Purple jellyfish, a ravenous sea turtle and other news from a Greek author

YIKES! I remember other early summers of the past when I was looking at the big brown jellyfish in the sea here in my little town of Nea Peramos, West Attica, and I used to think that was scary. Never had I ever imagined that it could get worse!

Well, there is worse, and it’s called ‘purple jellyfish’. Also mentioned as Mauve stinger (Pelagia Noctiluca) online, the Latin name owed to the fact that it glows in the dark! And this exotic creature is now found all over the coast of Attica right now, including in my local beaches. It has also been sighted in Ionian waters, so if you’re swimming in my beloved Corfu this summer keep your guard up, folks, just in case!

No one knows with certainty how these jellyfish wound up in our waters in such large numbers this year.

Because of this, I haven’t braved a visit to the beach yet for a swim, and this week it’s 38 degrees C and not fun at all.

The scientists say the phenomenon could abate soon, but then may reappear at the end of July because of the fluctuations of temperature that affect that of the water. So, the news is bad for this summer.

Still, the scientists have given the public precise advice on how to tackle the problem if someone gets stung. As it turns out, the purple jellyfish is not like the others. It is actually recommended not to use the well-known remedies of ammonia and… erm… Joey Tribbiani’s infamous trick of… uhh… ‘weeing on it’.

No. The purple jellyfish’s neurotoxin-carrying cells left on the skin can only be neutralized with the use of baking soda! This is the best way to alkalize the affected area immediately. And, before applying the baking soda, you need to wipe the area with something like a glove or a towel (not the naked hand) in order to remove any cell debris carefully, using seawater. Strictly NOT tap water.

The instruction is very particular, but thankfully clear, as if someone gets it wrong and is allergic to the sting, they could wind up in hospital.

With these horrors to consider, I am definitely packing a small thick towel in my beach bag this summer and some baking soda. Not taking any chances, folks! And it looks like I’ll have to leave my usual straying to the deep waters for another year maybe. I’ll be paddling in the shallows–and checking all around me incessantly–for the foreseeable future this summer!

Note: I found the above on Facebook and I am including it here for more detailed instructions. From what I found out in Facebook groups people do get stung over in Corfu right now. So, if you’re swimming in one of the affected regions of Greece this summer, get the treatment details right!

Marios, a caretta caretta sea turtle from Naxos, can gobble up over 100 jellyfish in 30 minutes! How amazing is that? You’ll find more details about Marios in my latest newsletter, along with more fun news from my life in Greece, a yummy risotto recipe, and a bunch of FREE books! It’s all bound to put a smile on your face faster than you can say ‘spanakopitta’! GO HERE AND ENJOY!


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Clean romance short read, FREE with Kindle Unlimited. It’ll transport you straight to Corfu to experience summer in an idyllic Greek seaside village. Visit Amazon: https://bit.ly/3pAP3rf


Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to south Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.


Greek vigil lamps, frankincense and how to clean up your house spiritually

Today, I’d like to share about the Greek custom of the vigil lamp. Vigil lamps are lit in Greek homes on all big religious holidays, but in homes where loved ones have passed away they may be found lit every day, especially in the homes of widows.

Traditionally, in every Greek home, there is one corner (usually the bedroom), where icons are placed on the wall (along with the wreaths from the wedding ceremony of the home owners so the marriage can remain blessed). The vigil lamp is often placed in the same corner too. I have such a corner in my bedroom, but in the recent years, following the deaths of my Corfiot grandparents and then my mother, I created a second shrine in my study. I burn my vigil lamp in there amongst icons and photographs of my deceased family members. It all helps to keep their memory alive and my spirit connected to them.

The light of the flame serves to remind us that God is light, and that we have a divine light (our soul) inside us too. When the lamp is lit in the memory of a deceased, it is believed that it promotes the peace of their soul. Traditionally, a lamp is always kept lit on the grave for that very purpose, but those not able to visit the grave daily, may light a vigil lamp at home for the souls of their departed loved ones.

