Urginea, the lucky plant for the New Year and other Greek traditions

Image credit to Festivalaki Cretan festival of Arts & Culture

Hi All! Thrilled to share today the Greek tradition of the lucky plant for the New Year! I’ll also share my recipe for Vasilopita, the cake with the hidden coin inside that Greek families traditionally cut together on New Year’s Eve.

The big day is approaching and, soon, the Greeks will be looking to buy an unedible little plant that looks very much like an onion but is not. You’ll find it in the stores here only once a year, folks. Do you know what they are for? Fret not, for I am about to tell you 🙂

These special plants to the Greeks decorate people’s front doors for good luck every year, and are put in place in time for New Year’s Day.

My parents have always referred to this plant simply as ‘riza’, which is just the Greek word for ‘root’. My father described it as some kind of wild onion, because of the shape of the root. Years later, when I looked up this plant online, I realised my father’s description was bang on!

As my Internet search revealed, the plant has many names: Agriokremmydo (wild onion), Skylokremmydo, Skylla, Askeletoura, Boska, and Agiovasilitsa. The latter refers to Agios Vasilis, the Greek Santa Claus, and that makes sense as the plant is used in the New Year, when Agios Vasilis makes His visit to the children, according to Greek custom.

The Latin name of the plant is Urginea. Apparently, it is the plant of Pan (the pagan god of nature in ancient Greece). It was believed to offer fertility, good luck, and good fortune.

The custom of hanging these roots outside homes in the new year is largely followed on the island of Crete. It seems to be followed in Athens too, though not by many. In general, I don’t see them outside people’s houses that often these days any more.

Anyway, my family never had to buy one, since urginea grows all over the open fields here every winter, and even on our local beaches, as you can see in this picture.

Close to New Year’s Eve, even at the age of 80, my late father would go up the road to the first open field and dig up two of these plants, taking great care to remove the root whole and intact. He’d then hand over one plant to my husband and me, the onion-like root covered in aluminium foil. All I had to do then was to tie a piece of string around its stem and my lucky plant was ready to hang at the gate.

Whatever your customs or personal family traditions are for New Year’s Eve in your part of he world, have lots of fun, and a happy and peaceful 2025! 

Here’s another Greek tradition – Vassilopita – the New Year’s Eve cake with the hidden coin inside. Learn all about it here and get my family recipe!

Can you say ‘Melomakarona’? Or even know what it is?
Check out the traditional Greek Christmas desserts here, and a fun cookie recipe that the kids will love to bake! Enjoy!


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A visit to the Temple of Poseidon in Sounion and beach fun in the Athens Riviera

Good morning, All!  I am reblogging today an old post with more information from my short break to the ‘Athens Riviera’ last summer. I also got to visit the imposing Temple of Poseidon in Cape Sounion, just in time to marvel at the famous sunset views it offers. Scroll down to see the book that I wrote, inspired by these places of alluring beauty!


My husband Andy and I drove to the Eastern coast of Attica to enjoy 3 days. This area is known as ‘The Athens Riviera’, seeing that it can be quite cosmopolitan in parts.

We stayed in a lovely hotel in Varkiza which provided an excellent location for nearby trips to the fabulous beaches at Lagonissi and Anavyssos for a swim. One evening, we went to the furthest tip of the eastern coast, all the way to Cape Sounion, to see the sunset from the ancient Temple of Poseidon.

I felt compelled to take my debut novel, The Necklace of Goddess Athena, with me! I wanted to honour the story since the temple and the sunset are heavily featured in the climax of the story. But I won’t say more so I don’t give any spoilers, obviously!

When I visited Anavyssos for a swim I took this short video , to show you the big crossroads by the beach. It features in The Necklace of Goddess Athena at a crucial part of this YA/NA mythical urban adventure. I thought it might please the readers among you who loved the book to see the real place!


A. The Temple of Poseidon was chosen as one of the Greek locations in the popular TV series “The Little Drummer Girl” starring Florence Pugh and Alexander Skarsgard.

B. Lord Byron, who had two long stays in Athens between 1809-1811, visited Cape Sounio more than once during this time. On one of his visits, he carved his name in the temple base. See if you can spot it among the other ancient carvings left on this world-famous landmark!

Phevos, a 20-year-old from ancient Greece, time-travels to today’s Athens, arriving shocked and confused… His mysterious father has just sent him there without any explanation. Soon, he makes new friends, discovers old family secrets, and gets ensnared in a war between two Olympian Gods…



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The village of Nymfaio and the bear sanctuary of Arcturos

Nymfaio, Florina

I visited the village of Nymfaio during my stay over Easter in Kastoria.

This village is situated in the prefecture of Florina (Greek region of west Macedonia). You will find it on Mount Vernon (Vitsi) at an altitude of 1.350 m.

According to UNESCO, Nymfaio is one of the ten most picturesque villages of Europe!

Truly, its name, that means ‘The Land of the Nymphs’ is befitting to this enchanted place that is graced by lush forestland and precious wildlife too.

Nymfaio was a delight to my eyes as I walked through it, along its cobblestone paths. The stonework and the classy old architecture on some of the buildings were just breathtaking, and I invite you to look at my photos on Facebook and see for yourselves.

