The village of Nymfaio and the bear sanctuary of Arcturos

Nymfaio, Florina

I visited the village of Nymfaio during my stay over Easter in Kastoria.

This village is situated in the prefecture of Florina (Greek region of west Macedonia). You will find it on Mount Vernon (Vitsi) at an altitude of 1.350 m.

According to UNESCO, Nymfaio is one of the ten most picturesque villages of Europe!

Truly, its name, that means ‘The Land of the Nymphs’ is befitting to this enchanted place that is graced by lush forestland and precious wildlife too.

Nymfaio was a delight to my eyes as I walked through it, along its cobblestone paths. The stonework and the classy old architecture on some of the buildings were just breathtaking, and I invite you to look at my photos on Facebook and see for yourselves.

By far, the most imposing edifice was the Nikeios School, an architectural marvel that nowadays operates as a conference Hall of Thessaloniki’s Aristotelian University.

We followed the many helpful signs to the Arcturos bear sanctuary as we made our way through the village past quaint dwellings and a piazza with charming eateries and cafes. Soon, we exited the village and came upon a path that ran through a marvelous beech forest…

This is me tip-toeing in the woods while looking out for bears haha

The beauty of the beech forest was remarkable. It literally took my breath away, which meant I couldn’t run (ha ha) when I read the sign that told me I was in bear country! Let me repeat that: Wild bears were actually roaming free where I was walking, folks! The sign said I ought to keep quiet, which suited me just fine!

I mean, who wants a bear to know you’re nearby, right?

Yes. I will admit that, for a few moments, I panicked to know I had entered a place where a bear might appear at any moment.

Andy and I were taking photos back in Nymfaio as we speedily followed the guide – but we still had fallen behind the others in the coach group. Most of the people had gone well ahead of us and there were only a few, the most aged naturally, lagging way behind us, as we all made our way to the bear sanctuary. So, we were walking alone, my hubbie and I, and I didn’t like it one bit.

But then, I thought, Oh well. I never heard on TV of anyone getting attacked by a bear in this country, so my chances are good. You know?

So, I cast my trepidation aside and, after that, I thoroughly enjoyed my walk (about 15-20 minutes, as I recall) in this mesmerisingly beautiful setting.

When we reached a cabin amidst the forest that served as the office and gift store of Arcturos, I was pleased to reunite with familiar faces from the group.

Before I relay the details of my visit to the bear sanctuary, to tell you a little about Arcturos:

The name Arcturos means ‘Bear Watcher’ in ancient Greek, the name for bear being ‘Arctos’, by the way. And that is why the Arctic is called the Arctic, folks!

Arcturos is a non profit, non governmental, environmental organization (NGO) founded in 1992, focusing on the protection of wildlife fauna and natural habitat, in Greece and abroad. They have sanctuaries in Nymfaio for both bears and wolves in two different locations amidst the forestland near the village.

A guide took us into the forest, asking us to speak in whispers and to turn off the sound on our phones.

Arriving shortly later in a wooden construction with a roof and rows of seats we were invited to sit and enjoy a short presentation from the guide.

He was very pleasant, eloquent, and highly informative about the work of Arcturos and the bears themselves. Many of the facts I learned about the bears (brown bears, as the case is!) were very surprising.

One of them was that they actually never attack humans unless provoked and that they shy away from noise. He said, if you’re walking in the wild and you want to avoid brown bears, all you have to do is make some noise. The easiest thing, he said, is to play some music on your phone, and they’ll go far from you.

He didn’t say which kind of music, though. I mean, heavy metal or that cursed trap music that sounds like screeching cats would certainly do the trick. But soothing melodies like songs by Michael Bolton or Celine Dion? Now, that music may actually entice them closer to come lie down for a nap haha

“Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast”, after all 🙂

Anyway, here are some of the facts I recall from that awesome presentation:

When Arcturos is notified that a bear is being abused or in need of assistance, they collaborate with the authorities to rescue it and bring it to the bear sanctuary. This oftentimes takes place in other countries too, like Turkey or Bulgaria, where, to this day, it is still common to find a bear being abused in a circus or put in a cage outside a store or at a petrol station, in order to attract customers. So cruel, but sadly true, and it made me very sad to hear it.

