Book review: Tales to Count on by S.R. Mallery

Trust S.R. Mallery to never disappoint. And this rings true, once again, with this collection of delightfully diverse short stories. The order they’ve been put in the book (from shorter to longer in terms of word count) also serves as a vehicle that drives the reader deeper and deeper into the author’s mastery of prose. I am not a fan of flash fiction, so I can’t say I particularly enjoyed the first stories that were really short. But, boy, did the reading begin to pay off gradually as I kept turning the pages! For me, short stories of a greater length are those that allow an author to unfold their talent to the max. Mallery’s came shining through the pages like a floodlight. I loved how some of the stories took me to different places or times – reminding me of the equally thrilling experience I had when I read ‘Sewing Can Be Dangerous’ by the same author. Jumping from one place and era to another, on and on, had me starting each story with an element of surprise, which enhanced my reading experience further. In Tales to Count On, Mallery reminds us that nothing is what it seems. I urge you to read this book and explore this notion with these wonderful tales.

My rating

5 stars

Surprising endings and masterful prose!

Do you enjoy short stories that intrigue? How about historical fiction? This gem is for you!

Check it out on Amazon  US   UK



5-star #Review Tales to Count on by @SarahMallery1 #ASMSG Share on X


A Greek fantasy romance set in Messonghi, Corfu.

Check out the book trailer and download a FREE excerpt HERE

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FREE! Episode 1 of The Raven Witch of Corfu

Wuhoo! I had promised it and here it is! The FREE PDF copy of episode 1 is ready to send out to my email list.

So this is the last call. If you haven’t signed up yet, go to my newsletter page to do it now.

I will send out the episode this Monday, October 1st.

All 4 episodes will soon be up on Amazon.

Let your most enthralling summer holiday begin!

Wondering what the book is about? Read all about it HERE!

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Lights Out by Kayelle Allen and a must-read sci fi anthology

Hello, bookworms! Today I have a brand new book to recommend, a top-knotch scifi and space opera anthology: The Expanding Universe Volume 4!

Twenty remarkable stories. Twenty award winning & bestselling authors. One incredible science fiction collection to awaken your mind to infinite possibilities. Aliens, snipers, warships, royalty, intrigue. Battles fought with railguns, plasma beams, and blasters–with words–or even only within the mind.

Kayelle Allen, awesome author and creator of RLFBLOG, takes part in the aforementioned collection with her fab standalone read, Lights Out. The story is a prequel to her Bringer of Chaos Series. Check it out below! You’ll be glad you did, if you love sci fi.



He can save mankind. After he does one important thing. Die.

Since he was little, Tornahdo wanted to do something important. He was from a big family and while his abuela, his grandmother, reared him to know he was loved, he always felt a little on the outside of the family. His mother abandoned him when he was a baby. Not to psychoanalyze too much, but Tornahdo longed to do something important. To be remembered. So when he had an opportunity to make his death really count, he jumped on it. Let me give you the basics of the story, and then I’ll share a short excerpt.

Tornahdo can save mankind. After he does one important thing. Die.

Join the Ghost Corps, they said. You’ll live forever, they said. You’ll save mankind, they said. They didn’t say that to do it, first he had to die.

When Tornahdo signs on the dotted line, he puts his life into the steady hands of the mighty Ghost Corps. Three grisly deaths and three agonizing resurrections later, he’s assigned duty on the space station Enderium Six.

He’s facing his most dangerous mission yet, the very reason the corps exists.

Do they expect him to win? Fat chance. Tornahdo and his team are already dead and this mission is codenamed “Lights Out.” No, there’s more to this than he can see.

To discover the truth, he must face an unbeatable, unkillable enemy, and this time–somehow–find a way to keep himself alive…



The air reeked of antiseptic and starch stiffened the pillowcase. If only the mind-numbing jabbering would stop.

Tornahdo pried open his eyes. The flattened blood bag above him, stenciled equipment and gray walls screamed military hospital.

He’d died. Again.

Spanish curses slipped out. His abuela would’ve taken a switch to him. He made the sign of the cross and kissed his fingertips.