By far, the most imposing edifice was the Nikeios School, an architectural marvel that nowadays operates as a conference Hall of Thessaloniki’s Aristotelian University.

We followed the many helpful signs to the Arcturos bear sanctuary as we made our way through the village past quaint dwellings and a piazza with charming eateries and cafes. Soon, we exited the village and came upon a path that ran through a marvelous beech forest…

This is me tip-toeing in the woods while looking out for bears haha

The beauty of the beech forest was remarkable. It literally took my breath away, which meant I couldn’t run (ha ha) when I read the sign that told me I was in bear country! Let me repeat that: Wild bears were actually roaming free where I was walking, folks! The sign said I ought to keep quiet, which suited me just fine!

I mean, who wants a bear to know you’re nearby, right?

Yes. I will admit that, for a few moments, I panicked to know I had entered a place where a bear might appear at any moment.

Andy and I were taking photos back in Nymfaio as we speedily followed the guide – but we still had fallen behind the others in the coach group. Most of the people had gone well ahead of us and there were only a few, the most aged naturally, lagging way behind us, as we all made our way to the bear sanctuary. So, we were walking alone, my hubbie and I, and I didn’t like it one bit.

But then, I thought, Oh well. I never heard on TV of anyone getting attacked by a bear in this country, so my chances are good. You know?

So, I cast my trepidation aside and, after that, I thoroughly enjoyed my walk (about 15-20 minutes, as I recall) in this mesmerisingly beautiful setting.

When we reached a cabin amidst the forest that served as the office and gift store of Arcturos, I was pleased to reunite with familiar faces from the group.

Before I relay the details of my visit to the bear sanctuary, to tell you a little about Arcturos:

The name Arcturos means ‘Bear Watcher’ in ancient Greek, the name for bear being ‘Arctos’, by the way. And that is why the Arctic is called the Arctic, folks!

Arcturos is a non profit, non governmental, environmental organization (NGO) founded in 1992, focusing on the protection of wildlife fauna and natural habitat, in Greece and abroad. They have sanctuaries in Nymfaio for both bears and wolves in two different locations amidst the forestland near the village.

A guide took us into the forest, asking us to speak in whispers and to turn off the sound on our phones.

Arriving shortly later in a wooden construction with a roof and rows of seats we were invited to sit and enjoy a short presentation from the guide.

He was very pleasant, eloquent, and highly informative about the work of Arcturos and the bears themselves. Many of the facts I learned about the bears (brown bears, as the case is!) were very surprising.

One of them was that they actually never attack humans unless provoked and that they shy away from noise. He said, if you’re walking in the wild and you want to avoid brown bears, all you have to do is make some noise. The easiest thing, he said, is to play some music on your phone, and they’ll go far from you.

He didn’t say which kind of music, though. I mean, heavy metal or that cursed trap music that sounds like screeching cats would certainly do the trick. But soothing melodies like songs by Michael Bolton or Celine Dion? Now, that music may actually entice them closer to come lie down for a nap haha

“Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast”, after all 🙂

Anyway, here are some of the facts I recall from that awesome presentation:

When Arcturos is notified that a bear is being abused or in need of assistance, they collaborate with the authorities to rescue it and bring it to the bear sanctuary. This oftentimes takes place in other countries too, like Turkey or Bulgaria, where, to this day, it is still common to find a bear being abused in a circus or put in a cage outside a store or at a petrol station, in order to attract customers. So cruel, but sadly true, and it made me very sad to hear it.

But thank goodness for Arcturos. According to the presenter, there are no circuses left in Greece today that use bears, and I was relieved to hear it. I remember about 10 years ago, a circus had come in town on two different occasions, and they used animals. It was an Italian circus I will not name. I had complained to the council both times and was shocked to find they had no idea that animals in circuses were abused. The second time they assured me they wouldn’t allow another circus act with animals in town again and were, in time, proven true to their word.

To hear Arcturos had worked so hard to educate people so that animal acts in circuses have now completely been a thing of the past in my country was wonderful news to hear.

Our guide said they give the bears names in the sanctuary, and separate the males from the females. They also spay and neuter them, as the sanctuary is just a safe haven for them and only them to spend the rest of their lives in to the end. They are not to breed more bears in captivity, or to be released in the wild. The last is not a cruelty, but a mercy, because, having known slavery for most of their lives, it would be impossible for them to survive alone out there.

The staff at the sanctuary take care of their every need. They give them all the kinds of food they need, and they never go hungry. They have medical care, and especially the old bears get to live longer, because they go without nothing. In the wild, old bears cannot hunt, so die soon after they stop having the use of their eyes or their legs. An adult bear often has to cover long distances every day in search of food.

Another thing that surprised me to hear is that bears don’t hibernate as such, but rather fall into a deep sleep. Their bodies do not grow cold or rigid and their strong sense of smell remains fully alert. They will readily wake up if needed.

A bear can smell humans from far away, even while it is sleeping in the winter.

A note on the food – the people at Arcturos make sure to simulate life in the wild as much as possible, and in this sense, start to give the bears less and less food when it’s time to go into their deep sleeep, as it is the lack of food in the wild that biologically triggers this long sleep in their system.

