How to NOT lose your reviews on Amazon


Image by Dave Chesson (Kindlepreneur)

Boy, do I have awesome tips for you today.  I’ve just had an epiphany, and I’m blogging immediately to share. I owe this epiphany to the genius that is Dave Chesson, or as he’s otherwise known, The Kindlepreneur. Have you ever had your Amazon reviews deleted? Or are you an author affected by this with reviews in your own books? Fear not, because thanks to Dave, we’ll all have a few ideas from now on to protect ourselves!

Let’s face it – we all give out copies of our books to friends, or readers we meet online, hoping for an honest review to be posted at some point. Personally, I’ve never asked close friends or family members to review for me and, as my books are written in a foreign language to them, chances are they never will either. But, I realize, some of you may have gone this far out of desperation – I am not judging! – but did you stop and think that this is actually a surefire way for Amazon to catch you out?

As you will see on Dave’s post and on the embedded youtube video therein, the easiest way for Amazon to catch you getting a family member to review for you is by your mutual postal address or bank account.

Now, on to the more elaborate ways that Amazon may be associating you with a reader: Dave puts forward a very educated guess that made a light bulb go on in my head. When you read it, I’m sure you’ll know he has to be right! Personally, I’ve never made this mistake and have never had my own reviews deleted (phew, at least, so far!) but knowing what I know now, I finally feel more confident I am well protected and know how to protect my reviewers as well.

But, before you head over to Dave’s site to be amazed, I’d like to share one of my own theories:

When an author friend asks you to uptick an Amazon review for the umpteenth time, don’t. And don’t keep doing it for several authors either. I mean that ‘yes’ you can click on to make the review more helpful. Why? Because a sophisticated algorithm on Amazon will find it child’s play to work out that an author who keeps clicking ‘yes’ (or ‘no’, for that matter!) on the reviews of the same people’s books over an over has to be their buddy. Think about it. Even if Amazon doesn’t associate you with a specific other author, if you keep doing this for several authors, chances are Amazon will brand you as a reviewer with an agenda… then all your reviews could be deleted in one go. Scary, huh?

Now, head over to Dave’s awesome post. Believe me, you’ll get more info than you think! For example, his advice to publish on paperback before you launch the kindle, if you care to sell more paperbacks, is great. It is a clever little trick that will ensure your paperback will be listed on the top (instead of the kindle) in the searches for your book (this may be useful to non-fiction authors of reference books that sell more easily in paper form).


I highly recommend the site of Dave Chesson for his tips on Amazon Kindle, so while you’re there, make sure to register for future posts. You’ll get an awesome freebie book and, trust me, you’ll be thankful you listened to me when you read it!


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Interview with Greek-Australian author, Mary D. Brooks

Hello peeps! Today, I am pleased to welcome a Greek author from Down Under! Mary D. Brooks is one of the latest additions to eNovel Authors at Work, who writes urban fantasy set in Greece during WWII. Check out these stunning covers:



It’s 1942 in German Occupied Greece during World War II, two women, one Greek, the other German must work together to help Jews escape. They have to put aside their mutual antipathy to each other to accomplish their clandestine operation. They know that one wrong move will put an end to their lives.

Fourteen year old Zoe Lambros’ faith in God is shattered after her mother’s death at the hands of the German Commander. She determines to defy the enemy in every way she can–including a festering urge to kill the German Commander’s daughter, Eva Muller.

Eva Muller has a tortured past, and a secret, if revealed, will lead to certain death at the hands of her father. Despite knowing the risk, Eva is working with the village priest to help the Jews escape. With her activities closely observed, Eva needs help to continue the clandestine operation. Zoe is not who Eva has in mind but they have to find a way to work as a team.





Eva Muller and Zoe Lambros return in the award winning second novel of the Intertwined Souls Series. Eva and Zoe migrate to Australia seek refuge and a new life at the end of World War II in the ‘Land of Milk and Honey’. They try to fit into a society marred by prejudice and must hide their love for each other. Eva struggles with the ramification of her tortured past as she tries to overcome the mental constraints forced upon her. Zoe’s dream of being an artist is just a dream but Eva has a plan to make that happen even if means working at a menial job.

Shadows from their past and machinations of old enemies plunge them into mortal danger. They are about to find out the hard way that moving thousands of miles away does not protect them from those that wish them harm.





Eva and Zoe Lambros return in the third novel of the award winning Intertwined Souls Urban Fantasy Series. They have left Greece and Germany behind, taking their secrets of new paranormal abilities, visions of the future and their love back to Australia to finally settle down for that sought after family life they so desire.

Their plans unravel when Eva is involved in a shocking accident that reveals misguided good intentions from the past will have repercussions for her future. Zoe is overjoyed to learn that their wish for children will finally be realized when she finds out she’s pregnant but she has to contend with the possibility of losing the woman that she loves.

The truth about the origins of Eva’s gifts are revealed but is it too late to save Eva’s life? Secrets from the past, visions of the future and supernatural mentors takes Eva and Zoe’s lives out of ordinary and uneventful. Truly, No Good Deed goes unpunished.





Tags: lesbian fiction, urban fantasy, historical, WWII


Hello Mary and welcome to my blog!

Hello Fros – thank you for inviting me.

What has inspired you to write the Intertwined Souls Series?

Two very special people in my life put on the path that led to my very first novel. My grandfather Kyriakos Mitsos from Larissa, Greece who was in the Greek Resistance during the German occupation of Greece in World War II and my adopted grandmother Evelyn Elephan who was an Auschwitz survivor. I met Mrs Elephan when I was 10 years old and she influenced my life in a profound way.

When I was ten I met Mrs Elephan and she became my adopted grandmother because my parents worked shift work and she took care of me. I learned what those numbers on her arm meant and when I was old enough she gave me a book called “I am Rosemarie” by Marietta D. Moskin. It was about a teenager living through the Holocaust. Mrs Elephan and I then had in-depth conversations about the Holocaust and I had a million questions. She told me one day that I was going to write about the people that history books don’t talk about. It wasn’t a wish of hers; it was a statement of fact. I was going to write about the unsung heroes who tried to save the Jews and others. Someone tried to save her but in the end they were found out and she was sent to Auschwitz. Mrs Elephan was the first to encourage me to write after I said (at the tender age of 10) that I was going to be a writer. She said ‘Do it Mary, I know you can.”