After yanking the tube out of his arm, he pressed a thumb over the entry point. Thankfully, this time, he wasn’t writhing on the floor in agony. Well, not yet.

A faceless android in a Ghost Corps uniform loomed over a bank of equipment displaying Tornahdo’s name and vitals. First impression was right. Military hospital.

The weapons-grade yapping continued.

“Did you hear?” a youthful voice bragged. “He killed six of ’em last night.”

“Yeah, but they don’t stay dead. They never do.”

“If Ultras didn’t come back to life, their plasma wouldn’t bring our own people back.”

The transfusion of enemy blood healed the hole in Tornahdo’s arm in seconds. He thumbed off the red smear and rolled over on the gurney.

An open door led to a sink and toilet built to let gravity do its work. Which meant this was a planet. You hadn’t lived until you were in space, floating in zero gravity while your body’s final twitches sent your corpse spinning.

Notices on the wall confirmed this was San Xavier in the Colonies of Man. Same place he’d bought it the first time.

This was getting old.



Kayelle Allen writes Sci Fi with misbehaving robots, immortal gamers, and warriors who purr. She’s a US Navy veteran who’s been married so long she’s tenured.
Join one of Kayelle’s Reader Groups. You can download four free books and get news about books coming soon. You can unsubscribe at any time:


The anthology has just launched on Amazon and is only $0.99 for a limited time!

Check it out!

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#Newbook Fabulous #scifi anthology! @kayelleAllen #ASMSG Share on X


Out in Autumn 2018! A Greek fantasy romance set in Messonghi, Corfu.

Check out the book trailer and download a FREE excerpt HERE

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Public concerts and varkarolas in Corfu

August is a great time to visit Corfu! The 11th of the month is a day of celebration for the Corfiots seeing that they commemorate one of St Spyridon’s greatest miracles that took place in Corfu town in 1716.

(You can read all about this miracle, and a lot more on St Spyridon in this post.)

For a few days near August the 11th, the whole island celebrates with public concerts and varkarolas, the latter being whimsical night shows in the sea with illuminated boats and music.

In the morning of August the 11th, there is a grand procession of St Spyridon in Corfu town, and for three consecutive nights the three greatest philharmonic orchestras of the island perform public concerts in the bandstand (Palco), which is in Spianada square near Liston (the bandstand is pictured in the first poster below).

In detail:




‘Kapodistrias’ performs on August 10

‘The Old Philarmonic’ (Palia) performs on August 11

‘Mantzaros’ performs on August 12.

I may be partial, but if I were you I wouldn’t miss the last one. ‘Mantzaros’ plays a piece that is very close to my heart and is quite special in its execution as well. In one of the ancient Venetian buildings on the side of the square, at an open window, a trumpet player joins the orchestra from afar in what I can only describe as an absolutely magical musical conversation in the still of the night. I highly recommend you witness this at least once! My grandparents used to take me to these concerts in the 80s and 90s,  and we always enjoyed this particular piece together.

All concerts start around 21:00-21:30.



I have some sad news first. It seems the annual varkarola in Petriti has been cancelled this year. The council has issued a formal announcement that it is cancelled out of respect for the passing of Mrs Margarita – the wife of the president of the cultural club of Petriti – as well as to express their grief for the deadly forest fire in Mati, Attica on July 23rd. They’ve also announced that their local chorus and dance groups will not participate in any events for 40 days for the same reasons. Here is the formal announcement in Greek.

Below, you will find a list of four other varkarolas, three of which are confirmed and available for you to enjoy!

The annual varkarola at Paleokastritsa is themed this year, and the theme is the Odyssey 🙂 Coming up soon – August 4!

Agios Spyridon Perithias: Mark your calendars! – August 7

The varkarola in Faliraki, Corfu town is not a public varkarola but is a private spectacle organized by Imabari Lounge Bar. As the poster above mentions, you need to pre-book (cost unknown – please check). Coming up on August 7.