Vigil lamps come with a cup which you may fill with just olive oil, or water and olive oil if you don’t wish to keep burning the lamp all day. For example, if you intend to leave the house, as it’s not really advisable to leave a vigil lamp burning at home unattended.

Put in some water first, then the olive oil. The latter will naturally float on top. To use a vigil lamp you will also need a float made of cork and a box of waxed wicks. The wicks look long and pink, as you can see in the photograph below. After you put the wick through the hole in the float, squeeze the wick above the float with your fingernails to flatten it and thus stop it from sinking lower through the hole.

The shorter the wick on top of the float, the smaller the flame and the longer it will burn. Nowadays, tall votive candles are available to buy everywhere in Greece to place on graves. These burn unattended for days on end. However, the traditional burning of olive oil is believed to be the best offering.

The burning of frankincense usually goes together with the lighting of the vigil lamp. Personally, I burn frankincense on the big religious holidays and any other time when the energies in my home seem stuffy, negative or just off kilter. Over the years, I’ve grown quite sensitive to energy and instinctively know when to do this. There is no set interval, so if you want to try this too for your home, just use your instinct to decide when is a good time.

In the above photo, you can see the necessary tools for frankincense burning. i.e a suitable bowl (with a handle, as the bowl itself gets pretty hot), frankincense resin, and charcoal discs to put the resin on. To ignite the disc, hold it in the air between two fingers and place the flame of a lighter under it. As soon as it starts to spark, place it in the bowl and blow on it to encourage it to light up further. I light the charcoal disc in front of my open kitchen window and sometimes turn on the kitchen ventilator too, for good measure.

The reason is that when the charcoal ignites it produces thick white smoke as it starts to spark, a noxious thing to breathe in. So give it a few seconds to let out the worst of it. When it subsides, carefully drop a couple pieces of frankincense resin on the disc, depending on their size.

Depending on the size of the frankincense pieces, you may fit on the disc only 1 piece, or 2 or 3.

As you throw the pieces of frankincense on the disc, if you’re a believer, you may want to do this: If you’re putting on one piece, say, ‘God is one!’ (O Theos ine enas!). If you’re putting on two pieces, say, ‘Two are the natures of Jesus: God and Man!’ (Dio ine i fisis tou Christou. Theos  kai anthropos!). If you’re putting on three pieces, say, ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit’ (Patir, Ios ke Agio Pnevma!)

Before going around the house with the bowl in your hand, ensure you have opened one window in every room, even if it’s just a tad. Why? Because this will allow your logical mind to accept and understand the notion of ‘sending away’ the demonic aka negative (stale) energy. Negative energy in the home needs to be removed or it will cause all sorts of bad things, like misfortune, disease or disarray…

Now, if you’ve never done this before, here is what I do, and you can adjust the process to your own preferences. The information that follows is my own process, which is quite original for Greek standards. It combines things other Greeks do, along with practices of spiritual people in other countries. Use your intuition, as, for your own home, you surely know best!

Go from room to room with the bowl in your hand making sure that you go to every literal corner, and every nook and cranny. These are the places where stale energy accumulates. In every corner, make a cross in the air with the bowl and say, ‘Jesus Christ wins and makes all evil scatter’ (in Greek: Iisous Christos nika, ke ola ta kaka skorpa). Or, you can simply say, ‘In the name of Jesus Christ, leave now!’ or something similar using the power of His name.

Do not miss the bathroom. Especially the space over the toilet bowl. Honestly. I am not kidding. Do not miss particulatly dusty spaces either. Negative energy loves to accumulate in the spaces that are less than squeaky clean.