But thank goodness for Arcturos. According to the presenter, there are no circuses left in Greece today that use bears, and I was relieved to hear it. I remember about 10 years ago, a circus had come in town on two different occasions, and they used animals. It was an Italian circus I will not name. I had complained to the council both times and was shocked to find they had no idea that animals in circuses were abused. The second time they assured me they wouldn’t allow another circus act with animals in town again and were, in time, proven true to their word.

To hear Arcturos had worked so hard to educate people so that animal acts in circuses have now completely been a thing of the past in my country was wonderful news to hear.

Our guide said they give the bears names in the sanctuary, and separate the males from the females. They also spay and neuter them, as the sanctuary is just a safe haven for them and only them to spend the rest of their lives in to the end. They are not to breed more bears in captivity, or to be released in the wild. The last is not a cruelty, but a mercy, because, having known slavery for most of their lives, it would be impossible for them to survive alone out there.

The staff at the sanctuary take care of their every need. They give them all the kinds of food they need, and they never go hungry. They have medical care, and especially the old bears get to live longer, because they go without nothing. In the wild, old bears cannot hunt, so die soon after they stop having the use of their eyes or their legs. An adult bear often has to cover long distances every day in search of food.

Another thing that surprised me to hear is that bears don’t hibernate as such, but rather fall into a deep sleep. Their bodies do not grow cold or rigid and their strong sense of smell remains fully alert. They will readily wake up if needed.

A bear can smell humans from far away, even while it is sleeping in the winter.

A note on the food – the people at Arcturos make sure to simulate life in the wild as much as possible, and in this sense, start to give the bears less and less food when it’s time to go into their deep sleeep, as it is the lack of food in the wild that biologically triggers this long sleep in their system.

After the presentation, we were led to the area where the bears are kept behind fences and buzzing electrical wires. Most of them were napping under the trees, and a couple approached lazily behind the fence the curious humans who looked at them with wonder. The bears seemed peaceful, and used to human presence. There was no sign of agitation, the way you often see wild animals behaving in a zoo, and I was pleased to see that.

We were told that all the bears had been rescued from zoos and cages outside stores, in Greece and abroad. Knowing they had found a safe heaven in this beautiful forest where they could stay forever, never to be alone, never caged or chained again, and with all their needs met, made my heart sing.

Before departure, I visited the gift shop, and made sure to support Arcturos with some purchases, hoping what little I spent would help them save more bears and more wolves in future. By the way, they don’t stop there, you know! They also save deer, otters, jackals, and other creatures of the wild!

I have a little bear figurine and an Arcturos mouse pad on my desk as I type this, and they remind me of the rescued bears every day.

To hear more about Arcturos and to support this wonderful cause with a purchase or a donation, please visit their website.


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Pozar thermal baths and sleeping bears


Pozar thermal baths – an unforgettable experience

You know that feeling when you get in the bath after a long tiring day? When your muscles are tight and every sinew in your body is crying for mercy? And then, as the warm water envelopes you, you begin to relax, feeling as if you’re melting away, every cell in your body emitting a thank you?

Well…. Multiply that by a thousand, and you have an idea of what it feels like to dip into the pools of Pozar! I visited this blessed place on the slopes of Mt Kaimaktsalan (Voras) in the region of Macedonia, Greece last December. It was about 13 degrees C as I recall, and we were wearing jackets. I was worried about how cold I was going to get walking in a swimswuit from the changing cubicles to the natural pool, but I was determined not to miss the chance. And, boy, am I glad for my choice!

Small mercy number 1: No wind was blowing.

Small mercy number 2: The changing cubicles were a stone’s throw away from the steps that led down to the pool. So, I took the plunge! (literally)

Here is a super-short video of the pool my husband and I dippped ourselves in.

Allluring, huh? You can see why I had to brave the cold! And I was so relaxed and warm when I got out that I felt really comfortable, as if it was a summer’s day, as I walked back to the cubicle to change. Therefore, if someone like me can do it, someone who gets chilly at the slightest gust of wind, surely you can too! No matter which part of the year you visit.