Possibility of a varkarola in Garitsa (Corfu town, within walking distance from Spianada square): No announcement has been made as yet, so I can’t tell you if one will take place this year. If you plan to be in Corfu town on August 10, it’s worth asking around!  If there’s going to be one, it will start around 21:00.

Please note: All information is correct today that I’m writing this post! Best to check online or ask around near the time for any changes.


For more events around Corfu this August, go HERE


For detailed info on the life and miracles of St Spyridon, go HERE



#Corfu celebrates this August! #Greek #festivals #Kerkyra Share on X


Would you like to read a fun-filled beach romance set in Corfu with delightful paranormal elements? The Raven Witch of Corfu is unputdownable! Check it out HERE


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New release: A Heaven for Toasters by Nicholas C. Rossis

Hello! Today, I have an awesome recommendation for you bookworms! Bestselling author Nicholas C. Rossis, whom I regard a master of sci fi stories, has gone and written a fresh new thing that I’m bursting at the seams to read! A Heaven for Toasters is a sci fi crime romance and involves a love story between a woman and an android. It is set in the idyllic Greek island of Hydra and is hopefully going to develop into a fun new series. Check it out!

A souvlaki and some sun. That is all Detective Mika Pensive wanted from her fun weekend away on the Greek island of Hydra. Instead, she finds herself caught up in a sinister plot, hatched by a reclusive billionaire with a penchant for illegal genetic engineering. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she has to put up with her new partner, Leo. Leo is an android—or toaster, as people scornfully call his kind. The only thing that could make things even worse would be for the headstrong Mika to fall for Leo. But people don’t fall for toasters—do they?

Set in the near future, A Heaven for Toasters is more than a sci-fi crime romance. It’s the book that will make you look at your toaster in a whole new way.

Launch day: August 13, 2018





Romance with an android in #Greece! @Nicholas_Rossis #scifi #crime #romance Share on X


Out in Autumn 2018! A Greek fantasy romance set in Messonghi, Corfu.

Check out the book trailer and download a FREE excerpt HERE

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Book review: Dominion of the Moon by Kostas Krommydas

Oh my! Having read and enjoyed Cave of Silence by this fine author I started reading Dominion of the Moon expecting a good read and the same sort of book, but I’ve experienced so much more! Highly mystical and mysterious, this book had me riveted from the first few pages. My father hails from the Greek island of Limnos and I’ve visited the Kaviria archeological site there – it’s similar to the one described in the book at Samothraki where Kavirian Mysteries were also said to be held in antiquity. Therefore, being already familiar with these dark ancient gods, I was fascinated by the story of the cult and its secret gatherings, and felt totally immersed in it.

The romance was sweet and tender, both in the case of the tragic archeologist and his grandson all those years later. Tragedy and hardship struck the former repeatedly in his life and I followed it all with a broken heart. I felt so close to this character and ached for the catharsis in the end that would see the members of the cult paying for their evil deeds.

The ending, as painful as it was for some of the characters, was utterly satisfying. I highly recommend this fresh, original story. The emotions it stirred in me as I read ebbed and flowed in my heart like the tide, exploding at times like a raging storm, similarly to that very special scene in the book.

The island of Samothraki comes alive through the pages, making me want to visit it at first opportunity. The love of Kostas Krommydas for this island is palpable and utterly magnetic.


My rating

5 stars!

Mysterious, enthralling and utterly satisfying!


Do you enjoy books about secret cults? What about stories where fate intervenes to bring lovers together or to right wrongs? This book could be your next favorite read!

Check it out on Amazon  US    UK


Check out my interview with author (and actor of The Durrells!) Kostas Krommydas, HERE



An enthralling #newbook! Dominion of the Moon by @KostasKrommydas #historical #romance Share on X


Out in Autumn 2018! A Greek fantasy romance set in Messonghi, Corfu.

Check out the book trailer and download a FREE excerpt HERE


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Danilia Village, the film set of The Durrells of Corfu


If you’re a fan of The Durrells of Corfu then I bet you’d love to visit Danilia Village where many outdoor scenes of the TV series have been filmed. Today, I’m going to share an awesome tip so you can visit it when you’re next on the island!

