Corfu stories: Nikolaos Pierris and Nazli Hanum

Today, I am thrilled to share a legend from Corfu by kind permission of Aleko Damaskinos. His post as per below was published in the FREE Corfu newspaper, The Agiot and in his wonderful Facebook group about Corfu’s history, culture, wildlife and flowers: Only Corfu Society. It tells a tragic tale of love and revenge from Corfu in the bygone days of the Ottoman Empire.

The Legend of Nikolaos Pierris and Nazli Hanum by Aleko Damaskinos

In the beginning of the 18th century two foreigners, Nikolaos Pierris and his wife accompanied by a black servant Mehmet arrived on Corfu in a Venetian ship.

They made many enquiries about buying a property until they eventually found what they were looking for. Even today this property exists and it is where the “Club Mediterranee” used to be. It is by the sea on the right before reaching Ipsos. One of the most spectacular areas of Corfu.

The couple built a house in the Eastern style and settled there with their black servant. They had no communication with the Corfu society and lived a quiet and lonely life, cultivating their land, planting trees and flowers.

This self-inflicted exile had its own story.

Nikolaos was of Greek origin, but from his early childhood was in the employ of a Turkish Pasha, Tzanoum Kotzia, who was totally trusted by the Sultan.

Tzanoum brought him up like his own son, but when he reached manhood Nikolaos betrayed his benefactor by revealing to the Venetian Governor the secrets of the Ottoman Court which he was entrusted with by the pasha. His betrayal did not end here.

On one of his expeditions to Asia Minor, Tzanoum Kotzia brought back with him a stunning sixteen-year-old girl with blond hair and brown eyes named Nazli.

One day, Nikolaos saw her through the shuttered windows of the harem. He approached her and talked to her with the help of the servant Mehmet who kept the keys to the girl’s apartment.

The two, very much in love now, decided to go to far away places together. Nikolaos was issued with a double passport by the Venetian Governor in the assumed name of Pierris. Mehmet joined them as they boarded a boat bound for Corfu.

Two years after they were well-established on the island, Nikolaos’ wife became seriously ill. Pierris asked a local woman to come and help. It was from this woman that it became known that the couple spoke a different language and the woman’s name was Nazli.

Nazli’s health deteriorated further and Nikolaos, day and night, stood at her bedside. One night, Nazli died. The next morning, Pierris realized that a small rowing boat was not in its place and Mehmet had disappeared. In his deep sorrow he did not give it another thought or worry. He buried his beloved in the garden and on the newly dug grave he planted many flowers.

Very quickly the ground was totally covered with dense foliage and flowers. Only the heart-broken lover knew where his beloved was resting.

One year later, the Turkish fleet under Tzanoum Pasha Kotzia sailed to Corfu.

Pierris, like all other nobles of the island, offered his services to Field Marshall Count von Schulembourg and was given a position in the bastions. A while later, the pasha and his army disembarked at Ipsos and a slave led Tzanoum to Pierris’ property. For many hours the pasha walked around the property looking for Nazli’s grave in vain.

He then headed for Corfu town. They showed him the place Pierris was defending and he gathered there a great army force and attacked. In the evening after the battle he inspected the prisoners and the wounded. Accompanied by Mehmet, who was now his official guide, he looked for his enemy amongst the dead. Luck, though, did not help him that day to take his revenge.

One evening, they brought a heavily wounded man to the pasha’s tent. It was Nikolaos Pierris. In a rage, the pasha grabbed him by the hair, lifted his head and then let it drop, while at the same time he kicked the almost dead man without mercy. The prisoner opened his eyes and once again saw his old master.

“Ungrateful bastard!” roared the Turk. “Where is the woman you stole from me?”

“She died…” Pierris whispered.

“You will pay for this, you dog!”

The pasha ordered his men to tie Pierris up on a horse. Despite the foul weather he took him himself to Ipsos. The lightning was lighting the way. When they arrived, he untied him and ordered him to reveal the place where Nazli’s grave was. Pierris refused and so the whip of the raging Turk hastened his death. Before closing his eyes for good, he looked for the last time at the cypress and oak trees in his garden.

Not even Mehmet avoided the pasha’s wrath. He ordered that they should hang him from a window of the house. Then he totally burnt down the house.

Nazli’s resting place remains a secret until this very day!


