Book review: Lake of Memories by Kostas Krommydas

What I love about Kostas Krommydas is that every new book of his that is released comes with a guarantee – an invisible, yet tangible seal of quality that makes me fully confident to buy, knowing I am holding in my hands my next enthralling, favourite read before I even go past the cover. This was even more so the case with Lake of Memories, seeing that it rendered me riveted from the first page.

Once again, the author has created a world of intricate human relationships, where invisible threads bind everyone together, causing them to push and pull in a soulful dance that renders the reader mesmerized. The ending is delivered masterfully, tugging at the heart with a treasure of emotions and filling the mind with deep thoughts that are bound to be revisited again and again long after finishing the book.

Highly recommended, this is now one of my favourite books by this author.


My rating:

5 stars

Another spell-binding romance by Kostas Krommydas

Do you enjoy dramatic family stories weaved with romance? This book is a must for you!

Check it out on Amazon  US   UK


Kostas Krommydas is the dashing super in The Durrells! Check out photos from behind the scenes of the show in Corfu, and read my interview with him here


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#bookreview Riveting family drama and #romance by @KostasKrommydas #books Share on X

Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu… Only $0.99 for a limited time!

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NEW RELEASE BESTSELLER! 370 pages of Corfu summer bliss! This beach romance will make you fall in love… Choose between the paperback , the box set or 4 kindle episodes!Did you enjoy this post? GO HERE to follow this blog and get to see all our future posts! To grab “Facets of Love” for FREE, go here! Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

For authors: Publisher Rocket makes book marketing as easy as a-b-c


Today, I am pleased to feature an article by Dave Chesson (aka the Kindlepreneur), the creator of the awesome app, Publisher Rocket (formerly known as KDP Rocket). This incredible tool makes book marketing as easy as a-b-c with its powerful features for keyword research, competitor analysis and even Amazon Ads!  And it only keeps evolving with new exciting features all the time. Check out Dave Chesson’s article below and see what Publisher Rocket can do for you.

As it did for me, I know it can make a difference in your everyday marketing and research. Make sure to scroll all the way down for my review of the earlier version of the app, KDP Rocket. It’s unmissable for new users as it contains a plethora of insider tips!


by Dave Chesson  

When it comes to publishing on Amazon, there are plenty of things to think about–keywords, categories, AMS ads… The list goes on. But your publishing life doesn’t have to be so hard. As a matter of fact, you can make the process much, much simpler. But how? Publisher Rocket. Formerly known as KDP Rocket, this program has helped thousands of authors from first time self-publishers to the likes of Orson Scott Card and Pat Flynn. So how does Publisher Rocket work? And is it the right option for you?

The Basics of Publisher Rocket

What is Publisher Rocket? It’s a downloadable software (available for both Mac and Windows) that helps you shine a light into the inner machinations of There are 4 key pieces of information that you need to know to help make your Amazon experience successful:

  • What phrases are actually being searched by Amazon buyers
  • The psychology of how readers choose to buy books
  • How much money they are spending on certain niches and topics
  • Comparative data of your closest competitors

And Publisher Rocket can actually give you this information! Here’s how: Publisher Rocket communicates directly with Amazon’s API to perform data pulls. The program provides you with actual information from real Amazon shoppers. Pretty cool if you ask me. This is accomplished by 4 different search functions.

  1. Keyword Search
  2. Competition Analyzer
  3. Category Search
  4. AMS Keyword Search

Keyword Search

Establishing your Amazon keywords is considered by experts to be one of the most vital parts of being successful on Amazon. Publisher Rocket’s keyword feature provides you with the ability to help achieve your full keyword potential. First, enter your idea into Rocket’s Keyword Search bar. After clicking “Go Get Em Rocket!”, within seconds you will be provided with a list of relevant keywords for your topic. But it’s not just keywords, it’s data as well. Here’s what each search provides besides keywords:

  • Number of competitors
  • Monthly earnings for that respective keyword
  • Google searches per month
  • Estimated Amazon searches per month
  • Competitive score

But what should you do with all that data? Just select whichever is available? No. You do need to properly interpret the results. You see, you’re looking for a good balance between the variables. Best case scenario: High search volume, low competitive score, and good earnings. You won’t always find perfect keywords that match all three conditions. But you can get closer. And this real data is subject to change over time. So find your best keywords now and adjust later. Keywords aren’t necessarily a one time set. But therein lies the beauty of Rocket. Since the whole process of actually searching takes only seconds, keeping up with your keyword selections is made that much easier.