When I was thirteen I visited my grandfather in Greece. He was a pigeon breeder and we would sit up on his flat top roof with his pigeons when the sun would be setting and tell me stories about when the War came to Larissa. I was a history nut and I was in heaven; hearing a first hand account of a truly historic moment in Greek history in a town that was 5000 years old was EXTRAORDINARY and a gift. When I would go back downstairs I would write down what he told me so I wouldn’t forget it. I was beyond deliriously happy to be in Greece, the land of my birth and heritage.

My visit lasted three months and it was one of those life-changing moments. Neither Mrs Elephan nor my grandfather lived long enough to see my first book “In the Blood of the Greeks” get published. It’s set in Larissa and is about two women on opposite sides coming together to save Jews and in the process they save themselves. It incorporates what my grandfather and my adopted grandmother possessed in abundance: courage and strength against the odds.

When I started to research the book, one thing led to another and I found more horrific things that included gay men and women and incorporated that into my story. I have a lot of gay friends and along with the stories about Final Solution of the Jews, their story also resonated with me. I wanted a different take on the war and it’s victims in addition to Larissa having a huge Jewish population that was almost destroyed in the rush to exterminate them. So many lives were intertwined.


When I was 36 years old I went to the Holocaust museum in Washington DC. Another amazing woman who survived the holocaust once again changed my attitude to life. I don’t remember her name but I remember her words as she recounted her story in the survivor videos. I stepped out of that building with a new mindset on September 8, 2001. The holocaust and the victims of Hitler’s brutality and inhumanity have been interwoven into my life since I was ten years old.

Thank you for sharing this with us, Mary. That was truly compelling and whetted my appetite for your series! What other writing have you done? Anything else published?

I’ve written two more fiction novels: Awakenings, and Hidden Truths. Also, two novellas and two adult coloring books to relax the mind.

Do you see yourself in any of your characters, or do any of them have traits you wish you had?

I think every writer puts part of their personality in their characters. Both of my main characters have bits of me in them but not fully. I wish I had Zoe’s bravado and take-no-prisoners attitude. I’ve got a smidgen of it but not the full glorious Zoe version. It’s fun to write them and just let go.

Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

Tell a good story, support your fellow authors and work hard. You want to be an indie author? Get down and dirty and find out as much as you can. If you don’t know something, ask. There is bound to be someone who has already asked the question and you will find the answer. Learn from others who have gone before you and give credit where credit is due.

Are there any sites or writing tools that you find useful and wish to recommend?

I have a ton of sites I like to visit. Here are a few: – I found this site quite by accident while doing research on book promoters and it has been a fantastic resource. Many times I’ve gone in to check if a certain promotor is listed. – I love this site. Run by the authors of The Emotion Thesaurus which is one of my favorite reference books. – again found when doing research and has been a useful site. very useful info about designing the exterior and interior. I typeset my own novels and I’m a cover designer (although I have only done two covers: A Widgie Knight and Book 6 Nor The Battle To The Strong which hasn’t been unveiled yet). – LOTS of useful info here and one of my favorite sites. – very useful and up to date. – any site promoting positive messages about women and girls is a must. – got a ton of their books and very useful information – I’m fascinated by human behavior so reading this site is a great way to understand the human mind.

And a ton of other great sites – I use Feedly as an RSS reader to easily catch up with all the blogs and news sites.

As for writing tools, I use Scrivener, Word, In Design, and Photoshop.


Thank you for sharing these, Mary. I’m sure they’ll prove useful to many. Choose a male and a female character from your book and tell us which actor and actress you’d cast to play them in a film adaptation.

 Oh that’s already been done! We filmed scenes from my novels in Los Angeles in Feb 2015. Eva and Zoe came alive – well they are alive in my head but I saw them in real life. Kat Cavanaugh (Eva) and Penny Cavanaugh (Zoe) – an awesome married couple – agreed to be my characters. They even look like them. They feature on the covers of my books.


What do you enjoy the most as an indie author that you imagine you wouldn’t if you were traditionally published? If you had a choice would you still go indie?

 I’ve been published by small press publishers from 2000 to 2015 and then I took control of my own books in March 2015. I love the control it gives me to be an indie author. I’m a control freak when it comes to my work and setting the agenda for my work and how to do it is liberating. If I had to do it all over? Absolutely. No one cares about your work more than you and frankly no one is going to care more about how to market them or show love for them more than you. It was overwhelming at first but once you sort out the noise and get down to the good stuff, it’s a great journey.

Who is your favorite poet? Quote a couple of lines from your favorite poem.

I have three favorite poets: William Earnest Henley, Rudyard Kipling and Leonard Cohen. Here is an excerpt from Invictus by William Earnest Henley:

“It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.”

A terrific poem, indeed. Thank you for being here with us today, Mary!

Thank you for this opportunity, Fros!



Mary D. Brooks lives in Australia and has been writing since she was eight when she rewrote her favorite tv shows when stories didn’t quite end up the way she wanted. Sometimes in a world of her own, she relished the quiet to invent new stories and worlds. Mary has written non-fiction articles for Australian and US magazines but her first love is fiction. When she’s not writing, she’s designing sites, creating art or being chief editor/owner of You can find Mary’s author site at http://www.nextchapter.

Visit Mary’s Amazon page:  US   UK

Visit Mary’s website


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Saint Spyridon, patron saint of Corfu: his life and miracles

Today, December 12, The Greek Orthodox Church commemorates and honors St Spyridon. In Corfu, it is a special day of joyous celebration, seeing that St Spyridon is the patron saint of the island. As you may know, Greeks don’t just have birthdays; they also celebrate their name days with parties, offering sweets and receiving gifts. If I tell you that every Corfiot family has at least one member called Spyridon (Spyros) or Spyridoula (Loula), you can imagine how much partying goes on around the island on December 12!

My family always had my granddad, Spyros Vassilakis, to honor on this day, and so, it’s always been a special day for me, and even more so now that Granddad has passed away. I thought I’d blog about St Spyridon this year and share a few facts and legends surrounding his name…

Who is St Spyridon?


St Spyridon was born circa 270 A.C. in Askeia, Cyprus. He was a pious man and a shepherd. When his wife died, he entered a monastery and, later in life, became Bishop of Trimythous. He died peacefully of old age in 348 A.C. It doesn’t sound like much, I know, but what if I tell you about the miracles performed by this legendary  man, both when he was alive and centuries after his death? In his life, he performed many miracles and even brought people back from the dead with the fervor of his prayers!

