebox I had tucked away in a closet. Those ‘shoebox’ ideas evolved from observing and listening to people in a variety of places—at work, on the street, on TV, in the movies, at family get-togethers, and some from my own personal experiences.

When it came time to start writing, I retrieved those hundreds of scraps of papers, categorized them, and put them into piles. When I had finished, three distinct stories had emerged. I used one for my first novel and its sequel, and the two remaining ones eventually morphed into my third and fourth books.

Again, genius springs to mind! Well done, Florence. One last question: what has been the most important lesson you’ve learned so far in life the hard way?

I’m not sure if this is the hardest lesson I’ve ever learned, but it is certainly one of the most important, and that is to be true to and honest with yourself. Once you’ve learned to do that, life is so much easier.

That is the perfect advice for anyone looking to find peace inside, I am sure. Before we wrap this up, I told people I want to be your cat. Do you want to show them that picture you showed me earlier?


Miska fav cropped

Now, people, can you see my point? Luckiest cat in the whole wide world! Thank you so much for being here with us today, Florence!

Thank you for this opportunity, Fros, and I hope your readers will download Red Clover while the FREE offer lasts!



After a successful career in corporate America, three-time indieBRAG honoree Florence Osmund retired to write novels. “I like to craft stories that contain thought-provoking plots and characters with depth and complexity—particularly ones that challenge readers to survey their own values,” Osmund states.

What others are saying about Osmund’s books:

“Florence Osmund is a brilliant wordsmith who paints such a rounded picture of each character that the reader feels he is in the book with them.”

—Charles Bray, Founder of

Florence lives in the great city of Chicago, with her seventeen-year-old-cat Miska, where she continues to write novels.

Visit Florence’s Amazon Page

Visit Florence’s Author Website

Visit Florence’s Book Website

Email Florence at:






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Interested to read more from this author? Head over to Effrosyni’s Blog, where you’ll find awesome tips for authors, interviews, book reviews, travel articles and even Greek recipes!


News on The Lady of the Pier trilogy


west pier6Hello peeps! I am very excited to announce today that I’ve now finished writing the first draft of The Storm, the last book in The Lady of the Pier trilogy. I still can’t believe it’s done. This has been a complex project that has required a staggering amount of research, mainly because I wanted to record life in Brighton in WWII and to tell the actual story of The West Pier throughout.

Also, I had to deal with two separate timelines that had to blend into one in the concluding volume. Basically it was like writing two separate trilogies at the same time, something that I found daunting plenty of times along the way. In the end, I wrote the stories of Sofia and Laura as two separate books, and then combined them on each volume. I am feeling dizzy just thinking about it – but it is a story very close to my heart, and I think it was worth every bit of the complexity I had to deal with.

Needless to say, for my next project, I am thinking of something light-hearted that requires no research at all, just to give myself a break! I am thinking of trying my hand with a chick-lit story next time, and just because normality bores me, I guess I’ll have to put into the mix some kind of supernatural, whimsical element again, just to keep me interested!

Now, a great offer and some more info on the trilogy:

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Book 1, The Ebb, is currently 99c on Amazon USA only. Grab a copy before the offer ends! This is the most light-hearted among the three volumes, and it will please lovers of sweet romance and beach romance.


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In Book2, The Flow, life takes a very tragic turn for Laura. This book is predominantly a drama, and also has ample historical and paranormal elements. Look out for it this summer, or better yet, sign up to my newsletter to hear it first when this book is launched!


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Book 3, The Storm, is where the two parallel timelines merge into one. To make it possible, I had to intensify the paranormal element to the max! The spookiness is off the charts here, and I hope lovers of the paranormal among you will enjoy it. If you sign up to the newsletter, I’ll make sure to notify you towards the end of the year when this book is released.

All in all, I think I have created a series of three books where each one has a totally different feel. Some readers may find The Flow shockingly dramatic, but as I told my biggest fan, my step-daughter Stephanie, no matter how much devastation Laura goes through, I promise the trilogy will have a perfectly happy ending.

I hope you will enjoy The Lady of the Pier trilogy, should you decide to give it a try. I expect The West Pier’s exceptional story will fascinate you if you do, just like it has charmed me, enough to want to tell it.

west pier1

Remember, The Ebb is 99c on Amazon USA for a limited time only. Get your copy here.

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Interview with award-winning romance author, Tamara Ferguson

Today, I am excited to welcome Tamara Ferguson, a lady I met on Twitter, and who happens to be one of the greatest supporters of indie authors I know. Tamara selflessly promotes the work of others, including mine, at machine-gun speed through her tweets. The least I could do for her, was to offer her an interview here as to give her the chance to talk about her own, wonderful works for a change. Check out her awesome covers, and then stick around as I get to know this lovely lady a bit better.



This New Adult Romance, By Award-Winning Author Tamara Ferguson, Is A Top Ten Amazon Bestseller In Kindle Saga Fiction.