Category Search Feature

Categories are another important thing you need to consider as a self-publisher. These are the groupings in which Amazon will register your book on their website. Do not overlook the importance of this. How are readers supposed to find your cozy mystery novel if it’s placed in the cookbook categories? But here’s the thing. Some categories can give your book a better chance of becoming a bestseller. And that accolade alone can help you sell more books! So how do you know which categories are the best for your work? Once again, Publisher Rocket has you covered. The software comes with access to the entire database of Amazon categories and accompanying data–like the ABSR (Amazon Best Seller Rating) for both the #1 and #25 book in your category. Rocket also calculates just how many books you need to sell to rank #1 or #25. This can come in super handy when adjusting your marketing strategies.

Competition Analyzer Feature

One of the absolute biggest advantages to Publisher Rocket is their Competition Analyzer. This feature allocates all of the pertinent information you need to properly gauge your competitors. (What it won’t show you is your competitors’ actual keyword selections. While this may seem like a bummer, imagine how you would feel if Amazon gave away your keyword selections.)

In order to use this tool, just type your topic into the Competition Analyzer, and Rocket does the rest. Here’s the data that Publisher Rocket provides with each search:

  • The Title
  • Author
  • Age of Book (in days)
  • The ABSR
  • Whether or not there is a Keyword in the Title
  • Keyword in Subtitle
  • Estimated Daily Sales
  • Estimated Monthly Sales
  • And a link to each book’s sales page

Now, the three features I’ve covered so far are awesome for a standard listing on Amazon. But what if you want to take your marketing to the next level with AMS ads?

AMS Keyword Search Feature

Ads are a great way to target keywords your book isn’t ranking for organically. For example, your new sci-fi novel will almost certainly never reach the first page for the term “Star Wars book,” but with the help of an AMS ad, you can pay to get in front of those people in one of the sponsored spots at the top. Publisher Rocket can provide you with great AMS keyword suggestions via its AMS Keyword Search feature. You’ll get keywords, book titles, author names, ASINs, and much more! For that sci-fi novel, you could discover keyword opportunities such as “books like Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” or “best sci-fi series” — all through one easy search. Not only that, but the creator of Publisher Rocket–Dave Chesson–has created a free AMS course for those looking to get into paid Amazon advertisement that shows you the ropes with step-by-step video tutorials.

Is Publisher Rocket Right for Me?

In my opinion, if you’re going to self-publish on… Then this program is right for you. Seriously. There’s an old saying that goes, “Time is money.” Every hour that Rocket can save you during your self-publishing process is absolutely worth it. And aside from the actual functionality of the program, Rocket has a top-notch support team to help guide you through any twists and turns you may experience. And if you aren’t satisfied for any reason, take advantage of Rocket’s 30 Day, No Questions Asked, Money Back Guarantee. It’s really a no-brainer for those looking for a secret advantage in their Amazon Publishing. However, notice I said earlier. For other Amazon marketplaces (outside the U.S.), you’ll just have to wait. That’s my biggest gripe about this program. I do understand that building international reach takes time, but it would be awesome if every self-publisher worldwide had access to this incredible tool. But there is good news in the distance, though. Publisher Rocket is working on a version for the German market. So more good things are coming soon!  

Check out Publisher Rocket

Check out Dave Chesson’s FREE seminar on Amazon ads!

Check out  Effrosyni’s review of the app from January 2018 (an earlier version called KDP Rocket). It’s very useful for new users. Plenty of insider tips!

While you’re on my site, you may want to check out this page where I’ve crammed in plenty of author resources! Something useful is waiting for you there, without a doubt 🙂


Note: This post may contain affiliate links, which means that the admin of this site may earn affiliate fees from any resulting sales.


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Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu… Only $0.99 for a limited time!

Check it out!

NEW RELEASE BESTSELLER! 370 pages of Corfu summer bliss! This beach romance will make you fall in love… Choose between the paperback , the box set or 4 kindle episodes!Did you enjoy this post? GO HERE to follow this blog and get to see all our future posts! To grab “Facets of Love” for FREE, go here! Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

A song about the Parthenon Marbles

June 20, 2019 was the anniversary of ten years since the opening of the Acropolis Museum in Athens. Greek singer Hellena chose this day to present a song to the world about the Parthenon Marbles (aka Parthenon Sculptures), dedicated to support the  just cause of their repatriation to Greece since the looting of the Parthenon by Lord Elgin in the early 1800s.