St Spyridon was present in the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea (325 A.C.) where he took an active role. It is said that he converted a pagan philosopher into a Christian there and, according to legend, he performed a miracle in the process. While talking with this man, he took hold of a potshard to make a point that one thing can be three things at the same time (like The Holy Trinity can be Father, Son and the Holy Ghost). As he held the potshard, it is said that it burst into a flame, water dripping down his hand. It is said that all that was left from the shard of pottery in his hand was dust (while others say he held a brick). It is because of the specific account that St Spyridon is regarded the patron saint of potters (as well as Corfu).


This story is just one of many that testify for this pious man’s sanctity; some of them date from when the saint was still alive and others began whole centuries after his death.

For example, when the Arabs took Cyprus (648 A.C.), St Spyridon’s remains were disinterred with the purpose of taking the sacred bones to Constantinople. However, to their surprise, the Cypriots saw that the relic was intact, and a scent of basil emanated from the grave. They took this as a sign of St Spyridon’s sanctity. The relic was taken to Constantinople and when the Turks took the city in 1453, a Corfiot monk called Kaloheraitis took the relic to Corfu and that is where it is still held today, in St Spyridon church.

The Corfiots adore their saint, and that is no surprise, seeing that he has saved their island and its people many times. For example, when a plague swept through the village of Marathias in the 1600s, it is believed that St Spyridon was sighted there and performed a miracle to drive out the plague. There is a big mark like a cross on the ancient walls of the Old Venetian Fortress and, legend has it, that the plague made this mark out of spite for being made to leave the island. The locals know where this mark is and point it out to tourists, although nowadays it’s not as clearly visible.

Another legend related to the plague has it that St Spyridon was sighted in the air dressed as a monk. He was chasing the plague that looked like a cross between a lion and a monkey with bat-like wings. The saint chased her away while beating her with a cross. When they reached the Old Fortress (Capo Sidero), St Spyridon made the plague scratch the sign of the cross on the wall and swear she’d never return.

The Old Venetian Fortress in Corfu Town that is said to carry the mark the plague made on its way out of the island…

This miracle is commemorated on Palm Sunday. The church procession stops in Corfu Town on high ground, faces the south towards Marathias and sends a blessing as a thank you to the saint.

This is the side of the fortress that bears the plague’s mark…


I asked Gran Antigoni about it the other day; she said the mark is visible on the wall under the cross from the Mouragia side (Mouragia is the picturesque coastal way lined with ancient Venetian buildings that leads to the old port). The other interesting bit Gran said is that the plague killed all but one man in the village of Marathias. In time, he had children with many different women, spreading his name across the village over the generations. She couldn’t recall the name but says many people in Marathias still carry this man’s surname today.

More annually celebrated miracles of St Spyridon:

During the second siege of Corfu by the Turkish fleet in July 1716, the Turks managed to take over a couple of forts on the island, including the ones in Mandouki and Garitsa. At the time, the island was under Venetian rule and fights between the rulers and the invaders went on for a month while the Corfiots prayed to their saint to save them from the Ottomans. On August 9, a terrible storm (highly unlikely in the Greek midsummer!) destroyed a great part of the Turkish fleet while several Muslims reported that they saw St Spyridon in the form of a monk rush out of his church, a torch in hand, threatening them. This sighting, along with the freak storm in midsummer and the damage to the fleet, caused panic among the Turks. It spread up the ranks and finally resulted in them leaving the island two days later.

This miracle is commemorated annually on August the 11th. A grand procession takes place in Corfu town and at night brass bands play music in Spianada square by Liston. All over the island, several varkarola (boat processions) take place too, with fireworks and singing, while the locals treat the visitors to fried sardines in many cases. Paleokastritsa and Petriti are two of the places that annually organize a varkarola.

On another occasion, St Spyridon is said to have saved the island from famine. How? He created a storm that caused three Italian boats filled to the brim with a cargo of wheat to change course and come to Corfu to save themselves. The precious cargo saved the people of Corfu from starvation and everyone knew it was a miracle because the men on board reported they saw a monk in a vision speaking in a booming voice, urging them to drop anchor at Corfu. This miracle is commemorated annually, again around Easter, this one on Holy Saturday – perhaps the  most greatly sought after day for a Corfu holiday because of the pot-breaking custom that follows the procession.


And this is where the legends about St Spyridon end.

The following are actual events that happened without a doubt, some in my lifetime, and which were relayed to me. They are well-known all over the island:

  • A man was working on the top of the steeple of St Spyridon church once… He lost his balance and fell to the ground but stood back up, unscathed. I’ve heard this so many times that every time I look at the steeple I can almost see that poor man fall and I cringe 😀
  • Corfu airport is situated very near the sea. As the planes approach to land, if you look out the window, it almost feels like you’re about to land on water – it’s that near to the runway. Back in the 80s, this was out in the papers: a plane was having a hard time landing on Corfu airport (weather or technical trouble, cannot remember) and it was so scary and such a near miss that when the passengers landed safely they headed straight to St Spyridon church to light a candle and thank the saint for saving them. It was also reported that when they next opened his casket in the church, they found seaweed inside…

This is the private place in the church where people are periodically allowed to come in and pay their respects to the saint. Most of the time you leave a kiss on the casket, but I’ve actually kissed his velvet slippers many times too – a rare occasion where the priests actually open the casket and let you get that close to the saint!


  • A little girl who couldn’t walk was taken to St Spyridon’s church to attend Mass. Her parents had brought her from afar, hoping for a miracle. All of a sudden, the girl stood in a trance and began to walk. Her parents were overjoyed and after their excitement had subsided they asked their girl what had happened. She said a monk had come to her in the church and asked her to stand up and walk…
  • Back in the 40s, Corfu town was bombarded numerous times by German planes. My grandmother Antigoni was a teenager then, and she and her loved ones ran to St Spyridon church for protection one fateful morning. It was daytime. Gran said to me the Germans used to drop bombs in the day and fire at night… That morning, as the bombs dropped, the church was full. The people were huddled together, terrified, their eyes pinned to the ceiling as they listened to the bombs dropping and exploding. All at once, they saw the ceiling open up, down its whole length. They saw the blue sky for split seconds and then… just like that… the ceiling was restored. The locals still talk about it in Corfu town. My grandmother, at 91, still remembers it vividly as if it were yesterday.