The word ‘Pozar’ is Slavic and it means ‘fire’ and ‘burning coal’.

No surprise there! The water in Pozar is naturally warm at a steady temperature of 37 degrees C. You can see the steam that kept on rising in some of the pictures, especially the one taken from right above the waterfall. The recommendation was to stay in the pool for 20 minutes and not longer. We did just that and it felt more than enough. Our skin felt soft for days after!

Pozar thermal baths are located in the area of Aridaia in the region of Pella, 32 kms west of Edessa. You can easily combine it with a visit to Edessa’s waterfall park, which I shared about previously. Edessa is a wonderful city to stay in, or, to visit Pozar, you can also seek accomodation in the small village of Agios Athanasios (located 40 kms from Pozar).

There are massage therapists on site as well, if that’s of interest. There are also derelict buildings of lodgings of long ago on the opposite bank accessible by a bridge. They made me sad to gaze upon. Pity they were left to rot away like this amidst the forest, but I guess they added to the charm of the place, somehow.

Pozar thermal baths offer both outdoor pools and indoor ones. The latter are charming, some stunning to look at, decked in beautiful tiling or stone. One needs to book beforehand to use the indoor pools. There is a huge artificial outdoor swimming pool on the grounds, but it was closed for maintenance during my visit. The small outdoor natural pool we chose was just perfect for us.

Apparently, some people dare the impossible over there: To jump out of the warm pool you can see in the photo and stand under the cold water of the waterfall to the left and then back into the warm pool! It is supposed to be invigorating to the body, much like the sauna/snow combo of the Scandinavians, but beware that you must be strong to do this. It can be taxing for the heart, and I even saw warning signs onsite that said this wasn’t for everyone!

Visit the website of Pozar thermal baths for photographs of the facilities and more information.


Greek Easter was on May 5 this year and I chose to visit bears of all things…

So my sister phones me on Easter day around midday. ‘Chronia polla!’ she says.

‘Christos Anesti!’ Whispering, I respond, ‘Chronia polla, all the best.’

‘What is it?’ she replies. ‘Were you sleeping?’

‘Nooo…’ I reply. ‘I just don’ t want to disturb the bears…’

What an impossible thing to say haha 

I laughed like a drain once I got out of earshot of the napping bears at Arcturos’s bear sanctuary in Nymfaio, Florina. 



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Cover Reveal – The Song of Youth, a supernatural romantic comedy

*Drum Roll* *Cover Reveal Alert*

Hi, All! I am so excited to present to you today, The Song of Youth, my new novel featuring angels from The Amulet!

It’s a standalone story!

Emilia wished to be young again… And then it happened.

Emilia feels she’s lost out on life and wishes on her 45th birthday to be young again. A mysterious gypsy called Esmera takes pity on her and makes it happen, showing her how to switch her age back and forth by twenty years simply by listening to a song. Soon, new developments sweep Emilia off to the island of Milos, where she was raised, to start her life anew.

A nosy neighbor, a flirtatious ex, and an obnoxious cousin cause trouble as Emilia tries her new gift from time to time, but then two strange girls, Elise and Chloe, turn up one day and begin to help in miraculous ways, being just as magical as Esmera. They are all angels, except Emilia has no idea…

Being young again makes Emilia feel exuberant, but it pales in comparison to the way Andreas, a handsome Greek widower and newly established restauranteur on the island, makes her feel. Together they rescue a puppy, and now she feels like she is being rescued too. Because Andreas, who is in his 50s, has eyes only for the real her, not for her younger self…

What will she choose? The sweetness of love… or the exhilarating gift of youth?

Yes, folks! It took me a while, having trudged through a few family hardships these past few years, but I finally got there! Many thanks to those among you who wrote from time to time asking me when the new book was coming out. Sorry it took so long. The first draft is now finished and the editing begins next week. I plan to work hard on this book so I can publish it on Amazon in time for your summer vacation – well, August, for sure. Both kindle and paperback.

To be notified when The Song of Youth is out, follow me on Amazon  or join my newsletter

I would like to thank the amazing graphic designer COVERED BY MELINDA who made this beautiful cover for me.