Hear the song below, and make sure to scroll down for FREE short stories about the Marbles too!




Are you on Facebook? Go here to see a video of Hellena standing before the stolen Marbles in the British Museum informing the visitors about this great injustice, then start to sing the song. Well done, Hellena!


Héllena is a singer/songwriter born in the shadow of the Mountain of the Gods, Olympus, in Greece. She has played at some of the most renowned venues such as The Troubadour and The Beatles’ Cavern Club. In addition, she has charted in the Top 20 MTV Unsigned listing and performed at SXSW. Live appearances on the likes of BBC London Radio 94.9FM have further enhanced Héllena’s exposure.

Her new Single entitled “The Parthenon Marbles (Bring Them Back)” is both inspired by, and dedicated to, the Parthenon Marbles which are currently residing unlawfully in the possession of the British Museum. The song will be used by organizations around the world to raise awareness of an issue which originates from over 200 years ago brought about by the defacement of the Parthenon by the British ambassador Lord Elgin.

This is a stripped back recording with piano and vocal in order to intensify its raw emotion and make the meaning of the song clear, which is to right the wrongs of the past and reunify the Parthenon.

Hellena’s website:






The book contains two FREE short stories about the Parthenon Marbles. Both of them offer possible versions (with supernatural elements!) of the celebrations that will take place in Athens the day of their return. Yes, I am a firm believer that one day soon, they will! And as it happens in my stories, I believe the Greek gods will be watching! Download the book now and enjoy 🙂


Interested to hear more about the 200-year-old injustice against the Greeks committed by Lord Elgin and maintained by the British Museum? Read my posts:

Why is Lord Elgin an abomination to the Greeks?

What are the Parthenon Marbles to the Greeks?    


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Hellena sings for the Parthenon Marbles #parthenonsculptures #bringthemback Share on X


Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu… Only $0.99 for a limited time!

Check it out!

NEW RELEASE BESTSELLER! 370 pages of Corfu summer bliss! This beach romance will make you fall in love… Choose between the paperback , the box set or 4 kindle episodes!Did you enjoy this post? GO HERE to follow this blog and get to see all our future posts! To grab “Facets of Love” for FREE, go here! Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

Moraitika and Messonghi in Corfu: an insider’s travel guide

Messonghi river, Corfu
Messonghi river

Today, I am writing to spread the word about my favorite corners of the world – the stunning villages of Moraitika and Messonghi in Corfu. Having holidayed there most summers since the late 1970s, I’ve written an insider’s travel guide to spread the word about them.

My guide will tell you everything you need to know if you’re planning a visit, or if you’re simply hoping to do that sometime in future. ‘Cos who doesn’t like to daydream about beautiful exotic locations, right?

Messonghi beach, Corfu
Messonghi beach

In my travel guide you will find among other things:

Traditional Greek tavernas, recommended family hotels and apartments, the best beaches in the area, where to go for live shows and a great night out (lots of family fun!), the best boat trips (setting off from Messonghi river or Lefkimmi port), places of interest and fun things to do in the greater area and more.

Moraitika beach
Moraitika beach, view to the mountains of Chlomos and Martaouna

Did you know?

Moraitika’s old village quarter is nestled on a hill and is full of picturesque lanes you’ll love to explore and revisit. My insider’s guide will give you intriguing facts and history tidbits as well as offer tips on places of interest off the tourist trail.

And did you know there are three wonderful family tavernas up on the hill, all offering exquisite Greek dishes? One of them has this stunning view that overlooks the bay!

Speaking of stunning views, there’s another taverna that overlooks the same bay, but this one is on the side of Messonghi. The taverna is situated on Martaouna, one of the two iconic mountains of both the Moraitika and Messonghi skyline.  For details, visit the guide!

Messonghi beach
Messonghi beach

Moraitika and Messonghi are great destinations for beach fun! Moraitika offers some water sports, pedaloes and canoes for hire, and a water park that’s great for both adults and kids alike. The beach at Messonghi is quieter, with a greater proximity to the iconic lush mountains on the peninsula, and is graced by a weather-beaten, yet much loved pier that is a must to walk or sunbathe on, if only to marvel at the crystal clear waters under it.

Are you a Durrells fan? The guide will tell you how to book a great boat trip from Messonghi river that will take you to both Kalami (to visit the White House) and to Kontokali to see the film house of the Durrells TV show (from the boat). In the guide, you’ll also find out how you can book an exclusive guided tour (specific dates and times only!) to visit Danilia, where many village scenes of the show were filmed!