The Corfiots think of St Spyridon as a living being who walks among them, listening to their troubles, protecting them, providing for them. This is why many jump at the chance to own a tiny piece of his velvet slippers… Periodically, the church replaces the slippers placed at the saint’s feet and the fabric of the old ones is fragmented and offered to the people as a ‘fylakto’ – i.e. a protective charm, if you like. It’s the tiniest bit of red velvet inside a paper envelope with a drawing of St Spyridon on it.

The remains of St Spyridon are carried out of the church and taken around town during many religious processions throughout the year. The most famous perhaps is the one on Holy Saturday just before The First Resurrection (of Christ) at midday – a joyful pot-breaking celebration all over Corfu town.

I hope some of you will leave this page feeling a little enchanted today. If this is so, then my work is done. I feel lucky to have experienced this kind of magic all my life and still can’t get enough of it. I love St Spyridon with all my heart, and like every Corfiot, I speak his name every day. “Agie Spyridona!” is something I tend to say when surprised, annoyed, amused, but especially when needing comfort.

To any of you who have a Spyros or a Spyridoula in your lives, Chronia Polla! I’ll be lighting a candle for my beloved granddad today.


Gran Antigoni and Granddad Spyros Vassilakis photographed in Mandouki (a picturesque area of Corfu Town near the new port) back in the late 80s


For me, it’s no surprise I wrote about St Spyridon and his miracles via my character Mrs Sofia, in my debut novel, The Necklace of Goddess Athena. Below, you will find a short, exclusive excerpt from the book that was originally included when the book was first published but was edited out in the second edition. I thought it was apt to publish it here today for posterity.

I hope you will enjoy it.

Mrs. Sofia’s face brightened. “Spyros? Your christian name is Spyridon? Oh, psyche mou, what a beautiful name you have!” She was ecstatic to hear the boy was named after her protector saint. It was a name that had followed her all her life, like every other inhabitant of Corfu.

Everyone on the island has a bunch of family members called Spyridon or the female equivalent, Spyridoula. As baby names in Greece are carried from grandparents to grandchildren, they’re always reminiscent of precious members of one’s family, some of them—as in the case of Mrs. Sofia—no longer living. In Athens, the name is not as common, so it was a special treat for her to hear it, and to be able to savor its sound again, so far away from home. She didn’t let the chance go wasted. She loved to talk about her beloved saint, and when she offered the boy information about him, both he and his mother stood eagerly to listen. Soon, she was telling them about the two miracles he’s mostly revered for on the island: the one where he saved the city from the plague, and the other where he turned his cane into a snake. She told them he still appeared through apparitions to cripples and other patients who prayed to him, curing them beyond any logical explanation. She looked into their eyes, saw wonder, and so she carried on, telling them this time about the miracles she’d witnessed herself in the town of Corfu.

She relayed the story of the worker who’d lost his balance while on the steeple of St Spyridon’s church. He fell to the ground and stood again, unharmed. Then, she recounted the story of that terrible day during the bombarding of the city by enemy planes in the 40’s. She and many others had rushed to St Spyridon’s church for refuge, praying to him to save their lives, their eyes pinned to the ceiling, brimming over with terror. For one terrible moment, they all saw the roof of the church blow up. They saw the sky, and then, miraculously, the roof closed in again within split seconds. Shocked, they asked each other and, to their amazement, they’d all seen the same thing.

The little boy’s mouth was now gaping open, and his mother seemed equally fascinated, her eyes huge and glazed over. Mrs. Sofia had a melodic voice and the unique talent of storytelling. It charmed her listeners and her two new guests couldn’t have been an exception.


YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY… SHARING IS CARING! Tweet this to spread some love:

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Planning to visit Greece? Check out my  FREE guide to south Corfu!


5-stars for The Pineapple Mystery Series by Amy Vansant

Today, I have a double review to share! I could only do it this way as I wanted to make a point of recommending to you this delightful cozy mystery series by Amy Vansant, an author who is now one of my favorites.


pinneaple lies

Having enjoyed The Angeli Series by Amy Vansant I thought I might give this cozy mystery a try as well. It was the first book in this genre I’ve ever read and I loved it! Vansant’s remarkable humor provided a bundle of laughs along the way, and the storyline was surprisingly intriguing for such a humorous book – I couldn’t put it down. Vansant is now one of my favorite authors, and I’m looking forward to reading the rest of her books, whatever the genre!

My rating:


Hilarious, intriguing and unputdownable!



Murder and mystery are back in Pineapple Port, and even though I thought I’d seen it all in book 1, it seems Mrs Vansant’s wicked humor is inexhaustible! The Mystery Box is another hilarious cozy mystery by this author that was well worth the wait. It is a compelling mix of dangerous villains, a ruthless ex, a character or two for whom appearances are deceiving, and the usual Golden Girls humor from the half-mad locals that had me howling continuously as I read. You don’t have to start at book 1 to enjoy this volume – it can be read as a standalone but I do recommend you read both books for maximum enjoyment. If you’re looking for laughs and mystery, then look no further!

My rating:


A delightful mystery – highly recommended!




Pineapple Lies  US   UK

Pineapple Mystery Box  US   UK


Are you into dark fantasy interwoven with humor? Make sure to check out Amy Vansant’s Angeli Series. Here are my reviews of Angeli and Cherubim on this website!


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Interview with Effie Kammenou

Today, I am thrilled to welcome a Greek-American author from New York, Effie Kammenou. Effie’s debut novel is Evanthia’s Gift, a dramatic family saga that’s responsible for my recent bouts of insomnia… I’m finding it impossible to put it down. The more I read, the more I am intrigued about what happens next. I will be reviewing it when I’ve finished, but for now, here is the stunning cover before my chat with Effie begins!


final coverIn the year 1956, Anastacia Fotopoulos finds herself pregnant and betrayed, fleeing from a bad marriage. With the love and support of her dear friends Stavros and Soula Papadakis, Ana is able to face the challenges of single motherhood. Left with emotional wounds, she resists her growing affection for Alexandros Giannakos, an old acquaintance. But his persistence and unconditional love for Ana and her child is eventually rewarded and his love is returned. In a misguided, but well-intentioned effort to protect the ones they love, both Ana and Alex keep secrets – ones that could threaten the delicate balance of their family.