If you’re a fellow author, give Melinda a try. She is incredibly kind, professional, and easy to work with! She also made my covers for An Old Promise, My Corfu Love Story, Running Haunted and The Boy on the Bridge.


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Clean romance short read, FREE with Kindle Unlimited. It’ll transport you straight to Corfu to experience summer in an idyllic Greek seaside village. Visit Amazon


Kelly ran a marathon in Nafplio and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with tantalising clean romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Kate has a guardian angel. She just doesn’t know it. Plus, she’s falling for him. Delightful paranormal romance set on the idyllic island of Sifnos. The descriptions of Greek food will make you feel ravenous. Don’t read when hungry. You’ve been warned! OOOPPPPAAAAAA! Get it now on Amazon

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to south Corfu!


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Frantically waving to the world… 10 years later

I am feeling moved today, and a little overwhelmed. Yesterday, November 1st, marked 10 years since I sent out my very first blog post.

This month also marks 10 years since I published my first novel on Amazon (The Necklace of Goddess Athena), and consequently entering the indie publishing universe for one bumpy yet enthralling ride thus far. This is the picture I posted in that very first blog post 10 years ago… I titled it ‘Frantically Waving Across the Distance’ to introduce myself and ask the world out there to connect with me. Reading the short post now fills me with nostalgia, but also with amazement at how little I have changed since then in the way that I think and express myself.

The only things that make me cringe as I read it are the repetitive mentions to the tax office haha. But hey, in my defense, I wrote this at the heart of the Greek credit crunch and everything was about the lack of money back then. Oh, how little did we know back then about what really matters! But anyway, here is an excerpt, if you’d like to take a peek:

“Would you come with me for a quiet ride along the sparkling lagoon waters that lie ahead? You will find a lot of poetry here, not just in verse, but also in the way of my thinking. By the way, I’m not much of a talker. This quirkiness of mine, in a world full of loud and busy voices, has allowed me to learn more this way through my eager ears and my silence. Furthermore, I’ve always preferred the written word to speaking in order to express myself.

“Although I write novels these days, I started with writing poetry. I have been scribbling verses ever since I was as young as ten and often relished my solitude even then, armed with a notepad and a pen, writing about an anthill in my gran’s garden or about the moon on a clear, starry night. Join me as I experience the world, not through the tired eyes of the forty-something who has just been handed a tax note too many by the postman, but through the clear, full of wonderment eyes of the perpetual child inside me.

“Welcome here on my desert island and hop on that boat with me oh friend; let’s transcend magically the geographical distance between us as we cheer together as one: “Happy travels!” 

I would like to end this post by offering thanks. To all of you who stuck with me these last 10 years. Authors who mentored me, like Jackie Weger and Carmen DeSousa, authors who helped me tremendously along the way, like Nicholas Rossis and MM Jaye, and even more authors who trusted me by associating with me numerous times, like Amy Vansant,  SR Mallery and Chris Kallias.

Last, but not least, I thank the readers of my blog who have been sharing my posts, like Dr Glen Hepker, Annette Rochelle Aben, and Marina Costa, and, of course, the loyal readers of my novels, like Jean Symonds, Louise Mullarkey, Cheryl Worrall, and many many others. I could not possibly list everyone here but I will hold you all forever in my heart with sheer gratitude.




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Get Effrosyni’s FREE books with your signup to her bimonthly newsletter! Fun news from her life in Greece and a load of FREE kindle books in every issue!

NEW! A historical paranormal romance box set. This is the timeless love story that will stay with you forever. Set in Moraitika, Corfu and Brighton, England. Visit Amazon:
Clean romance short read, FREE with Kindle Unlimited. It’ll transport you straight to Corfu to experience summer in an idyllic Greek seaside village. Visit Amazon:


Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to south Corfu!


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A post about my father, may he R.I.P.


It is with great sadness that I am announcing today that my father passed away earlier this month, at the age of 81.

In the end, there was nothing I could do, no matter how hard I tried at home to make my father strong again with the help of two highly experienced and attentive nurses. His three long stays at the hospital since June while taking endless courses of strong antibiotics to fight the many infections caused irreversible damage to his organs.