Moraitika and Messonghi are perfect choices for fun in the sun, whether you’re traveling with children, as a quiet couple, with friends, or even alone. It’s a safe place to be in and the locals are exceptionally friendly.

So what are you waiting for? Visit my guide now and start planning your perfect beach holiday!


Have you visited Moraitika and Messonghi? What did you think? Comment below or on my guide and let me know. I’d love to hear from you!

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Visit #Corfu and explore #Moraitika and #Messonghi this #summer Share on X

Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu… Only $0.99 for a limited time!

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NEW RELEASE BESTSELLER! 370 pages of Corfu summer bliss! This beach romance will make you fall in love… Choose between the paperback , the box set or 4 kindle episodes!Did you enjoy this post? GO HERE to follow this blog and get to see all our future posts! To grab “Facets of Love” for FREE, go here! Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

An effective way to beat stress

Today I want to talk to you about stress and how to fight it effectively and naturally. This is a revolutionary new method that is free and easy to use, and it works like magic… Millions are using it all over the world every day. It has transformed my life… and so I feel compelled to share my experience with you, hoping it will help you too.

Those who follow my blog are familiar with my harrowing health issues for the past five years. Thankfully, it’s all behind me now and, being one to always see the silver lining, I’ve come to consider it all a precious life lesson.

The great Ernest Hemingway once said, ‘We’re all broken. That’s how the light gets in’.

And it takes one to become truly broken to know how true that is.

Through my five-year-long streak of adversity, I’ve emerged a new, stronger and wiser person. For one, I’ve learned to take it easy, and not to be so hard on myself, fully aware now that all my health issues were triggered by stress and my own wrong attitude.

But you know what? Stress can’t touch me any more. It’s because I’ve learned a new skill that made a huge difference, and I am thrilled to write about it today to share it with you!

I’ve recently had the honor to be invited to Colleen Story’s amazing blog, “Writing and Wellness”. If you’re struggling with stress and overwhelm, by the way, you’ll do well to read her blog (and to check out her books too, if you’re a fellow author.)

Colleen and I chatted about my personal struggles, how it all began for me, why, and what it entailed. In the process, I shared all about the specific skill that helped me to battle stress effectively for a change.

We all have to face stress, and it’s detrimental to our health more than we realize until it’s too late… That’s what happened to me. Don’t let that happen to you too. That’s why I am sharing. Knowledge is power. I urge you to google the stress hormone ‘cortisol’ in relation with cancer and autoimmune diseases, for instance…

Avoiding stress means avoiding mortal risks. And that is why I regard this skill I’ve picked up as the most important one I’ve learned my whole life. And this means a lot, believe me, as it’s coming from someone who, at the tender age of 18, was picking up books like the Jose Silva Mind Control Method and anything I could find on self-hypnosis and meditation. I never stopped picking up mind-hack methods since then, but this one turns out to be the most incredible and the most effective I’ve ever known, including NLP.

Check out my chat with Colleen here and see if my new skill can help you out too! It also works wonderfully to ease physical pain among other things.

Feel free to comment below and share about your own experience with stress. And if you use my method, be sure to return here and let me know how it went 🙂

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An effective way to combat #stress. Check it out! #authors #writers Share on X

Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu… Only $0.99 for a limited time!

Check it out!

NEW RELEASE BESTSELLER! 370 pages of Corfu summer bliss! This beach romance will make you fall in love… Choose between the paperback , the box set or 4 kindle episodes!Did you enjoy this post? GO HERE to follow this blog and get to see all our future posts! To grab “Facets of Love” for FREE, go here! Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

Readers’ Favorite posts a 5-star review for The Raven Witch of Corfu

I am so thrilled I could pop! Readers’ Favorite has reviewed The Raven Witch of Corfu and given it five stars! This is the second glowing review I receive from this prestigious site. The other 5-star review was given to my urban fantasy, The Necklace of Goddess Athena (which also received a silver medal in their 2017 International Book Awards).

“A delightful read and the perfect treat for those who love sweet romances set in stunning locations.”

“The magical elements remain grounded in reality and are woven into a modern world.”

Readers’ Favorite is one of the largest book review and award contest sites on the Internet. They have earned the respect of renowned publishers like Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Harper Collins, and have received the “Best Websites for Authors” and “Honoring Excellence” awards from the Association of Independent Authors. They are also fully accredited by the BBB (A+ rating), which is a rarity among Book Review and Book Award Contest companies.