As you go around the house, stop at every window and external door, also at every TV or computer screen, every mirror, and the fireplace, if you have one. These are portals from where negative influence may enter the home. So move the bowl in front of them from a distance while vaguely tracing the outline (i.e. that of the window, the TV screen, the computer screen, your bathroom mirror etc). You don’t need to be exact with the lines you draw in the air. It’s the intention that counts.

After you move the bowl around the outline, draw with the bowl an X over the rectangle. This seals the portal and keeps negative influences out.

Stop when you reach your shrine of icons too, if you have one, and do crosses in the air in front of them, offering a brief prayer to God, Jesus, Mary or your beloved saints to help you clear your home and bless it.

When you’re done going around your home, place the bowl in the window sill until the smoke dies away and the disc grows cold, safe enough to throw away. Alternatively, put water from the tap into the bowl to drench the disc and extinguish it.

If you don’t have frankincense discs and the other paraphernalia needed to sanctify your home the Greek way, I am sure you will be able to find similar things in your country. A good choice is the use of frankincense sticks. If you live in Greece, go to your nearest supermarket or search for eshops that sell ‘ekklisiastika products’ (i.e. ‘churchware’) to find higher quality stuff. This eshop, for example, belongs to a monastery, and these tend to offer better quality and thus more aromatic resin, for example.

Is frankincense enough?

Certainly not. Not for me, anyway. I don’t take any chances when ousting stale energy, so I do three ‘sweeps’ of my house back to back! Each time I hold a different thing and always, meticulously, I go in every single corner. If I don’t have much time, I sometimes omit the third ‘sweep’ but I always do the first two.

The first one is what I’ve already described, using the frankincense. The second time I use sound. Loud sound makes stale energy run for the hills, so to speak. Bells or gongs work wonderfully for this purpose. More often than not, I use this sheep bell from the island of Limnos that my father gave me. Its sound is very loud so it’s perfect, but sometimes I use my Tibetan bowl instead. This is not as loud but makes a wonderful eerie sound that I find very satisfying and rather mystical. When I use sound, I don’t have to say any words. The loud sound does all the work 🙂

The third time I go around the house, I pick a couple flowers from my garden first. Holding them in my hand with a small icon or a cross, I go around my home to every nook and cranny, and offer blessings, speaking non-stop. “Peace! Love! Prosperity! Radiant health! Balance! Hope! Courage! Joy! Unity! Harmony!” You get the idea 🙂 The power of words is immense!

So there you have it. This is the best way I know to cleanse my home energetically. I swear the air feels lighter after that for days. One last note: It’s best to do this alone in the house. Definitely no one small, sick, weak or vulnerable should be indoors when you do this. No pets, small children and elderly people. When the energy starts to ‘run away’, you don’t want it ‘bumping into’ anyone of the sort, affecting their energy in a bad way.

For the same reason, you must be strong yourself (physically and mentally) when you do this. If unsure, say a little prayer and ask your angels or your favourite saint for protection before you start.

Hey. I know this is not for everybody. If you found this a little ‘out there’ or ‘woo woo’, I totally get it. It’s Greek culture, after all, and we can often act like a crazy bunch. I mean, take that Zorba guy… He certainly was a little loopy, LOL!

Interested in Greek Orthodox traditions? Read here all about the Greeks’ beliefs and traditions for the dead. Hope it won’t chill your blood much, LOL 😛 


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FREE books, a beach picnic and a Greek god’s lucky plant

Hello, All! Today, I have the latest fun news from my life in Greece. As always, I am linking up to my latest newsletter where you can check out a multitude of free books, plus a chick lit 99c deal from yours truly. You’ll also get a peek at my forthcoming publication!

March is coming, and that’s a much dreaded statement in my country, seeing that the Greeks regard this month as the most extreme in terms of bad weather. I never understood why it is in the spring, as opposed to winter, but I guess that’s one of the oddities of Greek life, LOL

Indeed. It’s not the spring until April, that’s for certain. Having said that… this year, Andy and I got a taste of the spring a little sooner. For the first time ever, we got to have a picnic in February. And, on the beach, at that!