After the presentation, we were led to the area where the bears are kept behind fences and buzzing electrical wires. Most of them were napping under the trees, and a couple approached lazily behind the fence the curious humans who looked at them with wonder. The bears seemed peaceful, and used to human presence. There was no sign of agitation, the way you often see wild animals behaving in a zoo, and I was pleased to see that.

We were told that all the bears had been rescued from zoos and cages outside stores, in Greece and abroad. Knowing they had found a safe heaven in this beautiful forest where they could stay forever, never to be alone, never caged or chained again, and with all their needs met, made my heart sing.

Before departure, I visited the gift shop, and made sure to support Arcturos with some purchases, hoping what little I spent would help them save more bears and more wolves in future. By the way, they don’t stop there, you know! They also save deer, otters, jackals, and other creatures of the wild!

I have a little bear figurine and an Arcturos mouse pad on my desk as I type this, and they remind me of the rescued bears every day.

To hear more about Arcturos and to support this wonderful cause with a purchase or a donation, please visit their website.


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Freshwater fish in Kastoria, a lunch under Meteora and natural beauty in Grevena


Freshwater fish extravaganza!

All species seemed to be represented in the numerous tanks of the Aquarium of Kastoria, the biggest aquarium in the Balcans for this type of fish.

Among the exhibits I was pleasantly surprised to also find lobsters and even newts.

In a previous post, I shared a little about my trip to the Prespes lakes and a particularly delicious meal of trout I had on the shore of the Big Prespa. The other fish option on the menu, also fished locally, was ‘grivadi’ – a word I hadn’t heard before. I asked the waitress what it tastes like.

She said it has a very acquired taste, and thus, advised me to have the trout instead. So, I took her advice, and really enjoyed my meal. But the word ‘grivadi’ stuck in my head, and I promised myself to look it up or even attempt to find it in a store back home so I can try it some other time.

I didn’t have to wait long to find out what it is!

Among the exhibits in the Aquarium of Kastoria, during the same journey, I saw ‘grivadi’ fish swimming in a large tank! The sign told me so, and the English name mentioned on it was ‘cyprinus’. I did recognise this word, and from what I can remember, I’ve never actually eaten this fish.

My curiosity satiated, I moved on to the next tanks, and then, I found out that the Koi fish is a type of ‘grivadi’ (Cyprinus) too!

Needless to say, I was appalled.

KOI? I almost ate KOI?

I am still laughing thinking about it. For some reason, it shocked me to think people eat at the Prespes Lakes a type of fish that dwells as mere decoration in garden fountains in other parts of the world.

My mind swiftly concocted the image of a lady in a posh mansion somewhere sending her maid to the fountain in the garden with a net to go catch lunch for her and the lord.

Ha ha.

As I said, I found the notion hilarious and considered myself lucky. So glad I had the trout, folks. So glad 🙂


Beautiful Greece…

Pleased to share today some more pictures from the coach trip of last Easter – from 2 stop overs where we enjoyed some marvelous vistas. We made the first stop for lunch at the city of Kalabaka that is crowned by the majestic Meteora.

Sadly, we had no time to visit a monastery that day and when we returned to the area on our way to Athens it was Easter Monday and the monasteries were closed to visitors.

I visited two of the most renowned monasteries of Meteora in the far past–an unforgettable experience–so I wasn’t too sad about this. Plus, I know I am bound to return another time to visit them again 🙂

I couldn’t have enough admiring (and taking pictures of) the iconic rock formations from the coach window and especially during our stop over at the restaurant Theoxenia, just out of Kalabaka. It was a great restaurant, by the way, with a wonderful buffet, where we got to enjoy gigantes and briam. Yummy.

We made another short stop that day on the way to our hotel in Kastoria. It was in the middle of nowhere in the area of Grevena where we caught people diving in for a swim in a serene river. The rock formations there were smooth and just as stunning, so reminiscent of Meteora. I had no idea Grevena is so beautiful… I was so pleasantly surprised.

Truly, Greece is gorgeous wherever you go! So much fuss is made over the islands, and rightfully so, but the mainland holds tremendous treasures that only savvy tourists know about. I’ve been travelling around Greece all my life, and I am still amazed by how diverse it is.

It offers so many different kinds of landscapes, and many are just not what the average tourist expects to find in Greece. I don’t care how biased this seems – I will say it: What an amazing country this is! The more I travel in it, the more I realize the surprises it has in store are simply inexhaustible.

Check out my travel report from the city of Kastoria and its alluring lake views!



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Pozar thermal baths and sleeping bears


Pozar thermal baths – an unforgettable experience

You know that feeling when you get in the bath after a long tiring day? When your muscles are tight and every sinew in your body is crying for mercy? And then, as the warm water envelopes you, you begin to relax, feeling as if you’re melting away, every cell in your body emitting a thank you?

Well…. Multiply that by a thousand, and you have an idea of what it feels like to dip into the pools of Pozar! I visited this blessed place on the slopes of Mt Kaimaktsalan (Voras) in the region of Macedonia, Greece last December. It was about 13 degrees C as I recall, and we were wearing jackets. I was worried about how cold I was going to get walking in a swimswuit from the changing cubicles to the natural pool, but I was determined not to miss the chance. And, boy, am I glad for my choice!

Small mercy number 1: No wind was blowing.

Small mercy number 2: The changing cubicles were a stone’s throw away from the steps that led down to the pool. So, I took the plunge! (literally)

Here is a super-short video of the pool my husband and I dippped ourselves in.