He tried so hard and he was so brave, and now he is finally rested… I am comforted to think of him in heaven now, reunited with my dear mother. The fact he didn’t feel the slightest twinge of pain in his last days is also a great comfort for me, and a good indication that your collective prayers did a miracle to make his passing as easy as possible. And, for that, I will always be grateful to you all.

My father had a great affinity for horses, having been raised on the island of Limnos with various farm animals, including horses, thanks to his father’s job–he was a merchant of livestock. In the army, my father was put in charge of the horses, and he loved that. He was a bit of a horse whisperer too, in the sense that he could tame even the most wild ones – at one time surprising even his father with this skill when he was still very young.

Dad has always been super strong, despite being thin, thanks to his Greco-Roman wrestling training that he did as a youngster. In the army, he used to lift his friends up into the air while posing for photographs. I am sharing these pictures today with you all, as I find them very comforting.

I prefer to think of my father like this, rather than the way he looked on those dreadful last days, trapped in a skeletal, broken body. He is clothed in the glory of God right now, anyway, surely looking in heaven exactly as he does in these pictures: Forever young and able-bodied, eyes sparkling, face beaming.

To all those of you who have lost a loved one, I hope you are joining me in remembering that our separation from them is only temporary. Death is only for the body, after all, as the soul is eternal. Also, let us be comforted with the fact that the sadness is only for us, who are left behind, and never for those who leave us. The kind souls who move on beyond the veil have only bliss and only joy to look forward to. Love and blessings to all, till next time.

Hey, before you go! In my latest newsletter, I am sharing a plethora of FREE kindle books!

Check it out here!



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Get Effrosyni’s FREE books with your signup to her bimonthly newsletter! Fun news from her life in Greece and a load of FREE kindle books in every issue!

NEW! A historical paranormal romance box set. This is the timeless love story that will stay with you forever. Set in Moraitika, Corfu and Brighton, England. Visit Amazon:
Clean romance short read, FREE with Kindle Unlimited. It’ll transport you straight to Corfu to experience summer in an idyllic Greek seaside village. Visit Amazon:


Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to south Corfu!


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A day out on the Greek island of Poros and some tough days that followed

My husband and I had the most wonderful day in Poros earlier this month, travelling by coach with the local travel agent. We drove to Galatas and Palaia Epidavros too. We stayed in Poros for about 5 hours, and meeting painter and author Pamela Jane Rogers made it even more special for us. She gave us a private tour around town which was more than we could have ever hoped for.

What an honour for us and what an awesome lady she is. Pamela is a permanent resident of Poros for over 30 years now. You can see her artwork HERE. She took us inside so many of the little shops as we walked around the lanes, chatting to the locals.

One of the shop owners turned out to be Magda, a friend of mine! She used to have a shop in my town of Nea Peramos! Couldn’t believe it. Magda and her family are very talented, by the way. She, her husband and their children make various crafts to sell them in the shop. Organic soaps, knitted bags, woodwork and a lot more. Their brand is called Olive Lab and you can shop for their products online. Highly recommended, folks. Everything is top quality and perfectly natural!



This is the cutest thing I’ve seen all month. I came across these kittens while walking around the lanes of Poros. Such a precious finding! I guess I saw them in the nook where they lay because I was looking for them, if that makes sense. My husband, Andy, and our friend, Pamela, were walking beside me and they’d have missed the kitties had I not shown them. It would have been such a shame. It was cuteness overload and we all need a dose of that daily, don’t we?

I do the same all the time now, looking for cuteness and beauty, whenever I walk around the seafront in my town. I make stops to take pictures of the sea foaming as it reaches the sand, of seagulls perched on the top of the fishing boats, and of the dramatic colours of the sky at sunset. Sometimes, I don’t even bother with the camera. I’ve come to find that the most precious ‘snapshots’ are those I take with my mind…

And I need these ‘snapshots’ more than ever before right now. They help my soul stay afloat, it seems.

Life has got too complicated for me since my father, Fotios, fell ill with depression last Fall. Even more so than when he was undergoing cancer treatment earlier last year, believe me. I had no idea, and neither did he, what it entails to have depression. It is not just a disease – it feels more like a monster, an entity, seeking to take your life, to destroy you. And it has an energy that affects those around you too.