Kate Callahan has always known that, someday, she’d run the family business. So men have always been merely a distraction for Kate; she just doesn’t have time for love. Until fate steps in by way of a prophecy foretold, years ago, by a friend who’d been blessed with a remarkable gift. Kate has been warned that, one day, she’ll be kissed by fate. And love will happen with that unforgettable kiss. Michael Murphy already has his life mapped out. After graduating with his degree in Architecture, he’ll be working at a prestigious firm in Chicago. When he arrives in the town of Crystal Rock to serve as an intern at Callahan Construction, the last thing he expects is his instant attraction to lovely crew boss, Kate Callahan. Kate’s immediately drawn to Murphy, too. And sparks fly when they unite in an attempt to discover the identity of the thief who’s been stealing construction materials from her family’s company. But how could a long-term relationship between them ever survive? They’re both young, with different dreams and goals. So even after their unforgettable kiss, Kate lets Murphy go. Six years later, Kate’s finally admitted her mistake; she’s just never been able to forget that kiss. Devastated when she learns Michael Murphy’s become engaged, Kate comes up with a plan to try to win him back. But will she be too late?





The dragonfly is believed to be a symbol of renewal after a time of great hardship.

Separated by circumstances fifteen years earlier, Jake Loughlin and Danielle Reardon are fatefully reunited at Dragonfly Pointe. But the mysterious Dragonfly Pointe has a history of tragedy. An unsolved brutal assault and murder of a six-year old girl over twenty years before has remained unsolved.A su ccessful entrepreneur, Jake has hidden his status as a special investigator for the FBI. As owner of the Dragonfly Pointe Inn, Jake has returned to restore and renovate the abandoned property. But, unofficially, he’s investigating the theory that a ring of human traffickers is operating in the area. With three to five kidnappings occurring at the end of each year, over the states of Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, Jake can trace a pattern going back as far as thirty-five years.

And there could be a connection to the death of the little girl at Dragonfly Pointe twenty-two years earlier…





2014 Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards Romance Suspense Winner
2013 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award-Best Book Suspense
Second Round Romance Contender-2014 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards

A woman who’s afraid to trust. Successful designer, Penny Wentworth has arrived from New York to take charge of the wedding flowers for the new owners of the Dragonfly Pointe Inn. As a single parent of a severely autistic and mentally impaired son, she has no romantic illusions; her experience with an abusive husband has left her wary of relationships.

A man who’s afraid to love. Haunted by his past since discovering a six-year old girl brutally murdered at Dragonfly Pointe over twenty-two years before, Sam had intentionally avoided returning home. But after resigning from his job as a homicide detective in New Orleans when his marriage fell apart, Sam is now the chief of police in Crystal Rock, Wisconsin.

An undying passion that’s endured throughout the years




mwedgsMagical Weddings includes 14 NEW RELEASES, written expressly for this set.

Whether real or only in the hearts of the bride and groom, the magic of weddings is undeniable. And irresistible! As these 15 enchanting happily-ever-afters by bestselling and award-winning authors prove.

From sweet to spicy, the romances bundled into this set cross time and unite hearts, cast spells of laughter, battle wedding jitters and fight back tears, while weaving love’s hopeful magic throughout 1400 pages.

This delightful boxset includes Tamara Ferguson’s romance, Two Hearts Surrendered, which will be published later this year.



twoheartssurendered2 (1)

Will two warring hearts be strong enough to survive the ultimate battle?

Two Hearts Surrendered is available only in the boxset, Magical Weddings at the moment.



Hello Tamara, and welcome to my blog!

Hi, Fros. I’m thrilled to be here!

I understand that Two Hearts Surrendered will be launched later this year. For now, it is available only in the boxset, Magical Weddings, right?

Yes, that’s correct.

I must say, the cover is wonderful. What has inspired you to write this novel?

Two Hearts Surrendered is my contribution to the Magical Weddings Anthology. The first thing that popped into my head when I was asked if I’d like to contribute a story was this:  why not try writing something a little different from what I’m accustomed to? Military stories are very popular these days. But with some of the terrible things happening in the world today, what I wanted was to get into the head of my character, who was returning home a wounded warrior. Luke Bryant had struggles to begin with – he was abused as a child. It’s my heroine’s ability to believe in their love and to stand by his side, even though my hero is effectively attempting to shut Kelly Callahan out of his life – that eventually leads them to an enchanting happily-ever-after.

Are there any hobbies or interests that you enjoy in your spare time?

Floral Design, Landscaping & Construction Projects – but not always by choice!

Do you see yourself in any of your characters, or do any of them have traits you wish you had?

Most of the time, I try to invent characters who have similar traits to my own – since my characters tend to do a lot of soul-searching. What I’d really like – and I’m sure my readers would agree – are men in my life who resemble the heroes I’ve created (*laughs*)

What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

I’ve been working on my next installment of Romantic Suspense – Tales of the Dragonfly Book III: Emergence. This is the story of Lucy Callahan, the eighteen-year old girl who was kidnapped and assaulted in Book I: In Tandem. The members of the human trafficking ring who were responsible for capturing her have remained at large. It’s nearly a year later, and Lucy’s still having troubles recovering from her ordeal when she realizes she’s being stalked by the man who raped her. Her inner strength shines through when she assists the FBI and confronts her rapist – while falling in love with the former FBI agent who’s acting as her bodyguard. Lucy lives and works in Gabe Giordano’s home, as his seven-year old daughter’s nanny, while attending the college where Gabe is a professor.

Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

Don’t be too quick to self-publish. Your early reviews will stick. I edited and re-submitted my first Tales of the Dragonfly several times before I was even slightly satisfied – and I’d still like to rewrite the entire story. It’s important to listen to your peers too. The best thing I’ve ever done was join the RWA. The advice and unbiased critiques I’ve received – after entering my books in several of their regional contests – have been invaluable, and (I hope) have helped me develop into a better writer. Reviews are great, sure, but not always accurate if you’re asking family, friends or other authors who’d like for you to review their books for them as well. I’ve also had my latest book edited – and that was one of the most useful things I’ve ever done! Not only will the editor correct any of your typos and grammatical errors, but will let you know if there are any holes in your plot.

