Lamb on the stove, a Greek Eurovision song from the 70s, and free books for all

Hello! Thought I’d share with you today my family recipe for lamb prepared on the stove with carrots and spices.

The sauce of this meal tastes divine, thanks to the aromatic spices. The tang of the fresh lemon juice added at the very end is all the money! Some of the spices in the recipe are optional, but I do recommend you use turmeric. I include it in most of the meals that I make. It enhances the taste and offers a wealth of health benefits.

You can enjoy this lamb dish with rice or fries. Personally, I prefer it with rice. Any rice suitable for risotto will do, but I’ve also tried it with Basmati or Jasmine or American long-grain rice mixed with wild rice (see picture above).

For the lamb, any part will do, but make sure to have some pieces with bones in them (shoulder or leg are great) as this adds extra nutrients and taste to the sauce.



Earlier this month, my husband and I visited the annual local produce festival in Megara that took place at a beautiful park. A chef was making mussel risotto for everyone, and the adorable Bessy Argyraki gave a concert at the open theatre in the park.

I was delighted to see she’d brought along Tolis Papadimitriou, one of my favourite stars in the Greek TV comedy, “Mourmoura”. I jumped at the chance to ask him to pose with me for a selfie after his appearance. You should have seen me, smiling to my ears like a teeny bopper LOL!

Well, actually, if you check out the photos I took that night, you will see one of the selfies I took with him.

By the way, if you’re Greek and you can get Alpha channel’s Mourmoura, don’t hesitate to try it. The episodes have been gems ever since series 1. I don’t think I’ve missed a single one and I’ve watched 10 series so far, LOL!

Are you a Eurovision fan? Then, you may remember Greece’s first big hit in this music contest back in 1977 when Bessie Argyraki, alongside three other Greek youths at the time (Marianna Toli, Paschalis and Robert Williams), sang the beautiful, uplifting song, Mathema Solfege. The rest is history, as they say, seeing that all four youngsters developed in time into quite popular music stars in Greece for decades on end.

Mrs Argyraki continues to entertain the Greek audience today. I enjoyed the concert so much, especially as some of her old songs brought back fond memories from my childhood. As a little girl, I was forever borrowing my mother’s big hairbrush from the dresser to sing Mathema Solfege with my friends, LOL!

If you follow Greek music, I invite you to watch this short video from the concert and get a small taste of the dynamite lady, the perpetual young girl at heart that is Bessy Argyraki. Her passion for singing makes her so. Tireless for two hours, amazing, hilarious with her jokes, adorable. She charmed everyone, even the small kids!

Go here to see pictures from the concert and from the park, too.

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Get Effrosyni’s FREE books with your signup to her bimonthly newsletter! Fun news from her life in Greece and a load of FREE kindle books in every issue!

NEW! A historical paranormal romance box set. This is the timeless love story that will stay with you forever. Set in Moraitika, Corfu and Brighton, England. Visit Amazon:
Clean romance short read, FREE with Kindle Unlimited. It’ll transport you straight to Corfu to experience summer in an idyllic Greek seaside village. Visit Amazon:


Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to south Corfu!


For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.


Beautiful Corfu town and… spetseriko, Corfu’s secret spice mix!

The vaulted street of Liston in Corfu town was modelled after Rue Rivoli in Paris

Hello, All! I am back from Corfu, where I spent 10 wonderful days, and I am thrilled to share with you today a few photos from the old town. Also, I am about to spill the beans on Spetseriko–the traditional, delicious AND secret spice mix of Corfu! Below, you will find out where you can get the real deal while in Corfu town AND how you can make it at home on your own too! Sounds good? Let’s go!

A sea view from the grounds of the Old Palace

My husband and I spent a sunny morning around the capital of Corfu, visiting the old quarter.

Our day started with the must-have coffee at Liston–the famous vaulted street which was made during the French Occupation of Corfu. The French modelled it after Rue Rivoli in Paris. The old town quarter with its stunning antiquated buildings and the large square of Spianada remain silent witnesses to the history of Corfu.

In succession, the island was occupied first by the Venetians, who made the Old and the New Fortress, then the English, to whom we owe the beautiful greenery at the Old Square (Spianada) as well as the cricket green before Liston where the Brits taught the Corfiots how to play cricket!

Finally, the French, the last foreign occupants on the island, decorated the Spianada with gorgeous architecture. I’ve already mentioned Liston, which they constructed, and they also made the round edifice with the colonade all around it that still stands at the end of the square beyond the bandstand.

Speaking of Liston, did you know that in the old days there was a thing called Libro D’ Oro which is Italian for ‘Golden Book’? The names of all the aristocrats were listed in it. And only people whose name was in the Libro D’ Oro were allowed to walk along the street of Liston! Talk about keeping the riff-raff away, LOL. Things were pretty strict back then!

Anyway… During our visit, we enjoyed the generous sea views from the garden of the Old Palace such as the one you see above. All around these grounds, there are marvelous vistas that compel the visitors to use their cameras. This summer, there were two art exhibitions housed on two different sides of the palace. Buying one ticket gave you access to both, and they were delightfully diverse, which was a bonus.

My favourite was a homage to the Greek Revolution in 1821 which depicted in paintings mostly prominent figures from that time. The other exhibition involved paintings of contemporary themes by a single lady artist. I loved the flowers she painted especially. Stunning stuff. I don’t know for how long these exhibitions will be at the palace, but if you are on the island, they are well worth a visit.