Our first picnic went swimmingly. Excuse the pun. Especially since no actual swimming was involved haha. No way, as it was chilly under the shade as it was!

We picked to visit our favourite beach near home. We’d missed it so much since last October when we stopped swimming. A couple of the trees were chopped off, and one had been uprooted completely – we guessed from the extreme weather conditions of the previous months. It was especially sad to see the huge tree (willow or aspen, not sure) with the generous shade chopped off at the trunk. I couldn’t find my bearings for a few seconds without it there, it was odd. It’ll make many people sad this summer when they arrive at the beach to find its shade is no more. More than four different families could sit under it comfortably – its shade was that generous.

A couple people were swimming when we arrived in the morning, much to our surprise. I asked a lady in her 30s who’d just come out of the water if it was cold, and she nodded fervently with a laugh saying it was indeed freezing. It was her first swim since November, she said. She hopes to keep swimming from now on. Quite over-confident an intention, if you ask me, since March is fully ahead of us. She said it was pleasant as she stood in her bikini but, by the time we’d set up in our favourite spot, I saw her putting on jeans and a sweater in a hurry LOL.

For a while, it was very quiet on the beach, especially since the three swimmers left, but then, at lunchtime, families and quiet couples descended (probably from the taverna on the road) to sit in the sunshine. Such a lovely day. And it brought the summer closer, somehow. Bliss.

Since I’d never visited this beach during the winter before, I was pleasantly surprised to find these green plants with the long thick leaves you can see in the photos. They were strewn all over the ground, even under the trees. These are special plants to the Greeks! They hit the stores once a year – in the New Year – for good luck, believe it or not! People buy them and hang them outside their homes.

I have to admit. I never knew what they were really called until today! Writing this prompted me to actually check it out online and it only took a bit of searching for Greek New Year customs to identify it.

My parents have always referred to this plant simply as ‘Riza’, which is just the Greek word for ‘Root’. And my father described it occasionally as some kind of wild onion, because of the shape of the root. Well, his notion was bang on!

As my Internet search revealed, the plant is called Agriokremmydo (wild onion) or Skylokremmydo, or Askeletoura, or Agiovasilitsa. The latter refers to Agios Vasilis, the Greek Santa Claus – makes sense as the plant is used in the New Year, where Agios Vasilis makes His visit to the children, according to Greek custom.

The Latin name of the plant is Urginea. Apparently, it is the plant of Pan (the god of nature in ancient Greece). It was believed to offer fertility, good luck, and good fortune.

From what I learned online, the custom of hanging these roots outside homes in the new year is largely followed on the island of Crete. It seems to be followed in Athens too, though not by many. Although, as I stated earlier I see them in some stores in the new year, I don’t see them outside people’s houses that often.

Anyway, my family never had to buy one, since Urginea grows naturally all over the fields here every winter. Just before the new year, even now at 80 years of age, my father will go up the road to the first open field and dig up two of these plants, taking great care to remove the root whole and intact. He’ll deliver one plant to my husband and me, the big round root covered in aluminium foil. All I have to do then is tie a piece of string around its stem and hang it at the gate. Once it’s dried up a few days later, we just throw it away.

And now you know about this plant, I bet you can tell just how ‘lucky’ I felt as I sat drinking in the stunning sea view, while surrounded by such auspicious plant life haha

Visit Facebook to see all the photos from that awesome day!

In my latest newsletter, I am sharing a bunch of FREE kindle books to suit various tastes and the latest that’s fun from my life in Greece. It’s all bound to put a smile on your face! Check it out!