Allluring, huh? You can see why I had to brave the cold! And I was so relaxed and warm when I got out that I felt really comfortable, as if it was a summer’s day, as I walked back to the cubicle to change. Therefore, if someone like me can do it, someone who gets chilly at the slightest gust of wind, surely you can too! No matter which part of the year you visit.

The word ‘Pozar’ is Slavic and it means ‘fire’ and ‘burning coal’.

No surprise there! The water in Pozar is naturally warm at a steady temperature of 37 degrees C. You can see the steam that kept on rising in some of the pictures, especially the one taken from right above the waterfall. The recommendation was to stay in the pool for 20 minutes and not longer. We did just that and it felt more than enough. Our skin felt soft for days after!

Pozar thermal baths are located in the area of Aridaia in the region of Pella, 32 kms west of Edessa. You can easily combine it with a visit to Edessa’s waterfall park, which I shared about previously. Edessa is a wonderful city to stay in, or, to visit Pozar, you can also seek accomodation in the small village of Agios Athanasios (located 40 kms from Pozar).

There are massage therapists on site as well, if that’s of interest. There are also derelict buildings of lodgings of long ago on the opposite bank accessible by a bridge. They made me sad to gaze upon. Pity they were left to rot away like this amidst the forest, but I guess they added to the charm of the place, somehow.

Pozar thermal baths offer both outdoor pools and indoor ones. The latter are charming, some stunning to look at, decked in beautiful tiling or stone. One needs to book beforehand to use the indoor pools. There is a huge artificial outdoor swimming pool on the grounds, but it was closed for maintenance during my visit. The small outdoor natural pool we chose was just perfect for us.

Apparently, some people dare the impossible over there: To jump out of the warm pool you can see in the photo and stand under the cold water of the waterfall to the left and then back into the warm pool! It is supposed to be invigorating to the body, much like the sauna/snow combo of the Scandinavians, but beware that you must be strong to do this. It can be taxing for the heart, and I even saw warning signs onsite that said this wasn’t for everyone!

Visit the website of Pozar thermal baths for photographs of the facilities and more information.


Greek Easter was on May 5 this year and I chose to visit bears of all things…

So my sister phones me on Easter day around midday. ‘Chronia polla!’ she says.

‘Christos Anesti!’ Whispering, I respond, ‘Chronia polla, all the best.’

‘What is it?’ she replies. ‘Were you sleeping?’

‘Nooo…’ I reply. ‘I just don’ t want to disturb the bears…’

What an impossible thing to say haha 

I laughed like a drain once I got out of earshot of the napping bears at Arcturos’s bear sanctuary in Nymfaio, Florina. 



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The waterfalls of Edessa, a ‘pink sea’, and Apostle Paul’s podium. A Greek travel post

The Waterfalls of Edessa

Today, I thought I’d share some of my photos from Edessa’s world famous Waterfalls Park. Edessa is the capital of Pella in northern mainland Greece (region of Macedonia).

The waters of Edessa’s waterfalls used to power factories in town in the early 20th century, like the Kanavourgio rope factory and the Old Hemp Factory. Both these are standing derelict today, ghostly reminders of their former industrial glory.

But, the waters still run today with the same incredible force!

Watch this super short video of the waters running and crank up the volume!

The waters originate from the snow on Kaimaktsalan mountain situated 35 kms from the town of Edessa.

The waterfalls park is vast – 100,000 square meters. Its biggest waterfall, Karanos, is 70 meters in height – the biggest in Greece. I can attest to the fact it is very impressive, especially as the visitors can stand up close, right behind the water curtain! Things can get a little misty under there, I tell you. I visited in December, but gladly it was safe to stand there without actually getting wet LOL

There is a cave near that spot where you can purchase a ticket (I believe around 2 euros) to have a guided little tour inside. We gave that a miss as we had limited time to spend and preferred to enjoy the beautiful nature as much as possible.

Another great sightseeing spot in the waterfall park is the Open Air Water Museum (Industrial Museum with watermills – factories).

There is also an aquarium (with fish and reptiles) in the grounds, but it was closed during our visit – we were there in the late afternoon, close to nightfall, but I suspect it’s not open in the winter anyway.

So, basically, if you’re planning to visit, plan to stay for ample time, and if possible, visit in the summer to take full advantage of the various sights on offer.

Go here to watch a short video of the WaterFalls Park taken with a drone. It’s breathtaking!

Believe it or not, this space of enthralling natural beauty used to be completely unknown to people before WWII – just a vast space of unexplored vegetation, out of bounds to everyone.

It seems we have the Nazis, of all people, to thank for helping to make this place accessible to visitors today!

The Germans were the first to realize there was a touristic potential to this place. So, work began to make the place accesible and tidy. But not all workers were eager… Each morning, a Nazi sergeant called Fritz used to block all the ways leading to the square, then took away the identity cards of the men who asked for access telling them if they wanted to get them back they had to give a hand at the worksite at the waterfalls!

In the summer of 1942, two swimming pools, several paths, and the first flower beds were available for people to enjoy.