Sssh! I am about to disclose a secret! The secret of Spetseriko!!

During our day in town, we made sure to visit this old pharmacy… to buy a spice mix for pasta!!!!

During my long summer stays in Moraitika in the 1980s, my granny was forever taking my sister and me for a walk around Corfu town and for a spot of shopping too. She never missed visiting this old pharmacy just off Sarocco Square. It’s situated on the right side of the road, just after Sarocco, heading towards Liston and the old town quarter.

I hadn’t been in there for many years, but I never forgot Granny referred to it as ‘the Pitsilos pharmacy’. As I stood at its facade, I realised at once it had been heavily renovated and guessed it was under new management too. Going inside, I saw the antiquated cabinets I recalled from the old days where no longer there, but I have to admit the new decoration was just as beautiful and paid homage to the pharmacy’s long-standing tradition on the island.

Before I knew it, I was asking the owner about the name ‘Pitsilos’ and he didn’t seem to know it in relation to the property. Then again, he was very young, in his 30s I would think, and if my granny was alive today she’d be 99 years old. So, she probably had seen this place change hands more than once during her lifetime. The kindly owner, other than selling me a large sachet of spetseriko much to my delight, told me that, as far as he knew, the pharmacy was owned previously by a lady called Carmella. When I asked around later on, other locals confirmed that name and some still refer to it as ‘Carmella’s pharmacy’.

None seem to have heard of the name Pitsilos, though, but since Granny had a sharp memory till the day she died at 92, I can only give her the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps it was owned by a pharmacist called Pitsilos much earlier in time. After all, the place was founded in 1915 according to the writing on the facade. And a website I found claimed it was in operation back in 1850!

Chatting with locals on Facebook about this place, I found out that a few decades back, at least one doctor used to work from this pharmacy in the evenings. I can only guess that every day people didn’t have easy access to doctors back then. Visiting a pharmacy and getting some advice from a doctor rather than having to visit a remote hospital or a costly private surgery, may have been easier to afford and provided many with prompt access to medical care.

Apparently, in the old days, all pharmacists in Corfu made spetseriko and they were called ‘spetsierides’ because of this. The word ‘spetseriko’ has Venetian origin. It is derived from the word ‘speci’ which means ‘spices’. Every pharmacist had their own recipe for spetseriko back in the day, and, at least this specific pharmacy I visited, which still seems to make it, keeps theirs a secret to this day.

By the way, the owner of the pharmacy today is Mr Skiadopoulos and the address is Georgiou Theotoki 56, Sarocco Square – in case you wish to have your own sachet of spetseriko!

I put my recent purchase to the test the first time I made Bolognese and it was as divine as I can remember. I cannot wait to try it also in Pastichio like my granny did too. She also made the best Pastitsada with spetseriko. I urgy you to try it if you cook any of the aforementioned meals, or in any tomato sauce for pasta.

Just use very little at first, and see how you go. Perhaps 1/4 of a teaspoon at first. I once made a mistake of putting 1 teaspoon in my Pastichio and it made me VERY ill. Do not try this, folks, unless you’re sure you have the system to take a large amount. As it was proven, I don’t 🙂

And, hey, did I say you don’t have to visit Corfu to get spetseriko? As it turns out, there are recipes online! I found a Greek blog that shares an easy-to-follow recipe. I’ve translated it into English for you. Enjoy!

10 gr ground clove

50 gr ground cinnamon

50 gr ground nutmeg

70 gr sweet paprika

50 gr ground cumin

20 gr spicy chilli powder (i.e. spicy ‘boukovo’, ground)

100 gr sweet chilli powder (i.e. sweet ‘boukovo’, ground)

20 gr ground allspice balls (i.e. ‘bahari’)

30 medium laurel leaves (ground to fine powder)

25 gr ground black pepper

Mix the ingredients together well, and keep in a sealed jar in a cool place.

Sources for the recipe: and

Note: I found other recipes too, and each one had more or less the same ingredients but with different measurements and proportions, but it’s worth saying this: All the others I found omitted the laurel leaves and just advised to add 2 laurel leaves in the pot with the spetseriko. I would go for that option, personally, but it’s up to you!  

Interested to see more of Corfu town? Check out this post. Magnificent vistas in Garitsa & Anemomylos, the stunning old quarter of Campielo, and a traditional soap factory. Enjoy!

Get my pastitsada recipe here!


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Beautiful Corfu town and... spetseriko, Corfu's secret spice mix #corfu #corfutown #Greece Share on X


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A post about my father, may he R.I.P.


It is with great sadness that I am announcing today that my father passed away earlier this month, at the age of 81.

In the end, there was nothing I could do, no matter how hard I tried at home to make my father strong again with the help of two highly experienced and attentive nurses. His three long stays at the hospital since June while taking endless courses of strong antibiotics to fight the many infections caused irreversible damage to his organs.

He tried so hard and he was so brave, and now he is finally rested… I am comforted to think of him in heaven now, reunited with my dear mother. The fact he didn’t feel the slightest twinge of pain in his last days is also a great comfort for me, and a good indication that your collective prayers did a miracle to make his passing as easy as possible. And, for that, I will always be grateful to you all.