Here’s the review of The Raven Witch of Corfu, posted by Liz Konkel for Readers’ Favorite:

The Raven Witch of Corfu by Effrosyni Moschoudi is a fantasy romance set in Greece. Twenty years ago, while Lizzie was on vacation with her family, a witch took her twin brother Tom away. Now, she’s finally returned to Greece with the mission of finding her brother and bringing him home. But when she finds Tom again, bringing him home won’t be simple. The witch will only let them go free if Tom fulfills the task of healing three souls. If he fails, he’ll be taken back. As she works to reconnect with her brother and outsmart the witch, she leans on new allies for help and finds herself falling for an old friend…





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Readers' Favorite posts a 5-star #review for The Raven Witch of #Corfu Share on X

Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu… Only $0.99 for a limited time!

Check it out!

NEW RELEASE BESTSELLER! 370 pages of Corfu summer bliss! This beach romance will make you fall in love… Choose between the paperback , the box set or 4 kindle episodes!Did you enjoy this post? GO HERE to follow this blog and get to see all our future posts! To grab “Facets of Love” for FREE, go here! Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

99 cents fantasy sci-fi books extravaganza

Do you enjoy fantasy and sci-fi books? You’re going to love this:

Woot! I have partnered up with eBookaroo (by Patty Jansen) to bring you an awesome array of fantasy & sci-fi reads that are priced 99 cents worldwide, and only for this weekend!


Only 99 cents for a limited time! (Worldwide offer)

Phevos, an ancient Greek, remembers very little from his childhood. When his mysterious father sends him to modern-day Athens on a time-traveling mission, he feels completely lost. Little does he know that dark family secrets, Greek Gods and romantic love await him here to fulfill his destiny…

Visit Amazon

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#fantasy & sci-fi #bargains this weekend! #99c Share on X

Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu… Only $0.99 for a limited time!

Visit Amazon

NEW RELEASE BESTSELLER! 370 pages of Corfu summer bliss! This beach romance will make you fall in love… Choose between the paperback , the box set or 4 kindle episodes!Did you enjoy this post? GO HERE to follow this blog and get to see all our future posts! To grab “Facets of Love” for FREE, go here! Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

New release: Ellie and the War on Powder Creek by S.R. Mallery

Yee-haw! Fancy a Wild West story? Awarded author S.R. Mallery has just launched book 2 in The Dolan Girls series. Ellie, the heroine of this riveting western romance finds herself caught up in the middle of the Wyoming Cattle Wars in 1891. Check it out:

Another Rip Roaring, Heart Warming Story of Love, Fear, and Redemption in the Wild West:

It’s 1891 and The Dolan Girls western romance saga continues. This time it stars the feisty Ellie Dolan Parker, who finds herself caught up in the middle of the Wyoming Cattle Wars. Filled with rich, greedy cattle barons thirsty for prime land, crooked politicians, a major kidnapping, local ranchers in life-threatening danger, Butch Cassidy’s Hole In The Wall hideout, hired ‘guns’ from Texas, a troubled marriage, and a blossoming romance, this story is a colorful portrayal of a forgotten time. A time when these well-known events and their players filled the newspapers.

Will Ellie make her mark? Or will she simply become one of the victims?



Although book 1 is not a prerequisite, you will get the full flavor of Ellie’s story if you read book 1 first.

Check out my review of book 1 here!

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#Romance and #adventure in the Wild West @SarahMallery1 #books Share on X

Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu… Only $0.99 for a limited time!

Check it out!

NEW RELEASE BESTSELLER! 370 pages of Corfu summer bliss! This beach romance will make you fall in love… Choose between the paperback , the box set or 4 kindle episodes!Did you enjoy this post? GO HERE to follow this blog and get to see all our future posts! To grab “Facets of Love” for FREE, go here! Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

Greek romances at $0.99. Perfect for the beach!

Hi All! So, I’ve gone a little crazy, I admit it!

Yep, I’ve just launched the box set of The Raven Witch of Corfu and I’m practically giving it away! It’s only 99 cents on Amazon US and UK! Limited time only. My humorous angel romance, The Amulet, too!