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Limited time offer! Get the awarded novella, “The Boy on the Bridge” for FREE, along with the short story collection, “Facets of Love” with your sign up to Effrosyni’s newsletter. Fun news from her life in Greece and a load of FREE kindle books in every issue! http://bit.ly/2yA74No

Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to south Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

FREE books, naughty cats and delicious fish cakes

Hello! I am thrilled today to share with you a load of book freebies, romance mostly, in time for Valentine’s Day! Also sharing below the latest antics of my naughty cats, Loulou and Sissi, and my homemade fish cakes that taste and smell absolutely delicious, thanks to the herbs and spices in the mix. Enjoy!

It’s been a while since I last shared news from Loulou and her daughter, Sissi, but I assure you not much has changed since last time.

Sissi still chases her mum around sometimes, though Loulou gets less often now bullied so no longer leaves the house for hours to find some peace of mind.

In this photo, you can see Loulou on the balcony, on top of the cots Andy and I made them for this winter using two cardboard boxes covered with t-shirts and woolly jumpers for extra warmth.

Nothing to see here. Just Loulou having pigeon for breakfast. Yes. You can imagine my horror when I saw this first thing in the morning as soon as I opened the front door. Could have been worse, I guess! A small mouse, perhaps. The cats are forever taunting small mice behind the closed door. One could very well run inside for cover if I were to open it at the time. That one hasn’t happened yet, I am pleased to say, though I have had a near miss twice.

I am so grateful Greek houses don’t have cat flaps. So, at least, the carnage is guaranteed to stay outside at all times, LOL

Sissi tends to hunt smaller birds and vermin than Loulou but she is one naughty little thing! She is still terribly inquisitive, and territorial too. The moment I put something new outside on the porch, she’ll claim it for her own. Just as it happened with this small table I took outside so I can sit with a coffee or my laptop. I thought that would guarantee I’d have a clean table to do that at all times, seeing that the cats have long claimed the big oblong table of the porch for their own.

But Sissi had other ideas.

The first time I left the table unguarded, yours truly forgot all about her big table (aka ‘king-size bed’) to try this new one for size.

The same story was repeated last week, when I left my umbrella at the porch. I had just returned to the house under a drizzle and as the sun came out soon after, I thought it would be wise to leave it outside to dry.

Bad choice. But, at least, this time I suspected it. So I left it outside and stood behind the window, camera at the ready. It wasn’t ten seconds later when my little devil, Sissi, came to inspect.

She smelled it, rubbed her head against it a few times, then ran up to it, from the other side, in an obvious attempt to stand or sit on it. Gravity took over, of course, and she wound up rolling with it. It was hilarious!

When her nails came out, I rushed outside to save the umbrella from her frustrated little paws. Thanks for the confirmation, Sissi. Nothing looking new, odd or flashy on the balcony. Check!

On the bright side, at least she doesn’t jump up any more to claw at my silk scarfs on the washing line!

My homemade fish cakes can be made with haddock, cod, or any other white fish. I call them ‘aromatic’ because their heavenly smell is part of the dining experience!

My recipe uses a few herbs and spices that make them utterly delicious. And there are health benefits too, seeing that I can’t make anything these days without including turmeric and ginger – for me, they are two of the most precious ‘medicine’ nature has to offer!


It’s the season of love… Get the companion book of The Lady of the Pier trilogy for FREE!

It includes “An Old Promise”, a clean romance short read set in the alluring Cyclades. 

For a limited time, you can get book 1 in the trilogy, The Ebb, for only 99 cents. It can also be enjoyed as a standalone read. 

AN OLD PROMISE… Joanna boards a flight to visit the Greek island of Sifnos again after twenty years. All this time, despite the distance and her life’s circumstances, she’s been holding on to precious memories from an old summer love. Now, she’s determined to meet again the man she once left behind, hoping for a chance to prove she never forgot their old promise…

“The author writes from her heart and endears the reader to the story quickly. Her writing flows in a comfortable and easy manner making the reader feel right at home.” ~Janice Spina, author of An Angel Among Us

“The book is very well written and the added poetry was beautiful. The characters were so vividly portrayed you became totally caught up in their lives.” ~Helen Johnson Brumbaugh, Amazon reviewer

This FREE short read also contains ten love poems from the Lady of the Pier trilogy and an exclusive excerpt from book 1, The Ebb.