The story continues in the 1970’s as Dean and Demi Papadakis, and Sophia Giannakos attempt to negotiate between two cultures. Now Greek-American teenagers, Sophia and Dean, who have shared a special connection since childhood, become lovers. Sophia is shattered when Dean rebels against the pressure his father places on him to uphold his Greek heritage and hides his feelings for her. When he pulls away from his family, culture and ultimately his love for her, Sophia is left with no choice but to find a life different from the one she’d hoped for.

EVANTHIA’S GIFT is a multi-generational love story spanning fifty years and crossing two continents, chronicling the lives that unify two families.



Hello Effie and welcome to my blog!

Hi Fros! It’s great to be here!

Tell me, is Effie short for Effrosyni by any chance?

No, actually, my name is Efthemia!

Oh, a lovely Greek name! What has inspired you to write your book?


The inspiration to write Evanthia’s Gift came from a couple of sources, but it was my mother’s passing that put me on the path to writing. In 2012 my mother passed away after battling pancreatic cancer for two and a half years. I was trying to be the strong older sister, a compassionate mother and aunt, and a supportive daughter to my grieving father. I never allowed myself to fully express my emotions. One night I sat at the computer and just started writing. It was my way of working through my grief.

I’d heard stories all my life of my mother’s childhood in Athens, and her experiences during WWII as a child. My father had his own stories growing up in NYC, his tales of how his family came to America and for what reason, and his own experiences as a flyer in WWII. I took all those stories and gave life to several characters.

I knew there was a lot of truth in this book! It’s palpable as I read; I believe the best books are those that contain honest feelings and true experiences from their authors… Yours embodies both. Do you see yourself in any of your characters, or do any of them have traits you wish you had?

I see myself, or parts of myself in several of the characters. As an author, when you develop a character, their voice comes from within you. Sophia lives in my timeline and has had some of the same experiences that I had. Her emotions come from me, although her traits and talents are modeled after one of my daughters. Anastacia is my mother, and the inspiration of the story. However, I do see parts of myself in her as well. Most of the characters, even some of the men, have a tiny piece of me—a trait, a point of view, or an experience.

Which are your favorite authors, and what do you love about them?

I have a background in theatre and studied all the classic playwrights from ancient Greece to modern day, but Shakespeare still holds my heart. As for fiction, I love the classics there as well. Jane Austen and John Steinbeck are my two favorite classic authors. I enjoy women’s fiction and contemporary romances. Nora Roberts, Jude Deveraux, Sophie Kinsella, Adriana Trigiani, and Sylvia Day are among the novelists I read most often. But the one contemporary author who has captured my attention more than any other is Sylvain Reynard who wrote the Gabriel series. His beautiful use of language is breathtaking, and he keeps me intrigued with his knowledge of literature, religion, art, history, and culture.

You mentioned a couple of my favorites, Effie. And thanks for the tip about Sylvain Reynard! Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

I continue to take all the advice my fellow authors are willing to share with me. But I will say this: I have never met a community of professionals so willing to help each other. Every author I’ve reached out to has responded, and was more than willing to help and steer me in the right direction. My advice? Reach out to authors. They will help you. But the most important piece of advice I can give anyone looking to publish or self-publish, is not to rush. Take your time and do everything as it should be done. Make sure your manuscript is ready for publication. It took me almost three years to write EVANTHIA’S GIFT. It’s a long book – 548 pages. Get a critique partner and beta readers. Their suggestions will improve your work. When you think you are done and you think you have tightened your manuscript as much as you can on your own, get a professional editor. And don’t skimp on the cover. Get a professional designer whose work you admire.

I couldn’t agree more with all the points you made! Choose a male and a female character from your book and tell us which actor and actress you’d cast to play them in a film adaptation.

This is an amusing question for me because where I work we spend much of our free time casting the movie version of the characters in the books we are reading. It’s a little more difficult with my own work since I have visions in my head that are not inspired by movie stars. The other issue here is that the book spans fifty years. So, do you use two different actors for each character, or simply age them?

For the adult Anastacia I could possible see Melina Kanakaredes. I see both of them as elegant, beautiful women. For the teenage Sophia I see Mia Sara as she was as a teenager. She is actually exactly what I had in mind. Dean is harder for me. Maybe Zach Efron or Stephen McQueen (Steve McQueen’s grandson). I would rather the reader have their own vision and not be influenced by the appearance of stars, unless of course the book was made into a movie.

Zach Efron as Dean sounds ideal, so thanks for that, I’ll remember when I resume reading tonight, LOL! Tell us about your website/blog. What will readers find there?

I do not have an author blog or website at this time. I do write a food blog where I not only share recipes, but also traditions and stories that reflect the food. Between some of the chapters of Evanthia’s Gift, I’ve added recipes, ones that will enhance the Greek experience for the non-Greek reader. Since publishing the novel, I have been posting these recipes on my blog with an excerpt from the story that refers to the food.


Well done, Effie! I also find that recipes work well to promote fiction. People love to try new tastes so you get a lot of interaction from readers on the blog and on the social media. Next question: If you could have one superpower what would it be?

I would like to have the power to speak every language. The idea of being able to communicate fluently in every country would be not only useful, but also enlightening. How wonderful would it be to fully immerse yourself in a culture?

What a wonderful answer, I love it! What were your most and least favorite subjects in school?

Without a doubt, Drama and English were my favorite subjects in school. In my last year of high school, an Independent Creative Arts Program was piloted. It was a wonderful experience. The theatre group within this program performed children’s plays for the district, improv theatre and classic plays—all of which were produced, directed and acted by the students. In college, I was a theatre major and I enjoyed the literature classes as well as the acting classes.

The subject I liked the least was science. It was my weakest subject, which is ironic since my dad was a chemist. This was also the reason I did not do well. I would ask him a simple high school level question and get a PhD-worthy answer. His answers were way over my head, and it wasn’t until I stopped asking him questions that I started to do marginally better.

If you could choose another profession, what would that be?

Without a doubt, I would be an actress. It was what I went to school for, and had always hoped to be. I think I needed a lot more nerve and a thicker skin at the time, and I never pursued this dream properly.