After the end of the war, the place was given to the municipality of Edessa and more work was done to the gardens. When the civil war broke out the waterfalls were forgotten anew, except for the farmers of “Loggos” district, who enjoyed having their bath there…

In 1953, the construction of the restaurant Pisines (Pools) was finished on the site, allowing the locals to gather there to celebrate with a lot of dancing!

The city of Edessa is fun and stunning, waters everywhere, and it is also impressive to behold as you approach town on the country road. It is set high on a precipice, its buildings playing hide and seek behind the dense trees as one approaches. I fell in love with it at first sight. it is a bustling city with an incredible vibe. This was a short visit, and we went around only a little, and only after nightfall. Sadly, we missed a chance to visit the stunning old quarter of Varosi, but surely next time.

Next to the central market, in the centre of Edessa, you will find the Small Waterfalls – another beautiful spot of running waters to enjoy during your coffee break or after a spot of shopping.

This town has bridges all over the place and the sound of running water is never far from your ears as you explore it. A truly, blessed place…


Image credit to discoververia.gr

The pink sea of Veria

When we went to Edessa we also made a stopover in the town of Veria for lunch and a walk about. We stopped at a spot called Elia (Olive Tree) that consisted of a square with a couple of cafes/eateries, beautiful neoclassical buildings, a small green and a ‘balcony’ with a view to beautiful plains.

Veria produces many fruits in these plains;  mainly apricots, but also cherries, kiwis et al.

We visited out of season in December, but as we drove past the plains the beautiful purplish pink tint of the apricot trees still kept catching my eye.

In March, the beauty of the plains catapults to new heights. The plains transform into a sea of pink, and the sweet smell of the apricot blooms is in the wind. Leaving Veria with the best impressions, even without having witnessed this miracle of nature, made me promise to myself to return in the spring the second time round.


The Bema (Podium) of Paul the Apostle in Veria has been preserved well by its people

Veria was hailed ‘Little Jerusalem’ in Byzantine times because of its association with Apostle Paul and over time 70 churches were constructed there, 51 of which still stand today.

Apostle Paul visited Veria at least twice during the period between 50 AD and 57 AD to spread the good news about Jesus Christ. The people of Veria and the Jews welcomed him enthusiastically each time.

Today, the steps are preserved and a beautiful monument has been built there to honour the place where the Apostle once stood to preach. It attracts multitudes of visitors from all over the world.


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The Greek custom of Lady Lent and my Lent Monday traditions

Greek Lent Monday and seafood go hand in hand…

My husband and I are creatures of habit. Lent Monday always finds us having the same kind of day, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. We are blessed to live in a small seaside town and other than a beautiful seafront and a lovely beach near home, we also have a mussels farm in the area and roadside stalls that sell all sorts of seafood all year round.

The latter comes in handy on Lent Monday more than any other time of year.

We always start the day with a walk on the seafront, we buy the traditional unlevened bread (Lagana) from the bakery and get some fresh seafood from the stalls, for our special ouzo feast and lunch of the day.

Lent Monday is a day of reminisching for me. In the old days, when I was young and living with my parents, my grandparents from Corfu tended to be visiting this time of year.  Mum would be tethered to the kitchen stove all weekend preparing a feast for the big day. I’d never seen so many dishes on one single table before, folks, and it only happened once a year, on Lent Monday!

My sister, two male cousins and I would spend the whole weekend flying kites in the nearby fields. The boys would teach us how to mend them, and we always wound up running to Mum to get us some flour so we could make glue with water to mend the broken sails with newspaper. Ah… Those were the days!

Mum made rolled up cheesepies from scratch (as well as spinach pies and pumpkin pies, sometimes) on the eve of Lent Monday. This is called Tyrini Sunday and it’s a day to eat cheese, as the name suggests. This is an old tradition from the days when it was practical to use up all the cheese in the pantry as the fasting back then was strict and no cheese would be eaten until Easter. It was a total abstention from all animal products, to be exact.

On Lent Monday we fasted strictly, to honour the tradition.

Neraki is a small town next to my town of Nea Peramos, and this is the place where the roadside stalls are.

We buy mussels there all year round but on Lent Monday we also get clams (cockles) to enjoy with some ouzo. 

The cockles go down nicely with lashings of lemon juice, the lemons just cut from the tree in our front yard. Lunchtime, I always make my signature mussels risotto, using the super-fresh locally farmed mussels we buy from Neraki.

It makes for a perfect celebratory meal accompanied by the various treats of the day, like dolmadakia (vine leaves stuffed with rice), broad beans in tomato sauce, pickles, lagana (flat bread with sesame seeds), and chalva (semolina cake).

Here are some photos from the seafront, the stalls and the typical Lent Monday lunch at my place

If you’d like to try my Greek mussel risoto with ouzo, go here for the recipe!

Lady Lent (Kyra Sarakosti)

The Greek custom of Kyra Sarakosti entails hanging in the home a picture of a lady, just like this one, which serves as a calendar during the perood of Lent. It is a rather rare custom these days, but some Greek families do still keep it with their children.

Lady Lent is depicted with a scarf and a cross on her head (because she attends church), with her hands laced together (because she is praying) without a mouth (because she is fasting), and, most importantly, with seven legs – one for each Lent weekend.

According to custom, Lady Lent is hung on a wall and each Saturday the family cuts off one leg – the first one on the Saturday after Lent Monday and the last one on Holy Saturday.