Do you enjoy old tales about Corfu? In this post I share a little about my Corfiot family history, old photos, and some interesting facts about the two churches on the hill in Moraitika. Fact: Aleko Damaskinos is one of the remaining members of the Papadatos family who own the old church ‘Agios Dimitris’ in Moraitika. My great-grandfather, Stefanos Vassilakis, is buried outside this church where he served as the priest of the village in the early 20th century. Read more HERE

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A lifetime of Corfu summers

My Corfiot granny & a bunch of strange tourists


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Book review: Tender Enemies by S.R. Mallery

I love books set in New York and this historical romance had an original premise that drew me from the start. I’d never read anything about Nazis in America before so I was intrigued before I even started to read. S.R. Mallery set her world vividly from the first pages, reeling me in effortlessly. I have read all her other books and, once again the dialogue was spot on for the era. This author writes vivid dialogue and characters in all her books, and she does it in an almost cinematographical way, in the sense that as I read I can see it all in my mind’s eye. What a wonderful talent for a writer to have!

The heroine, Lily, was traumatized from childhood and worried for her mother’s health too. She is such a caring soul, a good girl that was full of worry and trepidation. It all made me yearn for her to find happiness. The man she loved was someone she was assigned to spy on, which caused her to ache with love for him while doubting his integrity and true motives at the same time.

A host of Nazi supporters, some operatives on a stake-out, and FBI agents are featured in the story, weaving a web of lies and distrust that trapped the two protagonists at the center. I cannot recommend this book enough for fans of historical fiction and sweet romance with suspense. The story proved utterly entertaining to the last page. Towards the end, a series of twists and revelations caused my reading pleasure to skyrocket.

But, above all, what I enjoyed the most was feeling fully immersed in the 1940s as I read. It was an unforgettable mind trip and I urge you to take it as well.

My rating: 5 stars

Intriguing historical romance. Such a page-turner!

Do you enjoy romances where the protagonists are plagued by uncertainty and doubt? How about historical romances with suspense? I think you’ll love this book! Visit Amazon to find out more!



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99c romance offers from Corfu that’ll warm your heart

Do you love stories from Greece? How about the stunning island of Corfu that’s become quite popular worldwide in the recent years thanks to the awesome ITV series, The Durrells? (broadcasted by PBS in the States).

Today, I am pleased to announce 99c offers on both my Greek series set in Corfu. My readers say that they magically transport them there from the first page… Check them out today and see what you think! Here are the details:

Only 99c per episode!

My paranormal fantasy romance, The Raven Witch of Corfu, is set out in 4 riveting episodes. Lizzie is not your average tourist…

Her story oozes with suspense and delicious Greekness… It will keep you thirsty for more, down to the last page where it ends with a mind-numbing twist! A terrible evil lurks in the mountain that towers over the enchanting village of Messonghi… Dare you follow Lizzie up there and find out more?


The Ebb is only 99c!

If you enjoy sweet romance with a good measure of suspense, WWII or ghost stories, it’s a safe bet that you’ll love The Lady of the Pier trilogy.

Would you trust a ghost to help you find true love? Sofia, a strong-minded young girl with no experience in the matters of the heart did just that. Start reading with The Ebb for only 99c!

So forget the cold… Escape to sunny Corfu and feel the bliss of the warm sun today!


Would you like a FREE copy of episode 1 of The Raven Witch of Corfu? Try my series at no cost to you, simply by signing up for my sparse newsletters! With your sign up, you will immediately receive the aforementioned episode, as well as my exclusive eBook, Facets of Love!


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NEW RELEASE BESTSELLER! 370 pages of Corfu summer bliss! This beach romance will make you fall in love… Choose between the paperback or 4 kindle episodes!Did you enjoy this post? GO HERE to follow this blog and get to see all our future posts! To grab “Facets of Love” for FREE, go here! Planning to visit Greece? Check out our FREE guide to Corfu! For delicious Greek recipes, go here. Are you an author? Check out our FREE promo tips & resources here.

New release! The Lost Lyra by Richard Clark

Richard Clark, fabulous author of travel books around Greece, has just released his very first fiction book. Richard’s heart-rending tale is set in his beloved Crete. It captures original village life as well as the magnificence of the White Mountains in Chania. If you love Greece, or if stories of old family history intrigue you, chances are you’ll love this book. And, it’s only $0.99 at the moment! Check it out:

(Please double-check prices before purchasing from Amazon)

‘Full of hope, a captivating novel.’

When musician Sarah Piper’s beloved grandfather dies, he bequeaths her a gift that will change her life forever. Eager to discover the truth about her grandfather’s past, she arrives at the sun-drenched island of Crete. There, old secrets of the past slowly come to light and, in the process, her own destiny begins to unfold…



Hi Richard! Great to have you on my blog today! What inspired you to write this book?