My father had a great affinity for horses, having been raised on the island of Limnos with various farm animals, including horses, thanks to his father’s job–he was a merchant of livestock. In the army, my father was put in charge of the horses, and he loved that. He was a bit of a horse whisperer too, in the sense that he could tame even the most wild ones – at one time surprising even his father with this skill when he was still very young.

Dad has always been super strong, despite being thin, thanks to his Greco-Roman wrestling training that he did as a youngster. In the army, he used to lift his friends up into the air while posing for photographs. I am sharing these pictures today with you all, as I find them very comforting.

I prefer to think of my father like this, rather than the way he looked on those dreadful last days, trapped in a skeletal, broken body. He is clothed in the glory of God right now, anyway, surely looking in heaven exactly as he does in these pictures: Forever young and able-bodied, eyes sparkling, face beaming.

To all those of you who have lost a loved one, I hope you are joining me in remembering that our separation from them is only temporary. Death is only for the body, after all, as the soul is eternal. Also, let us be comforted with the fact that the sadness is only for us, who are left behind, and never for those who leave us. The kind souls who move on beyond the veil have only bliss and only joy to look forward to. Love and blessings to all, till next time.

Hey, before you go! In my latest newsletter, I am sharing a plethora of FREE kindle books!

Check it out here!



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Get Effrosyni’s FREE books with your signup to her bimonthly newsletter! Fun news from her life in Greece and a load of FREE kindle books in every issue!

NEW! A historical paranormal romance box set. This is the timeless love story that will stay with you forever. Set in Moraitika, Corfu and Brighton, England. Visit Amazon:
Clean romance short read, FREE with Kindle Unlimited. It’ll transport you straight to Corfu to experience summer in an idyllic Greek seaside village. Visit Amazon:


Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to south Corfu!


For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.


A strange event in my sleepy little town and an old Greek movie

The derelict old factory in my seaside little town of Nea Peramos (just 36 kms west of Athens) came to life last month… but only for two nights. The old factory used to produce linen and distribute them all over Greece – the brand name was Peiraiki-Patraiki, and later it was taken over by the paper company, Softex, around the 80s-90s. Then, in the 00s, it was abandoned and left to its fate, to weather away through the decades that followed. The factory, and especially its beautiful facade, became famous all over Greece in the 60s as it became the set of the legendary Greek movie, ‘I Kori mou i Sosialistria’ (My Socialist Daughter) starring the most popular Greek movie stars at the time – Aliki Vougiouklaki and Dimitris Papamichael.

Today, the factory is derelict and it’s always quiet over there, since it’s flanked on both sides by open fields for quite a distance. This is why, as I drove past one evening last month, I found it very peculiar to see cars parked back-to-back along the road, for hundreds of meters before and after the factory building.

What’s more, from a nearby field, I saw youngsters emerging in large numbers onto the road. They were walking along the field on a dirt path that was situated on one side of the building. So, if they were visiting the old factory, why were they coming out via a field and not out the main gate, which remained locked like always?

It was all very peculiar, and my first guess was that perhaps something illegal was going on. A rave party? (if these are, indeed, still happening? I wouldn’t know as I am too old, obviously haha!) Some kind of happening for sure!

The people were just too many, most of them looking barely out of puberty too. Arriving home, I checked for new posts in a local Facebook group where the people of Nea Peramos discuss events, and share advice and information among them.

Sure enough, someone had already expressed their intrigue about the parked cars and the many people sighted near the derelict factory.

‘Not to worry!’ someone commented under the post. ‘It’s just a painting exhibition. It’s happening just this weekend!’

‘Oh, now it makes sense!’ another quipped. ‘I spotted a black Jeep parked outside the building the other day. Some guys were standing at the gate and talking’.

The rest of the comments were complaints, as one might expect. ‘An art exhibition? In our town? But, how come we are not aware of this?’

‘Yes, how come?’ another frustrated local would add. ‘Why didn’t they advertise it anywhere so we can go? Who are these people going there and how did they find out then?’

My own reasonings were similar. If, indeed, this was a legit ‘painting exhibition’ then why didn’t it get advertised properly and openly? Why all the secrecy? The factory gates weren’t even opened. And how was it that the only visitors I saw at the site were youngsters? Surely, middle-aged and even elderly visitors would jump at the chance to visit an ‘art exhibition’!?

To cut a long story short, this same oddity was repeated the next evening, and after that, the factory reverted to its usual ghostly state. And that’s when we got to hear the rest of the story…

As it turned out, this was a street art exhibition, after all, and it had been prepared and opened to the public secretly, on purpose. Whoever planned this, wanted to experiment, apparently, to see if such an event could be advertised secretly and still be a success among the young.

For two years, 20 street artists visited the building under wraps to work on a total of 70 murals!

The team that organised the whole thing gave the project the code name ‘Project Peramo’ (from our town’s name, Nea Peramos). The code name had been whispered from person to person these past two years, making its way online only via private Direct Messages – never posted properly on social media. And it still became a success on the weekend of the opening.

Two years of work resulted to this event, a spotlight of just a few hours. No one knows what will happen to the murals post-event. The only thing I have found that I perceive as good news is that the old factory has recently been acquired by a construction company called Dimand and that another company – Royale Sugar – is planning to operate in the building.

The locals, including yours truly, have grown upset over the past decades to see this old gem left to its fate so this is going to excite everyone – to see it in operation again after twenty odd years.