Housewives in the old days would hide the last paper leg inside a dried fig and serve it to the family with other figs. The person who found it would be considered very lucky. In some parts of Greece, the last paper leg would be put inside the ‘Anastasi’ bread (Ressurection) made for Holy Saturday dinner. Again, luck was said to follow the person who got to find the paper piece in their bread.

In some parts of Greece, Lady Lent would be made with a salty dough instead of paper. It was inedible, but it helped to preserve the dough during those 7 weeks. In other parts of the country, Lady Lent would be made using fabric and feathers.

I found this beautiful photograph on the site Workingmoms.gr while looking for a dough recipe for ‘Kyra Sarakosti’ to share with you. Thought you may like to bake it with your kids like some Greek families still do today.

Visit their post on Lady Lent and get a quick and easy recipe for the salty dough. Just make sure the kids don’t try to eat it, LOL

To get more ideas on how to make Lady Lent, even with coloured dough, go to this Google images page


Check out more of my posts on Greek culture here: https://effrosyniwrites.com/category/greek-culture/



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Beautiful nature at Litochoro Pierrias and a monastery on Mt Olympus

The monastery of St Dionysios of Olympus is situated in the perfecture of Pierria, 3 km from the town of Lithochoro.

I had the pleasure to visit the monastery twice in the recent months (as well as the nearby town of Litochoro, which I’m also sharing about today).

I first visited last December when I traveled to Edessa and Pozar baths (I will be sharing about those amazing places soon, by the way!) and my second visit was during my trip to Salonica (Thessaloniki) last January.

The monastery was very quiet, and I only got to see one monk in the whole place! I later discovered that there is a restricted area where the monks live and work, which is not accessible to visitors. So, I guess they were all busy at the time! Apparently, they have many talents. They create icons, woodcraft, incense, candles and also pass the time gardening, binding books, tending to bees and even making cheese!

It is no surprise, therefore, that their gift shop, situated near the entrance, is one of the most interesting I have ever seen in a monastery, offering a wealth of different kinds of merchandise, including incense in various heavenly aromas, dried herbs, and, yes, cheeses too, and other delicatessen items. I came out carring bags of various lovely things, and I only wish they had an e-shop so I can restock 🙂

There were various buildings to admire as we walked around, with the operational church being by far the most prominent structure. The decoration inside, and the large icons of Jesus and the Virgin Mary before the templon were impressive.

In a small chapel inside the church on the right side, there is also a big icon of St Dionysios.

The monastery had beautiful greenery and pots with vibrant flowers, making it a pleasure to photograph. We ambled here and there, listening to birdsong, being surrounded by forestland. The only people were those in our coach group. Both times, the experience was the same, and just as enchanting.

Going up some steps, we visited the museum that is housed in a small building, manned by one monk, who sat near the entrance at a desk, screens before him, surveilling all the different spaces via cameras. It was an odd sight, and quite a striking contrast, to see a monk handling the high technology of today, but that was soon forgotten, once I ventured further inside where I got to marvel at the religious artifacts and the relics on display.

Truly, never before, had I seen so many housed in one place.

The artifacts were intricate, so beautiful and impressive, and the holy relics were more than I could imagine I would ever see – all belonging to various saints and even apostles.

It was forbidden to take photographs in there but you can see some of the artifacts on this page of the monastery’s website.

The monastery was founded in 1950 after the destruction of the original monastery by the Germans in 1943 at a different location, in the gorge of Enipeas river. The ruins still stand today. St Dionysios had built the original fortified monastery in 1542.

During his life, the saint lived in many different caves on Mt Olympus. His holy relic lies today in a grave inside one of those caves, and there is also a spring with holy water. According to the monastery, to this date, the miracles the saint performs continue as he answers the prayers of the faithful…

GO HERE to see all my photos from the monastery.

Litochoro was stunning… Beauty everywhere…

Hard to believe that a town so near Mt Olympus is also near the sea!

I never got to see its coast, but during my visits there I had a good wander around and encountered the beauty of nature in all its glory. Majestic snowcapped mountain peaks, tall forest trees, a river, and even a large reservoir awaited me there, all gleaming under the glorious sunlight.

At the main car park where our coach left us, there is a paved path that leads to lower ground.

It led us to Enipeas river, after just a couple minutes’ walk. At its bank, visitors can enjoy food and drink at two quaint cafes as well as a restaurant run by a coop of the local women of the town.

It was a beautiful place to walk around in and enjoy the beauty of nature.

But that wasn’t all. We also found a stunning park next to the town’s maritime museum, just a stone’s throw away from the car park.

It had a large body of water that made it really special. Apparently, this vast reservoir is not for swimming, hence it’s fenced all around. The water is used for irrigation purposes.

Edged by forest trees, the park was the perfect place to sit on a bench after a slap up meal, listen to the chirping birds and gaze at Mt Olympus. Its peaks were snowcapped, a marvel to behold.

I felt really envious of the locals. City folk may feel blessed enough if they can sit at a park in their town with a fountain nearby, gazing at a few trees. The people of Litochoro have a large reservoir at the center of this massive green space, and the majestic Mt Olympus, no less, to rest their eyes upon. Truly fortunate folk!

Wow, right?