I can see you’ve come with lots of photos! How delightful! Can we have a look?


Oh! This one looks intriguing! Is there a story behind it?


Yes! The girl in the grad. cap is my niece, Athena, who had always struggled in school, but my mother encouraged her to go to college. When she was fighting through her pancreatic cancer, my mother spent time with each grandchild. She told Athena not to quit, no matter how long it took to finish. She made Athena promise to graduate. If it wasn’t for her yiayia she would have given up. She put that message on her hat because she thought she would see it from above and be at her graduation in spirit.

Oh that’s so sweet… and what about those two stunning young ladies at Paramount Studios?


They are my daughters. Eleni, 29, is a 6th grade teacher, ballet teacher and tennis instructor. She is currently doing her PhD in administration. Alexa, 25, is a graphic designer and video art director for Real Simple Magazine. She has aspirations to someday work at Paramount or Disney studios.

I hope she succeeds. Best of luck! And this one’s in the States too?


Yes, that’s me, my sister, Athena, and Alexa at EPCOT food and wine festival. The other photos are various ones with my husband, friends and family.

Love them! Thank you for sharing these and for this wonderful chat, Effie!

Thank you for this opportunity, Fros, to talk about my work.

cover photo 2

Effie Kammenou is a first generation Greek-American who lives on Long Island with her husband and two daughters. When she’s not writing, or posting recipes on her food blog,, you can find her cooking for her family and friends.

Her debut novel, EVANTHIA’S GIFT, is a women’s fiction multi-generational love story and family saga, influenced by her Greek heritage, and the many real life accounts that have been passed down. She continues to pick her father’s brain for stories of his family’s life in Lesvos, Greece, and their journey to America. Her recent interview with him was published in a nationally circulated magazine.

As an avid cook and baker, a skill she learned from watching her Athenian mother, Effie incorporated traditional Greek family recipes throughout the book.

She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Theater Arts from Hofstra University.

Visit Effie’s Amazon page  US   UK

Visit Effie’s food blog




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Interview with Inderjit Kaur

Today I’m pleased to welcome the lovely Inderjit Kaur from India. Inderjit writes inspiring, spiritual non-fiction that uses positive language to help people face life’s difficulties and to adopt a new outlook on life that will guide them to a happier, more fullfilling existence. As you will see in our interview below, Inderjit speaks from experience. Having reached rock bottom after a painful divorce, she had an epiphany that brought her closer to her faith and, as a result, restored peace and joy in her life. Eventually, she wound up writing to inspire others in the same way.



The four elements of life, Air, Water, Earth, Fire are the only truth which can render the whole meaning of being as a human. Are we authentic? Are we living in courage? Are we kind and in patience? Are we grateful? How we face life and respond to life is all that matters.






The author highlights all the probabilities of life that we deal with and how we can simplify, how we can add more meaning to our lives, which is the gift from the divine supreme, by just understanding the different aspects of our problems, searching broader avenues, encouraging our inner souls to seek good, think good, render good, and ultimately feel good and happy.




Hello Inderjit and welcome to my blog!

Hello Fros, thank you for inviting me.

Which are your favorite authors, and what do you love about them?

I read a lot of authors and some favorites are: Paulo Coelho, Dr. Abdul Kalam, Khaled Hosseini, Richard Carlson and Robert Schuller.

The books of these authors have been a light of hope in my gloomy days, like the period in my life where I had to face a painful divorce. The book, Leaning into God When Life is Pushing you Away by Robert Schuller has been a huge inspiration.

Sounds like a great book, Inderjit. Thanks for the tip! Being an author involves a lot of sitting around. What do you do for exercise?

I do morning walks five days a week, and I also practice Yoga and Meditation.

Oh my goodness, if that’s the kind of place you go to for a walk, I envy you! If you could have one superpower what would it be?

I don’t know if that’s a superpower, but I’d love to be able to relive my childhood so I can spend time again with my father.

What has been the most important lesson you’ve learned so far in life the hard way?

That you should never give up when facing the hardships of life. We all feel tempted to give up at times, but when we give up we miss the opportunity to learn. Some people prefer to dwell in self-pity or blame the entire world for their failures. But when playing the victim we run away from responsibility. Every person’s life is the outcome of their choices in life. It’s the power of choice that makes us ordinary or extraordinary.

I believe people should face life’s challenges by finding strength inside. Strength lies in our thoughts. Positive thoughts does wonders in creating positive results in people’s lives.

As a firm believer in The Law of Attraction I can only agree with you, Inderjit! Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

Work on your craft, write from your heart, read a lot, and polish your manuscript the best you can. Last, with all the above, exercise patience!

Great advice! I also think patience is key, as well as perseverance. If you could choose another profession, what would that be?

I would have loved to be a college teacher. I love to teach. Back in school I loved Zoology and Chemistry… I gave up my plans to get a degree in Chemistry due to marriage.

How would you like to be remembered?

I don’t know how I’m going to end up in life, but I’d love it if, someday, an author wrote my memoir and finished the book with the words, “And she never gave up.”

I love that! Would you tell us a little about that place you love visiting for a walk? And do you have more pictures to show us? It’s magical!



(*laughs*) Yes, it’s a place on the hills not too far from where I live. It’s caled Matheran. I don’t visit it every day, but I try to go as often as I can.

Such an enchanting place! Have you brought any other photos to show us?


Two more… My bookshelf and my workstation at home.

Thank you for sharing these images from your home, Inderjit. They are lovely, and equally serene, as one would expect of you. It’s been a pleasure having you here today. Thank you for your time!

Thank you very much, Fros. I appreciate this opportunity.



Inderjit Kaur is an author and inspirational guide with a powerful voice, who spreads positive quotes through her tweets. Following a life-changing epiphany from a poet at the young age of nine, she marked the page as an editor of her college magazine during her post-graduation in Science at Mumbai University.

Writing, being a passion, made her perceptions change forever. After a series of adversities she launched her debut book, Living a More Meaningful Life, which is now available globally.

Considered as a positive, peace messenger through her tag line “keep smiling, keep shining”, she has inspired thousands to make positive choices that impact not only their lives but also those of others. Her blog, “A Living Series”, brims over with positive quotes that her readers can draw inspiration from.

A domestic violence survivor, single parent, full time writer, author, blogger, book reviewer, Injerjit Kaur resides in Mumbai.