Thank you for the invitation, Fros! You know, I have long wanted to dip my toe into the waters of writing fiction but suppose I had previously been afraid to. The success of the travel books had in some ways made it easy to continue writing what I felt comfortable with. The idea for The Lost Lyra came to me almost fully formed and was the perfect combination of things I love, Crete and lyra music. Both the island and the inspirational musical instrument are characters central to the story and the power of landscape and music to change people’s lives is really at the heart of the tale, which I suppose in a way is a love story.

How did you find writing fiction as opposed to your usual travel books?

I loved it; being able to use my imagination when the going got tough was really liberating. I was keen to anchor the story firmly in fact, however. My father was a Desert Rat who fought in both North Africa and the invasion of Europe and was wounded, so I drew on detail from his life for some of the wartime storyline. I was also lucky enough to meet the great lyra player Ross Daly when I first visited Crete in the early 1980s, and he introduced me to this magnificent instrument. Memories of evenings out all those years ago helped colour the story as I was writing. The landscape itself I am fairly familiar with, as I spend some of each year at my own house in a village on Crete.

How wonderful! What are your future plans?

To have a break. A trip to Crete is on the cards as soon as I can get organised and once I’ve finished my promotional work. When the batteries are recharged I will resume writing a book I have started about Central Crete. I really would like to write another novel, particularly as The Lost Lyra has been so well received, but I do need a strong storyline. If I can find that, and I do have a couple of ideas, that will be my next project. One thing is fairly certain – it will be set in Greece!

In 1982, on a whim, the English journalist Richard upped sticks and left the country of his birth to go and work as a teacher in Crete. So began a love affair with the Greek Islands which he frequently returns to.

His nine travel books about Greece are a series of snapshots of his experiences on the islands he has grown to love. They are less travel guides and more travelling companions.

Scroll up now to check out Richard’s spell-binding tale!

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The old church of Moraitika, Corfu and some village history

On the hill in Moraitika, at the center of the old village, there is a small church that I used to visit occasionally for Sunday mass during my long summers in Corfu in the 1980s.

This old church — Agios Dimitris — was still in operation back then, and it was the only one in the village at the time. It was erected by the Papadatos family, whose (now derelict) estate house is situated behind it.

One of its early priests was my great-grandfather, Stefanos Vassilakis. He and his wife Olga built a house for their big family a stone’s throw away from the church. Part of their house was used as the school of the village. Other than his two main professions, my busy great-grandfather also worked his own land (situated in two different parts around Moraitika: behind the Coop supermarket, and on the side of the mountain over Miramare Hotel).

Many of the elderly locals still remember him working his land. Apparently, he did this wearing his priest’s robe!

During the German occupation, he was in his bedroom on the upper floor one night when he heard the unmistakable heavy footfalls of military boots echoing from outside. It sounded like a band of soldiers rushing down the lane. This was a scary time for the locals so, unsettled, he hurried down the internal staircase so he could peek through the front door. In the commotion he missed his step and fell down the stairs, breaking his leg. Sadly, he suffered complications from the fall which led to his death at the age of 70.

This is a picture of my great-grandmother, Olga Vassilakis (nee Vlachos), with other family members. Being a widow at the time, she was wearing black and the traditional headscarf. She is pictured with her son-in-law (left) and two of her children at the doorstep of the house in the 1950s. The locals referred to her as the ‘Presvytera’ or the ‘Pappadia’ – both names meaning ‘wife of the priest’, with the latter title being less formal.

This photo was taken in the 1970s on the same doorstep. Sadly, I never met either of my great-grandparents, but it’s a consolation to know I have lived all my life treading their footsteps. In this photo, I am photographed with my sister and a few members of the Vassilakis family.

Interesting tidbit: According to my grandmother, the name Vassilakis originates from Crete. Other than Moraitika, the name is also met in the villages of Zygos, Valanio and Sinarades. The Vassilakis of Moraitika originate from Sinarades where there’s a legend about the family name! According to Granny’s story, at some point the Vassilakis were split into the ‘rich’ ones and the ‘poor’ ones (our family came from the latter sadly 😛 )

So how did some of the Vassilakis got rich? Well, legend has it that a man from the family once found pirate treasure in a chest on Agios Gordis beach and took it home! The pirates came back to get it and searched high and low but never found it…

Here, my great-grandmother is pictured with family (both Vassilakis and Vlachos) before the Koukouzelis estate. Again, sometime in the 1950s. Would you believe, the mulberry tree on the left and the olive tree on the right still stand today. This yard has been both my ‘dining room’ and playground as a child for many blissful summers, more often than not, under the generous shade of the mulberry tree from the 70s onwards.