Is there anything you like to do to get the creative juices flowing when you write?

Crazy Kat Getting Ready For His Favorite Holiday

I’m a big time coffee drinker. I sit and write in a small recliner that has a large seat, with my laptop resting on a tall end table (this is also how I work on twitter for hours at a time.) I find myself petting a different animal every hour or so. I have dogs and cats, and I’m pretty sure they each take turns occupying the space in my chair with me. And then there’s my son. I work in a house that’s full of constant distractions – it’s kind of a miracle that I manage to drown everything out.

Oh, I  can sympathize with you, living with a very naughty, highly vocal cat and a husband who loves to chat, even when I’m too busy to listen (*laughs*). I must say, your cat is a cutey! If you could have one superpower what would it be?

I’d love to not require sleep!! There never seems to be enough hours in the day for all the things I need and want to do.

Love it, and again, I sympathize, as I am sure many indie authors will! What has been the most important lesson you’ve learned so far in life the hard way?

Make the most of the time that you have to avoid having regrets. Set goals for yourself early – because not only does life pass by way too quickly, you might find yourself in circumstances similar to my own. As the mom of a severely autistic and mentally impaired son (with Type I Diabetes), I’m tied down 24/7 because of his needs and the cost it would require for others to care for him.

Dan-My Son!

I am sure this must be hard, Tamara. Your son is very lucky to have a mom as committed and caring as you.  Tell us, how would you like to be remembered?

I’d just like to BE remembered (in a good way!) I graduated with a degree in Horticulture from Illinois State University – as the Collegiate Achievement Award Winner of the College of Applied Sciences and Technology – and was also a vice-president of my graduating class. But nothing went the way it was supposed to – although I’ve been successful in every job I’ve ever had. When I was finally offered the college teaching job that I wanted, I had to refuse it because I was recently married and pregnant, and it would require relocation. I guess I’ve remade myself over and over again because of all the complications thrown my way. I began writing so late in my life because the challenges and depression can sometimes be overwhelming when you’re raising an impaired child – especially as a single parent. Writing occupies my mind and gives me hope that my future still has something rewarding to offer!

You have shown us a couple of lovely photos already. Any others you wish to share?

Just one more, Fros. I’ve had my fill of snow this past winter, can’t stand the sight of it any more (*laughs*). Here is a typical scene from where I live!

Why I Complain About Snow Since I do the Shoveling!

Oh, dear! I can’t stand the snow, either. Thankfully, it rarely snows in Athens. Thank you for your time, Tamara. I wish you success, and once again, thank you for your wonderful support on Twitter!

It’s my pleasure, Fros. Thank you also for this opportunity to showcase my work.


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A member of the Romance Writers of America, as well as the FTHRW Chapter, Tamara Ferguson is the best-selling and multi-award-winning author of the Tales of The Dragonfly Romance Suspense Series. Tales of the Dragonfly Book II: In Flight was a 2014 WINNER at the Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards. Her latest release, That Unforgettable Kiss was recently a top ten Amazon bestseller in Kindle Saga Fiction. The Magical Weddings Anthology, which includes her contribution of Two Hearts Surrendered, will be released June 16, 2015, along with fourteen other stories by USA Today, best-selling, and award-winning authors.

Visit Tamara’s Amazon Page

Visit’s Tamara’s Websites and blog:


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Book Review: Dark Masters by David Wind


I loved this book, what an epic! The battle scenes especially were exhilarating, they took my breath away. I couldn’t read those fast enough. I loved this new adventure for Areena and Mikaal, and the new set of characters introduced in this volume. They made for a more complex story with a lot of action and constant twists and turns that kept me turning the pages thirstily. The author set the bar very high for the third book in the series! Still, I have no doubt he will deliver it with true mastery. This book was a rare treat, and a unique escape to a magical world. I am already looking forward to devouring the next installment.


My rating:

5 stars

An exhilarating, magical journey of constant twists and turns



Do you enjoy highly imaginative stories of magic and epic battles of good against evil? This gem will delight you!  Find it now on Amazon

tales of navaeh

See here my review of book 1 in the series, Born to Magic

Interview with fantasy author, Victoria Goddard

Today, I am pleased to welcome, Victoria Goddard, a fantasy writer from Canada. Victoria has published a series of highly imaginative short stories. Her novel, Till Human Voices Wake Us, includes a reference to the fascinating Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Check out this small selection of Victoria’s books below!

voicevgRaphael Amian came to Earth from the wreck of another world, walking the centuries immortal with the gifts of music and magic. As Orpheus in ancient Greece, the loss of his beloved Eurydice nearly broke him, and in his grief his uncontrolled power caused great destruction. Faced with the choice between love and duty, he chose duty, and repudiated both his music and his heart. Now he’s living in modern-day London as an actor, worn down by the weight of his conscience and his pride in keeping up appearances.

The end of winter brings with it the end of a contest he is playing with another immortal mage, whose prize is the world’s magic, and whose price may be its destruction. Raphael is willing to lose his power, his soul, and his life to make sure his adopted world doesn’t suffer the same fate as his original home. But three days before the crux of the game, his twin brother Kasian comes to find him — and along with unwelcome memories brings a gift that is far more dangerous than any weapon: hope.




towervgAn unnamed young man lives in a tower at the edge of the world, content with the orderly rituals and freedom to study that his lot–or he is content, until one day he discovers something in a bird’s nest outside the tower window, and his efforts to reach it discover far more than he expects.




sechrvgOn the thousand and first night of Scheherezade the Storyteller’s marriage, things do not go at all as she had hoped — nor do they end as she had expected. A short story in the Tales from Ysthar collection.