It seems to be frozen in time, judging from the pictures I saw in a blog post online (in Greek) that reported on the street art event.

In one of the photos, you can see a chart where work shifts were being recorded back in the day. And on another, the sign of the staff canteen sports the old font anyone will recognise from the 70s and 80s…

Go here to see plenty of photographs from the street art event!

UPDATE: In 2024, works in the old factory began under new management and are still ongoing as I write this. I look forward to seeing it operational again!



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A soup for strong Greeks! Beef soup with veg. Oh! And a load of FREE books!

You need strength? Get cooking ‘kreatosoupa’!

Today, I am pleased to share another authentic Greek recipe – a delicious and wholesome soup made with beef, vegetables and rice. Ask any Greek what they eat when they are feeling weak or ill and they will tell you ‘Kreatosoupa’ or ‘Kotosoupa’ (beef soup or chicken soup). I’ll bet money on it, haha. And it’s true. Nothing strengthens more than these Greek soups – not just thanks to the precious protein but also the generous lashings of lemon juice.

Go here to get my family recipe for beef soup

(and chicken soup with ‘avgolemono’ as well!)


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Get Effrosyni’s FREE books with your signup to her bimonthly newsletter! Fun news from her life in Greece and a load of FREE kindle books in every issue!

NEW! A historical paranormal romance box set. This is the timeless love story that will stay with you forever. Set in Moraitika, Corfu and Brighton, England. Visit Amazon:
Clean romance short read, FREE with Kindle Unlimited. It’ll transport you straight to Corfu to experience summer in an idyllic Greek seaside village. Visit Amazon:


Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to south Corfu!


For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.


A day out on the Greek island of Poros and some tough days that followed

My husband and I had the most wonderful day in Poros earlier this month, travelling by coach with the local travel agent. We drove to Galatas and Palaia Epidavros too. We stayed in Poros for about 5 hours, and meeting painter and author Pamela Jane Rogers made it even more special for us. She gave us a private tour around town which was more than we could have ever hoped for.

What an honour for us and what an awesome lady she is. Pamela is a permanent resident of Poros for over 30 years now. You can see her artwork HERE. She took us inside so many of the little shops as we walked around the lanes, chatting to the locals.

One of the shop owners turned out to be Magda, a friend of mine! She used to have a shop in my town of Nea Peramos! Couldn’t believe it. Magda and her family are very talented, by the way. She, her husband and their children make various crafts to sell them in the shop. Organic soaps, knitted bags, woodwork and a lot more. Their brand is called Olive Lab and you can shop for their products online. Highly recommended, folks. Everything is top quality and perfectly natural!



This is the cutest thing I’ve seen all month. I came across these kittens while walking around the lanes of Poros. Such a precious finding! I guess I saw them in the nook where they lay because I was looking for them, if that makes sense. My husband, Andy, and our friend, Pamela, were walking beside me and they’d have missed the kitties had I not shown them. It would have been such a shame. It was cuteness overload and we all need a dose of that daily, don’t we?

I do the same all the time now, looking for cuteness and beauty, whenever I walk around the seafront in my town. I make stops to take pictures of the sea foaming as it reaches the sand, of seagulls perched on the top of the fishing boats, and of the dramatic colours of the sky at sunset. Sometimes, I don’t even bother with the camera. I’ve come to find that the most precious ‘snapshots’ are those I take with my mind…

And I need these ‘snapshots’ more than ever before right now. They help my soul stay afloat, it seems.

Life has got too complicated for me since my father, Fotios, fell ill with depression last Fall. Even more so than when he was undergoing cancer treatment earlier last year, believe me. I had no idea, and neither did he, what it entails to have depression. It is not just a disease – it feels more like a monster, an entity, seeking to take your life, to destroy you. And it has an energy that affects those around you too.

This energy has permeated my being too by now, and it’s only recently that I realized. I am not saying I’ve got depression, no. Just that it’s got to me so badly that my innate propensity to feel and express joy has waned to unprecedented levels by now. This energy is dark and sticky…

If you’re spiritual like me and have a strong connection with your own ‘inside world’ and your own energy, you may understand when I say I can feel it. It seeks to weaken me from the inside, I can tell now, but I am holding strong.

Twice in the past two months, I’ve fallen ill with infection, and I never used to get sick for years on end. Bugs or viruses – no problem. My immune system kept them all at bay. Including covid. Throughout the scary period of 2020-22 I didn’t get as much as the sniffles. But upset and stress weakened my immune system to the point that, right now, I am wide open to it all, it seems.

As I write this, my voice is completely gone with laryngitis, a first in my adult life! It’s been 5 days now that I cannot speak, but I see a silver lining in this too, the way I try to find one in all negative things.

Not speaking out loud for days eventually shuts down your internal voice too. I just realized today and found it to be quite a blessing. It is so relaxing to tidy up a room or brush your teeth or wash the dishes and actually think of nothing! Mindful washing? LOL! Yes, it’s a thing. And I love it.

So I use these days of aphonia to reap a benefit. I do soul-searching. I ask questions. And I’ve found new guidance for my life, having also had some new insights about what I am doing that’s wrong and how I can change tack.

For starters, I know I will never let depression claim my father’s life or let its dark energies get to me again enough to make me ill repeatedly.