In my latest newsletter, I am sharing a bunch of FREE kindle books to suit various tastes and the latest that’s fun from my life in Greece. It’s all bound to put a smile on your face! Check it out!


YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY… SHARING IS CARING! Tweet this to spread some love:

FREE books, and fun news from a Greek author #greek #authorlife #freebies Share on X


Limited time offer! Get the awarded novella, “The Boy on the Bridge” for FREE, along with the short story collection, “Facets of Love” with your sign up to Effrosyni’s newsletter. Fun news from her life in Greece and a load of FREE kindle books in every issue! http://bit.ly/2yA74No

Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to south Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

Doggie trouble, FREE books, and a freaky snowstorm

Meet Gino, my mother’s beloved doggie that she’d adopted while holidaying in Limnos a few summers back when Gino was a tiny puppy. Dad has now inherited him from her, and I play Mummy for this canine darling. Living next door, makes it a pleasure to do. Dad walks Gino and gives him his main meals, and I pet him, play with him, and arrange for his trips to the vet. I also treat him daily to a handful of cat food, which I deliver same time every evening. His tail goes wagging like crazy as he sees me coming. The tiny cat food pellets are a delicacy he always devours in seconds!

A couple weeks ago, though, Gino’s happy life was disrupted by a terrible accident.

I was working on my computer when, suddenly, I heard harrowing howls of pain, clearly from a dog. I rushed outside like a madwoman, not knowing what to think. I had no idea it was Gino, but thought perhaps a dog outside had been attacked by other strays – as it occasionally happens in our semi-rural area.

To my shock, I found a Jeep parked in the middle of the street. Two strangers and my father were standing behind it, all looking down at Gino, who was crying. As it turned out, my father had left the gate open and the dog had rushed outside just as the Jeep was driving past the house. By sheer luck, it didn’t run him over and only hit his front paw.

The vet determined readily that the bone wasn’t broken, but it was cracked. She bandaged his paw and placed a cone around his neck to stop him from chewing it. A couple of jabs and a lot of reassuring petting later, he was ready to go back home and I was handed antibiotics and painkillers to administer in the next seven days.

Gino was grumpy in the first two days, growling at us as we tried to keep him comfortable and warm. Gino has always had a weird character, though he is better now than he used to be. In the past, he’s bitten my dad’s hand many times, for example, if he put his hand near his mouth while he was eating, or simply, if he wasn’t in the mood.

So I knew to leave him alone every time he began to growl these first two days when he was still in a lot of pain. From the third day onwards, he began to perk up and walk without limping, and we saw him lie down on the ground again for the first time since the accident. The first two days, he kept sitting on his back legs and looking at us forlornly, bless his little heart.

There is a silver lining to his unfortunate accident and misfortune, though, and that is the fact that as I nursed him back to good health we bonded like never before. He couldn’t drink from his bucket of water at all with the cone, for example, so I had to check with him a few times a day, offering him to drink from my hand, which he seemed to enjoy. And he didn’t bite, of course, LOL. Andy thought I was crazy, since he once nearly got bitten by him too, when he was close to him while he was eating. But I knew Gino wouldn’t bite me. He is a clever boy, despite his crankiness. He knew I was only trying to help.

I don’t know if Gino couldn’t eat from his bowl either, or if he thought it was more fun to have me around to feed him, but I wound up having to throw food on the ground for him to eat too. And, again, Dad thought I was nuts because as he ate the pellets, I kept pushing them towards his mouth because the cone made it hard for him to reach them. My fingers would brush against his lips, and he never did as much as growl, let alone bite me. Another silver lining – I think Gino is done minding company when he eats now, yippee!