The Prince of the Fairies is just out looking for mischief. That’s not what he finds.
A short story in the Tales from Ysthar collection.




Hello Victoria and welcome to my blog!

Hi Fros, thank you for inviting me.

What has inspired you to write your novel, Till Human Voices Wake Us?

I was inspired to write Till Human Voices Wake Us because of an image I had in mind of a woman and a man engaged in some sort of duel of magic and swordsmanship, of obvious great moment, in Stonehenge. The particular moment was the woman fallen, the man above her, his sword between them—but she was smiling. What can I say, I was about fourteen! Fifteen years and many, many, many versions later, I finally published the book and figured out what the duel was about, which was not only the end of the world but also (as it must always be) clashing views about what it means to save it, and what’s worth giving up to do so. I was very surprised to find out that that duel is not the end, but only the midpoint, of the story. The real climax happens because of the choice that Raphael (the man) and Circe (the woman) made there.

I hear you’re preparing for a new launch these days. Would you tell us a little about that?

Yes, it’s called Stargazy Pie. I discovered that there is such a pie: a fish pie from Cornwall, which is notable because it involves whole fish with the heads sticking out! I had the yen to write some mystery-fantasy stories set in a town I’d been imagining for a few years, and I’ve always been intrigued by the occasional mentions in the Miss Marple stories about the missing bag of shrimp, that had such curious consequences—consequences we never find out, because Miss Marple is invariably interrupted at that point. So in homage to Miss Marple’s mysteriously missing bag of shrimp, I have a mysteriously appearing fish pie. The rest of the series more or less is developing from young Mr. Greenwing, back from university, finding the pie on the town fountain. Neither he nor anyone else is expecting a cult.

Sounds absolutely intriguing! What was the first thing you ever wrote and how old were you then?

The first thing was a short story on “how the hawk got a red tail” for a grade 2 project–I found it recently while cleaning out a box at my parents’ house. The second thing was a short story of the long-lost-humans-rediscovering-Eden variety (I was twelve) … and the third was the first iteration of what eventually became Till Human Voices Wake Us.

What other writing have you done? Anything else published?

I’ve written several short stories, three of which are about secondary characters in Till Human Voices Wake Us—“Scheherezade,” “Inkebarrow,” and “Rook,” and several more that are connected to my wider narrative universe. I think I’m proudest of The Tower at the Edge of the World, a long short story or novelette that is the prequel to a series I am hoping to start later this year.

Do you see yourself in any of your characters, or do any of them have traits you wish you had?

I seem to keep writing about people who are excellent musicians—that’s a trait I wish I had! I play the flute badly, and that’s about it. Then I write about Orpheus charming the trees to walk … The other thing my characters tend to be good at is focus and determination and having the courage to go on adventures. Raphael, the main character in Till Human Voices Wake Us, is very, very determined, and the sort of man who prized duty over everything—or almost everything, as he learns in that story. Fitzroy, the main character (albeit unnamed) in The Tower at the Edge of the World, and a core character for stories yet to come, has very few inhibitions, great ideas, and a fantastic sense of humor, and is very brave. When procrastinating I say to myself sometimes, But Raphael would do that … and when doubting a course of action I’d like to do but am afraid of, I definitely think of Fitzroy courting the Moon or being seriously awesome. When I got stuck halfway up a very steep incline/near-cliff in the Lake District when walking across England in 2013, I kept repeating to myself that they would finish. It helped in its own way, and made me more determined than ever to make sure that Fitzroy’s friend Jullanar, who goes off on adventures with him, is utterly ordinary. Not magical, not extraordinarily beautiful, not superlatively gifted with the sword (or music) or anything else, not even super-smart. Just your ordinary sort of young woman, doing amazing things. We need those in books too.

I love the idea of using a character to get motivated. Got to try that! What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

I’m currently working on the Greenwing and Dart series of somewhat quirky fantasy adventure/mysteries, which are set in a world like a cross between post-collapse Rome, Regency England/18th c. northern Europe, and medieval university towns. Magic definitely exists but has gone decidedly out of fashion, a matter of concern to my heroes, two young gentlemen of fashion who don’t know quite what to do about all the magic they keep stumbling into. Stargazy Pie is the first one—it should be coming out in June, followed by Sops-in-Wine later in the summer.

Which are your favorite authors, and what do you love about them?

I tend to have favorite books more than authors, but I love the classic British fantasy and mystery writers, particularly Dorothy L. Sayers, C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, and J.R.R. Tolkien. They were all medievalists, like me, too. Of contemporary authors, Connie Willis wrote one of my favorite books—To Say Nothing of the Dog—whose humor, whimsy, characters, and the way it plays the game of allusions appeal greatly to me. I also love Lois McMaster Bujold’s trilogy The Curse of Chalion, Paladin of Souls, and The Hallowed Hunt, for the combination of world-building, theology, plotting, and sheer wonderfulness of characters. And then Patricia McKillip’s Riddle-Master of Hed—again for the world, the characters, and also the beauty of her prose. I like most of her books, but the Riddle-Master trilogy and The Bell at Sealy Head are my favorites.