Interesting tidbit: If you’ve visited Moraitika in the 80s-90s, you may be able to identify in the above photo the late Petros Vlachos who ran The Crabs (Kavouria) on the beach at the time. He’s a little boy in this picture (front row, crouched on the left of my great-grandmother.

Visitors to the hill in Moraitika today may recognize the Koukouzelis Estate House in this photo. The whole property was acquired by the council in the recent years to be used for cultural events. It is situated very near the church.

Interesting tidbit: The name ‘Moraitika’ is derived from the word ‘Morias’ which is another name for the Peloponnese (the part of Greece that looks like an inverted hand). The first inhabitants of Moraitika were emigrants from Morias, and the people were referred to as ‘Moraites’, hence the name.

This picture was taken in the lane that leads from the old church to the Koukouzelis Estate.

The derelict stone wall with the window is part of the estate. According to one of my cousins who ventured inside once as a child, there was a large library behind this wall. Now, with the overgrowth of bushes and creeping vines that have accumulated over the years it is impossible to decipher anything when peeking through the window.

This is the same lane looking towards the old church (yellow wall). You can also see the belfry of the current church of Moraitika that stands beyond it. This one was under construction for at least one year back in the 1980s, something that used to worry my grandmother a great deal… You see, she was convinced that it attracted all sorts of evil spirits while it stood as a building site.

Oftentimes, we’d hear the shrill cry of a certain kind of owl at night that Granny called a ‘strigglopouli’ (screeching bird). She’d always say it was a bad omen as, apparently, it signified an impending death in the village. She’d also say the sound was coming from the church building, which made sense as its roof was incomplete and thus open to the elements at the time, making it easy for all sorts of night birds to nest there.

The church of Moraitika is called “I Koimisi tis Theotokou” (The Dormition of Mary)

When the church was sanctified and began operating, Granny said she never heard those birds’ bloodcurdling cries echo from the church again. I never really believed any of that, but Granny had a way to tell these things and they always had my vivid imagination going!

This is a photo of my grandparents, Spyros and Antigoni Vassilakis. Granddad was a proper ‘papadopaidi’, i.e. the son of a priest, meaning he was an avid churchgoer and loved to chant at the church given half the chance. Throughout my childhood in Athens I remember him chanting on Sunday mornings as he listened to mass on his portable little radio. My grandparents lived in the city at the time but once they relocated to Moraitika in the late 1970s, Granddad became a regular visitor and an occasional ‘psaltis’ (church singer that chants the gospel) at the old church of the village and, later, at the new one as well.

The private church of Agios Dimitris opens only once a year these days – on its festival day on October 26.

This is the belfry of the old church. The year of its erection is 1905 according to the plaque you can see here. I find it a real pity that it was left to deteriorate in this manner – same goes for the old estate houses (Koukouzelis and Papadatos) beside it that barely stand. At least, the facade of the old church is kept tidy and freshly painted, and the tourists seem to be interested in my great-grandfather’s grave a lot…

I often see people taking pictures of it when I pass it by. Other times, I find flowers on there, and in the recent years, oddly enough, even scattered coins! I can only assume it is customary in a country somewhere to throw coins on graves. In any case, it’s a nice gesture and always makes me smile.

If you ever visit Moraitika, make sure to venture uphill to see the church yard and do take a walk towards the Koukouzelis Estate as well, if only to enjoy the sea view. The sunrise is always a good time!

If you ever visit Moraitika, make sure to venture uphill to see the church yard and do take a walk towards the Koukouzelis Estate as well, if only to enjoy the sea view. The sunrise is always a good time!

Many thanks to my cousins Evgenia Vassilakis and Sofia Tsatsanis who provided the old family photos!

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99c spotlight: Skating on Thin Ice by Jacquie Biggar

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In order to win a much-needed contract as physical therapist to one of the NHL’s leading hockey teams, Sam must delay the recovery of their sniper, Mac Wanowski. The trouble is, the more she gets to know the taciturn hockey player, the more she aches to help him.

Mac ‘The Hammer’ Wanowski chased the Stanley Cup dream for too many years. Last time he was close it had cost him his wife. As injuries continue to plague the team, Mac works to catch a killer and keep the woman he’s come to love from the hands of a madman.

Hockey can be a dangerous sport, especially when millions of dollars are at stake.



