Yippee! Our TV screens are about to fill again with stunning Corfiot landscapes of sparkling azure waters and cypress green hills as the sweet chords of mandolin and the chirpy voices of our favourite TV characters delight our ears. Yes, the fourth series of The Durrells of Corfu is upon us, and nothing seems to dampen our excitement, even though this is going to be the very last one… But thank goodness for DVD, I always like to say, so we can watch it all again and again in perpetuity. The other day, our beloved superintendent in the show, Greek actor and author Kostas Krommydas, gave me a new bunch of behind the scenes photos and I am thrilled to share them below along with our chat. Enjoy!

Hi, Kostas! The fourth and last season of The Durrells is about to be broadcasted in the UK. How do you feel about it?
Excited, of course! And I am delighted that I could participate in the third and fourth series of this wonderful British TV series. Sadly, it has come to an end, but I will always think back with fondness at this amazing experience and my cooperation with the cast – both the British and the Greek actors. I certainly hope more similarly high quality productions will come to film in Greece in future.
Tell me, has anyone among the British actors you worked with read any of your novels?
*Chuckles* I have handed out copies of my paperbacks to almost everyone among them and, yes, some of them have read them. However, most of them preferred to read on their kindles so they downloaded the books from Amazon. I am pleased, because I’ve received wonderful feedback from them all, and this honours me because I am aware that the British read a lot, and quality books too.
Actually, I’ve discussed one of my stories with the Durrells production team and they loved it. It is probable that in future we’ll discuss the story again in more detail in the hope it might become a new tv series, or perhaps a movie.
Wow, that sounds wonderful, Kostas! What are your future plans as an actor and author?
My impeccable experience with The Durrells has whetted my appetite for more. Now, I am always on the lookout for new productions that involve filming in Greece and abroad. Other than that, I continue to write new material and, in the near future, will be publishing my seventh book in Greek, which will be translated into English to be published on Amazon later on too. Nowadays, writing is my top priority. Acting has taken a back seat – it is something I plan to do only selectively from now on.
Your forthcoming book takes place in Tuscany, if I’m not mistaken?
Yes, that’s correct!
*Eyes him mischievously* Is this the book you discussed with the Durrells production team, by any chance? Come on, out with it!

*Laughs out loud* You guessed it, Fros. Yes, that’s the one.

Oh, super. No pun intended! *giggles* And I’ve heard some wonderful praise about this book from your beta readers on Facebook. I can’t wait to read it… Now, back to the last series of The Durrells. Can you tell us what to expect?
All I can tell you is that I appear in the first episode. A lot! And that the ending of the series will be very moving… The production has done a marvellous job to create the perfect ending that will remain unforgettable to the viewers.
Oh brilliant! I understand your novels are currently discounted on Amazon?
Yes! They’re all only 99c/99pp for a limited time.
Ooh. Great timing with the series! I’m sure your fabulous Greek tales will keep the readers happy while waiting for the next Durrells episode on the telly! *laughs* Thank you for this wonderful chat, Kostas!

Thank you too, Fros, for the opportunity to talk about my work!


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