Of classic literature, I love Dante for the Divine Comedy and the late Roman writer Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy. But I wrote my doctoral dissertation on them, so I’m a bit biased. But I love their language, their structure, their incredible insights into human nature, philosophy, and theology, and their senses of humor. And since I like the game of allusions—hunting out references to other books—I love that both the Consolation and the Comedy are full of allusions to other books (including each other—well, Dante alludes to Boethius), and also obviously major material for later authors. I’ll never forget coming to the end of Paradiso for the first time, when Dante enters the Earthly Paradise, and thinking to myself: “This is Aslan’s country!”

Last, every time I come across The Odyssey I am reminded of how great it is. I love how perfect one of the oldest pieces of literature is. What story-tellers there must have been in the far past, if we have The Iliad, The Odyssey, and The Epic of Gilgamesh (to jump a sea and a few millennia even further back) to show for it!

What genres do you read mostly, and what are you reading now?

I read a combination of literary fantasy—mythopoeic fantasy, as the society calls it—the classics (especially pre-Renaissance ones, though I am fond of Romantic poetry and am trying to get into the great 18th and 19th century novelists), and books on gardening, farming, permaculture, and basically any random topic of the sort. I am also trying to read more indie authors, and branching (slowly) into romance—largely Regency—and some other areas of fantasy. Right this moment I am reading The Builder’s Secret, a book about amateur house builders, selections from Steele and Addison’s 18th-century papers The Tatler and The Spectator, and I just picked up Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s Fantasy Life. I just finished Stephen Brust’s The Phoenix Guards—which should probably go under my favorites, too—and since I’ve just been reading a bunch of articles about the Odyssey, well, I guess it’s about time to re-read it.

Are there any sites or writing tools that you find useful and wish to recommend?

I find both Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s and her husband, Dean Wesley Smith’s, blogs to be excellent. Full of advice, great comments sections, interesting ideas, and aggravating ones too. I have learned a huge amount from their blogs, books, and the two online workshops I’ve taken of theirs.

Tell us about your website/blog. What will readers find there?

My author website is still rather basic, but my blog (The Rose and Phoenix Inn) has a range of topics. I’d been writing about my stories in April, but I usually write about a mix of things like gardening, what I’m reading, where I’m traveling, literature (especially Dante’s Divine Comedy), and putting together interesting things for the pantry. I expect there will be more gardening and house-building stuff to come, as I’m hoping to buy land this summer.

Being an author involves a lot of sitting around. What do you do for exercise?

I like walking and gardening, so that’s what I tend to do most of—at least in the summer! This past winter I took up snowshoeing, and hope to take up cross-country skiing again in future. We had about five feet of snow on the ground for four months this year, so we need to make sure there are outdoor activities in the winter. I’ve also been looking into treadmill desks, but I haven’t quite got that to work yet. I think setting an alarm so I get up every hour, together with a dog to walk regularly, are really good ideas.

Have you brought any photos to show us today?

At the endDSCF9418 Inkebarrow inn

Yes, I brought two pictures I took while walking down the length of England. The one of me was taken in Oxford. The other one is of an inn in the village of Inkberrow, near Stratford-upon-Avon, which both partly inspired “Inkebarrow” and also represents my love of fantasy-land pubs, whence the name of my blog.

Thank you for this interview, Victoria, it’s been great to have you.

Thank you, Fros, it’s been a pleasure.

Author PictureVictoria Goddard is a fantasy novelist, gardener, and occasional academic. She has a PhD in Medieval Studies from the University of Toronto, walked across the length of England in 2013, and is hoping to build her own house soon. After a tenure as sexton at a church in Halifax, Nova Scotia, she now lives on Prince Edward Island.

Visit Victoria’s Amazon page

Visit Victoria’s website

Visit Victoria’s blog


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The secrets of a strong password


You’re on the internet every day, and while you’re having fun, learning, connecting, or doing a job or a hobby, you know you’re in a vulnerable position every single moment. The internet can be a dangerous place, especially for those who roam the cyberspace carelessly. I am talking about security. Obviously, you know the basics. You have a series of passwords for an endless list of sites, because you know that using the same password everywhere is asking for trouble. And of course, you take precautions by keeping your passwords secure. But how much do you know? And more importantly, how strong would your password prove to be if a hacker were to target you? Would it hold or would it fail you, allowing the intruder to wreak havoc with your website, your blog, or your social media accounts?

How long do you think it would take a hacker to find your password?

Here’s what Bloomberg says:

If your password is 6 characters long (lowercase only), it would take a hacker just 10 minutes to crack it.


If your password is 9 characters long, and it contains upper and lowercase characters, numbers and special characters (e.g. $, &, *, etc), then it would take 44,530 years to crack it!

Check out this comprehensive list on Bloomberg to see how long it would take a hacker to crack your password today, depending on how long it is and what it contains. Then, head back here to read my best tips as per below.


Back already? Right! Here goes:


Generally, your password should be a minimum of 8 characters long, and it should contain upper case and lower case characters, numbers and special characters.

Don’t use words that can be found in the dictionary. Don’t use family member names, pet names, as well as the most absurd password in the world: the word ‘password’ itself! (Oh yes, you won’t believe how many people combine laziness and stupidity, enough to choose this!)