Before I go any further, though, to mention that you will find some great behind-the-scenes photos of the cast and my interviews with Kostas Krommydas who plays the super in The Durrells HERE and HERE.

You may also want to check out this nostalgic post where I share about my first visit to Danilia Village in 1985. You will also get to hear the details of its connection with James Bond!


Danilia Village was created by the Bouas family. In the 1980s, it became a major tourist attraction on the island. People came in droves to see the displays inside its charming buildings that brought an earlier era on the island and old traditional professions back to life. The family organised Greek dinners for coachfuls of tourists too, with music and dancing, and that made it extremely popular. It was then closed down for many years, once the tourism boom of the 1980s was over. Finally, in 2000,  the family sold Danilia Village to the Greek hotel chain, Grecotel. After that, and for quite some time, Danilia Village was accessible only to the guests of the Corfu Imperial Grecotel Resort.

But this changed in the recent years, and since the filming of The Durrells! So now, further to popular demand, it is open to the public for a visit again. The entry fee is 10 euros and it can be redeemed at the village cafe!

Although the helpful staff there do not provide a tour, they do offer some general information, and then the visitor is allowed to roam about at their leisure and explore.


That is exactly what I did and I highly recommend it!

Danilia is open in the summer season – April to October. I urge you to phone before your visit at #30 26610 91345 to double check the gates are open (the entry fee of 10 euros was correct when I last checked in the summer of 2024).

The owner of the village, The Corfu Imperial Grecotel Resort, is in Kommeno Bay, a short drive away from Danilia village.


In the summer of 2020, I visited the area of the film house in Kontokali and swam right below it. It was an enthralling experience! The tour was done on a boat called Dimitra J. Not sure if they are still doing it but it’s worth enquiring with them. The boat departs from Messonghi river. That tour also took us to Kalami Bay, where Lawrence Durrell once lived. Here are my photographs from that amazing day, and here’s a short video of me before the film house. Enjoy!



Danilia Village, the film set of The Durrells of Corfu #Corfu #Durrells #TheDurrells Share on X




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Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
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My Greek fantasy romance, The Raven Witch of Corfu

Wuhoo! Thrilled to share with you today the cover and book trailer of my upcoming book, The Raven Witch of Corfu. It is a Greek fantasy romance set in Messonghi, Corfu. Here’s the cover of the paperback:

I hope you will agree that the artwork is stunning, but that’s because my graphic designer, Alex Saskalides, is a wiz kid! Also, something spooky happened when he got to work on the cover! I only told him my book was set on a beach in Corfu and, of all places, he showed me this image that actually depicts the bay in Messonghi. I knew then that this cover was the one 🙂 

The book is now in the editing stage. Here’s the trailer so you can check out the story! And make sure to scroll down to see how you can be among the first to start reading!







Download a FREE excerpt!




#Greek fantasy #romance, The Raven Witch of #Corfu @FrostieMoss Share on X


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Book review: The Dolan Girls by S.R. Mallery

This book is utterly cinematographic. It took me straight to the Wild West, to the time of the pioneers who once rushed there to claim a plot of land and start a new life. The book begins with the arrival of Cora and her family (her parents and sister) at Nebraska for the Land Rush of 1856. The scenes of their preparation for the event and the event itself were intriguing and utterly thrilling. Cora is at the center of this riveting story that caused a plethora of emotions to blossom in me as I read.

Sometimes delightful and humorous, other times harrowing and heart-breaking, this book was hard to put down. As is the case in all Mallery’s novels, the spot-on language is the vehicle that drives you straight into the place and time where the story is set. Once again, this masterful writer has added further excitement to the plot by having her characters interact with famous people of the era. This time it was Buffalo Bill and Annie Oakley that paraded before my mind’s eye, enhancing the effect of nostalgia for a time that we all know and love from those old cowboy movies.

Cora’s never-ending heartache for her lost love, Thomas, made me root for her throughout this exceptional second-chance romance. I highly recommend this sweet romance, but please note: it has adult themes that make it unsuitable for some audiences.