This energy has permeated my being too by now, and it’s only recently that I realized. I am not saying I’ve got depression, no. Just that it’s got to me so badly that my innate propensity to feel and express joy has waned to unprecedented levels by now. This energy is dark and sticky…

If you’re spiritual like me and have a strong connection with your own ‘inside world’ and your own energy, you may understand when I say I can feel it. It seeks to weaken me from the inside, I can tell now, but I am holding strong.

Twice in the past two months, I’ve fallen ill with infection, and I never used to get sick for years on end. Bugs or viruses – no problem. My immune system kept them all at bay. Including covid. Throughout the scary period of 2020-22 I didn’t get as much as the sniffles. But upset and stress weakened my immune system to the point that, right now, I am wide open to it all, it seems.

As I write this, my voice is completely gone with laryngitis, a first in my adult life! It’s been 5 days now that I cannot speak, but I see a silver lining in this too, the way I try to find one in all negative things.

Not speaking out loud for days eventually shuts down your internal voice too. I just realized today and found it to be quite a blessing. It is so relaxing to tidy up a room or brush your teeth or wash the dishes and actually think of nothing! Mindful washing? LOL! Yes, it’s a thing. And I love it.

So I use these days of aphonia to reap a benefit. I do soul-searching. I ask questions. And I’ve found new guidance for my life, having also had some new insights about what I am doing that’s wrong and how I can change tack.

For starters, I know I will never let depression claim my father’s life or let its dark energies get to me again enough to make me ill repeatedly.

Prayers welcome, if you believe in a higher power. We are visiting a third psychiatrist next week. So far, two doctors couldn’t help my father, Fotios, increase his appetite to a level that can actually help him gain weight or even have a hearty lunch on any given day. I pray with all I got that this time we will find the right protocol.

If you have someone in your life with depression, or an elderly person who lives alone, know that the simplest thing you can do to help is say a few positive words to them. Loneliness is painful, really painful. Consider giving them five minutes of your time for a quick chat on the phone if you can’t drop by. It’ll make their day.




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Get Effrosyni’s FREE books with your signup to her bimonthly newsletter! Fun news from her life in Greece and a load of FREE kindle books in every issue!

NEW! A historical paranormal romance box set. This is the timeless love story that will stay with you forever. Set in Moraitika, Corfu and Brighton, England. Visit Amazon:
Clean romance short read, FREE with Kindle Unlimited. It’ll transport you straight to Corfu to experience summer in an idyllic Greek seaside village. Visit Amazon:


Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to south Corfu!


For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.


Chocolate mousse in a cup, a musical coconut, and freebies for all!

Watch me play the kalimba in this short Facebook video

He he. I can’t stop chuckling. Until December last year, I didn’t even know what a kalimba was. The kalimba (or ‘thumb piano’) originates from Zimbabwe, a musical instrument traditional of the Shona people.

It all started with a video ad on Facebook and instantly I was hooked! I had to get my hands on one, hoping to add some new joy to my life with its sweet sound. When I told Andy, my husband, he grew excited as he lived the first eight years of his life in Zimbabwe. He said the air was often full of the sounds of kalimba as people played in their homes. I was so glad to hear that, as I had purchased a second one, just for him, as an impromptu new year’s present. Finding out I’d bought him something that could help him recapture a fond memory of his childhood gave me even more joy to give it.

It was thrilling for both of us to unpack our kalimbas when they arrived at our door shortly after Christmas but the excitement quickly turned into disappointment.

Our kalimbas were out of tune! Plus, we had no idea how to tune them. However, we didn’t need to fret for long. My amazing hubby took action at once! The ‘amazing’ bit is well deserved, believe me. I am not just being partial here.

If you’ve been reading my emails for a while, you may recall that last year Andy made me a jewellery box using an ancient Japanese technique to blow-torch the wood. Or that he has restored an old motorbike that used to be only good for scrap, turning it into a glistening beauty that he is now pleased to ride back and forth to work. Still, his capacity to make anything he sets his mind to never ceases to astound me.

