An interview with author, Viv Drewa

Today I’m pleased to present Viv Drewa on my blog, a lovely, supportive author, who happens to love owls – an affinity we have in common. Check out her covers below and stick around to hear all about Viv and her work.


Before retiring, France Hunter decides to go to the place where she found her first new species of owl: The Amazon. Her group follows a well-known angler, John Sinclair, and his team, along with a reporter who wants to do a story on Hunter. Once arriving at the site, Sinclair leaves to go further up the river. He has a show to record and is hoping to catch an even larger fish this time. Hunter, and the group with her, run into a gruesome nightmare with the satellite phone destroyed and one man fighting for life. Sinclair is not due to pick them up for another week. Will they survive?



This is the story of a young man’s escape from Russian-ruled Poland in 1913 (a biography).



This is a story about a widow who, with the help of an owl and a blue-eyed spirit, solves her husband’s murder, and a 1300 year old mystery in Peru.




Hello, Viv and welcome to my blog!

Hello, Fros! Thank you for inviting me.

What has inspired you to write The Angler and the Owl?

This book came about because of my love for owls and South America, specifically the Amazon River.

What was the first thing you ever wrote and how old were you then?

I was in the 7th grade, I was 12, and it was an impromptu. My teacher wrote on it: “This is very good. Someday you’ll write books and they’ll be published.” I wish she were still with us to see that I finally did.

Any hobbies or interests that you enjoy in your spare time?

Spare time? Hmmm… (*laughs*)  I love to sew, crochet and cross stitch.

What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).

My WIP is a paranormal murder mystery. I wasn’t able to find out enough about police procedures in South America so it takes place in my hometown.

What genres do you read mostly, and what are you reading now?

I prefer reading anything paranormal, or scary. I will read other genres to help the authors with reviews. Currently, I’m reading Blood of a Boss: The Moreno Family by Askari.

Do you have any advice for other indie authors?

There’s so much information out there on self-publishing. Read it all and decide what will work for you. As for your genre – read! Get to know it and what’s selling.

Are there any sites or writing tools that you find useful and wish to recommend?

Chris McMullen has a fantastic blog with many helpful hints and what’s new in the publishing business. Also, I love Rayne Hall’s How to books.

What do you enjoy the most as an indie author that you imagine you wouldn’t if you were traditionally published? If you had a choice would you still go indie?

It would be nice to have someone do the promotional part of writing. That would be the only thing that would convince me to go traditional. I do like having direct control of my books, though.

I totally agree on both points, Viv. Do you listen to music while you write and if so, what kind?

No. I like it quiet. I did read that if you’re having a writer’s block moment listening to Mozart helps. And it does.

Good tip, Viv, I’ll try it next time, thanks! Anything you like to do to get the creative juices flowing?

Drinking coffee is a must. Especially since I write early in the morning. If I get stuck I read over the previous chapter and that’ll get me going.

If you could choose another profession, what would that be?

Ornithologist specializing in owls!

No surprise there, Viv! (*giggles*) I see, you’ve brought some lovely pictures to show us today. Would you like to tell us a bit about each one?

sofia 16Viv and rescued owl

Sure, Fros! In these two, you can see my daughter Sofia and also me holding an owl. The story behind these is that Sofia rescued this little darling when it flew into her car. She brought it home and next day took it to an aviary. She called him Lucky!

Awww! what a cutie! I’m sure you loved cuddling it for a while!

You bet! Here, you can see me with my husband, Bob, during one of our camping trips. We just love to camp!

Bob and me camping

That’s a lovely photo, Viv! And this little, black beauty, what’s she called?

Princess helping me write

That’s Princess! She loves to help me write. I got a bigger desk because I needed the room. Well, she decided it was for her (*laughs*)

Typical cat! Well, Viv, it was a pleasure to have you today. Thank you so much!

Thank you, Fros, it’s been a pleasure for me, too.


viv drewa

Viv Drewa is a Michigan native and has enjoyed reading and writing since 1963. Though she studied medicinal chemistry at the University of Michigan her passion has always been writing.

Viv has been awarded third place for her nonfiction short story about her grandfather’s escape from Poland. Later, she rewrote the story and named it Pages of Grandfather’s Life. It was published in the Polish American Journal and is now available on Amazon as a short story.

Viv took creative and journalism courses to help in her transition to fulfill her dream of becoming a writer. She worked as an intern for Port Huron’s The Times Herald, and also wrote, edited and did the layout on the Blue Water Multiple Sclerosis newsletter, Thumb Prints.

In her blog, Viv promotes fellow authors.



Visit Viv’s Amazon page

Visit Viv’s blog

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Watch the book trailer for The Owl of the Sipan Lord:


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10 thoughts on “An interview with author, Viv Drewa

    • Thank you for stopping by, Nicholas! Yes, Viv is a real sweetie! I’ve lost count how many blogposts of yours and mine she has reblogged over time! So supportive 🙂

    • Thank you for your return here, Viv. Always great to see you. Sorry for the late response as I’ve been away on holiday. Keep smiling sweetie 🙂

  1. Yes, I enjoyed the interview and learning more about Viv. I knew about her love of owls. I saw a spectacled and an Asian eagle owl the other day and thought of her.

    • Thank you for your visit, Elle. Yes, I think Viv has made all of us think of her when we encounter owls haha. I know I tag her on Facebook every time I see a cute picture of an owl. They are such adorable animals! Wish I could adopt one 🙂

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