But don’t let my sudden streak of madness bother you. Now is the time for you to enjoy these marvelous Greek reads that will have you totally absorbed this summer as you sit on the beach with the murmur of the sea tickling your ears. Just make sure to apply a generous layer of suntan lotion on your skin before you start reading. You’ve been warned 😉


Before you go, a tip for you, if you love Corfu and like to keep in touch with what’s happening on the island:

The fabulous FREE newspaper Corfu Gazette is back after a hiatus of a couple of years. This time it is a quarterly edition and just as delightful and informative as ever. To receive a free copy in your mailbox, simply email corfugazette at gmail dot com and ask them to add you to their email list. For more info on Corfu Gazette, visit their Facebook page. Kindly consider liking the page too to help spread the word about Corfu!

For more info on Corfu, check out this newsletter that I sent out today to my subscribers! Consider joining the email list, by the way. You’ll get two free books as welcome gifts! 😀

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#99c! Unputdownable #Greek beach reads! #romance Share on X

Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu… Only $0.99 for a limited time!

Check it out!

NEW RELEASE BESTSELLER! 370 pages of Corfu summer bliss! This beach romance will make you fall in love… Choose between the paperback , the box set or 4 kindle episodes!Did you enjoy this post? GO HERE to follow this blog and get to see all our future posts! To grab “Facets of Love” for FREE, go here! Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

New Durrells photos and a quick chat with Kostas Krommydas

Yippee! Our TV screens are about to fill again with stunning Corfiot landscapes of sparkling azure waters and cypress green hills as the sweet chords of mandolin and the chirpy voices of our favourite TV characters delight our ears. Yes, the fourth series of The Durrells of Corfu is upon us, and nothing seems to dampen our excitement, even though this is going to be the very last one… But thank goodness for DVD, I always like to say, so we can watch it all again and again in perpetuity. The other day, our beloved superintendent in the show, Greek actor and author Kostas Krommydas, gave me a new bunch of behind the scenes photos and I am thrilled to share them below along with our chat. Enjoy!

Hi, Kostas! The fourth and last season of The Durrells is about to be broadcasted in the UK. How do you feel about it?

Excited, of course! And I am delighted that I could participate in the third and fourth series of this wonderful British TV series. Sadly, it has come to an end, but I will always think back with fondness at this amazing experience and my cooperation with the cast – both the British and the Greek actors. I certainly hope more similarly high quality productions will come to film in Greece in future.

Tell me, has anyone among the British actors you worked with read any of your novels?

*Chuckles* I have handed out copies of my paperbacks to almost everyone among them and, yes, some of them have read them. However, most of them preferred to read on their kindles so they downloaded the books from Amazon. I am pleased, because I’ve received wonderful feedback from them all, and this honours me because I am aware that the British read a lot, and quality books too.

Actually, I’ve discussed one of my stories with the Durrells production team and they loved it. It is probable that in future we’ll discuss the story again in more detail in the hope it might become a new tv series, or perhaps a movie.

Wow, that sounds wonderful, Kostas! What are your future plans as an actor and author?

My impeccable experience with The Durrells has whetted my appetite for more. Now, I am always on the lookout for new productions that involve filming in Greece and abroad. Other than that, I continue to write new material and, in the near future, will be publishing my seventh book in Greek, which will be translated into English to be published on Amazon later on too. Nowadays, writing is my top priority. Acting has taken a back seat – it is something I plan to do only selectively from now on.

Your forthcoming book takes place in Tuscany, if I’m not mistaken?

Yes, that’s correct!

*Eyes him mischievously* Is this the book you discussed with the Durrells production team, by any chance? Come on, out with it!

*Laughs out loud* You guessed it, Fros. Yes, that’s the one.

Oh, super. No pun intended! *giggles* And I’ve heard some wonderful praise about this book from your beta readers on Facebook. I can’t wait to read it… Now, back to the last series of The Durrells. Can you tell us what to expect?

All I can tell you is that I appear in the first episode. A lot! And that the ending of the series will be very moving… The production has done a marvellous job to create the perfect ending that will remain unforgettable to the viewers.

Oh brilliant! I understand your novels are currently discounted on Amazon?

Yes! They’re all only 99c/99pp for a limited time.

Ooh. Great timing with the series! I’m sure your fabulous Greek tales will keep the readers happy while waiting for the next Durrells episode on the telly! *laughs* Thank you for this wonderful chat, Kostas!

Thank you too, Fros, for the opportunity to talk about my work!





YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY… SHARING IS CARING! Tweet this to spread some love!Behind the scenes photos of the super of #TheDurrells and the cast @KostasKrommydas Share on X

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