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Sci-fi spotlight: The Lady is Blue by Aurora Springer

Today I have a great recommendation for sci-fi enthusiasts! The Lady is Blue by Aurora Springer features a feisty biologist who helps save a colony of aliens. Sweet romance abounds between her and an alien captain, and there’s a surprise twist right at the end. Enjoy this fantastic read for only $0.99. It will go back to full price soon so you’d better hurry!

What color are your scales? Intrepid scientist solves mystery of scaly aliens.

Dr. Lucy Stannis’ quiet life as the chief biologist in the small human colony on Eden is interrupted when an alien spaceship arrives. She is thrilled to meet the captain, the formidable Sa Kamizan. But, arrogant scaled Atrapako plan to subdue the puny humans, and conflict threatens the peaceful populace. Lucy must employ all her skills to discover the aliens’ secret and save the colony.

If you like feisty heroines and mysteries where deceptions abound, then you’ll enjoy this science fiction adventure with a surprise twist at the end. Start this tale of culture clash and sweet romance today.



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YA Spotlight! Under Witch Moon by Maria E. Schneider

I am pleased to present today the young adult fantasy, Under Witch Moon by Maria E. Schneider. This fast-paced story set in Santa Fe will enchant you with its magic and shapeshifters. It’s also hugely discounted on Amazon for a limited time!

Adriel should have known that with a werewolf, it never stopped with just one body. She would have gone to the police after witnessing Dolores’ death, but she wasn’t certain the killer she saw was responsible for the other murders. Besides, the police didn’t believe in werewolves, and they weren’t going to believe she was a witch either so what could she tell them?

She kept her eyes and ears open while she tried to help her latest client escape the clutches of a voodoo witch, but things went from bad to worse when more bodies turned up. She was greatly relieved when she met White Feather, an undercover cop. Unfortunately, he wasn’t convinced she was innocent of all wrong-doing.

It was going to take every spell she knew and a few she hadn’t tried to solve the murders and stay alive…




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99c! The Ebb, a beach romance set in Corfu, Greece

Happy Valentine’s Day, all! Today, I am writing to present The Ebb, my awarded beach romance set in Corfu that is bound to get you all loved up on this special day for love (as well as provide a delicious summery escape from this awfully cold winter we’re having!) What’s more, it’s only 99c worldwide at the moment, so grab it while you can!

Would you trust a ghost to help you find true love? Sofia, the heroine of The Lady of the Pier trilogy did just that. Start reading with The Ebb to find out more. It can also be enjoyed as a standalone read!

When Sofia falls in love, a mourning spirit begins to haunt her…

CORFU, 1987

On a long holiday with her grandparents, Sofia Aspioti meets Danny Markson, a charming flirt who makes her laugh. Although she tries to keep him at arm’s length, worried that village gossip will get back to her strict family, she falls desperately in love. That’s when strange dreams about Brighton’s West Pier and a woman dressed in black begin to haunt her. Who is this grieving woman? And how is her lament related to Sofia’s feelings for Danny?


Dreaming of wealth and happiness, Laura Mayfield arrives in Brighton to pursue a new life. She falls for Christian Searle, a happy-go-lucky stagehand at the West Pier theatre, but when she’s offered a chance to perform there, her love for him is put to the test. Charles Willard, a wealthy aristocrat, is fascinated by her and pursues her relentlessly. Will Laura choose love…or money?

“Ms. Moschoudi is proving to be a skilled storyteller who takes her readers on a wonderful ride.”
~David M. Wind, author of Queen of Knights

“Reading Ms Moschoudi’s work is like visiting a friend. You are so wrapped up in the story that you don’t want it to end!”
~Julie Blaskie, Amazon reviewer

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~Helen Johnson Brumbaugh, Amazon reviewer


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New release! All Tomorrow’s Memories by Jackie Weger

Hello! My friend and mentor, the awesome bestselling author Jackie Weger, has just released her new, well-awaited romance, “All Tomorrow’s Memories”, and I am thrilled to present it to you today. The added bonus? It’s only 99c for a limited time! This is perfect timing for us romantic souls looking for a cracking good read for Valentine’s Day. Thank you, Jackie!

After her family is shattered, Willa Manning answers a plea from her adopted daughter’s biological grandparents to share in the life of their only grandchild.

With her own health in unexpected jeopardy, Willa sells all she owns, and in a risky leap of faith moves cross-country to meet the older couple. She soon finds herself reckoning with feelings for the acerbic, idiosyncratic attorney who brought them together. He doesn’t trust her motives. She doesn’t trust his.

Willa determines that every inch of give and take must secure her daughter’s future. Success will be on her terms and none other. The attorney is about to find this out the hard way…



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