In a matter of five minutes, he had used Youtube to find out how to tune a kalimba. Then, he strode to the front door, announcing he was going to his shed, and I felt hopeful.

Under an hour later, he came back looking like the cat that got the cream, holding up this tiny hammer that he’d just made, using scraps of wood and metal that lay about in the shed (see photo above). I was so impressed! Then, he proceeded by tuning the kalimbas to perfection… I am still unable to believe it. And I feel so lucky. I mean, what do people do in this case if they don’t have a shed with an Andy in it? LOL

It’s been less than a month and I’ve already memorised 4 tunes in the kalimba in my spare time. I take just a few minutes a day to play and commit old and new key sequences to memory. And the joy I get from these few minutes last me all day. There is a plethora of Youtube videos for 8-key kalimbas so there’s lots more to learn.

Already, I am aspiring to get a 17-key kalimba later on as the sound on those is way better, plus the extra keys help to play more songs. I have my eye on a specific one already but I am delaying it until I have mastered this one first. I’ve always been ‘weird’ like that, I guess. Always delaying gratification and giving any endeavour a fair chance to bloom before I skip on to the next one 🙂 Besides, I am thinking, if my humble 8-key kalimba could only speak, it would no doubt ask me to give it enough attention so it can reach its full potential. And, if you’ve hit the video link above you will undoubtedly agree that I am nowhere near an 8-key kalimba virtuoso as yet haha

After making the little tuning hammer, Andy didn’t stop. Next thing I knew he was busy with a ‘secret project’, buying coconuts at the supermarket and a tiny dessert spoon set at a local thrift store.

So here you go. The fruit of his latest efforts is a musical coconut. Or, should I say, a dessert-spoon kalimba? LOL!

And even if it looks great… please… don’t ask me how it sounds. I haven’t taken out my ear plugs yet, just in case haha

To be honest, even though it got tuned okay, it sounds plain awful. It has to be ore steel, I guess, and the dessert spoons don’t cut it. But doesn’t it look pretty? And it keeps my man happy. Who am I to stop him?

Seriously, by now I am convinced that a good practice for a happy life is seeking joy every day… pleasing the child we all have inside. Nurturing it, pleasing it, and allowing it to ‘play’, can only reap benefits in our lives. The kalimba is working miracles on me, I’ll tell you that. And I hope you have your own little thing that makes you smile every day. I have noticed that I sing to myself all day since I started thumping on those little keys, and I am not in the least surprised!

These chocolatey desserts are quick and easy to rustle up at home and utterly delicious. The tang of the orange zest makes these little cups of heaven! I love how small they are – ideal for guilt-free treats if you’re minding your waistline like I do. And, what’s more… no cooking necessary. They become perfect after a few hours in the fridge. I use Greek coffee cups to make them, but you can also use espresso cups or other small ones you may have at home.


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NEW! A historical paranormal romance box set. This is the timeless love story that will stay with you forever. Set in Moraitika, Corfu and Brighton, England. Visit Amazon:
Clean romance short read, FREE with Kindle Unlimited. It’ll transport you straight to Corfu to experience summer in an idyllic Greek seaside village. Visit Amazon:


Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to south Corfu!


For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

Spanakorizo recipe – Greek spinach and rice with lemon

Hello, All. Thrilled to share a family recipe with you all today. ‘Spanakorizo’ is a Greek meal made with spinach and rice. It’s aromatic, thanks to the dill, and the lemony tang will make your palate sing!


Thought I’d also share the link to my latest newsletter here. You’ll find in it a plethora of free kindle (and PDF) books, as well as a bunch of photos from the local seafront of my little town. The only swimmer I found sunbathing there last time wasn’t like the usual ones, I’ll tell you that!




YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY… SHARING IS CARING! Tweet this to spread some love:

This Greek spinach dish tastes yummy! Check it out and get FREE books too! #books #freebies #recipe Share on X


Get Effrosyni’s FREE books with your signup to her bimonthly newsletter! Fun news from her life in Greece and a load of FREE kindle books in every issue!


Clean romance short read, FREE with Kindle Unlimited. It’ll transport you straight to Corfu to experience summer in an idyllic Greek seaside village. Visit Amazon:


Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to south Corfu!


For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.