It took Gino a while to work out he had to move around to get the pellets from the floor. At first, he’d look at them through the transparent plastic of the cone, and kept trying to get them through the plastic, LOL

On the 10th day, his mood improved drastically as soon I removed the cone. Boy, did he dance around or what! And he ate like he hadn’t eaten in days, eating and drinking like a mad thing.

And what surprise! He didn’t try to bite the bandage at all, and never did, until it was time to remove that too, five days later. That day, to be honest, he did growl at me as I used a small scissors to remove the sticky bandage. I insisted, despite him pointing his snout at my fingers and growling, and suddenly, he swirled around in a flash, then growled at me loudly, baring his teeth as he stared at me. Shocked, I told him off and he rushed into the dog house, a long strip of sticky bandage trailing behind him as it was still half-wrapped around his leg. I returned ten minutes later and he walked out of the dog house, tail wagging, as if nothing had happened.

I told you he’s weird, haha. Plus, his leg was bandage-free this time. He had chewed off the remnants. Phew! I can’t believe I survived being his nurse for two weeks without a single bite mark on my hands, LOL!

Last silver lining here – Dad has learned his lesson, because he had been quite naughty all this time. Being a typical, stubborn Greek elderly man, he never listened to reason (or yours truly!). I kept advising him to keep the gate closed at all times and to only walk the dog with the lead. He ignored me on both counts. Now, he swears “Never again!”. He does use the lead now every time he takes Gino out.

Bad, bad Dad!!!! But Gino is such a sweetheart, despite his nasty mood swings! I bet he has forgiven him already.

Last week, Athens was hit by a snowstorm that its people won’t forget any time soon! Snow covered every street and every corner, and the government had to declare the two days that followed official days off work for the whole of Attica. Which was a good idea, seeing that we were all stuck inside our homes, unwilling and unable to walk outside anywhere, let alone drive. Cars had been half-buried under snow in all the side roads all over the place, and many were abandoned, even on the highways, their drivers walking home for kilometres.

Undoubtedly, the snowstorm affected people the worst in the private highway of Attiki Odos, where 5,000 drivers  got stranded for hours in the cold on the first day of the snowstorm from midday onwards until the army came to the rescue in the wee hours of the morning! According to witnesses, by the time darkness came, even the men were desperate inside their cars, convinced they would not survive the night. The first person who sued the highway company for compensation is an elderly man with a heart problem who got stranded in a taxi for 20 hours without food, water or his meds. Many more are expected to follow suit…

Read more about the snowstorm in my latest newsletter. You’ll find many FREE kindle books in there too! ENJOY!


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Limited time offer! Get the awarded novella, “The Boy on the Bridge” for FREE, along with the short story collection, “Facets of Love” with your sign up to Effrosyni’s newsletter. Fun news from her life in Greece and a load of FREE kindle books in every issue! http://bit.ly/2yA74No

Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Effrosyni’s debut romance, The Ebb, has received an award from Amazon! Check it out here

Beach fun and sweet romance mixed with magic spells and bird shifters… The Raven Witch of Corfu is an original story that will rivet you with its unrelenting suspense. The final twist will blow your mind!
Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to south Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

FREE books, pink skies and more feline naughtiness!

In an earlier post. I showed you Sissi’s currently preferred spot for catching birds. My husband took this photo the other day when he ventured outside, first thing in the morning. He took it to show me the small bits of feathers that were scattered everywhere before clearing it all up. Thankfully, he saved me from the sight of the poor birdie itself. By the time he’d found it it was much too late to change its sad fate.

On a happier note, here is a feeder my husband rustled up for Sissi and her mother, Loulou, so they could get some sustenance during our short breaks away from home last month. This meant we only had to ask our kindly neighbour to replenish the water bowl. Sissi went in straight to the feeder to eat when we placed it outside the first time, while Loulou, always skittish and over-careful, took a few moments to be convinced to go near it, let alone eat. Once she realized it had neither claws nor teeth, she was fine haha

In my latest newsletter, I am sharing a bunch of alluring photos, and even a short video, from the unforgettable experience I had of the sunset at Cape Sounio last month.