Visit Inderjit’s Amazon page  US    UK

Visit Inderjit’s blog, “A living series”:

You Tube channel:





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Book Review: Sewing Can Be Dangerous by Sarah Mallery


Sewing Can Be Dangerous was an utter delight to read because it felt like an exhilarating time travel journey. Each short story takes us to a different place and time in history. The element of sewing is always present, sometimes it’s someone’s work, other times a hobby, or a matter of life and death – a means to save a life. Mallery’s storytelling is compelling and often haunting, the unexpected twists in the end delightful. I highly recommend this book to readers who love short stories, especially to those who enjoy delving into worlds long forgotten in the mists of time. The first short story was my favorite. It haunted me for a few days after reading it; it felt incredibly real.


My rating:

5 stars

A compelling journey around the world and through history!



Do you enjoy short stories? How about historical fiction? Check out this gem now!

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Would you like to meet the artist behind the book? Check out my interview with Sarah Mallery and marvel at her various artistic skills!


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Interview with author Daphne Kapsali

Good morning peeps! Today I’m pleased to welcome Daphne Kapsali, a Greek from London who fell in love with the forlorn landscape of the Cycladic island of Sifnos. Leaving the mad bustle of London behind, she moved to Sifnos to live there on her own for 100 days writing a memoir. Now, people who seek solitude like this feel like kindred spirits to me so I made sure to connect with her only to appreciate her even more. An eager supporter of indie authors, Daphne is here with us today to tell us all about her writing journey!



How far do you need to go to find yourself? What do you have to give up?
Daphne didn’t go very far. After too many years of living as a writer who didn’t write, she gave up her life in London to spend 100 days of solitude on the remote Greek island of Sifnos, off season, and find out, once and for all, who she really was. Her challenge: to write every day.
One hundred days and one hundred entries later, her question had been answered in more ways than she could have imagined, and the things she’d given up never mattered in the first place. This book is her story, as personal as it is universal, of the most obvious and most fundamental quest of all: to be happy; to do what you love.
Part memoir, part fiction, part philosophy and part travel writing, 100 days of solitude is a collection of one hundred stories, all of them connected and each one self-contained. One hundred essays on choosing uncertainty over security, change over convenience, seeing things for what they truly are, and being surprised by yourself; on love, loss, death and donkeys; on reaching for your dreams, finding enlightenment on a rural road, peeing in public, and locking yourself out of the house; on dangerous herbs, friendly farmers, flying Bentleys and existential cats; and on what it feels like to live in a small, isolated island community through the autumn and winter, to live as a writer who actually writes, and to live as your true, authentic self, no matter who that turns out to be. And to write your own story, the way you want it told; to find your voice, and the courage to let it be heard.





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There are certain things that time cannot touch. Very few. Metal it turns to rust and bones to dust and the souls of those we’ve loved into ghosts and memories. Ancient temples fall to ruin and gods fall from grace, and people fall out of love and forget. Very few things can withstand the passage of time, its ruthless continuity, always moving on, always leaving moments behind, but in Anna’s short lifetime there was one thing that did.

Was it hubris to wrench apart what destiny had conspired to unite? Could there be atonement for such a thing?

This story begins at the end of a thing that hasn’t ended, and travels in orbit in the space between then and not yet, circling questions unanswered and unasked, alternative endings and futures that never came to pass, looking for a place to land. It is the story of Anna and Jack and it’s a love story, because all stories are, essentially, about love and the inexplicable things we do in its name and in its absence, in its pursuit and in its wake.





I’m all for spiritual development. I’m all for awareness and mindfulness and loving kindness. Looking after yourself, mind, body and spirit. It would be lovely if we all spoke a little softer, if we took a little longer to think before we act. If we were all a little enlightened. The world would be a better place. Like the tote bag I carry on my shoulder proclaims: Yoga will save the world.

But who will be there to remind us, gently, that we’re taking it a bit too far? When our facebook feeds are inundated by inspirational quotes and we’ve lost the ability to say things in our own words. When gluten is the devil and eating cake is tantamount to suicide. When we boast, daily, of our dietary restrictions and post snapshots of ourselves in the course of a practice that was designed to be personal. When every yoga class is an opportunity to open our hearts, to acknowledge the pain, the frustration, the sadness within, to welcome it, to go with it. When we consult spiritual healers and gurus and medicine men and forget to talk to our friends. When we ostensibly strive for balance, and fail to notice the irony of seeking it in extremes.

I cannot be the only one who’s getting a bit tired of this.


(Double check it’s FREE before your purchase)




Hello Daphne and welcome to my blog!

Hi Fros, very thrilled to be here!

So, tell us about 100 Days of Solitude. How did this book come about?

100 days of solitude is a strange book, in that it was never meant to be a book at all. It began about 18 months ago, when I quit my job in London and moved to Sifnos, a small Greek island, to spend a few months living alone and writing. The idea was to produce a novel, but I didn’t know how to start or how to keep myself motivated to write ever day, so I set up a blog – which I named 100 days of solitude – to give myself a sense of accountability. I wrote one post every day, for 100 consecutive days, just recording thoughts and experiences that came up through this process of rediscovering myself, and this blog that basically began as an exercise in self-discipline ended up being the book I wrote.

Sounds like a genius method to write a book! What other writing have you done? Anything else published?

Actually, I did manage to also write a novel while playing the reclusive author on my little island. It’s called you can’t name an unfinished thing, and it was published this summer.


What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

What I’m mostly spending my time on at the moment is promoting my published books, and trying to navigate my way through the world of social media marketing and do the best I can to get myself and my work out there, without losing touch with who I am and why I’m doing this. It’s tough, and it’s exhausting, but it’s also very interesting and I’m learning a lot. I don’t do anywhere near as much writing as I’d like, but I have a few projects going round and round in my head, and I manage to produce a little piece every now and again, and that keeps me going. This is a phase, and I’ve come to accept it’s almost as big a part of being an author as the writing itself. Not quite as rewarding, but just as important, if you want your books to be read.

Well said! Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

Be yourself. Be genuine. Be a little bit crazy. It’s a crazy thing that we’re trying to do, so do it fully and joyfully and with as much confidence and obstinacy as you can muster. Have fun with it, no matter what the outcome.

Excellent advice! What do you enjoy the most as an indie author that you imagine you wouldn’t if you were traditionally published? If you had a choice would you still go indie?