As I stated earlier, I visited Litochoro twice in the recent months. I plan to return to Macedonia again and again (many places I’ve always wanted to see over there!) and as Litochoro offers a well-timed stopover for lunch on the way back to Athens I look forward to stopping by there again, half a chance I get.

If you happen to be in the area, do not miss the chance to discover it too. The people are hospitable, and the food on offer at the restaurants makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

We went to the restaurant ‘Hairi’ on the roundabout the first time (you’ll see it all decorated for the holidays in the photographs). It’s at the end of the uphill road that you get to if you turn right from the car park. A short walk away of less than 5 minutes. Well, it depends on how hungry you are, I guess, LOL

The second time, we went to the restaurant ‘Ta Mezedakia’ that is situated right at the edge of the car park. It’s very popular, so if you want to go there, don’t go wandering first and leave it for later. As we sat at its tiny balcony, there were people standing on the other side of the railing on the street, waiting for us to finish so they could come sit. There is a large seating area inside and it was all packed!

I combined both visits into one set of photographs, and I included ones of both the restaurant buildings. This way you can go straight to them if you’re ever there. Either of them will satisfy you if you have a serious case of the munchies like we did LOL

GO HERE to see all my photos from Litochoro.


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FREE books, Christmassy Athens, stunning Macedonia, and a delicious hot drink



Hubby and I picked the wrong day to visit Athens for our Christmas shopping this year and we weren’t even prepared for it. The weather forecast had promised dry weather, partly sunny skies even, and instead, we found ourselves driving into Athens centre in the rain. By the time we parked it was a proper downpour.

Luckily, we had an umbrella in the car, and we shared it during our 10-minute walk to Monastiraki (a touristy area under the Acropolis with a flea market and many eateries and shops) but our pace was snail-like.

To make matters worse, I had sneakers on made of fabric, and quickly enough my feet were drenched to the bone. Too many puddles to manage to avoid them all.

I began to whine in a typical Greek manner as we made our way, while trying to persuade Andy to go with me back to the car to return the next day. We Greeks hate the rain with passion and avoid it at all costs, that’s my excuse hehe! But he, being a Brit, was happy as can be getting wet and he wouldn’t have it.

On retrospect, I am glad he insisted, because we made it fun anyway, despite the difficulties. Anyway, we made it to Monastiraki, each drenched on our side of the body that didn’t fit under the umbrella.

We made a beeline for Mamoz, the cafe we always like to sit, as it offers a wonderful view of the Acropolis and is situated right at the entrance of the Ancient Agora.

The view to the Acropolis was rather grey but beautiful as always, and it helped to restore our dampened (literally!) spirits. Especially mine ha ha.

By the time we had a coffee and caught our breaths, the rain had stopped, allowing us to walk around the flea market for a little while.

It came back with a vengeance soon enough, so we had to use the Metro to Syntagma as we wanted to see the Christmas tree and to go shopping in the big store called Public that stands at the edge of the lower square (it is housed in a beautiful neoclassical building).

Once the shopping was done in Public, we walked back to Monastiraki along the cosmopolitan Ermou street to absorb the festive city vibes fully. At that point, I was so full of the Christmas spirit I didn’t care any more if it was raining unstoppably.

Our shopping bags from Public got wet soon enough but a nice lady at a bookstore where we made purchases later was kind enough to give us plastic bags to use instead.

The only thing that worried me? If you’ve walked around Ermou, you know it’s a pedestrian street paved with marble. Let’s just say that my trainers had turned into skates. I didn’t dare let go of my husband’s arm for a second.

As we made our way to Monastiraki I kept sliding every two seconds, it seemed. He saved me a million times from a fall. And I was so glad he had opted to put on sturdy boots that day!

By the time this culinary masterpiece manifested before me I was well prepared for it!

Having chosen our favourite hangout in the whole of Athens for lunch, the James Joyce Irish pub in Monastiraki, it had to be Steak and Guinness Pie with a glass of Guinness to satiate our extreme hunger after all that walking (and skating haha)

Returning back at home, the happy vibes of the day lingered on in my heart.

I had to literally peel my socks off my drenched feet, but I was still happy and laughing (as I lathered my feet with soap, then antifungal cream, of course haha)



Just looking at this photograph makes my heart sing.

Dipping in that warm natural bath was one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life.

I visited the natural Pozar baths in Central Macedonia on a 2-day trip up in that amazing region of Greece, staying overnight in Edessa – a beautiful town with a stunning waterfall park.

We visited Litochoro at the foothills of Mt Olympus on the way back to Athens and other places too.

I have a plethora of photographs to share with you in the months to come from various amazing places.

Early December found me at Litochoro Pierrias with Mt Olympus on the background, covered with snow. What a view…

I confess that since the loss of my father last August I have been in a bad place. Emotionally, mentally and physically. Doctors advised me to take anti-stress pills in order to manage the crippling psychosomatic pains that wouldn’t let up in my neck and all over my head, but I opted for excursions instead to heal myself emotionally first, thus assisting my physicality to follow suit.

I figured, I might as well give my money to travel operators rather than spend it on doctors. And it was a good decision.

The excursion I mentioned earlier is the third group coach excursion I’ve been on since I made that choice last October.

And I have another short break coming up for the New Year.