Prayers welcome, if you believe in a higher power. We are visiting a third psychiatrist next week. So far, two doctors couldn’t help my father, Fotios, increase his appetite to a level that can actually help him gain weight or even have a hearty lunch on any given day. I pray with all I got that this time we will find the right protocol.

If you have someone in your life with depression, or an elderly person who lives alone, know that the simplest thing you can do to help is say a few positive words to them. Loneliness is painful, really painful. Consider giving them five minutes of your time for a quick chat on the phone if you can’t drop by. It’ll make their day.




YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY… SHARING IS CARING! Tweet this to spread some love:

Fun news from a Greek author and FREE books for all! #ian1 #freebiefriday #Greece Share on X


Get Effrosyni’s FREE books with your signup to her bimonthly newsletter! Fun news from her life in Greece and a load of FREE kindle books in every issue!

NEW! A historical paranormal romance box set. This is the timeless love story that will stay with you forever. Set in Moraitika, Corfu and Brighton, England. Visit Amazon:
Clean romance short read, FREE with Kindle Unlimited. It’ll transport you straight to Corfu to experience summer in an idyllic Greek seaside village. Visit Amazon:


Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to south Corfu!


For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.


How to get stress relief fast. An easy and quick method you can do anywhere!

In this recent post, I shared with you a couple of free books on the subject of negative emotions and their relation with dis-ease. Negative emotions, such as stress, anger or upset, can compromise our health, eventually manifesting in our body as dis-ease, if we don’t keep them in check.

I have been researching a lot on this subject for many years and have picked up a lot of new skills along the way to keep my mind calm and my uncomfortable emotions under control even when a storm is raging around me and my life’s circumstances can be too much to bear.

With my mother passing away in 2020 after battling cancer for 4 years, and my father developing cancer first, then deep depression too after her loss, you can imagine how the angst of the past few years has affected my own life and health by now. But, the new methods I have learned really help me find relief, each time I resort to them for assistance.

Today, I am pleased to share with you my favourite stress-relief method. It is called Tapping (aka EFT). It is like acupuncture, except it uses the fingertips instead of needles so you can do it anytime, anywhere.

Tapping has been proven to dissolve cortisol (the stress hormone) in the body in a matter of minutes!

Have you ever heard about EFT (Tapping)? It changed my life!

Learn how to tap with this short video. It’s so easy to do!

Note on the video: I just want to clarify that, in each session, you say ‘the set up statement’ three times on the ‘karate chop’ point, then you don’t do it again. After making the statement, you just do rounds of the 8 tapping points. You can stop after a few rounds and take a breath. Ask yourself how you feel. I bet you you’ll admit you’re feeling the difference!

Here’s how Tapping works:

While you tap, you basically let it all out! You simply speak aloud about your problems, your physical pain, your anger, your stress, your sadness, whatever it is that’s bothering you. Imagine that you’re talking to a friend and hold nothing back. Sounds simplistic, I know, but it works like a charm!

The tapping serves to open a door to your subconscious, so to speak. And it is the subconscious that then responds to work on your body to dissolve the negative feeling, or a physical pain or discomfort, and in every case to give you a unique sense of calm and peace. After just a few minutes of doing this!

Sometimes, your subconscious will give you thoughts or images as you tap, especially if you ask questions… It’s literally, a conversation with your subconscious – the latter being the real genie in the bottle, the miraculous agent in the body that makes everything possible.

If you want to really delve into the amazing stress-relief practice that is EFT (Tapping), I highly recommend the book below by Nick Ortner, which has helped me deal with (and to dissolve) chronic tension in my neck that wouldn’t go away. But then one day, during a tapping session, as I tapped and expressed aloud how I felt, I was able to pinpoint the traumatic memory that had caused the tension.

An image from an old memory flashed in my head. It was the image of a loved one crying on my shoulder. She had rested her head in the crook of my neck as she cried and I felt her pain palpably at the time. Someone had treated her unfairly and I wanted to say something to that person, to defend her, but she asked me not to. I guess I kept it all in, for her sake. And, instantly, it made sense why my body had ‘stored’ chronic tension right there.

And then, during the tapping, when I realised, it simply disappeared on the spot and never came back! I just tilted my head sideways towards that shoulder and it nearly touched it. For years, I hadn’t been able to tilt my head towards that side in the least. It felt like a miracle and I guess it is. Being able to speak to your subconscious mind and get it to ‘talk back’ surely is a miraculous thing!

The book below by Nick Ortner makes references to real people’s stories that used tapping to heal from all kinds of dis-ease. Yet, it focuses mainly on battling stress. The author has published another book that is more about pain management.

Whichever you go for, I know your life will change forever with Tapping. It will allow you to quickly resolve all sorts of health complaints and to maintain a calmer mind in your daily life.

Have you ever tried Tapping? Did you get any good results? Make sure to comment and let me know. I’d love to hear from you! 



You may also be interested in this post:

Can negative emotions such as stress, sadness, or anger cause disease? See how these methods can help. FREE resources here:     



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NEW! A historical paranormal romance box set. This is the timeless love story that will stay with you forever. Set in Moraitika, Corfu and Brighton, England. Visit Amazon:
Clean romance short read, FREE with Kindle Unlimited. It’ll transport you straight to Corfu to experience summer in an idyllic Greek seaside village. Visit Amazon:


Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
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Concerns about the involvement of AI in fiction writing and other human art forms

It’s very disheartening (and alarming) to know authors have started to use AI platforms to create books. This makes it so hard for authors who still refuse (and will always refuse) to do the same. So these authors who refuse to use AI (and I am one of them) are in a bit of a pickle. I mean, how do you compete with an AI that’s tireless and all brilliant?