My rating


An utterly cinematographic second-chance romance set in the Wild West


Are you a big westerns fan? Fancy a romance depicting cowboys and horse wranglers? It doesn’t get more macho than that! Find out more:




Riveting #Romance in the Wild West @SarahMallery1 #western #bookreview Share on X


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Discovering Mythic Greece Through Five Temples

(Post contributed by Hollie Law)

Previously, Effrosyni posted an article on the famed Parthenon, the magnificent temple of the goddess Athena located in the Athens Acropolis. It is quite an impressive structure, but it is not the only one of its kind. There are others just like it, each remarkable in its own right, and all carrying a part of Greek mythology.

Without further ado, here are five other temples that will help you discover mythic Greece.

Temple of Hephaestus

Hephaestus is the god of metal-working and craftsmanship, and he deserves a temple that is part imposing and part exquisite. The Temple of Hephaestus, located on Agoraios Kolonos, northwest of the Agora of Athens, is exactly that, and even more. Designed by Ictinus, who also helped design the Parthenon, this temple is by far the best-preserved Greek temple in the world today.


Temple of Hera

The Temple of Hera is one of the oldest Greek temples still standing. It was built in 550 BC in honour of the goddess of marriage and childbirth. The temple stands in the northwest corner of the sacred precinct of the Altis, on the south slopes of Kronos Hill in Olympia. Fittingly, Hera’s temple is surrounded by a fortress of commanding columns, most now in ruins, that seemingly stand on guard for the aforementioned goddess.


Temple of Apollo

A prime example of a temple of the Doric order, the Temple of Apollo in the Southern slopes of Parnassos mountain was built for the god of sun Apollo, who has long been considered as one of the most important and complex among the Olympian deities. It was designed by two legendary architects, namely, Trophonios and Agamedes, and was first built around 7th century BC. It was destroyed by fire in 6th century BC but was rebuilt and renamed “Temple of Alcmeonidae” to honour the Athenian family responsible for the temples reconstruction. It was destroyed again, this time by an earthquake, in 373 BC and was rebuilt some 40 years later in 330 BC. Only the foundations of this third iteration of Apollo’s temple have survived, along with a few of its Doric-style columns.


Temple of Olympian Zeus

Known also as the Olympieion, this Greco-Roman temple located at the centre of Athens originally measured 96 metres long and 40 metres and was made of fine marble purportedly brought from Mount Pentelicus. It is said that 104 Corinthian-style columns—each one standing 17 metres high—surrounded the actual temple, of which only ruins remain today. Of the 104 columns, only 15 are still standing, with the 16th remaining column lying right where it fell over in 1852.


Temple of Poseidon

Located in Sounion, right at the tip of the Attica peninsula, the Temple of Poseidon is associated with, naturally, Poseidon, one of the 12 Olympians in ancient Greek mythology. It shares quite a few similarities with the aforementioned Temple of Hephaestus, which suggests that both temples were designed by the same architect.

Greek mythology has, of course, endured the test of time, first through word of mouth, with the stories of gods and goddesses passed on via oral tradition. Then it survived through written literature, and eventually, through pop culture as various TV shows, plays, and films have been based on this vast collection of supernatural narratives.

Lately, even the gaming industry is keeping the flame of Greek mythology inextinguishable, with a host of games—like, for instance, the PlayStation 4 game Apotheon which is set on Mount Olympus—inspired by deities and demigods of lore.

Digital games developer Slingo has a collection of titles based on Greek mythology too, including Apollo: God of the Sun, Kronos (based on the scythe-wielding Titan Cronus), Zeus, Zeus III, and Zeus 1000. These games, apart from being fun, challenging, and enjoyable, are giving people, a modern means to learn more about a part of Greek literature that has captured the fancy of many, both in and outside of Greece. This, evidently, is one of the main reasons why Greek mythology remains quite popular even today.

Have you visited any Greek temples? What did you think, and which were your favorites? Make sure to comment below and let us know!



Five Temples of Mythic Greece #ancient #Greece #mythology Share on X

Greek gods, myths and adventure in Athens! 

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