I am feeling a lot better by now after all these trips. My heart is light again, and the pains are less intense and frequent. I’ve even started to write again! I have this novel I’ve been trying to finish for over a year. And now, at last, it seems possible to finish it, as my mind begins to let go of painful memories and shifting to joy and positivity.

And I’ve done it pill-free, a feat in this dark world, as I perceive it, where every doctor out there nowadays pushes pills that battle stress or depression. I was asked twice to try pills and twice I turned them down flat.

But I cannot take full credit for finding a path to healing that worked. It’s my faith in the Divine that’s kept me strong, no matter what, all through the last 7 years of caring for my parents through unbelievably hard-to-take-and-to-accept circumstances.

So, yes, God has proven to be the best doctor for me and the excursions are my ‘anti-stress pills’ of choice. And, so far, this patient is healing well.

There will be many more travel reports to share with you. I do not intend to stop now. And I’ll tell you all about the Pozar baths in the new year. The pictures and videos I took there serve very little to convey the beauty of the place, but I’ll do my best to show you.



Okay, so this is not a Greek recipe, but I had to share.

Golden turmeric tea tastes amazing whether you use almond milk or coconut milk, though I do prefer almond.

I urge you to try this highly nutritious Indian drink. The health benefits are endless and it could make a special treat for your family and friends this holiday season.

For me, it’s wonderful to enjoy in a cold afternoon as I get all cozy with a book on the sofa.


That’s all for now, and we’ll talk again ‘next year’ haha! Have a wonderful holiday season and may the New Year find you smiling and enjoying happy times with those you love.

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A trip to Arachova, aka Mykonos of the Winter


The view from the clock tower is fabulous from all sides

I recently had the pleasure to visit Arachova, a cosmopolitan town up in the mountains that the Greeks have nicknamed Mykonos of the Winter.

The same VIPs that flood Mykonos all summer do the same all winter in Arachova. It heaves with tourists from all walks of life, every hotel bed occupied on all the bank holiday or festive weekends during the winter season.

Having said that, it’s not like Mykonos at all when it comes to the ridiculously high prices. Thank goodness. Nor did I see any nudists walking around he he

We were lucky to visit Arachova on a dry and partly sunny day. Although there were many tourists around, it was comfortable to walk about and to find a table in its restaurants and cafes.

We were tipped off by someone in the know that we’d better try to eat our lunch quickly at the restaurant lest the waiter would start to give us dirty looks as the crowds are usually so big they’re used to serving fast to clear the tables for the next customers.

Yet, somehow, we found this perfect, reasonably priced restaurant with the most exquisite food where we had the chance to eat at our leisure. What’s more, our table was by the window, allowing us to enjoy a partial view to a church and the valley. It was just perfect.

Others in our coach group confessed they were less fortunate, winding up in an upmarket restaurant that served gourmet food rather than traditional Greek food (we always go for the latter – the genuine local experience) and they wound up paying way more than they were prepared to part with.

So, word of caution: If you visit Arachova do check the prices before you sit somewhere for food or drink. It’s not as bad as Mykonos as I stated earlier, but some places ARE pricey. Check the menu before entering and you’ll be fine 🙂

For what it’s worth, the restaurant we picked is called To Agnandio and you can see it in two of the photographs I posted on Facebook. On the back side, the building is flanked by a beautiful church. In the photo where the facade is showing (the wall is beautiful, decked with stonework), you can see the church behind it.

The town’s folklore museum is right next to it, and from within its yard, you’ll also find the short upward path that leads up to the Clock (Roloi), an important landmark that you must visit, if only for the panoramic views of the town, the valley, and the mountain of Parnassus.

A view to the clock tower of Arachova

We had ample time in Arachova to walk along it’s main street back and forth a couple times. This street is a rather narrow space for such a busy town, the pavements so tiny they might as well not be there at all. They provide a false sense of safety, in my opinion, and you can never take away your eyes from the traffic. It can be dangerous if you don’t, and extra care must be taken if you are visiting with children or elderly people.

The highlights for us were the short ascend up to the clock tower summit as well as the visit to the folklore museum (free admission).

Among the interesting artifacts on display in the museum, we were pleasantly surprised to find a few robotic structures that we learned were made and donated by a local pensioner. Having worked all his life for the Greek telephone company (OTE), he had a lot of old telephone equipment in his possession and had put it all in good use recycling it in this ingenious artistic manner (see the photos on Facebook).

The exhibits also included old pictures, and handiwork from traditional looms. It was an interesting glimpse into this town’s distant past, that was harrowing too, as it included references to the Nazi massacre of the Greek locals at the nearby town of Distomo during WWII.

Last but not least, Andy and I were pleasantly surprised to find among the beautiful shops one dedicated to tea! I was enamoured by the small decorative teapots and have regretted never buying one of them now that I see them in the photos. I did buy a bag of loose jasmine tea, though, that I enjoy in the afternoons as a special treat.

All in all, it was an unforgettable fun day. Arachova is very close to the major archeological site of Delphi. So, if you’re visiting Athens, do enquire at the travel agents offering daily trips. Chances are that if the destination of a coach excursion is Delphi you’ll have a stopover at Arachova for lunch. Both are must places to see. Highly recommended for a day out by coach or car!

Go HERE to see all the photos I took in Arachova. Enjoy!



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