But AI-written books can be a form of a ‘threat’ for the readers as well. In terms of quality, for one. Book-writing is an art form, as we all understand. Are we sure that what the AI offers will amount to what a human being can offer to a reader? Writing a novel involves the heart and the soul of the writer – plus, a mystical connection with something ethereal, something ‘out there’ that even though every fiction writer experiences as a ‘download’ of information, they often have no idea where the inspiration is really coming from. Anyone who’s ever written a novel understands this statement.

Reducing the art form that is called fiction-writing to something a piece of code can put together (using its admittedly powerful and brilliant skills), is something that the human race cannot possibly benefit from. Why? Because, as I said, the writing process will not involve the workings of a living soul. What makes good writing is the quality (and the height) of the emotions the reader experiences. When a reader laughs out loud or reaches out for a hankie as they read, it’s only because the human being who wrote the book did the same as they read it themselves previously. This creates a connection between the author and the reader that no AI can ever form.

To be honest, I am very concerned that the ‘soul-less’ pieces of writing churned out by an AI will in time change the experience of the readers, habituating them to it, enough for them to ultimately settle for less. There’s also the matter of plagiarism to consider, whereas there’s no relevant legislation in place involving AI.

In case you’re not aware, an AI devours everything out there as it trains itself before it’s ready to become a ‘writer’ itself. And when I say ‘everything’ I don’t just mean the classics. It registers the works of contemporary authors too. For what I know, AIs have access to all books EVER WRITTEN, including mine.

But are they licenced to do that? No, they are not. There is therefore an ethical matter to consider here, as this is plagiarism if a passage from an author’s book winds up in an AI’s piece of writing.

But is it plagiarism if an AI wrote it when there’s no legislation to call it so? How then, will a human writer ever be able to protect their copyright in a court of law against an AI software platform or an author who used AI software to write the offending book? You see where I am getting at here?

Things are not that simple. And they are bound to have severe implications in the authors’ sales/lives in the long run. The AI platforms that provide the software make it sound like it’s the best thing ever… They promise authors high earnings if they jump first into the game. They say, ‘Get the AI to write a book for you. You publish it, and everybody’s happy…’ But no, not really. I don’t see authors becoming happy, for one. Including those who will let an AI write their books for them.

I am very curious about the readers out there, about what they will choose to do. It will be good news for me to hear that readers will actually tell the difference and will not enjoy an AI book anywhere near as much as one written by a human being. But what if they do? Now, that is my greatest concern…

Consider someone who is forced daily to eat the food of a bad cook… The first time they may think it’s yukky, but if they try it again and again, in time it may taste a little better. Why? Because the human brain is hardwired that way. It gets used to bad experiences with repetition.

So, when you ‘consume’ something of a lesser quality long enough, sooner or later, you will compromise… you’ll begin to forget what you used to ‘consume’ before, so this bad soup (or bad book, as the case may be) starts to seem okay… And, in time, it even becomes wonderful!

And, just like that, we could all wind up witnessing masses of readers worldwide queueing outside the big stores to get the next paperback of the most celebrated AI out there. Sounds like a sci-fi story? No, not really. That may very well be our near future if we’re not careful. If we don’t nip this in the bud.

If we allow this craziness to start with literature, then what stops an AI from trying its ‘hand’ on painting next? How about photography? Music-writing? Screenplay writing? Or even fashion design? What will become of our world if we let AI take over and make decisions for us about our entertainment, what we eat and what we wear?

And here’s another question for you to perhaps mull over: Does art have any value when the thinking, emotions, traumas, and the whisperings of the soul of a human being are not involved in its birth? I’ll let you answer this question for yourself.

Regardless of all that… I expect you’re feeling curious to read a book written by an AI. I’ll be brutally honest. SO AM I! But being curious is not the same thing as opting to buy such a work again and again. As I said earlier, AI is presenting a threat not just for authors but for all kinds of artists.

Choosing AI-generated art means that with our hard-earned money we are failing to support human artists instead. And most artists are forever plagued by a lack of sufficient funds. This would seriously threaten the survival of many. Many will be forced to stop creating their art and go get a mundane job instead. One that will make them as soulless as the AI, I will add. Their talent will be kept to themselves, never put to good use, their works never shared. And that, in itself, is the epitome of misery for any given artist.

For what it’s worth: I urge you to resist this AI takeover on the art of literature. For the reasons I have explained, I find it unethical and demoralising. But, of course, you can decide for yourselves on that.

Now, something you should be aware of, either way: Writers who use AI platforms to write their books for them, are obliged to declare this clearly inside the books. So, you have the chance to know what you’re buying and reading. Just make sure to read the copyright page carefully. If it states that the writer is a piece of software, you may want to think twice before buying it. If you lean towards supporting human writers, that is.

Hopefully, this new, appalling trend will create a big bubble that’ll soon blow over. And it’s all up to us. All of us, human beings, to make the right choice and support each other. It’s always up to us to choose to protect or not to protect our own – and the true essence of art, if I may add.

