Hi, everybody! Meet my cat, Loulou (her name is short for ‘Louloudi’, which is Greek for ‘flower’.) Last September, she appeared on my doorstep, barely out of kittenhood, and just six months later she presented me with her newborns! I can hardly believe it! Her four kittens are already two weeks old, and I can’t wait for them to start exploring the garden and playing. I couldn’t hope for a better thing to cheer me up right now, with all the pandemic craziness going on.
For a little video of Loulou and the kittens, GO HERE
But I don’t have just kittens to help me pass the day happily… I also have free books! And I am thrilled to share about them today. They’re both freebies and excellent bargains.
But first, to share my own deal, a super offer for Easter! The box set of The Raven Witch of Corfu is only 99 cents for a limited time!
If self-isolation is getting too much and you need something uplifting, this will work like a charm! Drift in your mind to Corfu and fill your heart with the bliss of summer!
Lizzie arrives on the idyllic Greek island of Corfu but far from feeling excited, her heart is heavy. She is here to claim back her twin brother who was kidnapped twenty years earlier on her previous visit. In a cave. By an evil witch.
When Lizzie sees her brother again, she receives the shock of her life. The witch has tricked her… As if this weren’t enough, Stamatis, a handsome local, steals her heart to complicate her life even further…
Hungry for more?
You’ll find more fabulous book deals and FREEBIES in my latest newsletter, RIGHT HERE
Till next time, stay safe and upbeat, folks! This, too, shall pass 😀
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I'm staying home with FREE books! And #kittens! #freebooks #cats Share on X

Summer love and a mysterious haunting in Corfu… Only $0.99 for a limited time!
370 pages of Corfu summer bliss! This beach romance will make you fall in love… Choose between the paperback , the box set or 4 kindle episodes!
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