I make my newsletters fun by sharing photographs from my life in Greece and a bunch of kindle book freebies every time!



YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY… SHARING IS CARING! Tweet this to spread some love:

FREE books, and fun news from Greece! #catlovers #freebiefriday #freebooks Share on X

New book! A young man determined to protect his girl… A teenage boy offering prophecies… and a series of unexplained events. Check it out on Amazon: https://bit.ly/3ke2O9U

Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Check it out here

370 pages of Corfu summer bliss! This beach romance will make you fall in love… Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
To grab “Facets of Love” for FREE, go here! Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

FREE books, an impromptu air show, an ancient temple and Lord Byron’s carving

FREE books, an impromptu air show, an ancient temple and Lord Byron’s carving

Greece is having a summer for the books. After two devastating fires earlier this month in the Peloponnese and Evia that burnt thousands of acres of forest land, many homes, and even wiped out whole villages from the map, it was ‘our turn’ last week here in West Attica. A fire in the area of Villia blazed for five consecutive days, every day getting closer and closer to my seaside town near Athens, making everybody nervous. I do confess, I did pack, just in case. The only ray of sunshine we had last week was the swims at the local beach that daily came with a free air show! Both Erickson helicopters and Canadair planes kept coming over to refill. Even 6 Canadair planes at one time. And they all came and went perfectly synchronized. Everyone held their phones at the ready and I couldn’t help myself either.






YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY… SHARING IS CARING! Tweet this to spread some love:

FREE books, and Greek writer news from Greece! #funnews #freebiefriday #Greece Share on X

New book! A young man determined to protect his girl… A teenage boy offering prophecies… and a series of unexplained events. Check it out on Amazon: https://bit.ly/3ke2O9U

Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Check it out here

370 pages of Corfu summer bliss! This beach romance will make you fall in love… Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
To grab “Facets of Love” for FREE, go here! Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

FREE books, sunny photos and an intrepid lady bug

In this idyllic location, my husband and I enjoyed a wonderful meal last weekend. Sitting in the cool breeze provided a temporary reprieve from the heatwave we’re having right now. It’s been plaguing us relentlessly for two straight weeks so far! So it was wonderful to feel cool by the water. Same reason why we went swimming in the evening this week, as opposed to the morning, and it was just heavenly. I tried going in the morning one day and just couldn’t handle sunbathing after 11 a.m! Felt like my skin was roasting so I got up and headed for home as if a tsunami were flowing in, LOL

That morning, something wonderful happened, though. I saw a lady bug floundering in the deep water and I saved it by scooping it up and taking it back to shore. Even more delightful than the whole experience was the reaction of an elderly local who watched me swim one-handed while keeping the bug out of the water with the other.

I share all the details of this incident in today’s newsletter, along with a bunch of FREE books, yes, FREE books for all! Also, sunny photos and even a video from that wonderful fish dinner by the sea. The cicadas never stopped singing from the trees. You have to have a listen!

Trust me, the newsletter is guaranteed to make you smile faster than you can say ‘calamari!’



YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY… SHARING IS CARING! Tweet this to spread some love:

FREE books, and fun news from Greece to make you smile! #summervibes #freebies #Greece Share on X

New book! A young man determined to protect his girl… A teenage boy offering prophecies… and a series of unexplained events. Check it out on Amazon: https://bit.ly/3ke2O9U

Kelly ran a marathon and wound up running a house. With a ghost in it! Both humorous and moving, with delightful sweet romance, it’s just the ticket to lose yourself reading! Read more on Amazon
Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu! Check it out here

370 pages of Corfu summer bliss! This beach romance will make you fall in love… Available in paperback , box set or 4 kindle episodes!
To grab “Facets of Love” for FREE, go here! Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.