For all the reasons I have put forward, I ask you to consider protecting and upholding the importance of the living soul in the creation of any art form out there.


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Concerns about AI-written books. What are the implications for authors and readers? #writers #indieauthors #authors Share on X

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NEW! A historical paranormal romance box set. This is the timeless love story that will stay with you forever. Set in Moraitika, Corfu and Brighton, England. Visit Amazon:
Clean romance short read, FREE with Kindle Unlimited. It’ll transport you straight to Corfu to experience summer in an idyllic Greek seaside village. Visit Amazon:

Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here
Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
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Can negative emotions such as stress, sadness, or anger cause disease?

I found this quote by Hippocrates mounted over the exit of a hospital here in Attica, Greece where I live. It reads the following, in Greek:

“Before you cure someone, ask them if they are willing to leave behind all that makes them sick.” ~Hippocrates

It struck me as 100% wise and true, but also as a huge irony, seeing that conventional medicine focuses on the body and often overlooks the importance of the mind and the spirit in the process of healing as well as the catastrophic effects of negative emotions.

Those who’ve followed me for a while know that I keep a natural approach to maintaining good health. I am passionate about healthy living/eating, and also about discovering ‘alternative’ practices and techniques to manage negative feelings (including stress) and to keep myself healthy.

To me, all diseases are psychosomatic. Even if what causes a disease can be something wrong in our diet or lifestyle, or a certain nutrient deficiency, the catalyst is always a negative emotion. According to the philosophy of Qi Gong (an ancient Chinese healing practice that I am fascinated about), every major organ can become sick from a specific negative emotion. Given enough time, fear hurts the kidneys, for example. Sorrow hurts the lungs, stress hurts the stomach and the spleen, anger hurts the liver, and malice or bearing grudges is bound to hurt the heart. To Qi Gong, disease is nothing but negative emotion (stale energy) stuck in the body.

Using Qi Gong exercises or a Qi Gong healing practice, the energy meridians are cleared of the stale energy. Qi flows effortlessly along the meridians anew and thus health is restored. It sounds very simple, I know, but it certainly works. In the past year, I have learned to do simple Qi Gong exercises at home to get the Qi moving and remove stale energy. I’ve also attended an online seminar to learn the basics of the ancient healing practice of Qi Gong. It’s very self-intuitive and it makes me very excited when I work on someone and get to guess where they have pain or discomfort!

But it’s not just Qi Gong that I picked up in the recent years that helped me change the way I look at dis-ease. There’s also the amazing medicine of Dr Hamer that tells us that every disease has an emotional trigger…

Back in the 1970s, Dr Hamer began to develop the ground-breaking Germanic New Medicine – nowadays more commonly known as ‘German New Medicine’. According to his findings, every dis-ease has an emotional trigger. In response to that detrimental emotional trigger, the mind runs a ‘program’ in the body, which we call dis-ease, and which has a cycle and a healing phase.

Dr Hamer charted the human brain, recording which part of the brain corresponds to which part of the body. He noted that in the case of every dis-ease, the brain acquires marks that look like shooting targets in the corresponding part of the brain for the ailing part of the body.

His colleagues used to hand him the brain MRIs of their patients and Dr Hamer would tell them which dis-eases their patients had in the past and in the present time, based on the look of these target marks. According to him, when the brain runs the ‘healing’ program, it can employ viruses, bacteria and fungi in the body to eat away at anything that needs to go – cysts, fibroids or cancer tumours, for example.

For the ‘dis-ease program’ to stop running in the brain, the patient needs to pinpoint which was the stressful or upsetting or otherwise emotionally negative situation that triggered their dis-ease in the first place. Germanic New Medicine is truly a remarkable medical method, and I have full faith that it will gain more ground in the years to come.

I have a British friend in India who has saved the lives of at least 200 terminally ill cancer patients in this country so far using the Germanic New Medicine method. Just by talking to them and helping them find the trigger that gave them the cancer. He works for free, treating poor families there.

Those patients were told by their doctors they didn’t have long to live. They could help them no more and basically sent them home to await the inevitable. But this man sat them down and asked them a few questions to pinpoint what happened to them emotionally around the time when the dis-ease started. That conversation was all that was needed. Every time. You see, once the patient realizes, the dis-ease ‘program’ in the brain is ceased and a new ‘program’ for healing kicks in.

The Brit in India I just shared about is an author called Danny Carroll and this is his book that outlines in more detail the astounding principles of Germanic New Medicine.

It is a short read – about 80 pages, but the knowledge it packs is so inspiring that I believe it’s a true life-changer. I hope and expect it will flick that switch in many people’s minds to realize that they have way more control on overcoming disease without medical assistance than they tend to think. And then, perhaps, they won’t be as dependent on a medical system that is often found to be ineffective, to say the least.

Here is a presentation of the book by the author:

My name is Danny Carroll, I have been researching cancer for nearly two decades, and spent the last seven years helping terminally and chronically ill cancer patients, who medical doctors had given up on, to fully recover their health. And I am not a doctor.

My teacher was a traditional medical doctor specialized in research and in 1978, discovered a critical link between emotional trauma and cancer when he was diagnosed with cancer two months after his 19 year old son was shot and murdered. His subsequent medical discoveries are quite extraordinary.