The trick is to use a catchphrase you love, or a song title, then type one letter for every word to make up your password. Say, for example, you love the song “I wanna dance with somebody who loves me” by Whitney Houston. Your password then could be:


Note I added two uppercase characters in the end to make it harder for that nasty hacker! Now mix it up by adding a few numbers (no birthdays or special days!), then add some special characters and you’re done! Isn’t that a beauty?


Let that hacker then try to break into your account. If it takes him 44K years, he and his great grandchildren can die trying, right?

I can’t tell you how many alerts I have received from Wordfence, the free WordPress plugin I have installed on this site.

It seems every now and then hackers will try to take control of my site from various IP addresses all over the world (mainly Ukraine, Russia, and  China, for some reason). Do you think I’d still be here posting this, my peace of mind intact, if my password was something stupid like ‘ilovecake’? No, of course you don’t. If you have a WordPress site like me, do yourself a favor and install Wordfence. It’s free, and it’ll tell you all about the threats you’ll be happily bouncing, as long as you have a strong password.

Also, occasionally, people I connect with on Twitter send me very strange tweets, and then a day later they’ll write and apologize, saying their account had been hacked. Why risk it? Why go through that?

Here are some more tips:

Never type in a password from a device you don’t own, like in an internet cafe. A hacker could get your password by detecting your key strokes.

Never type in a password from your own device using a free wifi hot spot. Anyone could steal it from you via the wireless network, but of course, they could also be looking from behind your shoulder.

Careful how you dispose of any notes with your passwords on them. The stories of ‘dumpster-diving’ we all hear from time to time are absolutely true!

Don’t leave paper notes lying around in a public place containing your password and whatever you do, do not store them electronically in a file on your computer. They say this is like hiding your house key by hanging it outside your front door and I couldn’t agree more.

Unless, you’re Einstein or maybe a savant like Dustin Hoffman from Rain Man, you’ll never be able to remember all these passwords by heart, especially as you’re required to change them periodically. So where should you keep them? Personally, I keep them all in one place, in a pocket-sized notebook that I use only for this purpose. I keep it near my desk and make sure to record there every change of password at once, so that I don’t forget.

Of course, there is still a minor risk by keeping this little book in my study, I know, but if an actual robber breaks in and chooses to take this instead of my TV and my stereo, I’ll take the risk! I think it’s way less likely than a hacker looking for any passwords among my computer files.

One last note: I can’t stress enough the importance of having a good antivirus program and a firewall installed. I use F-Secure Safe, which I think is the best of paid options. If you cannot afford to pay, download AVG – a very good FREE antivirus program.

Beware and stay safe!

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Interview with S.S. Segran, author of the Aegis League Series

Hello peeps! Today, I am thrilled to welcome S.S. Segran, author of the compelling and highly acclaimed Aegis League Series. Check out these awesome covers that seem to be on fire! If you love non-stop action stories, you want to read on, trust me! But who is the sweet Shirin behind this awesome tale? And is it true that she loves to pump the adrenaline every chance she gets in real life too? Stick around and find out!

aegis rising


> Winner of the 2014 PINNACLE BOOK AWARDS

> Winner of the 2015 FEATHERED QUILL ‘BEST DEBUT AUTHOR’ Award

> Recipient of the coveted B.R.A.G. MEDALLION for 2014

> #1 Amazon Kindle BESTSELLER – Teen/YA, Action-Adventure, Sci-Fi

Over a remote northern forest, a small plane carrying five teenage friends flies into a freak storm. Struck by lightning, the aircraft crashes and the passengers find themselves cast into a life-changing adventure.

In a hidden valley, a mysterious people gaze at the stormy sky as a glowing object with fiery wings disappears behind a mountain ridge. The astonishing sight reignites an ancient prophecy foretelling the arrival of five chosen ones destined to become bearers of light against a dark storm gathering on humanity’s horizon.

In a distant city, a secretive organization led by a shadowy figure initiates a sequence of cataclysmic events designed to wreak havoc across the planet, beginning with a remote mining site in northern Canada.

As the three worlds collide, unlikely heroes arise. Armed with powers entrusted to them by the ancient prophecy and the resilience of their life-long bond, the five teens take a stand against a malevolent foe.




aegis incursion


> Winner of the 2014 PINNACLE BOOK AWARDS

> Winner of the 2015 FEATHERED QUILL ‘BEST DEBUT AUTHOR’ Award

> Recipient of the coveted B.R.A.G. MEDALLION for 2014

> #1 Amazon Kindle BESTSELLER – Teen/YA, Action-Adventure, Sci-Fi

On a bright July morning in 1948, a B-29 Superfortress flying a top-secret research mission over Nevada crashes into the calm waters of Lake Mead and sinks, remaining lost for half a century.

It has been nearly a year since five friends – Jag, Kody, Mariah, Tegan and Aari – mysteriously reappeared in a small town in Yukon several weeks after their small plane went down in Northern Canada. All were found in good health but with no recollection of what happened to them after the crash.

A baffling contagion is spreading across the bread-basket of North America destroying vital crops. As this dark shadow marches across the globe, widespread famine and riots bring desperate nations to the brink of war.

These seemingly unrelated events set the stage for a battle between the forces of darkness and those destined to become the ‘bearers of light’. From ravaged fields in the Great Plains to clandestine installations around the world, the Aegis League must race against time to save humanity.

Note: Although this is book 2 in the series, it can be read as a standalone.




Hello Shirin, and welcome to my blog!

Thank you for the invitation, Fros, it’s great to be here today!

Tell us, what has inspired you to write the Aegis League Series?