I’ve really enjoyed being involved in every single part of the process, from the writing itself, to editing, typesetting, cover design and publishing, and all the way through to marketing and promotion. Though it’s a lot for one person to take on, and it really does take over your life, there’s something very rewarding in knowing that you’ve made this thing yourself, all of it; that it’s 100% you and that, for all of its flaws, you can stand by it proudly, because you’ve put the best of yourself into it. As for whether I’d choose to go indie over a traditional publisher: I don’t know. Yes, for all the reasons above. No, because perhaps a traditional publisher could help my books reach more readers than I can, and that’s ultimately what a writer wants: for their work to be read.

Being an author involves a lot of sitting around. What do you do for exercise?

In theory, yoga. In practice, I am a self-confessed reluctant yogi, which means that even though I love yoga and I know it’s unequivocally good for me, physically, mentally and spiritually, I am sometimes very reluctant to actually do it. But I’m still a big believer in yoga, and I think there’s something about it that’s very complementary to writing. Another thing I do, when the crazy in me builds up to dangerous levels, is play really loud music and dance like an idiot. Again, it’s an excellent physical and mental exercise for writers: all that pent up energy we collect needs to be released somehow, and it’s amazing how quickly moving your body in that way gets it all out.

LOL, I know what you mean, Daphne. I do both yoga and ‘crazy dancing’ at home! What has been the most important lesson you’ve learned so far in life the hard way?

That you can do anything you want; that you can choose to be happy. That it really is as simple as that, and everything else is just fears and excuses in various disguises. But I have to confess: it wasn’t hard. Taking my life apart in order to write full-time was terrifying to begin with, and a hard decision to make, but once you start doing what’s right for you, it’s easy. Everything works out, somehow.


How right you are. Again, I agree 100%. Fear, and the ego making excuses are the only obstacles in one’s way. What are the things in your life that you’re most grateful for?

People. All the incredibly kind, generous and supportive people I am lucky enough to have in my life. And also for the fact that I’m able to see all the possibilities that are available to me, and recognise, every day, how much there is to be grateful for.

An exceptional answer, Daphne, love it. How would you like to be remembered?

As someone who made a few people’s lives a little bit happier. If people think of me after I’m gone, I’d like them to smile. Or laugh. That’s all.

I love your answers. Actually, I’d love to keep you in my pocket and carry you around with me! I’d never have another frown on my face, that’s for sure. Who is your favorite poet? Quote a couple of lines from your favorite poem.

That’s a very tough question, but I’m going to say Philip Larkin. And the final lines from The Mower: “we should be careful of each other. We should be kind, while there is still time.”


Daphne, I’m so pleased you could be here with us today! Thank you!

Thank you too, Fros, it’s been a pleasure.

FELLOW AUTHORS: Daphne Kapsali supports indies on INDIE BOOKS ROCK.

Head over there and submit your books! All she asks in return is a share on the social media and to spread the word a little. Everybody wins!



Daphne Kapsali is a writer, reluctant yogi, pathological optimist and probably one of the luckiest people alive. In May 2014, she gave up her life in London to spend the autumn and winter writing on a remote Greek island; the result is a book entitled 100 days of solitude – 100 separate and interconnected stories on claiming the time and space to live as your true self and do what you love – published in March 2015. She has since published another two books: a novel entitled you can’t name an unfinished thing, also produced during her stint as a reclusive author, and This Reluctant Yogi: everyday adventures in the yoga world. All three are available on Amazon.

Daphne is a big fan of the law of attraction, the universe, and all things positive, and hopes her story will keep inspiring others to overcome their fears and limiting beliefs, and live the life they want.

Visit Daphne’s Amazon page  US   UK

Visit Daphne’s website

Visit Daphne’s blog

Social media links:





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Book review: Girl Gone Greek by Rebecca Hall


I loved this book! Rachel felt so real to me and I empathized as I read about all the quirky Greeks she encountered. Among all the locals mentioned, the young students seemed the most likable. Rachel’s girlfriend ranges from incredibly rude to just loopy and although I howled to read her antics I didn’t manage to warm up to her at all. The owner of the Greek school was one tough cookie but Rachel handled her wonderfully, I thought. By the end of the book, I found myself admiring Rachel, not only for managing to live alone in a tiny, basic flat while co-existing with a series of awkward foreigners and showing incredible stoicism, but also for the way she bloomed through the experience, finding strength in herself enough to stand up to her horrid, judgmental sister back home. Well done Rachel! I highly recommend this delightful book for its insights into the Greek way of life from a foreigner’s perspective, especially as it contains very interesting facts on modern Greek history. I look forward to the next book in the series.


My rating:

5 stars

A delightful story!



Are you interested to gain insights on the Greeks and their way of life? Do you enjoy stories of young expats living an adventure abroad? Try this book, I think you’re going to love it!


Check out my interview with Rebecca Hall on this blog!


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A great giveaway and a FREE gift from me

Hello peeps! Big day for me today so this is short – I am touring with eNovel Authors at Work and this is part of a month-long tour of eNovel in association with Choosy Bookworm. Choosy is playing Santa for all bookworms out there throughout November!

There’s a rafflecopter on their site where you can enter to win 2 x $250 paypal cash! Below that rafflecopter, there’s a second one that changes every couple of days, featuring a set of three eNovel authors at a time. What doesn’t change is the opportunity to win fabulous books! As I mentioned earlier, it’s my turn to tour today so if you visit the site of Choosy Bookworm now you can enter the eNovel rafflecopter for my tour (as well as Choosy’s main one, of course!)

19-21 November Banner

I’m touring with terrific authors Julie Frayn and A.J. Lape – they’re both offering books via the rafflecopter so make sure to enter! Also, you’ll be pleased to know that all three of us have our featured books on FREE right now! Make sure to grab them all!




Keep this link handy so you can follow the tour and see all the FREE/99c offers that eNovel authors do this month. Also, the more rafflecopters you enter, the better your chances that you’ll have fabulous books to read this Christmas!


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As I stated earlier, today I’m pleased to give everyone a FREE gift! My time travel fantasy, The Necklace of Goddess Athena, will be free for five days starting today! Make sure to grab your copy now, especially if you enjoy mystery interwoven with sweet romance. If so, this is definitely your cup of tea!




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