“This is one of the most empowering books on cancer you will ever read. We are so used to symptom treatment being our medical standard of care today. Everyone deserves to know and understand that their bodies have the innate power to heal themselves. This is our birth right that we need to accept, acknowledge, and activate. This book helps you to do just that.” – Tessa Anthia John Guerra, Licensed Psychologist & Psychotherapist


Check out the book on Amazon. It is a bestseller!



Fascinating stuff, huh? If you’d like to know more, there is a free book on the internet that analyses the philosophy of Dr Hamer’s Germanic New Medicine. It also lists all diseases with real cases recorded by the doctor himself, with advice for healing.

I use it as a reference book to look things up (it’s been accurate so many times!!) but it’s very ‘meaty’ in many parts, getting into fascinating details about the philosophy of this medical practice and the workings of the human mind.

The book is called THE PSYCHIC ROOTS OF DISEASE BY BJORN EYBL. Just google it and download a FREE PDF. Other electronic formats may also be available.

Alternatively, you can buy the paperback on Amazon:


On the subject of cancer, I highly recommend this book. It explains things simply and mentions various protocols on how to beat the dis-ease naturally. The author, Ty Bollinger, has made an amazing documentary on the subject, which I’ve watched on the Internet and found mind-blowing. See my review of the book and links to the first couple free episodes of the docuseries here:

Read this post for a an easy hack that dissolves the stress hormone, cortisol, swiftly! It’s FREE and you can do it anywhere, anytime!


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Can emotional triggers cause disease? Find out how Germanic New Medicine can help. FREE resources! #disease #cancer #freebooks Share on X


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NEW! A historical paranormal romance box set. This is the timeless love story that will stay with you forever. Set in Moraitika, Corfu and Brighton, England. Visit Amazon:
Clean romance short read, FREE with Kindle Unlimited. It’ll transport you straight to Corfu to experience summer in an idyllic Greek seaside village. Visit Amazon:


Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
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How to grow sprouts in a jar. Delicious and packed with nutrients!

Hi All!

Today, I am sharing a bunch of free books in my newsletter, including a very special book from a man who is saving cancer patients in India, just by talking to them! Interested to hear more? Scroll all the way down for my newsletter link!

And now, to tell you about this exciting new discovery I made…

I recently watched a video by nutrition expert Mike Adams about how to grow sprouts in glass jars and got so excited I immediately set out to find jars with suitable lids. I just had to grow sprouts in a jar! It looked so easy to do. Growing alfalfa seeds in particular seems to offer a wealth of health benefits.

Finding sprouting seeds online was easy, but the jar was a totally different story. It proved impossible to find glass jars with mesh (plastic or metal) on the lid. Once again, hubbie saved the day. He cut up the metal lid you can see here and added a sheet of plastic mesh. That did the trick to grow the sprouts twice, then the lid began to rust, which wasn’t good. So he made a ring out of plastic to use as a lid. Using brass nails he then attached some plastic mesh to the lid. This did the trick just fine.

Basically, I put a spoonful of organic alfalfa seeds in the glass jar, fill it with filtered water and leave it standing upright covered with a towel away from sunlight for 10 hours (the seeds should not be left to soak much longer).

I always start soaking the seeds in the morning. Then, in the evening (10-12 hours later max), I drain the water and put the jar upside down in a narrow container, a little tilted, in indirect sunlight. I use a strainer to sit it on, with a breakfast bowl underneath, and I rest it against a wall to be safe. Anywhere in a sunny room will do, as long as the sunlight doesn’t directly shine on the jar.

After that, twice a day, morning and evening (about 10-12 hours apart), I fill the jar with water and drain it immediately. I repeat 2-3 times to rinse the sprouts well, then leave the jar in its makeshift cradle upside down. That’s it.

You can start eating the sprouts after 4-5 days of doing this twice a day. I leave them for about 5-6 days in the jar in the way I explained, then I drain well and put them in a container in the fridge to enjoy in salads or sandwiches. They are delicious!

If I start eating from the jar, I cannot stop haha. They are so crunchy, a wonderful texture. Last time, I threw in a few broccoli seeds too (they have a slight kick) so I enjoyed a mix with the alfalfa seeds. It was very nice. Radish seeds are supposed to have a kick too, but I haven’t tried those yet. Always use organic, no matter what sprouts you go for.

You can watch Mike Adams’s short video HERE

I hope it will inspire you the way it inspired me.

Serving suggestion

This is a new book (only short, about 90 pages) and it is offered for free in my latest newsletter. Read it and you’ll never think of cancer (or any other dis-ease) in the same way again! This is a book by a very special Englishman, who learned a ground-breaking medicine method from a doctor and is now practicing it in India, working for free, saving the lives of terminally ill cancer patients that the medical system could help no more. All he does is talk to them… and this simple intervention saves their lives, somehow, thanks to this amazing medical practice that is still to be discovered by the masses. It sounds strange, I know, but it works!

Check out more details in my newsletter:



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Get Effrosyni’s FREE books with your signup to her bimonthly newsletter! Fun news from her life in Greece and a load of FREE kindle books in every issue!

NEW! A historical paranormal romance box set. This is the timeless love story that will stay with you forever. Set in Moraitika, Corfu and Brighton, England. Visit Amazon:
Clean romance short read, FREE with Kindle Unlimited. It’ll transport you straight to Corfu to experience summer in an idyllic Greek seaside village. Visit Amazon:


Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to south Corfu!


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