I’ve been surrounded by books for as long as I can remember, so love for these little bundles of magic came naturally to me. I wrote Aegis Rising and later Aegis Incursion as an expression of my literary cravings for adventure and sci-fi stories. Also, by imagining how this journey would be if I had four of my best friends with me, I wrote it as I would like to read it. I wanted to create characters and bring them to life in a manner that would draw the reader in and hopefully fall in love with them and watch over them as the protagonists go through a perilous journey to save humanity.

What was the first thing you ever wrote and how old were you then?

As a preschooler and later in grade school, I would write extensions to novels I’d read because I didn’t want the stories to come to an end. My mom still has a collection of these somewhere secure!

Any hobbies or interests that you enjoy in your spare time?

I love horseback riding, though I have not done that for a while now since writing an action-adventure/sci-fi series apparently devours a good chunk of your time -something I’d discovered earlier but for some strange reason is sinking in only now. I also love drawing, gaming and being with friends; again, sadly malnourished pastimes. But I’m very happy to stay connected with my best friends via the virtual world. Not quite the same, but they do help keep my relationships alive, at least till I return to real world interactions.

Do you see yourself in any of your characters, or do any of them have traits you wish you had?

There’s a bit of me in each of my five protagonists, to a point where they began to appear bland on the initial draft! As my parents would say, this might stem from my incorrigible need for fair distribution. Eventually I had to take conscious action to give them distinctive traits. The Five grow through the series and in book two (Aegis Incursion) readers will find their personalities evolve and crystallize as they take on more responsibilities to save a world that’s sliding further into chaos. While the cohesiveness of the team and the bond amongst the five remain strong, they will be severely tested as the series progresses.

What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

I have taken a year off to volunteer and will begin working on Book Three (working title: Aegis Evolution) when I return home to Vancouver at the end of the year. The third installment finds our five young heroes cast into the middle of a storm that threatens to forever change life as we know it—again! They will be driven one step closer to the vortex of this malevolent scheme.

What genres do you read mostly, and what are you reading now?

Though I read from many genres, my staple is action-adventure, sci-fi and some fantasy. I’m also drawn to alternate history as the limitless possibilities of this genre are mind-bending. I love the fact that you’re able to weave incredible stories that push the boundaries of reality while remaining rooted in historical events.

Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

Here’s the little that I can offer aspiring authors from my limited experience: if you believe you have a story to tell that is compelling and entertaining, get started on it right away! Don’t wait another day. Do some basic research about the genre you’d like to write (look at other books in that category – read some of them) then start with the concept of your story (build a vision for your book), outline the plots and subplots, establish the characters, select the setting and tone, and then start writing and keep writing. What I found helpful is having tools like timelines, character sheets, mind maps, sketches of some of the scenes (even if you can only draw stick figures), and creating storyboards as if it were a movie (this will come in handy for some of the more complex scenes). Find a few friends and/or family members who will be happy to act as sounding boards for your ideas and be your advance readers. Join a writers’ group in your community. And, yes… Just start writing!

Plotting - reduced size

Sound advice, Shirin! What do you enjoy the most as an indie author that you imagine you wouldn’t if you were traditionally published? If you had a choice would you still go indie?

Being an indie author has been a great experience for me for a variety of reasons, chief amongst them is the ability to have control over the creative process. I was told to cut down on a number of characters and make significant changes to the plot by a certain publisher in order to be considered. That was my first experience in dealing with the industry and I guess with me being a young writer, maybe it seemed to them that my work would naturally need some serious help. Don’t get me wrong, I am completely open to ideas and actively work with my advance readers and my editor to bring my readers the best book possible within my ability, but there are certain non-negotiables at the heart of my work that I must remain true to. So, yes, creative control would be one of the key elements that I appreciate in being an indie author. The other would be speed and flexibility; to be able to publish your work as and when you see fit, to be able to make changes to content and pricing and having the capability to react to the market as needed in a timely fashion. If I had a choice, I would remain an indie and explore the potential for a hybrid arrangement with traditional publishers.

I fully agree in all respects. If you could have one superpower what would it be?

Time control, definitely… maybe. May I sneak in invisibility?

And why not? (*laughs*) What are the things in your life that you’re most grateful for?

My parents, family, friends and most of all recognizing, accepting and connecting with the Source of the universe, i.e. God or any other fancy word one chooses to describe (or not) this primary Source. It is extremely liberating and empowering.

What a lovely answer, Shirin! Have you brought any photographs to show us today?

Yes, just a couple from events and promotions I’ve done, as well as a snapshot from a skydive I did recently.

IMG_5351MC 1SkyDive 1

Oh, wow! I am really impressed! Well, it’s been a blast having you here today, Shirin. Thank you so much for your time!

Thank you too, Fros. It’s been a pleasure.



S.S. Segran spent a good chunk of her childhood exploring the enchanted forest of a million tales in the mystical land of books. In her early teens, she began crafting intriguing new worlds and conjuring up characters who came alive with the flick of her wand… err… pen. With the publication of Aegis Rising in her senior year of high school, she was surprised by the abundance of time that magically appeared right after graduation. She plans to use this newfound resource to expand the arc of the Aegis Series. Her future plans include studying Cognitive Science at university and helping youths in developing countries realize their potential through her non-profit organization, Aegis League.

When not devouring a book or writing one, S.S. Segran can be found standing behind the cauldron of life, stirring a potion made up of chores, parkour, gaming, drawing, horseback riding and—having recently jumped off a perfectly fine airplane at fifteen thousand feet – perhaps skydiving.

Visit Shirin’s Amazon page

Visit Shirin’s Website

Visit Shirin’s Blog

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Interested to read more from this author? Head over to Effrosyni’s Blog, where you’ll find awesome tips for authors, interviews, book reviews, travel articles and even Greek recipes!

An interview with Victor Kloss, author of The Royal Institute of Magic

Today, I’m pleased to welcome Victor Kloss, author of The Royal Institute of Magic: Elizabeth’s Legacy, that is so reminiscent of Harry Potter’s delightful adventures. Just look at this whimsical cover!



Two years ago, Ben Greenwood’s parents walked out the door and never returned. The police have all but given up finding them when Ben stumbles upon a peculiar letter addressed to his dad. “You are the most wanted man in the Unseen Kingdoms. Unless you come to us, we cannot help. For your child’s sake, tell us what you know.”

The letter is from an organization called the Royal Institute of Magic and is dated a day before his parents disappeared. Like most people, fourteen-year-old Ben hasn’t the faintest idea what the Royal Institute of Magic is, but he has his first clue: the logo on the letter.

Armed with nothing but his wits and the help of his good friend Charlie, Ben sets out to find the Institute and, through them, his parents. To succeed, he will have to navigate a land filled with fantastic creatures and Spellshooters, where magic can be bought and sold, to unravel an ancient family secret that could hold the key to defeating an evil the Institute has been fighting for the last five hundred years.





Hello Victor and welcome to my blog!

Hi Fros, I am so pleased to be here today!

What has inspired you to write this book?

There are two things I enjoy writing about: I love putting my main character into a scene, world or situation that I would love to experience. I think something like Harry Potter does that really well. The other concept that excites me is putting a character into a completely surreal situation – like a fish out of water – and seeing how he would cope. I use both those concepts a lot in Royal Institute of Magic.

Any hobbies or interests that you enjoy in your spare time?

I have to confess, I am a bit of a sports freak. I’m not sure how many writers fall into this category, but I have three brothers, and growing up, we were football crazy. I don’t play that much anymore, but I follow it closely. I also enjoy golf! As I’m on the computer all day, it’s nice to get outside and get some exercise.

What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

I’m working like crazy on book 2 of the Royal Institute of Magic, and am hoping to publish around the end of May.

For those of you who have read book 1, book 2 starts off just a week or so after book 1 finishes, and is basically a continuation of the story. Ben and Charlie start their apprenticeship at the Institute and continue searching for Ben’s parents. Obviously it’s not as straightforward as that! But I don’t want to give too much away (*smiles*)

It will be a five-book series and I’m not one of those people who can write several different projects concurrently, so I will be sticking with this one for a while.

Which are your favorite authors, and what do you love about them?

When I was a child, I absolutely loved Enid Blyton. She wrote some fantastic children’s fantasy stories, such as The Faraway Tree (which will soon become a movie). She had such a great imagination.

I also really like Jeffrey Archer. He writes these epic sagas, often depicting two characters who are connected in some way and their lives constantly intertwine. He is a fantastic writer, one of the few who can keep me turning pages regardless of the novel length.

Then there are children’s fantasy authors, such as J.K. Rowling, and also another English author called Jonathan Stroud. I like his sense of humor – I feel it resonates with my own.

Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

Never stop learning your craft. The best way to become a good writer, is to keep writing. That should be combined with some basic instruction, whether it’s picking up a book or joining a critique group, so you can see where you are strong and where you need to improve. Writing a million words is all well and good, but if you’re unaware of your mistakes, it’s not going to be that helpful.

Probably the best advice I could give is to be professional. There is a lot of competition and you need to stand out. Regardless of the cost, make sure your work is professionally edited, and invest in a really good cover. These things will make your money back and more.

Wonderful advice, Victor. Are there any sites or writing tools that you find useful and wish to recommend?

By far the best website I use is KBoards – Writers’s Cafe

It is full of indie authors, from those just starting out, to others who make five figures a month. It is such a helpful group and the marketing knowledge I gained there has been invaluable.

Describe your workstation. Are there any favorite objects you have there for inspiration?

I sit at a fairly ordinary desk, but I have a nice view into my garden. I am a big tea drinker, and I find that helps me get in the groove!

I’m married to a Brit and know only too well you all run on tea, LOL. Actually, so do I (*giggles*). Do you listen to music while you write and if so, what kind?

Yes, I listen to music, though it’s just background noise to help free me of distractions. I’m a bit of an oldie and enjoy listening to bands such as The Eagles and David Bowie. I really like Mark Knopfler from Dire Straits.

Oh, they’re all amazing musicians . . . If you could choose another profession, what would that be?

Something to do with sport. Failing that, I enjoy my current profession, which is Web Development.

Have you brought any pictures to share with us today, Victor?

Yes Fros, as a matter of fact I have! In these two snapshots you can see me with my family; my beloved wife and little daughter.


Oh, what an adorable family you have! Thank you for being here with us today, Victor. It’s been a pleasure to have you.

Thank you Fros, the pleasure was all mine!


Victor Kloss was born in 1980 and lived his first five years in London, before moving to a small town in West Sussex. By day he builds websites, by night he writes (or tries to).

His love for Children’s Fantasy stems from Enid Blyton, Tolkien, and recently, J.K. Rowling. His hobbies include football, golf, reading and taking walks with his wife and two-year-old daughter.

 Visit Victor’s Amazon page

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